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Bueno Maite (2023) Simultaneous Investigation of the Biogeochemistry of Selenium and Mercury Compounds in Natural Waters of a Coastal Range Watershed: Analogues or Antagonists?
Amouroux D, Bueno M, Tessier E, Duval B, Lanceleur L & Stoichev T
(2023) Where Does the Iodine go? – A Modelling Approach of Iodine 127 and 129 Cycling in Forested Environments
Thiry Y, Tanaka T, Bueno M, Pisarek P, Roulier M, Gallard H, Legout A & Nicolas M
(2021) Selenium Speciation and Reactivity in a Coastal Range Watershed: From Mountain Lakes to Estuarine Waters
Amouroux D, Romero-Rama A, Tessier E & Bueno M

Buenz S. (2017) Reconstruction of Past Seepage on Vestnesa Ridge off W’Svalbard Using Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonate U-Th Geochronology
Himmler T, Sahy D, Hong W-L, Bohrmann G, Buenz S, Condon D & Lepland A

Buerge-Weirich D. (2002) Formation of Cu(I) in Natural Waters
Buerge-Weirich D & Sulzberger B

Buerger S. (2013) Quantifying More Than Half the Periodic Table of Elements in Uranium Ore Concentrates: Results of the IAEA’s Interlaboratory Comparison 2011-2012, and Two New Quality Control Materials
Buerger S, Boulyga S & Penkin M

Buessecker S. (2023) Expanding the Known Diversity of Methanogenic Microorganisms: Mcr-Based Methane Production in Archaeoglobaceae
Buessecker S, Chadwick GL, Quan ME, Hedlund BP, Dodsworth JA & Dekas AE
(2017) Abiotic N2O Production Enhanced by Fe Precipitates in Anoxic Seawater
Buessecker S, Imanaka H & Cadillo-Quiroz H

Buesseler Ken (2019) InFORMing Perceived Risks from Fukushima Through Scientific Engagement from Data Collection to Social Media
Cullen J, Kellogg J, Buesseler K, Chen J, Cooke M, Frank E, Gurney-Smith H, Mercier J-F, Velazquez S, Smith J & Trudel M
(2019) Diagnosing Export Pathways in the Biological Pump: A First Look at Sediment Trap Data from the EXPORTS North Pacific Field Campaign
Estapa M, Durkin C, Omand M & Buesseler K
(2018) Thorium Isotopes as Tracers of the Biological Carbon Pump in the Arctic
Black E, Charette M, Lam P, Anderson R, Kipp L, Xiang Y, Vivancos S & Buesseler K
(2017) Evolution of Surface Concentrations of 90Sr and 137Cs Through 2016 from the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Accident
Kenyon J, Buesseler K, Casacuberta N, Castrillejo M, Otosaka S, Drysdale J, Pike S & Diaz X
(2017) Submarine Groundwater Discharge: A Hidden Pathway of Fukushima Derived Cesium to the Ocean off Japan
Sanial V, Buesseler K, Charette M, Nagao S, Tanaguchi M, Honda H & Casacuberta N
(2016) Thorium-234 Distribution along the Eastern Pacific GEOTRACES Transect and Implications for Export and Remineralization of Carbon and Trace Metals
Black E, Buesseler K, Pike S, Lam P & Charette M
(2016) Resuspension and Lateral Transport of Radiologically-Contaminated Seafloor Sediment off Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Honda M, Buesseler K, German C, Otosaka S, Black E, Kawakami H, Manganini S & Pike S
(2016) Fukushima and the Ocean- Five Years Later
Buesseler K, Dai M, Aoyama M, Benitez-Nelson C, Charmasson S, Delfanti R, Higley K, Maderich V, Masque P, Morris P, Oughton D & Smith J
(2016) What are the Main Sources of Fukushima-Derived Radionuclides to the Ocean off Japan Fiver Years Later ?
Sanial V, Buesseler K, Charette M, Castrillejo M, Henderson P, Juan Diaz X, Kanda J, Masque P, Nagao S, Nishikawa J, Otosaka S & Pike S
(2016) Surface Concentrations of 90Sr, 129I, and Actinides Measured in Coastal Waters off Japan 2-3 Years after the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Accident
Casacuberta N, Castrillejo M, Christl M, Vockenhuber C, Juan X, Synal H-A, Masqué P & Buesseler K
(2016) Fukushima Cs Pathway in the Western North Pacific
Yoshida S, Macdonald A, Jayne S, Rypina I & Buesseler K
(2016) Trace of the Fukushima-Derived Cs in the North Pacific
Macdonald A, Yoshida S, Jayne S, Rypina I & Buesseler K
(2015) Revisiting Radionuclide Sources at the Marshall Islands
Buesseler K, Charette M, Breier J, Pike S, Henderson P, Kipp L & Tradd K
(2014) Testing Models of Chemical Scavenging Using Th and Particle Data from GEOTRACES
Lerner P, Marchal O, Lam P, Buesseler K, Hayes C, Huang K-F & Lu Y
(2014) Scavenging of Radionuclides and Elements in a Neutrally Buoyant Mid-Atlantic Ridge Hydrothermal Plume
Kipp L, Charette M, Buesseler K, Lam P, Ohnemus D & Moore W
(2012) 236U in Seawater – Contaminant and Tracer
Henderson G, Belshaw N, Neely R, Thomas A, Holdship P & Buesseler K

Buesseler Ken O (2021) An Observationally Constrained, 234Th-Derived Global POC Flux Model
Davidson PW, Kenyon JA, Nicholson DP & Buesseler KO

Buettel O. (2022) Determination of Multi-Elemental in Soils According to EN 16174:2012
Santos R, Buettel O & Sun S
(2022) Boron Isotope Ratio Measurements with a Q-ICP-MS in Seawater Samples
Buettel O, Santos R & Sun S

Buettner A. (2004) U-Th Dating of Paleosols of Known Age at Vico Volcano (Latium, Italy)
Buettner A, Sbrana A & Villa I
(2004) Magma Generation at Nisyros and Yali Volcanoes (Greece): A Multi-Isotope Approach
Rufer D, Buettner A, Kleinhanns I & Villa I

Buettner J. (2019) Pushing the Limits of Ra/Th Dating: Applications Using Very few or Single Crystals in Young Volcanic Systems
Ramos F, Wolff J & Buettner J
(2015) Age and Petrological Complexities of Young Alkalic Magmas at Changbaishan/Mt. Baekdu Volcano
Ramos F, Heizler M, James G, Buettner J, Wei H & Scott S

Buettner S. (2014) Critical Role of a Wetland Plant on Uranium Biogeochemistry in an Iron-Rich Reducing Condition
Chang H, Buettner S, Seaman J, Jaffe P, Koster Van Groos P, Li D, Peacock A, Scheckel K & Kaplan D

Bufe A. (2023) Beyond Uplift-Weathering: Metamorphic Decarbonation Dominates the Carbon Budget of the Central Apennines
Erlanger E, Bufe A, Paris G, D'Angeli I, Pisani L, Kemeny PC, Stammeier JA, Haghipour N & Hovius N
(2023) Non-Linear Sensitivity of Mineral Weathering to Erosion Implies an Optimum of CO2 Drawdown at Moderate Erosion Rates
Bufe A, Caves Rugenstein J & Hovius N
(2023) Pyrite Oxidation and Sulfur (Re)cycling in Erosive Landscapes as Revealed by Sulfate Triple-Oxygen Isotopes
Hemingway JD, Bufe A, Hovius N & Johnston DT
(2022) Erosion and Chemical Weathering of Siliceous Rocks at the Supply and Kinetic Limits
Bufe A, Caves Rugenstein J & Hovius N
(2022) Carbon Storage, Transfer and Outgassing Driven by Floodplain Morphology and Seasonality at the Rio Bermejo, Argentina
Dosch S, Sachse D, Repasch M, Vieth-Hillebrand A, Bufe A & Hovius N
(2021) Controls on Chemical Weathering and Physical Erosion in a Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Orogen
Erlanger E, Caves Rugenstein J, Bufe A, Picotti V & Willet S
(2020) Enhancement of Carbonate, Silicate, and Sulfide Weathering via Fluvial Sediment Abrasion
Scheingross J, Bufe A, Hemingway J, Hovius N, Schleicher A & Goldberg T
(2019) The Impact of Typhoon Precipitation on Flow Routing, River Chemistry and Carbon Cycling
Chang J-M, Lin L-H, Hovius N, Bufe A, Chou H-L, Wang P-L, Chen H & Andermann C
(2018) Impact of Soil and Landslide Erosion Processes on Coupled Sulfide Oxidation and Carbonate Weathering
Bufe A, Emberson R, Hovius N, Caves Rugenstein JK & Hassenruck-Gudipati HJ

Buff L. (2020) A "Missing Link" for the Macdonald and Arago Hotspots
Buff L, Jackson M, Konrad K, Bizimis M, Koppers A, Price A, Rose-Koga E, Konter J & Blusztajn J

Buffam I. (2006) Hydrogeochemistry of Fe and Mn in small boreal catchments: The role of seasonality, landscape type and scale
Björkvald L, Buffam I, Laudon H & Mörth M

Buffat A. (2013) Unravelling Complex Groundwater Recharge and Transport of Contaminants Using Combined Stable and Radioactive Isotope Tracers
Vennemann T, Reymond C, Buffat A, Desponds L, Morel C, Naude K, Miller J & Mapani B

Buffat P-A. (2002) Stacking Fault-Enhanced Argon Diffusion in Naturally Deformed Muscovite
Kramar N, Kramar N, Cosca MA & Buffat P-A

Buffet P-E. (2012) A Mesocosm Study of Fate and Effects of CuO Nanoparticles on Endobenthic Species (Scrobicularia Plana, Nereis Diversicolor)
Buffet P-E, Richard M, Caupos F, Vergnoux A, Perrein-Ettajani H, Thomas-Guyon H, Luna-Acosta A, Amiard-Triquet C, Amiard J-C, Risso C, Guibbolini M, Reip P, Valsami-Jones E & Mouneyrac C

Buffett B. (2011) Dynamics and Evolution of the Earth's Core and Lowermost Mantle
Buffett B
(2007) The Thermal State of the Earth: Geochemical Solutions to Geophysical Problems?
Buffett B

Buffin-Bélanger T. (2018) Seasonal Variation in Chemical Exchanges between a River and a Meander Floodplain
Biehler A, Tremblay C, Baudron P, Buffin-Bélanger T & Chaillou G

Buffo J. (2023) On the Likely Prevalence of Ocean-Worlds in M-Dwarf Systems
Ojha L, Buffo J, Troncone B, Journaux B & McDonald G
(2021) Planetary Ice-Ocean Interfaces: Structure, Dynamics, and Astrobiological Implications
Buffo J, Meyer C & Parkinson J

Bugaev I. (2017) Experimental Organic Matter Maturation and Oil Formation in Unconventional Reservoirs
Kalmykov A, Bychkov A, Kalmykov G, Bugaev I & Kozlova E
(2016) Hydrocarbon Generation in High-Carbon Formations Under Hydrotermal Conditions
Kalmykov A, Bychkov A, Bugaev I, Kalmykov G, Kozlova E, Tarnopolskaya M, Popova Y & Balushkina N
(2015) Experimental Study of Kerogen Transformation at Hydrothermal Conditions (on the Example of Bazhenov Formation, West Siberia)
Kalmykov A, Bychkov A, Kalmykov G, Bugaev I & Kozlova E

Bugaï D. (2012) High 36Cl/Cl Ratios and non Reactive Transport in Chernobyl Groundwaters
Roux C, Le Gal La Salle C, Simonucci C, Bassot S, Bourles D, Fifield K, Van Meir N, De Windt L, Bugai D & Lancelot J
(2012) An Account of the Chernobyl Pilot Site Studies: 25 Years Later
Simonucci C, Martin-Garin A, van Meir N, Dick P, Diez O, Roux C, Bugai D & Kashparov V
(2011) Identification of Geochemical Processes in Groundwater at the Chernobyl Pilot Site and Preliminary Contamination Characterization with 36Cl/Cl Ratios
Roux C, Le Gal La Salle C, Simonucci C, Bassot S, Michelot J-L, Fifield K, Van Meir N, Bugaï D & Lancelot J
(2010) Tritium/Helium-3 Dating of Groundwaters Around Chernobyl Site
Fourré E, Jean-Baptiste P, Dapoigny A, Baumier D, Bugay D, Aquilina L, Labasque T, Le Gal La Salle C & Lancelot J

Bugaj A. (2023) FTICR-Based Metabolomics Reveals the Dynamics of Soil Metabolic Complexity of Primary Succession at the Landscape Evolutionary Observatory at Biosphere 2, Az, USA
Makke G, Bugaj A, Dontsova K, Chorover J, Arnold E, Saleska S & Tfaily M

Bugatti G. (2015) NIDIS: The Non-Isothermal Diffusion Incremental Step Model. A New Approach to Elemental Diffusion in Volcanic Rocks
Bugatti G, Petrone CM, Braschi E & Tommasini S

Buggisch W. (2001) Whole-Rock Carbon Isotope Analysis of Mississippian to Early Pennsylvanian Carbonates from Europe and Laurentia -- An Appropriate Tool for Detecting Global Variations in ?13C?
Buggisch W
(2001) Oxygen Isotopic Signatures of Pennsylvanian Conodonts
Horacek M, Joachimski MM & Buggisch W

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