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Buch Arnaud (2023) Site Specific D-H Isotope Exchange in Amino Acids during Experimental Hydrothermal Alteration: Application to Carbonaceous Chondrites
Remusat L, He Y, Marceau L, Khodorova N, Boulesteix D, Buch A & Bernard S
(2023) What Would Martian Biosignatures Look Like if Entombed in Clay-Rich Sediments?
Criouet I, Viennet J-C, Remusat L, Baron F, Buch A, Skouri-Panet F, Balan E & Bernard S
(2012) Low Temperature Alkaline pH Hydrolysis of Oxygen-Free Titan Tholins
Brasse C, Raulin F, Coll P, Poch O, Ramirez SI & Buch A
(2012) Understanding the Formation and Properties of Titan's Aerosols with the PAMPRE Laboratory Experiment
Szopa C, Carrasco N, Correia JJ, Hadamcik E, Dahoo PR, Gautier T, Mahjoub A, He J, Buch A & Cernogora G

Bucha M. (2020) Comparison of Miocene Ambers of Tropical Borneo Paleoenvironments and Potential Extant Plant
Simoneit BRT, Smolarek-Lach J, Goryl M, Bucha M, Rybicki M & Marynowski L
(2020) Reconstruction of Upper Cretaceous Paleoflora Based on Resin-Derived Biomarkers. Example from the North Sudetic Basin, Poland
Goryl M, Marynowski L, Bucha M & Simoneit BRT
(2018) Levoglucosan and Other Organic Tracers of Cellulose Decomposition Emitted from Brown Coal Burning
Rybicki M, Marynowski L & Bucha M
(2018) Biodegradation of Lignite Under Conditions of Acidic Molasses Fermentation
Bucha M, Detman A, Simoneit BRT, Mielecki D, Piwowarczyk C, Chojnacka A, Blaszczyk MK, Jedrysek MO, Marynowski L & Sikora A
(2018) Mono-, di- and Anhydrosaccharides from the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Lignites and Fossil Wood
Marynowski L, Bucha M, Smolarek J, Wendorff M & Simoneit B

Buchan C. (2000) Trace Element and Nd Isotope Characteristics of the Bayankhongor Ophiolite, Central Mongolia: Heterogeneous Mantle or Single Contaminated Source?
Buchan C, Pfänder J, Brewer T, Cunningham D & Windley B

Buchan K. (2020) LIP Record Through Time and Implications for Secular Environmental Changes and GTS Boundaries
Ernst R, Bond D, Zhang S-H, Buchan K, Grasby S, Youbi N, El Bilali H, Bekker A & Doucet L

Buchanan Dawn (2020) SXM Analysis of Nanoscale Electron Transfer Processes at the Cell-Mineral Interface in Co-bearing Fe/Mn Minerals
Buchanan D, Lloyd JR, Kaulich B, Newsome L, Mulroy D, Van der Lann G, N'Diaye A & Coker V

Buchanan Dawn Melisa (2021) Investigating Nanoscale Electron Transfer Processes at the Cell Mineral Interface in Co Doped Ferrihydrite Using Geobacter sulfurreducens and a Multi-Technique Approach
Buchanan DM, Lloyd JR, Kaulich B, Newsome L, van der Laan G & Coker V
(2019) Investigating the Mechanism of Microbial Reduction of a Cobalt-Doped Asbolane System Using Scanning X-Ray Microscopy (SXM)
Buchanan DM, Lloyd JR, Kaulich B, Newsome L, Mulroy DS, van der Laan G, N'Diayne A & Coker V

Buchanan P (2004) Source Area Effects and Crustal Contamination in the Hekpoort Formation of South Africa
Buchanan P, Koeberl C & Reimold W
(2003) The Rooiberg Group: Early Bushveld-Related Volcanism
Buchanan P, Koeberl C & Reimold U
(2003) Chondritic Building Blocks of Vesta
Burbine T, O’Brien K & Buchanan P

Buchanan Paul (2017) Iron Valence Variation in Plagioclase from Eucrite Meteorites: Additional Information and Implications
Mikouchi T, Satake W, Takenouchi A, Ono H & Buchanan P

Buchanan Pearse (2023) Stable Mercury Concentrations in Tunas from the Global Ocean Arise Question About Monitoring the Effectiveness of the Minamata Convention
Médieu A, Point D, Sonke JE, Buchanan P, Bodin N, Adams D, Bignert A, Streets D, Hélène A, Ménard F, Choy CA, Allain V, Itai T, Bustamante P, Ferriss B, Bourlès B, Habasque J, Gauthier O & Lorrain A
(2021) Mercury Concentrations in Pacific Ocean Tunas are Driven by Both Anthropogenic and Natural Factors
Médieu A, Point D, Itai T, Angot H, Buchanan P, Allain V, Griffiths S, Fuller L, Gillikin D, Sonke JE, Heimbuerger-Boavida L-E, Menkes CE, Madigan D, Tagliabue A, Bopp L, Verheyden A & Lorrain A

Buchardt B. (2004) Ikaite Geochemistry and Formation of Submarine Tufas in Greenland
Buchardt B
(2004) Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous Chalk from the Danish North Sea
Schovsbo N, Buchardt B & Ineson J

Büchel G. (2017) Actors in Rock-Water-Systems: Microbial Radionuclide Mobilization
Burow K, Grawunder A, Harpke M, Schäfer D, Bock S, Dietrich N, Merten D, Kothe E & Büchel G
(2017) Combination of REE and Sr/Nd Isotopes to Study Soil/Water/Biomass Interactions in a Former U Mining Area
Sporleder D, Grawunder A, Steinmann M & Büchel G
(2015) Tracing the Evolution of Groundwater by Rare Earth Element Patterns and Stable Isotopes
Merten D, Büchel G & Lonschinski M
(2015) Time-Resolved in situ Detection of Newly Formed Secondary Mn and Fe Oxides Using a SQUID Gradiometer Technique
Schäffner F, De Giudici G, Linzen S, Merten D & Büchel G
(2015) Does Birch Vegetation Influence the Bioavailability of Metals in U Mining Affected Substrate? A Mesocosm Experiment
Märten A, Merten D, Kothe E & Büchel G
(2014) Biomineralization of Mn Oxides by Mn(II)-Oxidizing Bacilli from an Extreme Environment
Mayanna S, Peacock CL, Ciobota V, Narayana VKB, Kothe E, Rösch P, Popp J & Büchel G
(2013) Origin of REE Patterns in AMD-Impacted Areas
Grawunder A, Meißner S, Merten D, Pašalić S, Karlsson S, Allard B & Büchel G
(2011) Biogenic Mn Oxide Formation at pH 5.5 and 7 by New Mn-Oxidizing Bacteria from a Former U Mining Site
Akob D, Beyer A, Schäffner F, Händel M, Merten D, Büchel G, Totsche KU & Küsel K
(2011) Formation of Secondary Minerals – A Lysimeter Approach
Schäffner F, Merten D, De Giudici G, Ricci PC & Büchel G
(2010) Buchite Type Glasses in the West Eifel Volcanic Field (Germany)
Goepel A, Heide K, Merten D & Büchel G
(2010) Nickel Sulfide Formation by a Sulfate-Reducing Consortium Originating from Heavy Metal Polluted Creek Soil
Sitte J, Pollok K, Finster K, Löffler S, Burkhardt E-M, Langenhorst F, Büchel G & Küsel K

Buchen J. (2023) Linking Water and Ferric Iron in Earth's Lower Mantle
Buchen J, Pardo OS, Dobrosavljevic VV, Sturhahn W, Ishii T, Chariton S, Greenberg E, Toellner TS & Jackson JM
(2015) Internally Consistent High-Pressure Elasticity of Single-Crystal (Mg, Fe)2SiO4 Wadsleyite
Buchen J, Marquardt H, Kawazoe T, Kurnosov A & Boffa Ballaran T

Bucher A. (2022) Ab Initio Modelling of Magnetite Surfaces for Radionuclide Retention
Katheras A, Karalis K, Bucher A, Krack M, Scheinost AC & Churakov SV

Bucher G. (2012) Monitoring Dynamics of Species and Adsorption Reactions at the Corundum-Oxalate-Solution Interface by in situ ATR-FTIR
Del Nero M, Galindo C, Bucher G & Barillon R

Bucher H. (2020) Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometry in Deep Time: Insights from Early Triassic Brachiopods and Bulk Carbonates
Edward O, Luz ZAS, Bucher H & Vennemann T
(2020) Deciphering the Early Triassic Paleocean Using Stable Oxygen Isotopes in Conodont Bioapatite
Luz Z, Leu M, Edward O, Baumgartner LP, Bucher H & Vennemann T
(2020) Tracing Temperature and Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Early Triassic Seawater with Clumped Isotope Thermometry
Vennemann T, Edward O, Luz Z & Bucher H
(2019) Are Mercury Anomalies a Reliable Proxy for LIP Volcanism? Examples from the End-Permian and Early Triassic
Jones M, Turner H, Hammer Ø, Bucher H, Schneebeli-Hermann E, Mather T, Svensen H & Planke S
(2015) Combining High-Precision Geochronology with Accessory Mineral Chemistry: Zircon and Apatite from Volcanic Ashes at the Permian-Triassic Boundary
Baresel B, Bucher H & Schaltegger U
(2013) Dating Zircons from Volcanic Ash Beds in Sedimentary Successions: Magmatic Crystallization vs. Ash Deposition
Ovtcharova M, Schaltegger U, Goudemand N & Bucher H
(2012) Dating Zircons from Volcanic Ash Beds in Sedimentary Successions: Magmatic Crystallization vs. Ash Deposition
Ovtcharova M, Schaltegger U, Goudemand N & Bucher H
(2008) Tracing Magmatic Sources of Ash Beds in the Late Permian to Middle Triassic Nanpanjiang Basin (South China): Insights from Hf Isotopes on Zircons from Volcanic Ash Beds
Ovtcharova M, Bucher H, Galfetti T, Schaltegger U, Brayard A, Goudemand N & Stracke A
(2005) Calibration of the Early Triassic Biotic Recovery: New U/Pb Zircon Ages from South China
Ovtcharova M, Bucher H & Schaltegger U

Bucher K. (2015) Tracking Water-Rock Interaction in Fractured Crystalline Rocks by Li Isotope Fractionation
Wanner C, Bucher K, Pogge von Strandmann PAE & Waber HN
(2012) Progress of Weathering Reactions in Ultramafic Rocks
Bucher K
(2011) Fluids in the Upper Continental Crust
Bucher K
(2009) Topaz-Fluorite Granites from the Black Forest, Germany: Evolution of F-Rich Felsic Magmas
Parat F & Bucher K
(2007) Serpentinites of the Tethys Lithosphere and their Role in the Exhumation of the HPLT Zermatt-Saas Ophiolites
Bucher K & Li X
(2007) Low-Grade Zeolite Facies Metamorphism in Gneisses of the Simano Nappe (Arvigo, Val Calanca, Grisons, Switzerland)
Weisenberger T & Bucher K
(2007) Water-Rock Interactions at the New Gotthard Rail Base Tunnel, Switzerland
Seelig U, Stober I & Bucher K
(2007) Genesis of Low-Mineralised Groundwater in a Fissured Sandstone Aquifer, Odenwald, Germany – Where has all the Sulfate Gone?
Ludwig F, Stober I & Bucher K
(2006) Water in fractured crystalline rocks, data from the Gotthard railroad tunnel
Bucher K, Seelig U & Stober I
(2006) Chemical weathering of fast weathering silicate rocks on Stjernøya in Northern Norway
Stober I & Bucher K
(2004) Brines from the 4 km Deep KTB Drillhole in Crystalline Rocks
Stober I & Bucher K
(2004) Fluid Sinks within the Earth’s Crust
Bucher K & Stober I

Buchet N. (2011) Terrigenous Input and Microcharcoal Changes in the Gulf of Papua during the Last 60 kyrs
Bonnet N, de Garidel-Thoron T, Ménot G, Beaufort L, Buchet N & Bard E

Buchholtz G. (2021) How High Frequency Benthic Station Helps to Understand Coastal Ocean Carbon Dynamics
Bombled B, Rabouille C, Aouji O, Buchholtz G & Blin A

Buchholz B. (2012) Radiocarbon Analysis of Microbial DNA and PLFA from Arsenic Impacted Aquifers in Bangladesh
Mailloux B, Trembath-Reichert E, Cheung J, Watson M, Dochenetz A, Stute M, Freyer G, Ferguson A, Ahmed KM, Alam M,J, Buchholz B, Slater G, Ziolowski L, Thomas J, Layton A, Zheng Y & van Geen A

Buchinger S. (2023) Characterization of Mercury Species and Microbial Communities in Sediments and Suspended Particulate Matter from Historically Contaminated River Systems
Wiederhold JG, Gfeller L, Marquardt N, Alten A, Krisch S, Breidenbach A, Schüttler A, Hahn J, Buchinger S, Wick A, Biester H & Duester L

Buchko I. (2011) Geochemical Signature of Rocks of the Neo-Archean Ultramafite-Mafite Mass in the Dzhugdzhur-Stanovoy Superterrane (The South-Eastern Rim of the North-Asian Craton)
Buchko I & Velikoslavinsky S
(2009) Timing of Precambrian Gabbro-Anorthosites in the Stanovoy Mobile Belt (Eastern Siberia)
Buchko I, Sal'nikova Y, Larin A, Kotov A, Sorokin A & Velikoslavinsky S

Büchl A. (2004) Combined High Precision Cu, Zn and Fe Isotopes in Mice Brains
Büchl A, Archer C, Brown D, Hawkesworth C, Leighton E, Ragnarsdottir K & Vance D
(2002) Geochemistry of Abyssal Peridotites from Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Snow JE, Dick HJB, Hellebrand E, Büchl A, von der Handt A & Langmuir C
(2002) High-Precision Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf Ratios in Global MORB
Büchl A, Münker C, Mezger K & Hofmann AW
(2000) Os Isotopic Heterogeneity in Mantle Peridotites from the Troodos Complex, Cyprus
Büchl A, Brügmann G, Batanova VG, Hofmann A & Sobolev AV

Buchler P. (2010) Influence of the L-Methionine on the Mackinawite Oxidation Stability
Chaves M, Valsaraj K, Preston J, Gambrell R, DeLaune R & Buchler P

Buchner D. (2023) Transformation of Iminodi(methylene Phosphonate) on Manganese Dioxides – Passivation of the Mineral Surface by Formed MnII
Roehnelt AMM, Martin PR, Buchner D, Marks RGH, Jochmann MA & Haderlein SB
(2023) Competitive Adsorption of Glyphosate and Organic Compounds at Aluminum Oxide
Wang M, Martin PR, Buchner D & Haderlein SB

Buchner E. (2007) Age Distribution and Geochemistry of Cinder Cones in the Bandas del Sur, South Tenerife (Canary Islands)
Kroechert J & Buchner E
(2007) Upheaval Dome – Impact Approved
Buchner E & Kenkmann T
(2007) Is 'Ballen Quartz' Diagnostic for Shock Metamorphism?
Schmieder M & Buchner E

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