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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Brugato C.J. (2009) A Comparison of Approaches to Model Thermodynamics and Maintenance Energy Requirements of Microbial Metabolism
Sengor SS, Brugato CJ, Gikas P, Fletcher M & Ginn TR

Bruggeman C. (2018) Effect of Oxidizing or Reducing Boom Clay on its Interactions with Uranium
Hoving A, van Erk M, Maes N, Bruggeman C & Behrends T
(2016) How do Redox Alterations of Boom Clay Change its Interactions with Selenite?
Hoving A, Behrends T, Bruggeman C, Maes N & Banerjee D
(2015) Interaction of Selenite with Separated Boom Clay Fractions – Adsorption vs. Reduction
Hoving A, Münch M, Bruggeman C, Maes N, Banerjee D & Behrends T
(2015) Stability and Mobility of Dissolved Organic Species in Boom Clay
Durce D, Maes N, Bruggeman C & Van Ravestyn L
(2015) Determining Redox Capacaties of Boom Clay Material by Using an Electrochemical Approach
Hoving A, Behrends T, Sander M, Maes N & Bruggeman C
(2013) Sorption of Dissolved Organic Matter on Boom Clay
Durce D, Bruggeman C & Maes N
(2010) Humic Colloid-Associated Migration of Radionuclides in an Argillaceous Formation
Bruggeman C, Maes N, Salah S, Martens E, Wang L, Van Gompel M & Brassinnes S

Bruggeman J. (2019) Implications of Bloom Dynamics for Phytoplankton-Based pCO2 Estimates
McClelland H, Halevy I, Bruggeman J & Bradley A
(2015) Towards a Unifying Theory for Carbon Isotopic Partitioning in Coccolithophores: Implications for Paleo-Proxies
McClelland H, Hermoso M, Bruggeman J & Rickaby R

Brüggemann N. (2015) Hydroxylamine (NH2OH) Contribution to Soil N2O Spatial Variability in a Norway Spruce Forest
Liu S, Herbst M, Weymann D, Wiekenkamp I, Gottselig N, Bol R, Vereecken H & Brüggemann N

Brüggenwirth L. (2019) Cryptic Sulfur Cycling in Paddy Soils Leads to Formation of Novel Arsenic Species Important for Rice Research
Planer-Friedrich B, Wang J, Kerl C, Hu P, Martin M, Mu T, Brüggenwirth L, Wu G, Said Pullicino D, Romani M & Wu L

Brugger C. (2008) Syn-Eruptive Magma Crystallization
Hammer J & Brugger C

Brugger Joël (2023) Molybdenum Mobility in Magmatic-Hydrothermal Brines
Guan Q, Mei Y, Liu W & Brugger J
(2023) Critical Metals in Zinc Ores: Distribution and Oxidation State of Germanium in Hydrothermally-Synthesized and Natural Sphalerite
Liu W, Mei Y, Etschmann B, Glenn M, MacRae C, Spinks S, Ryan C, Brugger J & Paterson DJ
(2023) Characterisation of Uranium Redox State in Organic-Rich Marine Sediments of the Cretaceous Toolebuc Formation, Australia
Bastrakov E, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Bazarkina EF, Kvashnina K, Proux O, Testemale D, Boreham CJ, VanDerWielen S & Guagliardo P
(2023) Exploring Microbial Contribution to the Biogeochemical Cycling of Gold from the Genomic and Proteomic Perspective
Sanyal SK, Brugger J, Etschmann B & Shuster J
(2022) Fluid-Mediated Mineral Replacement Reactions Contributing to Ore Deposits Formation
Xing Y, Etschmann B, Duan G & Brugger J
(2021) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Hot Fluids: From Speciation to Thermodynamics
Mei Y, Liu W & Brugger J
(2021) Molecular Dynamic Simulations to Understand the Hydrothermal Deposits of Rare Earth Elements
Guan Q, Mei Y, Etschmann B, Louvel M & Brugger J
(2021) A Synchrotron XAS Study of Molybdenum Speciation in Sulfur-Bearing Hydrothermal Fluids
Liu W, Etschmann B, Mei Y, Testemale D, Guan Q & Brugger J
(2021) An Interactive Atlas of Geochemical Diagrams for Critical Metals
Bastrakov E, Brugger J, Dick J, Guan Q, Liu W, Mei Y & Migdissov A
(2020) Transport of Ions at the Mineral Fluid Interface: Insights from the Copper Sulfide System
Chaudhari A, Frierdich A, Brand H, Paterson D, Ram R, Etschmann B & Brugger J
(2020) Anomalous Stability of U(IV) Species in Sulfate-Bearing Hydrothermal Solutions
Migdisov A, Van Hartesveldt N, Kalintsev A, Nisbet H, Alcorn C, Strzelecki A, Ram R, Boukhalfa H, Xu H, Gabitov R, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Jove-Colon C, Matteo E, Caporuscio F, Roback R & White J
(2020) Sulfate-Rich Crustal Fluids and REE Tranpsort
Zhong R, Cui H, Xie Y, Yuan X, Brugger J, Chen H, Liu W & Yu C
(2020) Yttrium Speciation in Sulfate-Rich Hydrothermal Ore-Forming Fluids
Guan Q, Mei Y, Etschmann B, Louvel M & Brugger J
(2020) Uranyl Speciation up to 250 ºC in Near-Neutral to Basic Solutions: The Carbonate – Hydroxy Interplay
Kalintsev A, Migdisov A, Xu H, Roback R, Brugger J & Ram R
(2020) Sequential Sodic and Potassic Alterations Through a Kinetic Controlled Fluid-Mineral Interaction Process
Duan G, Brugger J, Ram R, Xing Y & Etschmann B
(2020) Experiments or Theory? Aqueous Fluids in the Deep Earth
Brugger J, Etschmann B, Gonzalez C, Guan Q, Mei Y & Raiteri P
(2020) Is Solid-State Diffusion Slower Than Dissolution-Reprecipitation during Mineral-Fluid Interactions?
Xia F, Adegoke IA, Deditius AP, Pearce MA & Brugger J
(2020) The Marcasite-Pyrite Transformation: The Roles of Water Vapor, Trace Elements, and Grain Size
Yao X, Xia F, Deditius A, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Pearce M & Pring A
(2020) Arsenic Influence on the Distribution and Modes of Occurrence of Gold during the Fluid-Pyrite Interaction: A Case Study of Pyrite from the Qiucun Gold Deposit, China
Zhang H, Cai Y, Sha G, Brugger J, Pring A, Ni P, Qian G, Luo Z, Zhang Y & Tan W
(2020) Tungsten Speciation in Hydrothermal Ore-Forming Fluids
Mei Y, Liu W, Guan Q, Etschmann B, Brugger J, Wang X-S & Williams-Jones AE
(2020) Experimental Evidence of Gold Nanoparticles in Sulfur-Bearing Hydrothermal Ore Fluids
Liu W, Chen M, Yang Y, Mei Y, Etschmann B, Brugger J & Johannessen B
(2020) Hot Potato: Characterising Pu Particles from Maralinga, Australia
Cook M, Etschmann B, Ram R, Brugger J, Ignatyev K, Gervinskas G, Conradson S, Cumberland S & Wong V
(2020) Tellurium Biogeochemistry in the World’s Richest Tellurium Hotspot
Missen O, Brugger J, Mills S, Etschmann B, Ram R & Shuster J
(2020) Biogeochemistry of Critical Metals and the Flinders Ranges Natural Laboratory
Brugger J, Reith F, Sanyal S, Shuster J & Etschmann B
(2020) Heavy-Metal Contamination Impacts Au Biogeochemical Cycling
Sanyal SK, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Reith F & Shuster J
(2018) Geochemical Controls of Mobilisation, Deposition, and Fractionation of REE, U, and Th in Ore Forming Hydrothermal Systems
Migdisov A, Haylea N, van Hartesveldt N, Kalintsev A, Xu H, Boukhalfa H, Roback R, van Hinsberg V, Williams-Jones A, Gabitov R & Brugger J
(2018) Complexation Behaviour of Uranyl in Sulfate-Bearing Solutions at Elevated Temperatures up to 250℃
Kalintsev A, Migdisov A, Xu H, Roback R & Brugger J
(2018) Gold Solubility in Ammonia-Rich Alkaline Hydrothermal Fluids: Insights from ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Mei Y, Liu W & Brugger J
(2018) New Visions in the Genesis of Roll Front Uranium Deposits
Bonnetti C, Zhou L, Riegler T & Brugger J
(2017) Oxidation State of Melt Generated at the Site of Mantle Metasomatism
Rielli A, Tomkins A, Nebel O, Brugger J & Etschmann B
(2017) Uranyl Nitrate Adsorption by Eucalyptus Bark: A Column Experiment
Cumberland S, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Kappen P & Wilson S
(2017) REE+Y Solubility and Speciation in Hydrothermal Fluids: An Updated View from in situ XAS Measurements
Louvel M, Etschmann B, Mavrogenes J, Brugger J, Liu W, Williams-Jones A, Luginbuehl S, Brooker R, Mei Y, Testemale D & Hazemann J-L
(2016) A Comprehensive Examination of Radiogenic Pb Distribution and Oxidation State in Natural Minerals and Ore by μ-XANES Spectroscopy
Syverson D, Etschmann B, Liu W & Brugger J
(2016) Dissociation Constants for HCl(aq) and H2S(aq) in Hydrothermal Fluids by ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Mei Y, Liu W & Brugger J
(2016) Carbon-Driven Oxidation of the Sub-Arc Mantle in the Early Earth
Rielli A, Tomkins A, Nebel O, Brugger J & Zhong R
(2016) Europium (II) and Europium (III) in Hydrothermal Fluids: New Insight from in situ XAS Experimental Results
Liu W, Etschmann B, Migdisov A, Boukhalfa H, Testemale D, Mueller H, Hazemann J-L & Brugger J
(2015) An XAS Study of Lead Speciation in Chloride Solutions Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Rae N, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Mei Y & Liu W
(2015) Metal Speciation in Hydrothermal Fluids: Insights from ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
Mei Y, Liu W, Sherman D, Etschmann B & Brugger J
(2015) Petrography at the Age of Mega-Pixel XRF Imaging
Brugger J, Etschmann B, Michaut P & Rae N
(2015) Supergene Transformation of Tasmanian ‘osmiridium’ Nuggets – The Role of Biofilms
Reith F, Etschmann B & Brugger J
(2015) The Coordination Chemistry of Hydrothermal Systems
Etschmann B, Brugger J, Liu W, Mei Y, Testemale D & Rae N
(2015) Speciation and Solubility of Gold in CO2-HCl-H2O Fluids: MD Simulations and Solubility Experiments
Liu W, Mei Y, Brugger J, Migdisov A & Williams-Jones A
(2014) Ion Association and Metal Complexation in Hydrothermal Fluids: From Quantum Chemistry to Geology
Sherman DM, Mei Y, Liu W & Brugger J
(2014) Metal Transport in Vapor Fluids: Insights from ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Mei Y, Migdisov AA, Brugger J, van Hinsberg VJ, Liu W & Williams-Jones AE
(2014) Speciation and Transport of Transition Metals in Hydrothermal Fluids: Controls of Temperature, Pressure and Salinity
Liu W, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Testemale D, Mei Y, Migdisov A & Hazemann J-L
(2013) Uranium Transport and Deposition in Iron Oxide Copper Gold Deposits (IOCG’s): An Experimental Approach
Li K, Brugger J, Pring A, Nogthai Y, Etschmann B, Macmillan E & Zhao J
(2013) Which Ligand is the most Import for Gold Transport in Hydrothermal Fluids? An in situ XAS Study in Mixed-Ligand Solutions
Liu W, Etschmann B, Testemale D, Mei Y, Hazemann J-L, Rempel K, Müller H & Brugger J
(2013) Speciation and Thermodynamic Properties of Palladium Chloride and Bisulfide Complexes: Insights from Experiments and ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Mei Y, Seward TM, Brugger J, Barnes SJ & Fiorentini ML
(2013) Biogeochemical Cycling of Au and Pt – Integrating Field Studies, Micro-Analyses and Molecular Biology
Reith F, Zammit C, Nies DH, Southam G & Brugger J
(2011) The Geomicrobiology of Gold: Fundamental Processes to Industrial Applications
Reith F, Grass G, Zammit C, Southam G & Brugger J
(2011) Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Copper(I) Complexation in Chloride/Sulfide Fluids
Mei Y, Sherman DM, Brugger J & Liu W
(2011) Speciation and Thermodynamic Properties of Manganese(II) and Nickel(II) Chloride Complexes in Hydrothermal Fluids: In situ XAS Study
Tian Y, Brugger J, Liu W, Etschmann B, Borg S, Testemale D, O'Neill B & Ngothai Y
(2011) Mobility of Platinum and Gold in the Australian Regolith – Spectroscopic and Electron Microscopic Analyses
Reith F, Ta C, Etschmann B, Lenehan C & Brugger J
(2010) An Synchrotron XAS Study of Speciation and Thermodynamic Properties for Aqueous Cobalt Chloride Complexes at 600 Bar and 35-440℃
Liu W, Borg S, Testemale D, Etschmann B, Hazemann J-L & Brugger J
(2009) The Distribution of Gold in Biogenic and Abiogenic Carbonates
Reith F, Etschmann B, Brewe D, Vogt S & Brugger J
(2009) Copper Speciation and Partitioning between Vapor and Liquid Phases in Sulphuric Solution: An XAS Study
Etschmann B, Liu W, Brugger J, Testemale D, Hazemann J-L, Müller H & Proux O
(2009) Aqueous Solubility and Speciation of Te(IV) at Elevated Temperatures
Grundler P, Pring A, Brugger J, Spry P & Helm L
(2008) An XAS Study of CuCl Solubility and Copper Speciation in Low-Density Water Near the Critical Isochore
Liu W, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Testemale D & Hazemann J-L
(2008) Spectroscopic Investigation of Tellurium in Chloride Brines
Grundler P, Brugger J, Pring A & Helm L
(2008) XAS Studies of the Geometric Transitions of Co(II) Species in Chloride Brines from 25℃ to 150℃
Borg S, Liu W, Testemale D & Brugger J
(2008) Mineral Synthesis Using the Coupled Dissolution-Reprecipitation Route
Brugger J, Xia F & Pring A
(2007) In situ Determination of Arsenic Speciation in Natural Fluid Inclusion from Au-Rich Quartz Veins
Cauzid J, Brugger J, Hazemann J-L, James-Smith J, Liu W, Philippot P, Proux O & Testemale D
(2006) Copper(I) in brines up to supercritical conditions
Brugger J, Liu W, Hazemann J-L, Etschmann B & Testemale D
(2006) Speciation of FeII in hydrothermal saline brines by x-ray absorption techniques.
Testemale D, Brugger J, Liu W, Etschmann B & Hazemann J-L
(2006) Spectrophotometry of Au(III)-halide Complexes
Usher A, McPhail DC & Brugger J
(2006) A XANES study of Zn and Fe(II) chloride complexes in hypersaline brines
Liu W, Etschmann B, Foran G, Shelley M & Brugger J

Brugger Joel (2019) How Fluids Mobilize Rare Earth Elements: An in situ XAS Study of REE Hydrothermal Speciation
Louvel M, Etschmann B, Testemale D & Brugger J
(2019) Speciation of Yttrium in Chloride-Rich Hydrothermal Fluids: Insights from ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations and in situ XAS
Guan Q, Mei Y, Etschmann B & Brugger J
(2019) Caught in the Act: Incipient Metal Extraction during Melting of Metasomatically Oxidised Mantle
Tomkins A, Rielli A, Nebel O, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Evans K, Vasilyev P, Wykes J & Paterson D
(2019) Re-visiting Hydrothermal Speciation of Uranium
Migdisov A, van Hartesveldt N, Kalintsev A, Nisbet H, Xu H, Caporuscio FA, Boukhalfa H, Roback RC & Brugger J
(2019) Deciphering a Million-Dollar Reaction – The Mineral Replacement of Chalcopyrite by Digenite/Covellite
Chaudhari A, Brugger J, Frierdich A, Ram R & Etschmann B
(2019) Terraced Iron Formations: Biogeochemical Processes Contributing to Microfossil Preservation
Shuster J, Rea MA, Etschmann B, Brugger J & Reith F

Brugger Julia (2023) A Temperate Climate with Low Atmospheric CO2 and High O2 Levels Before the Emergence of Forested Ecosystems
Dahl TW, Harding MAR, Brugger J, Feulner G, Norman K, Lomax B & Junium C

Brugger-Schorr C. (2011) Experimental Quantification of Plagioclase CSD during Decompression of Hydrous Rhyodacite
Brugger-Schorr C & Hammer J

Bruggmann S. (2023) Chromium in Marine Sediments from the Antarctic
Bruggmann S, Bollen M, Müller J & Jaccard SL
(2021) Chromium Burial in Continental Margin Sediments
Bruggmann S, Szymanowski D, Severmann S, Schoene B & McManus J
(2020) Marine Sediments as a Source of Dissolved Nickel to the Global Ocean
Bruggmann S, Severmann S & McManus J
(2019) The Utility of Modern Microbialites for Recording Environmental Conditions
Bruggmann S, Rodler A, Klaebe R & Frei R
(2019) Chromium in the Black Sea
Severmann S, Bruggmann S, Goring-Harford H, James R & Slomp C
(2017) Chromium Isotope Cycling Across the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone
Bruggmann S, Scholz F, Klaebe R & Frei R

Brugman Kara (2022) Experimental Determination of H2 Solubility in Primitive Melts
Brugman K, Shahar A, Badro J & Cody G
(2021) Using Experimental Petrology to Explore Exoplanet Melts and Solidi: Preliminary Implications for Habitability
Brugman K, Phillips MG & Till CB

Brugman Karalee (2019) Stars to Planets: Experimental Determination of Exoplanet Mantle Solidi and Crust Compositions
Brugman K, Phillips M & Till C

Brügmann G. (2017) The Tin-Copper Deposit of Mušiston: Source for Ancient Tin Bronzes
Berger D, Brügmann G, Lutz J & Pernicka E
(2017) HSE and Stable Fe and V Isotope Systematics of Mafic Lavas from the Solomon Island Arc – A Complex Mantle History
Schuth S, Luguet A, Brügmann G, Ballahus C, Weyer S & Münker C
(2017) The Tin Isotope Fingerprint of Tin Deposits
Marahrens J, Brügmann G, Berger D & Pernicka E
(2013) Os-Isotopes Constraints on the Dynamics of Orogenic Mantle: The Case of Central Balkans
Prelević D, Brügmann G, Barth M, Božović M, Cvetković V & Foley S
(2011) Composition of Hippopotamid Enamel: Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction and Enamel Formation
Brügmann G, Krause J, Brachert T, Kulmer O & Ssemmanda I
(2008) PGE and Os and Nd Isotopes from the Oman Ophiolite: Implications for Mantle Heterogeneities
Kurth-Velz M & Bruegmann G
(2008) PGE and Re Systematics of Arc Picrites from the Solomon Islands: The Effects of Mantle Wedge Depletion and Refertilisation
Schuth S, Brügmann G, Münker C & Ballhaus C
(2008) The Effect of Chlorine on the Solubility of Pt in a Haplobaslatic Melt at 0.2 GPa and 1523K
Blaine F, Linnen R, Holtz F & Brugmann G
(2007) Sr-Isotopes and Trace Elements in Feldspar and Clinopyroxene: Tracer of Magma Mixing in Gabbros from Uralian-Alaskan-Type Complexes in the Ural Mountains, Russia
Krause J, Brügmann G & Pushkarev E
(2007) Peridotite Xenoliths from the Andesitic Avacha Volcano, Kamchatka – any Signatures of Subduction Metasomatism?
Ionov D, Bruegmann G, Seitz H-M, Lahaye Y & Woodland A
(2007) Sulfide Mobility during Melt Percolation: Implications for PGE and Os Isotopes from the Oman Ophiolite
Velz M & Bruegmann G
(2007) Re-Os Systematics of Svecofennian Ni-Cu Deposits in Finland
Lähteenmäki K, Peltonen P & Brügmann G
(2007) Fractionation of HSE during Melt Transport Processes in Supra-Subduction Mantle
Batanova V, Bruegmann G, Savelieva G & Sobolev A
(2007) Highly Siderophile Element (HSE) Compositions of Gakkel Abyssal Peridotites: Effects of Serpentinization and Constraints on Accretion Processes in Early Earth
Liu C, Snow J, Hellebrand E & Brügmann G
(2006) Os isotope and PGE systematics of peridotites from the Othris Opiolite, Greece
Barth M & Brügmann G
(2005) Partitioning and Vapour Transport of Pt at Magmatic Conditions
Blaine F, Linnen R, Holtz F, Gagnon J & Bruegmann G
(2004) Geochemical Heterogeneity of the Upper Mantle: Os Isotope Evidence from the Oman Ophiolite
Kurth-Velz M & Bruegmann G
(2002) Chemical and Sr-Nd-Os Isotope Variations in Tholeiitic and Alkaline Flood Basalts from Eritrea: Evidence for Recycled Depleted Oceanic Crust in the Afar Plume
Teklay M, Hofmann AW, Brügmann GE & Lassiter JC
(2002) PGE Abundances and Os Isotopes of the Depleted Mantle: Constraints from Ophiolite Peridotites
Batanova V, Bruegmann G, Bazylev B & Sobolev A
(2000) Os Isotopic Heterogeneity in Mantle Peridotites from the Troodos Complex, Cyprus
Büchl A, Brügmann G, Batanova VG, Hofmann A & Sobolev AV
(2000) Osmium Isotope Signatures of Picrites and Basalts from Theistareykir (North Iceland)
van der Zander I, Bruegmann G, Hofmann AW, McKenzie D & Mertz DF
(2000) Os Isotopic Composition and Abundance of Highly Siderophile Elements in Mantle Peridotites and Dikes from the Ivrea Zone in Italy
Brügmann G, Rehkämper M, Mezger K & Hofmann A

Brugnoli E. (2007) Comparison of δ13C and δD Values of N-Alkanes from Angiosperms and Gymnosperms in Western Europe
Pedentchouk N, Wagner T, Jones M, Pellegrini M, Brugnoli E, Lauteri M, Pollegioni P & Behling H

Brugnone F. (2022) Geogenic Carbon Transport Through Karst Hydrosystems of Greece
Li Vigni L, Cardellini C, Chiodini G, D'Alessandro W, Daskalopoulou K, Calabrese S, Brugnone F, Aiuppa A & Parello F

Bruguier F. (2017) Drivers of Water Transport in Glass: Chemical or Topological Effect of the Glass Network?
Rebiscoul D, Mansas C, Delaye J-M, Charpentier T, Bruguier F, Bouty O, Penelon B & Arena H
(2011) Glass Composition Impact on Water Reactivity at the Glass Surface
Rebiscoul D, Bruguier F, Magnin V & Gin S

Bruguier O. (2023) High Spatial Resolution Analyses of Strontium Isotopes by LA-MC-ICP-MS: Application to Apatite Inclusions in Zircon
Buzenchi A, Moreira H, Bruguier O, Bosch D, Bruand E & Dhuime B
(2023) Characterisation and Interlaboratory Comparison of a New Calcite Reference Material for U-Pb Geochronology – The “AUG-B6” Calcite-Cemented Hydraulic Breccia
Blaise T, Augier R, Bosch D, Bruguier O, Cogné N, Deschamps P, Guihou A, Haurine F, Hoareau G & Nouet J
(2023) Timing of Paleoproterozoic Events in the Birimian of the West African Craton: A Case Study from the Hounde Greenstone Belt (Burkina Faso)
Bruguier O, Bosch D, Caby R, Baratoux L & Jessell MW
(2022) Building the Earliest Preserved Crust in the Pilbara Craton
Buzenchi A, Moreira H, Bruguier O & Dhuime B
(2021) Element Mobility Related to Low Temperature (<150℃) Hydrothermal Activity: Implication for (U-Th)/He Apatite Dating
Milesi G, Pérotin L, Monié P, Soliva R, Bosch D, Labasque T, Münch P, Taillefer A, Bruguier O, Bonno M & Martin C
(2021) High Precision Sr Isotope Analyses in Apatite by LA-MC-ICP-MS: From Mineral Inclusions in Zircon to Crustal Evolution Models
Buzenchi A, Moreira H, Bruguier O, Bosch D & Dhuime B
(2021) A Case Study of in situ Analyses (Major and Trace Elements, U-Pb Geochronology and Hf-O Isotopes) of a Zircon Megacryst: Implication for the Evolution of the Egéré Terrane (Central Hoggar, Tuareg Shield, Algeria)
Bruguier O, Caby R, Bosch D, Ouzegane K, Deloule E, Dhuime B, Bendaoud A & Kienast JR
(2021) The Columbia Supercontinent Reconstruction: Perspectives of The Île de Cayenne Complex (French Guiana)
Pinon H, Bosch D, Heuret A, Aertgeerts G, Monie P, Bruguier O, Triantafyllou A & Fernandez F
(2019) Magmatic Sulphide Composition at La Fossa Active Volcano (Italy)
Costa S, Fulignati P, Gioncada A, Pistolesi M, Bosch D & Bruguier O
(2019) Primary Characteristics and Metamorphic Evolution of Pyroxenite and Gabbro Layers from a Mantle Sequence Enclosed in the Middle Continental Crust (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy)
Tribuzio R, Ferrari E, Bosch D, Bruguier O & Zanetti A
(2019) West Gondwana Assembly: A View from the Tuareg Shield
Bosch D, Bruguier O & Caby R
(2019) Witness of UHP Metamorphism in the Western Mediterranean
Bruguier O, Bosch D, Caby R, Vitale-Brovarone A, Fernandez L, Hammor D, Laouar R, Ouabadi A & Abdallah N
(2019) Melt Migration and Interactions in the Lower Oceanic Crust: Insights from Atlantis Bank Interlayered Series at IODP Hole U1473A (Southwest Indian Ridge)
France L, Boulanger M, Ferrando C, Ildefonse B, Sanfilippo A, Ghosh B, Morishita T, Liu C-Z, Koepke J & Bruguier O
(2018) Unraveling the Age of HT Metamorphism in Eastern Senegal: Evidence from U-Pb in situ Analyses on Monazite and Sm-Nd Garnet Geochronology
Kone J, Baratoux L, Maneiro K, Baxter E, Vanderhaeghe O, Duchène S, Ndiaye PM, Pitra P, Dufrechou G & Bruguier O
(2017) Ultramafics in the Western Mediterranean: A Geochemical Perspective from the Collo Area (NE Algeria)
Bosch D, Bruguier O, Costa S, Abdallah N, Ouabadi A, Laouar R & Abbasene F
(2017) Age and Geochemical Characteristics of Kinzigites from the Collo Area (NE Algeria)
Bruguier O, Bosch D, Costa S, Abdallah N, Ouabadi A, Laouar R & Abbasene F
(2017) A Middle Jurassic Age for Ophiolitic Fragments in the Queyras Area (Western Alps)
Klaessens D, Bosch D, Caby R & Bruguier O
(2014) Zircon Megacryst from a Neoproterozoic Eclogite of Central Hoggar (Algeria): U-Pb, Trace Elements and Oxygen Isotopes Data
Bruguier O, Caby R, Ouzegane K, Bendaoud A, Bosch D, Deloule E & Kiénast J-R
(2011) The Pan-African Reconstruction of NW Angola: Petro-Structural and Temporal Constraints
Monie P, Bosch D, Bruguier O, Vauchez A, N'Sungani P & Rolland Y
(2011) Geochemical and Age of Collision-Related Volcanism Following the Closure of the Neotethys Ocean (Lesser Caucasus, Armenia)
Sahakyan L, Bosch D, Sosson M, Bruguier O, Rolland Y, Galoyan G & Avagyan A
(2011) Origin and Signficance of Basic and Ultrabasic Outcrops from Northeastern Algeria (Edough Massif)
Bosch D, Hammor D, Bruguier O, Caby R & Mechati M
(2009) Crustal Evolution in the Lavras do Sul Region, Southern Brazil and the Amalgamation of West Gondwana
Siviero RS, Bruguier O, Koester E & Fernandes LAD
(2009) In situ Laser Ablation (LA-) ICP-MS Zircon Dating on Thick Sections: An Example from the Lagoa Real Area (South Bahia, Brazil)
Bruguier O, Caby R & Bosch D
(2008) Sampling an Active Continental Paleo-Margin: A LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Zircon Study from the Adrar des Iforas (Mali)
Bruguier O, Bosch D, Caby R, Galland B & Hammor D
(2008) Accessory Minerals as Petrogenetic Tracers: Insights from in situ Analyses
Bosch D, Garrido C, Bruguier O, Dhuime B, Bodinier J-L & Galland B
(2007) Miocene Incorporation of Peridotites into the Lower Crust during Opening of the Algerian Basin: Insight from U-Pb LA-ICP-MS Analyses
Bruguier O, Bosch D, Hammor D & Caby R
(2007) Pinpointing the Temporal Evolution of an Intra-Oceanic Arc System: The Case of the Kohistan Arc Complex
Bosch D, Dhuime B, Garrido C, Bruguier O, Bodinier J-L, Hussain S & Dawood H

Bruhn C.S. (2021) From a Sounding Rocket Towards NanoSIMS Analyses – An Interdisciplinary Student Project Sending Foraminifera on a Rough Voyage
Gfellner SV, Haettig K, Kunst N, Menkens-Siemers K, Blumenkamp J, Kipry N, Ripberger D, Lohmann S, Sondej G, Kulmann C, Cáceres SG, Senger D, Bruhn CS & Hartmann J

Bruining H. (2014) Arsenic Mobilsation in the Ganga Fluvial Plane: A Case Study of Bhojpur, Bihar, India
Bhat A, Donselaar M, Bruining H, Ghosh A & Bose N

Bruintjes R. (2009) Individual Particles in Atmospheric Dust from Saudi Arabia
Pósfai M, Axisa D, Bruintjes R & Buseck PR

Bruisten B. (2015) Ferruginous Ecosystems and the Environmental Dynamics of a Paleoproterozoic Sea
Bruisten B, Brocks J, Guilbaud R & Poulton S
(2014) Molecular Fossils and Water Column Redox in the 1.64 Ga Barney Creek Formation and Relation to Local Base Metal Mineralisation
Bruisten B, Poulton S, Guilbaud R & Brocks J
(2013) Phototrophs and Ore Formation
Brocks J, Bruisten B, Pagès A & Grice K
(2013) Pockets of Proterozoic Hydrocarbons and Implications for the Archaean
Bruisten B, Jarret A, Schinteie R, Colangelo-Lillis J, Reuning L, Littke R & Brocks J

Brukner-Wein A. (2002) Biogeochemical Processes in Volcanic Crater Lakes and their Effect on the Oil Potential of Sediments Filling in the Craters
Hetényi M, Brukner-Wein A & Sajgó C

Bruland K. (2016) The Relationships of Dissolved Cadmium with Major Nutrient Phosphate along the Ocean Conveyor of the West Atlantic Ocean
Middag R, van Heuven S, de Baar H & Bruland K
(2012) Cadmium Isotopes in Northeast Pacific Ocean Seawater
Zurbrick C, Biller D, Harris C, Rehkamper M, Bruland K & Flegal AR
(2009) Reactive Iron in the Northern Gulf of Alaska
Lippiatt S, Lohan M & Bruland K
(2006) Iron Cycling within the Columbia River plume: The role of tidal mixing and upwelling.
Lohan M, Buck K, Berger C, Aguilar-Islas A, Sohst B, Smith G & Bruland K

Brulc J. (2011) Roles of Sulfate and FeIII Reduction on Microbial Community Development
Kwon MJ, Boyanov MI, Antonopoulos D, Brulc J, Kemner K & O'Loughlin EJ

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