Andersen A Julia
Testing 5 Virtual Methods to Teach Field Geology Online with Suggested Future Modifications
Gregory DD, Panasiuk SL, Tomes HE & Andersen AJ
Andersen Allen
Constraining the Conditions of Rare Earth Element Mineralization in the Bear Lodge Alkaline Complex, Wyoming: A Fluid Inclusion Study
Olinger D, Andersen A & Bennett M
REE Fractionation at the Bear Lodge REE+Au Deposit, USA: Evidence from Mineral Chemistry
Andersen A, Larson P & Rowe M
Older Hydrothermal Alteration in the Yellowstone Caldera, Wyoming
Larson P, Phillips A, John D, Cosca M, Pritchard C, Andersen A & Manion J
Andersen Allen K.
Hydrothermal HFSE(+HREE) Mineralization in the Bear Lodge Alkaline Complex—a Key to Understanding the Larger Hicks Dome Critical Mineral Resource?
Andersen AK, Hofstra AH & Nuelle LM
Andersen Amity
Molecular Dynamics and Quantum Chemistry Studies of Complex Soil Organic Matter Interactions with Solvated Metal Ions and Mineral Surfaces
Andersen A, Govind N & Laskin A
Structure, Dynamics and Reactivity of Fluids in Confined Geometries
Cole D, Andersen A, Gautam S, Hoyt D, Mamontov E, Mueller K, Kolesnikov A, Le T, Liu T, Ok S, Patankar S, Phan A, Rother G, Striolo A, Tomasko D & Washton N
Andersen Anja C.
Optical Constants of Presolar Diamonds (Revisited)
Mutschke H, Andersen AC, Jäger C & Henning T
Andersen B.
The Last Glacial Termination in the Southern Alps, New Zealand
Putnam A, Schaefer J, Denton G, Kaplan M, Barrell D, Andersen B, Birkel S, Doughty A, Kelley S, Koffman T, Finkel R & Schwartz R
Southern Mid-Latitude Terminations of MIS-4, the Last Glacial Maximum and the Late Glacial Period in the New Zealand Moraine Record
Schaefer J, Kaplan M, Putnam A, Finkel R, Barrell D, Denton G, Andersen B & Schluechter C
Andersen C.
A Magma Plumbing System Probed by the Grænavatn Porphyritic Group, East Iceland
Andersen C, Riishuus M & Tegner C
Andersen D.T.
Carbon-Cycling in Lake Untersee, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
Marsh NB, Lacelle D, Clark ID, Faucher B & Andersen DT
Biomarker and Isotope Analysis Reflect Methane Cycling in Lake Untersee, Antarctica
Brady A, Andersen D & Slater G
Remains of Ancient Precursor of Perennial Springs in the High Arctic
Zentilli M, Omelon C, Hanley J, LeFort D, Andersen D & Pollard W
High Arctic Perennial Spring Activity and Associated Minerals: Their Value to Mars Analogue Studies
Omelon CR, Pollard WH, Andersen DT & Zentilli M
Andersen G.
A Geobiological Comparison of High- and Low-Silica Containing Weathered Volcanic Glass
Kelly L, Herrera A, Olsson-Francis K, Andersen G, Piceno Y & Cockell C
Andersen Jakob Lykke
In-Silico Modelling of Reaction Networks Involved in Prebiotic Chemistry to Understand the Origins of Life
Sharma S, Arya A, Ray J, Garcia EAL, Cruz Simbron RL, Andersen JL, Dogan R, Chen H & Cleaves HJ
Andersen Jens
Radiogenic Isotope and Precious Metal Compositions of Orangeite Dykes Intersecting the Bushveld Complex
Compton-Jones C, Hughes H, McDonald I, Bybee G, Kinnaird J & Andersen J
A Machine Learning Approach to Metallogenic Controls on Precious Metal Abundances in Mantle Plumes of the Atlantic
Lindsay J, Hughes H, Andersen J, Yeomans C & McDonald I
A Microstructural Study of Tungsten-(Tin) Skarns in Tabuaço, NE Portugal
Spruzeniece L, Andersen J, Rollinson G, Simons B, Noronha F, Ramos V & Seltsmann R
Andersen Jens C.Ø.
A Major Swarm of Mesozoic Orangeite Dykes Intersecting the Western Limb of the Bushveld Complex: Tracers of Lithospheric Mantle Evolution
Compton-Jones C, Hughes HSR, Bybee GM, McDonald I & Andersen JCØ
Domaining of Downhole Geochemical Data – An Automated Approach Applied to the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex
Buckle T, Motta JG, Hughes HSR, Andersen JCØ, Lloyd A, DuPreez L & Acheampong K
Litho- and Chemo-Stratigraphy of the Critical Zone at Sandsloot, Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex: A Data Science Approach
Brooksby KC, Hughes HSR, Andersen JCØ, Lloyd A, DuPreez L & Acheampong K
Andersen Jens S.
The Effect of High Concentrations of Green Sulfur Bacteria on the Biogeochemical Carbon Cycle of Lago di Cadagno
Habicht K, Frigaard NU, Johnson B, Andersen J, Falkenby L & Miller M
Proteomic Study of Chlorobium clathratiforme in Lago di Cadagno, Switzerland
Habicht KS, Miller M, Nielsen LF, Frigaard N-U & Andersen JS
Andersen K.H.
Global Plankton Ecosystem Functions Emerging from Fundamental Constraints of Individual Cells
Andersen KH
Andersen M
The Formation of the Solar System: New Constraints from the <+>247<$>Cm- <+>235<$>U Chronometer
Stirling C, Halliday A, Potter E & Andersen M
Andersen Martin
Introducing the OZCZO – Australian Critical Zone Network: What can We Learn from the Soils ‘down Under’ About the Near-Surface Biogeochemical Cycles and Pedogenesis
Farkas J, Thompson S, Andersen M, Chittleborough D, Mayer W, Leopold M, Cleverly J, Beringer J, Marshall A & Dahan O
Trace Element Composition and Stability of the Hydroxysulfate Mineral Schwertmannite
Chen Q, Cohen D & Andersen M
Factors Affecting Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations in Groundwater
McDonough L, Oudone P, Rutlidge H, Meredith K, Andersen M, O'Carroll D, Chapelle F & Baker A
Use of Fluorescence in Conjunction with Radon Activity to Monitor Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in a System Under Stress
Rutlidge H, Andersen M, Rau G, Cuthbert M, Graham P, Unland N, Hofmann H, Gilfeddder B, Atkinson A, Cartwright I, Halloran L & Baker A
Water Oxygen Isotope Systematics from Source to Stalagmites
Baker A, Acworth RI, Andersen M, Cuthbert M, Graham P, Jex C, Mariethoz G, Marjo C, Markowska M, Rau G, Roshan H, Rutlidge H & Treble P
Andersen Morten
Upper Limits on Oceanic Anoxia during the PETM: A Uranium Isotope Perspective
Clarkson M, Bagard M-L, Dickson A, Andersen M, Vance D & Lenton T
Timing the Oxygenation of the Deep Oceans Using δ238U
Rodney J, Stubbs D, Lissenberg J, Andersen M & Elliott T
Andersen Morten B
Comparing Geochemical and Geophysical Mantle Evolution Models
Beguelin P, Panton J, Andersen MB, Elliott T, Davies JH & Rodney JB
Uranium Elemental and Isotope Systematics of a Closed-System HP Metamorphic Cycle: A Case Study of Metabasic Mariánské Lázně Complex, Bohemian Massif
Andersen MB, Magna T, Kachlík V, Rapprich V & Stedra V
Geodynamic Control on Melting in 3D Mantle Convection Models
Récalde N, Davies JH, Panton J, Porcelli D & Andersen MB
The Influence of Crustal Recycling on the Molybdenum Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Mantle
Hin RC, Hibbert KEH, Chen S, Willbold M, Andersen MB, Kiseeva K, Wood BJ, Niu Y, Sims KW & Elliott T
Origin of Enriched Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts: A Perspective from Uranium and Molybdenum Isotope Ratios
Rodney JB, Andersen MB, Murton B & Elliott T
The Oxic Uranium Flux and Isotope Fractionation in Modern Deep-Sea Sediments
Ossa Ossa F, Andersen MB, Tegler LA, Auro M, Costa K, Dunlea A & Nielsen SG
Paired Records of Global Weathering and Redox Across the Ediacaran–Cambrian Boundary
Tostevin R, Mtonda MT, Mashego M, Taylor WL, le Roux P & Andersen MB
The Impact of Weathering on 238U/235U Systematics in the Critical Zone
Andersen MB, Thomas J, Hudson G & Archer C
ẟ238U Variation in Ancient Altered Mafic Oceanic Crust
Rodney J, Stubbs D, Lissenberg J, Gianola O, Andersen MB & Elliott T
Andersen Morten B.
Potassium Isotopic Compositions of Mariana Arc Lavas and Implications for K Recycling
Rodney J, Patel R, Tacail T, Lewis J, Andersen MB & Elliott T
Tracking the Spatial Extent of Ocean Redox Variability in the Mesoproterozoic Ocean
Song Y, Mills BJW, Bowyer F, Andersen MB, Ossa Ossa F, Harvey J, Zhang S, Canfield DE, Shields GA & Poulton SW
Understanding Molybdenum and Uranium Isotope Systematics in Continental Margin Sediments
He Z, Clarkson M, Andersen M, Archer C, Huang F & Vance D
Constraining the Sensitivity of Oxidative Weathering Across the GOE Using U Isotope Systematics
Andersen M & McLennan S
Using Uranium Isotopes to Disentangle Biotic from Abiotic Processes in Marine Snow Aggregates
Choumiline K, Andersen MB, Lau K, Romaniello SJ, Aguirre-Bahena F, Shumilin E, Silverberg N & Lyons TW
Andersen Morten Bugge
Uranium Isotopes as the Storytellers of Swaying Oxygen Minimum Zones
Choumiline K, Andersen MB, Pérez-Cruz L, Carriquiry JD, Beaufort L & Lyons TW
Reducing the Role of Contaminant Phases for Metal Isotopes in Carbonates
Clarkson M, Müsing K, Andersen M & Vance D
Uranium Isotope Fractionation during Slab Dehydration beneath the Izu Arc
Freymuth H, Andersen M & Elliott T
Isotopic Perspectives on Uranium Uptake in Altered Oceanic Crust: Lessons from ODP Hole 1256D
Andersen M, Elliott T, Freymuth H, Teagle D & Cooper K
Comparison of Ionization Efficiencies by Cavity Source and Conventional Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Sub-Ng Loads of Uranium
Trinquier A, Maden C, Hubert A, Fauré A-L, Pointurier F, Bourdon B, Rickli J & Andersen M
Uranium and Mo Isotopes Record a Slowdown of the E. Mediterranean Overturning during the Last Interglacial Period (~125 ky)
Andersen MB, Matthews A, Vance D, Bar-Matthews M & Archer C
Exploring the Controls on Glacial-Interglacial Oceanic (234U/238U) Variation
Beasley M, Robinson L, Chen T, Richards D, Nita D, Smith C, Andersen M, Wadham J & Telling J
Molybdenum and Uranium Isotopes in a Euxinic Lake
Bura Nakic E, Andersen MB, Archer C & Vance D
Isotopic Fingerprinting of U Recycling
Andersen M & Elliott T
Mass-Related U Isotope Fractionation during Alteration of Oceanic Crust and Release of U in Subduction Zones – Implications for Deep Recycling of Oceanic Crust
Freymuth H, Andersen M & Elliott T
The Zinc Isotopic Composition of Siliceous Marine Sponges: Investigating Nature’s Sediment Traps
Hendry K & Andersen M
Searching for Evidence for Mo Isotope Fractionation in the Mantle
Hibbert K, Willbold M, Andersen M & Elliott T
Uranium Isotopes in Anoxic Sediments
Andersen M, Vance D, Little S, Herdsman R, Matthews A, Lyons T & Romaniello S
The Global U Isotopic Cycle
Elliott T, Andersen M & Freymuth H
The Influence of Recycling on Mantle 238U/235U?
Andersen M & Elliott T
U-Series Disequilibria during Soil Weathering
Andersen MB, Vance D, Keech AR, Rickli J & Hudson G
Zinc and Silicon Isotope Fractionation by Deep-Sea Sponges
Hendry K, Andersen M & Robinson L
The Zn Isotopic Composition of Diatom Frustules, a Proxy for Zn Availability in Ocean Surface Seawater
Andersen MB, Vance D, Archer C, Ellwood M, Allen C, Hellenbrand CD & Anderson RF
The Zn Isotopic Composition of Diatom Frustules: An Archive of Past Trace Metal Depletion in HNLC Zones?
Andersen MB, Vance D, Archer C, Ellwood M, Hillenbrand C-D, Allen C & Anderson R
High-Precision U-Series Measurements of ca. 600, 000 Year Old Corals
Stirling C & Andersen M
U-Isotope Fractionation during Chemical Weathering
Bourdon B, Andersen M, Erel Y & Pili E
Weathering Rates from Top to Bottom in a Carbonate Environment
Bourdon B, Bureau S, Andersen M & Pili E
The Behaviour of 234U/238U during Experimental Granite Dissolution
Andersen M, Bourdon B & Erel Y
Identifying Processes and Rates of Incipient Chemical Weathering Using Pb and U Isotopes
Gutjahr M, Andersen MB & Bourdon B
Isotopic Fractionation of Uranium in Low-Temperature Environments
Stirling C, Andersen M, Warthmann R & Halliday A
Tracing riverine 234U/238U inputs into the Arctic Ocean
Andersen MB, Stirling CH, Porcelli D, Halliday AN, Andersson PS & Baskaran M
U-Th Disequilibrium Dating of Geological Samples Approaching Secular Equilibrium
Andersen M, Stirling C, Potter E & Halliday A
Andersen Nathan L
Using Crystal Assemblages to Interpret Intermediate Magma Origins at Middle Sister Volcano, Oregon Cascades, USA
Newsom A, Sas M & Andersen NL
Andersen Nils
Indispensable Amino Acids Become Dispensable via Bacterial Symbiosis in a Generalist Soil Detritivore
Larsen T, O'Brien D, Andersen N & Ventura M
Andersen Sandra Breum
Sedimentary DNA can Influence Evolution: Establishing Mineral Facilitated Horizontal Gene Transfer as a Route to Increased Bacterial Fitness
Verma T, Hendiani S, Andersen SB, Burmølle M & Sand KK
Andersen Simon Ivar
Underground CO2 Storage in Denmark; The Key Role of DTU Offshore in Energy Transition
Andersen SI
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Scale Deposition in a Turbulent Taylor-Couette Flow
Bentzon JR, Anabaraonye BU, Andersen SI, Walther JH & Feilberg KL
Andersen Tom
Mantle Sources for Europe’s Largest REE Belt (Gardar Province, SW Greenland): Insights from Nd-Hf Isotopes
Beard CD, Finch AA, Borst AM, Hutchison W, Goodenough K, Millar I, Andersen T, Williams HM & Weller OM
Semiquantitative Modelling of Parameters Controlling Agpaitic Crystallization in Nepheline Syenite in the Pilanesberg Alkaline Complex, South Africa
Andersen T, Elburg MA & Friis H
Sulphur Isotopes and Helvine-Group Minerals in the Larvik Plutonic Complex, Norway (LPC)
Gulbransen EH, Friis H, Hutchison W & Andersen T
Detrital Zircon from the Witwatersrand Supergroup: Reasons for Discordance
Elburg M, Kristoffersen M & Andersen T
Radiation Damage and U-Pb Discordance in Detrital Zircon in Palaeoproterozoic Sandstones from South Africa
Andersen T & Elburg M
A Potassic Magma Series in the Pilanesberg Alkaline Complex?
Elburg M, Andersen T, Mahlaku M, Cawthorn G & Kramers J
Controls on the HFSE Mineralogy of Alkaline Rocks: Peralkalinity vs. Volatiles
Andersen T & Elburg M
The Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Gardar Rift Magmatism: Hf Isotopic Clues to Archean Crustal Recycling
Finch A, Borst A, Hutchison W, Horsburgh N, Andersen T & Simonsen S
How Robust is the Crustal Evolution Information from Detrital Zircon?
Andersen T, Elburg M & Kristoffersen M
Palaeoarchean Intermediate – Felsic Volcanics of the Toggekry Formation, Nondweni Greenstone Belt, RSA: A Rifted Volcanic Arc?
Elburg M, Jele N, Andersen T, Watkeys M, Agangi A & Hofmann A
Geochemistry of the 1066 Ma Little Hatchet Rapakivi Granite – Gabbro Pluton, New Mexico, USA
Heinonen A, McLemore V, Rämö T, Andersen T & Mänttäri I
A Combined Zircon LAM-ICPMS-MC U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotopic Study of Variscan S-Type Granites from Sabugal, Central Portugal
Teixeira R, Neiva A, Silva P, Gomes M & Andersen T
Crustal Sources of Peraluminous Granites: The Montes de Toledo Batholith, Iberian Hercynian Belt
Merino E, Villaseca C, Pérez-Soba C, Orejana D, Belousova E & Andersen T
Eoarchaean Crust in the Dniestr-Bug Region, Ukrainian Shield – Pb-Hf-O Isotope Constraints
Claesson S, Shumlyanskyy L, Bibikova E, Billström K, Whitehouse M & Andersen T
Volcanism on Methana (W Aegean Arc): Magma Mixing, Crustal Contamination & Mantle Sources
Smet I, De Pelsmaeker E, Elburg M, Vanhaecke F & Andersen T
U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotopic Constraints on the Genesis of a Variscan Two-Mica Granite from Carrazeda de Ansiães
Teixeira R, Neiva A, Gomes M & Andersen T
The Dawn and Destruction of Gondwana – Isotopic Record from Antarctica and Mozambique
Kurhila M, Rämö T, Andersen T, Foland K, Luttinen A, Heinonen J, Romu I & Jacobs J
Provenance of Lower Cretaceous Sediments from Svalbard and NE Greenland; A Detrital Zircon Study
Rohr TS, Andersen T & Dypvik H
3500 Ma of Crustal Evolution in Fennoscandia as Seen from Hf Isotopes in Zircons from Granitoids
Andersen T, Lauri LS & Andersson UB
Petrogenesis of Pyrochlore from the Motzfeldt Center, SW Greenland
McCreath J, Finch A, Andersen T, Donaldson C & Armour-Brown A
Crustal Processing: The Finnmarkian Orogen Reassessed
Corfu F, Fernando R, Torsvik T, Andersen T, Ramsay D & Ashwal L
Sveconorwegian Underplating and Granitic Magmatism in the Baltic Shield: LAM-ICPMS Hf Isotope Evidence
Andersen T, Griffin W & Sylvester A
The Mesoproterozoic Continental Margin of the Baltic Shield: Geochemical Evidence for a Cordillera-Type Setting
Andersen T & Griffin W
Nature and Distribution of Deep Crustal Reservoirs in the South-Western Part of the Baltic Shield: Evidence from Nd, Sr and Pb Isotope Data on Late Sveconorwegian Granites
Andersen T, Andresen A & Sylvester AG