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Anderson Chloe (2018) Resolving the Provenance of Marine Sediment in the Ulleung Basin to Reconstruct the East Asian Monsoon
Anderson C, Murray R, Dunlea A, Giosan L, Kinsley C, McGee D & Tada R
(2018) Isolating the Eolian Component of Japan Sea Sediments (IODP Site U1430) for Radiogenic Isotope Provenance Studies
Kinsley C, McGee D, Anderson C, Dunlea A, Murray R, Giosan L & Tada R

Anderson Chloe H. (2022) Nutrient Turnover by Large Sulfur Bacteria on the Namibian Mud Belt during the Low Productivity Season
Chuang P-C, Anderson CH, Kossack M, Fabian J, Su C-C, Vosteen P, Zabel M, Scholz F, Schulz-Vogt HN, Sommer S & Dale AW
(2017) Geochemical Un-Mixing of Multiple Sources of Aluminosilicates in Marine Sediment Cores with Multivariate Statistics
Anderson CH, Scudder RP, Dunlea AG & Murray RW

Anderson Craig (2008) Kinetics of Indirect UO2 Oxidation by Mn(II)-oxidizing Bacillus sp.ores
Chinni S, Anderson C, Ulrich K-U, Veeramani H, Sharp J, Giammar DE, Rizlan B-L & Tebo B
(2005) Subsurface Microbial Biofilms and Nuclear Waste Disposal – Geochemical Friends or Foes?
Anderson C, Jakobsson A & Pedersen K
(2004) Rates of Bacteriogenic Iron Oxide Development in a Deep Igneous Rock Aquifer
Kennedy C, Anderson C, Fru E & Pedersen K
(2004) Microbial Biofilm Processes in Deep Granitic Groundwater
Pedersen K, Anderson C, Jacobsson A & Nielsen M
(2003) Distribution of Trace Elements and REE Fractionation Trends in BIOS as Compared to Host Rocks, Fracture Fillings and Fluids
Anderson C & Pedersen K

Anderson Daniel (2017) Calcium Carbonate Nucleation Rates Manipulated by Organic Templates as Indicators of Coral’s Sensitivity to Ocean Acidification
Wolfshorndl M, Anderson D & Gagnon A

Anderson Danny (2018) Xenolith Constraints on “Self Assimilation” and the Origin of Low δ18O Values in Mauna Kea Basalts
Anderson D, Lassiter J & Marshall E

Anderson Danny W. (2022) Identifying the Source of Alkaline Volcanism Across the Northern Antarctic Peninsula
Anderson DW & Saal AE
(2021) Source Variations in Volatile Contents between Bransfield Strait and Phoenix Ridge, Antarctica
Anderson DW, Saal A, Riley TR, Keller RA, Haase KM, Mallick S & Wang J
(2020) Source Variations in Bransfield Strait and Relation to Nearby Phoenix Ridge
Anderson DW, Saal AE, Riley TR, Keller RA, Haase KM, Mallick S, Wang J & Boesenberg JS

Anderson David (2009) Tropical Indian Ocean Temperature and Salinity Variations during the Last 280, 000 yrs
Krishna MS, Anderson D, Sarma N & Pasha S
(2005) Timing of Glacial Changes in SST and pCO<->2<$> From Foraminiferal U/Ca, Mg/Ca and <$f"Symbol">d<$f"Times-Roman"><+>18<$>O in a Caribbean Core
Russell A, Schmidt M, Spero H & Anderson D

Anderson David M. (2016) Distrbution of Pu in the Coral of the Northwest Pacific Ocean
Hong GH, Kim SH, Lee H, Kawahata H, Siringan FP, Anderson DM, Ketterer ME & Baskaran M

Anderson Don L. (2013) Mantle Jets and Mantle Plumes
Anderson DL
(2008) The Eclogite Engine; Cool LIPs
Anderson D
(2008) The Eclogite Engine; Top-Down Geochemistry
Anderson D
(2008) Crustal and Mantle Cycles
Anderson D
(2004) The Statistical Upper Mantle Assemblage
Meibom A & Anderson D

Anderson F. Scott (2018) Addressing Billion Year Uncertainties in the History of the Inner Solar System
Anderson FS, Whitaker T & Levine J
(2017) Portable Rb-Sr, Pb-Pb, and Sm-Nd Dating Using CODEX
Anderson FS, Whitaker T & Levine J
(2011) Portable Rb-Sr Geochronology
Anderson FS, Nowicki K & Whitaker T
(2010) LDRIMS Rb-Sr Geochronometry
Anderson FS & Nowicki K
(2008) Analysis of Chloride Salt Deposits on Mars
Glotch T, Osterloo M, Hamilton V, Bandfield J, Baldridge A, Christensen P, Tornabene L, Anderson FS, Che C & Seelos F

Anderson Frank (2012) Potential Impacts to Ecosystem Health and Water Quality from Marcellus Shale Drilling
Velinsky D, Zelanko P, Anderson F, Horwitz R & Mead J

Anderson G M (2006) Fluid Flow and Reaction Kinetics in the Formation of MVT Deposits
Anderson GM & Thom J

Anderson Gary (2018) Sulfidogenesis and Perchlorate Control: Novel Mesoscale Tank Experiment and Reactive Transport Modeling
Cheng Y, Wu Y, Wen H, Hubbard C, Tom L, Piceno Y, Engelbrektson A, Bill M, Anderson G, Coates J, Conrad M & Ajo-Franklin J

Anderson Gordon (2014) Short-Term Protein Stable Isotope Probing of Microbial Communities to Associate Functions with Taxa
Lipton M, Slysz G, Steinke L, Ward D, Moran J, Metz T, Kim Y-M, Lindeman S, Huang E, Anderson G, Payne S, Bryant D, Cole J & Gritsenko M

Anderson H. (2017) Temporal Dynamics of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Mississippi Coastal Waters
Joung D, Box H, Ho P, Whitmore L, Anderson H, Moore W & Shiller A

Anderson I.C. (2010) Benthic Microalgae and Bacteria Facilitate Carbon and Nitrogen Retention in Shallow Photic Sediments
Hardison AK, Canuel EA, Anderson IC, Tobias C & Veuger B
(2003) Partitioning of Elements between Olivine Grain Matrices and Grain Boundaries in Mantle Rocks – The Importance of Grain Boundaries for Storage of Trace Elements
Hiraga T, Anderson I & Kohlstedt D

Anderson J. Lawford (2017) Episodic Delamination of Impacting Lithospheric Wedge (ILW) and Uplift of Tibetan Plateau
Shi Y, Li L, Anderson JL & Kang Y

Anderson Jacob (2022) Study of the Origin of Soil 222Rn and 220Rn Activities in Taylor Valley, Antarctica
Ruggiero L, Sciarra A, Tuccimei P, Galli G, Mazzini A, Mazzoli C, Tartarello MC, Florindo F, Wilson G, Anderson J, Worthington R, Mattia M, Giagnoni F, Bigi S, Sassi R & Ciotoli G

Anderson Jade (2019) New Insights into the Development of the South Nicholson Basin, Northern Australia from SHRIMP U–Pb Detrital Zircon and Authigenic Xenotime
Cross A, Anderson J, Kositcin N, Lewis C, Carson C, Carr L & Henson P
(2013) Ca. 1750 Ma Arc-Related Metamorphism in the Southern Arunta Complex, Central Australia?
Anderson J, Kelsey D, Hand M & Collins W

Anderson James (2014) Boron Isotope Measurements of Oil Shale and Coal Combustion Products
Williams L, Bose M & Anderson J

Anderson John (2016) Meteoric 10Be and Compound Specifc 14C Revealed Timing of Colossal Antarctic Ice-Shelf Collapse
Yokoyama Y, Anderson J, Yamane M, Simkins L, Miyairi Y, Yamazaki T, Koizumi M, Suga H, Kusahara K, Prothro L, Hasumi H, Southon J & Ohkouchi N

Anderson Julia (2023) Tracking Metal Aerosols and Natural Radioactivity in Northern Ontario, Canada: Tales Told by Lichens
Caron F, Torres-Martinez O, Samuleev P, Anderson J, Halvorson B, Charbonneau M, Lakanen M, Levesque N, Beckett PJ & Spiers GA

Anderson K.M. (2005) ICRONUS Meets CRONUS-Earth: Improved Calculations for Cosmogenic Dating Methods-From Neutron Intensity to Previously Ignored Correction Factors
Zreda M, Desilets D, Li Y, Bradley E & Anderson KM

Anderson Lauri (2011) Rapid Age Determination of Oysters Using Shell Mg/Ca Ratios
Spence B, Gillikin DP, Goodwin DH, Byrne D, Roopnarine P & Anderson L
(2000) Footwall Refrigeration in the Whipple Mountains Metamorphic Core Complex, CA
Morrison J & Anderson L

Anderson Leif (2017) Benthic-Pelagic Coupling in the East Siberian Sea from Nitrate Isotopes
Fripiat F, Declerq M, Sapart C, Anderson L, Bruechert V, Deman F, Fonseca-Batista D, Humborg C, Roukaerts A & Dehairs F

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