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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Amin B.M. (2010) Geochemistry and Tectonic Studies of Metavolcanics of Um Anab Area, North Eastern Desert, Egypt
Amin BM, Eltokhi M & Alaabed S

Amin G. (2017) Nutrient Load in and Around Indian Sundarbans: A Trend Analysis
Amin G & Mitra A
(2016) Nutrient Load in and Around Indian Sundarbans: A Trend Analysis
Amin G & Mitra A

Amini Macho (2002) Multi-Element Isotope Dilution by HR-ICP-MS
Willbold M, Gaab AS, Amini M, Stoll B, Seufert M & Raczek I

Amini Manouchehr (2011) Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Vietnam: Delta-Wide Survey and 3D Geospatial Modeling
Berg M, Winkel LHE, Trang PTK, Lan VM, Stengel C, Amini M, Ha NT & Viet PH
(2009) Predicting Areas of Groundwater As Contamination from Surface Parameters and Geology at Depth
Winkel L, Berg M, Amini M, Hug SJ & Johnson CA
(2009) Modeling Large Scale Geogenic Contamiantion of Groundwater, Combining Geochemical Expertise and Statistical Techniques
Amini M, Johnson A, Abbaspour K, Mueller K, Berg M, Winkel L & Hug S

Amini Marghaleray (2020) The Calcium Isotope Composition of the Lower Mantle and Bulk Earth
Amini M, Holmden C & Jochum KP
(2020) Feldspars in the Skaergaard Intrusion: Ternary Relationships, Zoning & Pb Isotope Geochemistry
Cho JO, Scoates JS, Weis D & Amini M
(2020) Identifying Long-Distance Transport of Archaeological Obsidian Across the Ancient North American Landscape
McMillan R, Weis D, Amini M & Rathbone A
(2018) Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation in a Seasonally Anoxic Fjord
King E, Amini M, Weis D, Francois R & Crowe S
(2018) Anomalous Geochemical Responses in Till Above Mineralization: Application of Copper Isotopes to Evaluate Sources
Winterburn P, Chouinard R, Bodner M, Rich S & Amini M
(2016) Effect of Oxide Formation on the Accuracy of Nd Isotopic Ratios Measurements in MC-ICP-MS
Frères E, Weis D, Newman K, Amini M & Gordon K
(2016) The Tempo of Crystallization and Cooling of Ultramafic Rocks in Arcs from the Giant Mascot Intrusion, Canadian Cordillera
Manor M, Wall C, Scoates J, Nixon G, Friedman R, Amini M, Gabites J & Ames D
(2016) Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia
Amini M, Weis D, Soon M & Francois R
(2016) Assessing Reworking and Stratigraphic Provenance of Bones from Scladina Cave, Belgium
McMillan R, Amini M & Weis D
(2015) Cr Isotope Variability in the Oceans: Implications for the Cr Isotope Proxy
Holmden C, Scheiderich K, Amini M & Francois R
(2014) Investigating Mine-Drainage Geochemistry Using Stable Isotopes of Molybdenum and Zinc
Skierszkan E, Amini M, Weis D, Beckie R & Mayer U
(2014) Trace Element Mobility in Metamict and Altered Zircon from Late-Stage Granophyres in the Stillwater Complex
Ver Hoeve T, Wall C, Amini M, Weis D & Scoates J
(2014) Mussel Shells as Potential Hydrothermal Biomonitor
Amini M, Jacob DE, Koschinsky A & Weis D
(2009) The Ca Isotope Composition of Bulk Earth: Revisited
Amini M, Holmden C & Jochum KP
(2008) The Application of Natural Divalent Cation Isotope (Ca, Sr, Mg) Fractionation (DCIF) in Earth System Research
Eisenhauer A, Böhm F, Fietzke J, Liebetrau V, Amini M, Kisakürek B, Heuser A, Tang J & Dietzel M
(2008) Uranium Isotope Fractionation in Saanich Inlet
Holmden C, Amini M & Francois R
(2008) δ44/40Ca Variability in Igneous Rocks
Amini M, Eisenhauer A, Holmden C, Boehm F, Hauff F & Jochum KP
(2007) Calcium Isotope Budget of the Phanerozoic Ocean
Boehm F, Amini M, Blenkinsop J, Buhl D, Eisenhauer A, Farkas J, von Geldern R, Gussone N, Heuser A & Et al. 

Amini S. (2015) Nature of Magma Storage System beneath the Damavand Volcano (Iran)
Eskandari A, Amini S, De Rosa R, Donato P & Farahkhah N
(2013) Using Textural Data and Fractal Analysis to Infer Crystallization of Dacites from Qorveh (W-Iran)
Eskandary A, De Rosa R, Amini S & Miraj H

Amininejad S. (2018) Effectiveness of Riverbank Filtration for Silver Nanoparticle Retention
Degenkolb L, Philippe A, Luederwald S, Leuther F, Amininejad S, Vogel H-J & Klitzke S

Aminov P. (2014) Environmental Geochemistry and Bioavailability of Heavy Metal(oid)s in Vicinity of Karabash Cu Smelter, Russia
Tatsy Y, Udachin V, Gashkina N & Aminov P

Aminzadeh B. (2012) Effect of Nanoparticles on the Displacement Pattern of CO2 Injection in Porous Media
DiCarlo D, Aminzadeh B, Chung DH, Roberts M, Huh C & Bryant S

Amiot R. (2021) What is the Real Correction Factor for δ18O Measurements of Apatite Carbonates?
Fourel F, Lecuyer C, Clauzel T & Amiot R
(2016) High-Precision 34S/32S Measurements from Vertebrate Bioapatites Using Purge-And-Trap EA-IRMS Technology
Goedert J, Fourel F, Amiot R, Simon L & Lécuyer C

Amiotte-Suchet P. (2017) Factors Controlling Development of Microbialites in the Mérantaise River (France)
Roche A, Payandi-Rolland D, Vennin E, Bundeleva I, Amiotte-Suchet P, Bouton A, Courvoisier H & Visscher P

Amir M. (2019) Sources of Organic Matter in Chilika Lagoon, India: Inferences from Stable Isotope Compositions
Amir M, Paul D & Samal RN

Amiraghyan S. (2017) Middle to Late Jurassic Island-Arc Magmatism from the Somkheto-Karabagh Zone, Lesser Caucasus
Galoyan G, Atayan L, Melkonyan R, Khorenyan R, Chung S-L, Lee Y-H & Amiraghyan S

Amiraux R. (2017) Monitoring Photo-Oxidative and Salinity Bacterial Stress in the Canadian Arctic Using Specific Lipid Tracers
Amiraux R & Rontani J-F

Amirbahman A. (2010) Exploring Complex Relationships Among Fish Tissue Mercury Concentrations, Drivers of Trophic Status, and Watershed Characteristics in Maine Lakes
Bacon LC, Amirbahman A, Norton SA, Simon K & Fernandez IJ
(2008) Water Chemistry of Lake Inlets and Outlet as a Predictor of Sediment Characteristics and Internal Cycling of Phosphorus
Norton S, Amirbahman A, Wilson T & Kopocek J

Amiri H. (2023) Reconstructing Heterogenous Porous Media in 3D Using 2D Input via Deep-Learning-Based Generative Models
Vogel HP, Amiri H, Arias A & Plümper O
(2021) Quantifying Transient, Reaction-Induced Permeability during Fluid-Rock Interaction: A Multi-Resolution Imaging and Multi-Scale Pore Network Modelling Approach
Amiri H, Raoof A & Plümper O

Amiridis V. (2021) Impact of Assimilating Spaceborne Lidar Dust Extinction in Northern Africa and Middle East
Escribano J, Di Tomaso E, Jorba O, Klose M, Gonçalves Ageitos M, Macchia F, Amiridis V, Baars H, Marinou E, Proestakis E, Urbanneck C, Althausen D, Bühl J, Mamouri R-E & Perez Garcia-Pando C

Amirkhiz A.C. (2007) Geochemical Analysis of Obsidian and the Pattern Recognition of Sites Spatial Distribution in the Chalcolithic of the Eastern Lake Urmia, Northwestern, Iran
Niknami KA & Amirkhiz AC

Amistadi M.K. (2005) Desorption of Contaminant Cs and Sr from Clay Systems after Weathering in Caustic Waste Solutions
Choi S, Amistadi MK, O'Day P & Chorover J

Amit H. (2021) Inferring Core-Mantle Boundary Heat Flux Pattern from Seismic Tomography Models Using Mantle Convection Simulations
Gael C, Deschamps F, Amit H & Lasbleis M

Amit R. (2012) Geochemical Proxies for Changes in Dust Sources in Negev Desert Loess
Ben Israel M, Erel Y, Enzel Y & Amit R

Ammann Markus (2023) Is There a Link between the Dissociation Degree of Nitric Acid Adsorbed to Ice Under Tropospheric Conditions and its Photolytic Activity at the Air-Ice Interface?
Manoharan Y, Longetti L, Artiglia L, Ammann M & Bartels-Rausch T
(2023) Imaging Single Aerosol Particles for Oxidation Chemistry and Reactive Species
Alpert PA, Corral Arroyo P, Kilchhofer K, Manoharan Y, Dou J, Krieger UK, Bjelic S, Salionov D, Dommen J, Herrmann H & Ammann M
(2016) Organic Nitrate Contribution to New Particle Formation and Growth in Secondary Organic Aerosols from α-Pinene Ozonolysis
Berkemeier T, Ammann M, Mentel T, Pöschl U & Shiraiwa M
(2014) Influence of Physical State on Shikimic Acid Ozonolysis
Steimer S, Krieger U, Lampimäki M, Peter T & Ammann M
(2009) Photosensitized Aging of Succinic Acid Aerosol
Rouviere A, Decarlo P, Schlierf A, Favez O, D'Anna B, George C, Prevot A & Ammann M

Ammann Michael (2013) Anisotropy: A Cause of Heat Flux Variation at the CMB?
Walker A, Ammann M, Stackhouse S, Wookey J, Brodholt J & Dobson D
(2011) Ferrous Iron Diffusion in Ferro-Periclase Across the Spin Transition – A DFT Study
Ammann M, Brodholt J & Dobson D
(2009) Absolute Diffusion Rates in MgSiO3 Perovskite and Post-Perovskite
Ammann M, Brodholt J & Dobson D
(2009) The Rheological Properties of Postperovskite and Implications for D′′
Brodholt J, Ammann M, Hunt S, Walker A & Dobson D

Ammannati E. (2016) Low-Ni Olivines in Silica-Undersaturated Ultrapotassic Igneous Rocks as Evidence for Carbonate Metasomatism in the Mantle
Ammannati E, Jacob DE, Avanzinelli R, Foley SF & Conticelli S
(2015) Low-Ni Olivine from Silica-Undersaturated Ultrapotassic Rocks as Evidence for Carbonate Metasomatism in the Mantle
Ammannati E, Jacob DE, Avanzinelli R, Foley SF & Conticelli S
(2013) Trace Elements in Olivine Characterize the Mantle Source of Subduction-Related Potassic Magmas
Ammannati E, Foley S, Avanzinelli R, Jacob D & Conticelli S
(2013) The Role of Carbon Dioxide from Recycled Sediments in the Genesis of Ultrapotassic Magmas from Lithospheric Mantle
Conticelli S, Avanzinelli R & Ammannati E

Ammannito E. (2014) Compositional Diversity of the Vestan Regolith Derived from Howardite Compositions and Dawn VIR Spectra
Mittlefehldt DW, Ammannito E, Hiroi T, De Angelis S, Moriarty DP, Di Iorio T, Pieters CM & De Sanctis MC

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