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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Amanda M. (2011) Is Microbial Degradation of Heavy Hydrocarbons a Major Source of Methane in CBM Reservoirs? Evidence from Australia
Faiz M, Amanda M, David M & Phil H

Amangeldiyeva A. (2022) The Еffect of Mica Group Minerals on CO2 Storage in the Sandstone Reservoir of Kazakhstan
Seisenbayev N, Amangeldiyeva A & Lee W

Amani M. (2023) Identifying Multivariate Geochemical Anomalies Using Deep Learning Auto-Encoders with Compositional and Classical Vision Approaches, Lut Block Polymetallic Belt, Iran
Keykhayhosseinpoor M & Amani M

Amann Markus (2013) Exploring Synergies of Aerosol and Climate Mitigation Strategies
Klimont Z, Amann M, Rao S & Dentener F

Amann Méderic (2020) Conditions of Fluid-Rock Interactions and Related Chemical Mobilities in Magma-Poor Rifted Margins: Insights from Rodingites and Serpentinites
Ulrich M, Amann M, Muñoz M, Lemarchand D, Pelt E, Sauter D & Manatschal G

Amann R. (2019) Microbial Polysaccharide Utilization in Sandy Surface Sediments of Isfjorden (Svalbard)
Miksch S, Probandt D, Oggerin De Orube M, Jensen M, Amann R & Knittel K
(2010) Novel Groups of Sulfur Oxidizing Bacteria in Coastal Sediments
Mußmann M, Lenk S, Arnds J, Zerjatke K, Moraru C & Amann R
(2009) Linking Microbial Activity to Cell Identity in the Environment Using NanoSIMS
Musat N, Halm H, Winterholler B, Hoppe P, Peduzzi S, Hillion F, Horreard F, Amann R, Jørgensen BB & Kuypers MMM
(2007) Black Sea Shelf Microbial Reefs
Arnds J, Knittel K, Boetius A & Amann R
(2007) Molecular and Geochemical Investigation of Sediments Covered with White Mats at the Logatchev Hydrothermal Vent Field
Schauer R, Roy H, Gennerich H-H, Meyerdierks A & Amann R
(2002) Diversity of Microorganisms Mediating Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Knittel K, Lösekann T, Boetius A, Nadalig T & Amann R
(2002) RNA as a Biomarker: Isolation of Small-Subunit Ribosomal RNA for Stable Isotopic Characterization
MacGregor BJ, Brüchert V, Fleischer S & Amann R

Amann T. (2023) Influence of Soil Organic Carbon on Basalt Weathering Efficiency
Li X, Hartmann J & Amann T
(2021) Hydrothermal Influence on Rock Weathering in the Kirishima Volcanic Complex
Romero Mujalli G, Hartmann J, Hosono T, Ide K, Amann T & Louvat P
(2021) Limits of Enhanced Weathering Potentials – Deductions from Column Experiments
Hartmann J & Amann T
(2019) Distribution and Formation of Highly Saline Water in the Northwest Plain of AsO Caldera, South Japan
Okamura K, Hosono T, Romero-Mujalli G, Amann T & Hartmann J
(2016) Dissolved Lithium Flux and Isotopic Composition from Weathering of an Active Volcanic System, AsO Caldera, Japan
Washington KE, West AJ, Adkins J, Paris G, Hosono T, Ide K, Boettcher M, Amann T & Hartmann J
(2015) Enhanced Weathering & The Role of Plants: Results from the Antwerp Experiment
Hartmann J, Struyf E, Amann T, Schoelynck J, Meire P & Fischer E

Amano H. (2001) A Process of Natural Attenuation in Drainage from an Abandoned Arsenic Mine
Fukushi K, Sasaki M, Sato T, Yanase N & Amano H

Amano K. (2020) HR 3D Element Distribution by SR-Xrf Tomography of CM2 Material as Analog for Material Returned in Hayabusa2
Tkalcec BJ, Tack P, Brenker FE, De Pauw E, Vekemans B, Vincze L, Nakamura T, Matsumoto M, Amano K, Takahashi M, Fujioka Y, Kagawa E & Falkenberg G

Amano Kana (2022) Elastic and Thermodynamic Properties of Asteroid Ryugu Return Samples
Hu M, Lavina B, Zhao J, Alp E, Roskosz M, Beck P, Viennet J-C, Nakamura T, Amano K, Kikuiri M, Morita T, Yurimoto H, Noguchi T, Okazaki R, Yabuta H, Naraoka H, Sakamoto K, Tachibana S, Watanabe S-I & Tsuda Y
(2022) Large Scale NanoIR Mapping of Ryugu Samples: First Results and Implications for Ryugu’s Formation
Dominguez G, Gainsforth Z, Amano K, Kagawa E, Matsumoto M, Fujioka Y, Nakamura T, Morita T, Kikuiri M, Yurimoto H, Noguchi T, Okazaki R, Yabuta H, Naraoka H, Sakamoto K, Tachibana S, Watanabe S-I & Tsuda Y
(2020) Constraints on the Surface Materials of Ryugu from Spectral and Water Analysis of Experimentally-Heated CI Carbonaceous Chondrite
Amano K, Nakamura T, Usui F, Okumura S & Zolensky M

Amano Kenichi (2016) Cation Specific Bridging of Acid Oil on Muscovite Surface: Improved Description of Low-Salinity EOR
Kobayashi K, Liang Y, Murata S, Matsuoka T, Takahashi S, Shimokawara M, Amano K, Nishi N & Sakka T

Amano Kenji (2016) How to Use Hydrochemical Data to Improve Long-Term Groundwater Flow Simulations?
Amano K & Alexander WR
(2011) Behavior of Rare Earth Elements during Chemical Alteration of Deep Granitic Rocks at Tono, Central Japan
Yamamoto Y, Takahashi Y, Sakami H, Mizuno T, Amano K, Hama K & Shimizu H

Amano Yosuke (2010) Eel Larvae may Hatch in the Surface Layer Near the West Mariana Ridge: Ion Microprobe δ18O Analysis with 7 μm Spatial Resolution in Glass Eel Otoliths
Shirai K, Otake T, Kuroki M, Ushikubo T, Kita N, Amano Y, Tsukamoto K & Valley J

Amano Yosuke (2015) Mussel Shell Records the Impact of a Huge Tsunami on Coastal Environment
Sugihara N, Shirai K, Hori M, Fukuda H, Amano Y, Seike K, Sano Y & Ogawa H

Amano Yuki (2019) Distribution Coefficients of Rare Earth Elements to Microorganisms Including Uncultivated Species in Deep Sedimentary Groundwater
Terashima M, Beppu H, Endo T, Nemoto K & Amano Y
(2016) Co-occurrence and Metabolic Consequences of Candidate Bacterial Phyla and Anaerobic Methane Oxidizing Archaea in the Deep Crustal Biosphere
Ino K, Hernsdorf A, Konno U, Kouduka M, Sunamura M, Hirota A, Togo Y, Ito K, Fukuda A, Iwatsuki T, Mizuno T, Komatsu D, Tsunogai U, Yanagawa K, Ishimura T, Amano Y, Thomas B, Banfield J & Suzuki Y
(2015) Biogeochemical Transformations Mediated by Subsurface Microbial Communities
Banfield J, Anantharaman K, Castelle C, Brown C, Hug L, Probst A, Sharon I, Hernsdorf A, Amano Y & Williams K
(2013) Microbially Mediated Redox Processes in Lactate Stimulation with Sedimentary Rock and Groundwater
Nagaoka T, Nakamura T, Sasaki Y, Asano T, Ito T, Amano Y, Iwatsuki T & Yoshikawa H
(2011) Study of Deep Subsurface Microbial Community Under Changing Redox Conditions Using Quantitative Method
Sasaki Y, Asano T, Amano Y, Sato T, Iwatsuki T & Yoshikawa H

Amar-Amgalan S. (2007) Phanerozoic Crustal Growth Constrained by Zircon U-Pb Age and Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopic Evidence from the Granitoid Rocks in Mongolia
Amar-Amgalan S, Ryoji T, Katsura K & Eizo N

Amaral D. (2016) How Management Practices Influence Fe Plaque Mineral Composition and As Cycling in Rice Paddies
Seyfferth A, Teasley W, Limmer M, Amaral D & Dykes G

Amaral H.I.F. (2009) Vacuum Extraction of Volatile Organic Compounds from Water for Compound-Specific Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis at the sub-µg/L Level
Amaral HIF, Brennwald M, Hofer M, Berg M & Kipfer R
(2008) Assessing Natural Attenuation of a PCE-Contaminated Aquifer Using a Combined CSIA and Groundwater Dating Approach
Aeppli C, Amaral H, Berg M, Kipfer R, Hofstetter TB & Schwarzenbach RP
(2007) Tracer Analyses as a Tool to Validate the Effectiveness of Pump-And-Treat Measures in the Field
Amaral H & Kipfer R
(2007) Combining CSIA with Ground Water Dating: A First Step Toward the Determination of in situ PCE Degradation Rates
Aeppli C, Amaral H, Berg M & Kipfer R
(2004) Assessment of Methane Emission from Bubble Plumes in the Black Sea by Noble Gases
Holzner C, Amaral H, Brennwald M, Klump S & Kipfer R

Amaral V. (2018) Characterizing the Reversibility of Ligand-Mediated Adsorption of Iron onto Ferrihydrite Particles
Amaral V, Buck K & Lam P

Amaral W. (2015) Late Mesoarchaean High-Pressure Granulites in the Uauá Block, São Francisco Craton, Brazil
Oliveira E, Amaral W, Talavera C & Semprich J
(2015) Geochemistry of Metamafic Rocks of the Paulistana Complex, Riacho do Pontal Fold Belt, NE-Brazil
Amaral W, Uchôa Filho E, Santos F, Sousa D & Pepétuo M

Amaral-Zettler L. (2019) Tracking Human and Regional Climate Changes in Lake Sediment Records from Flores Island, the Azores
Richter N, Russell JM, Amaral-Zettler L, DeGroff W, Raposeiro PM, Gonçalves V, de Boer EJ, Rull V, Pla-Rabes S, Hernández A, Sáez A, Bao R & Giralt S

Amarandei C. (2023) Atmospheric Reactivity of Ketolimonene: Ozone Kinetics, Reaction Products and SOA Formation
Roman C, Amarandei C, Negru GA, Arsene C, Bejan IG, Jamar M, Dusanter S, Olariu RI & Tomas A

Amarbayar N.

Amari S. (2021) Presolar Graphite in Meteorites – H.C. Urey Medal Lecture
Amari S
(2020) Evidence of Presolar SiC in the Allende Fine-Grained CAIs
Pravdivtseva O, Tissot FLH, Dauphas N & Amari S
(2018) S-Process Xe and Kr Enrichment in the Allende CAI Curious Marie: Case for a Presolar SiC Carrier
Pravdivtseva O, Tissot F, Dauphas N, Meshik A & Amari S
(2018) Presolar Graphite: Insight into Redox Conditions in CO Nova Ejecta
Haenecour P, Howe JY, Zega TJ, Wallace P, Amari S, Floss C, Lodders K, Kaji K, Sunaoshi T & Muto A
(2017) Presolar Silicon Carbide Grains from Supernovae: The Role of Carbon-14
Hoppe P, Pignatari M, Kodolányi J, Gröner E & Amari S
(2016) High-Density Graphite Grains from the Murchison Meteorite
Amari S, Zinner E & Gallino R
(2009) SiC Grains from Supernovae and the Solar Si-Isotopic Ratios
Hoppe P, Leitner J, Meyer B, The L-S, Lugaro M & Amari S
(2008) Raman Spectroscopic Feature of the Noble Gas Carrier Q in Meteorites
Matsuda J-I, Nara M & Amari S
(2003) Isotopic Signatures of Presolar Silicon Carbide of Type Z
Amari S, Zinner E, Gallino R & Lewis R
(2003) Isotopic Composition of Kr in Presolar Mainstream SiC Grains
Fazio C, Gallino R, Pignatari M, Mutti P, Amari S & Lewis R
(2002) Isotopic Compositions of Small Presolar Dust Grains
Zinner E, Amari S, Guinness R, Ann N & Stadermann F

Amaro-Ramirez D. (2023) Manganese Oral and Respiratory Bio-Accessibilities in Wastes and Soils and the Influence of their Geochemical Characteristics
Amaro-Ramirez D, Gutierrez-Ruiz M, Romero FM, Góngora Úbeda E & Garcia-Rodriguez T

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