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Ahmed T. (2012) Long Term Trend in the Aerosol Black Concentrations in the Arctic Region
Hopke P, Husain L, Dutkiewicz V, Ahmed T, DeJulio A, Laing J & Paatero J

Ahmed Z. (2023) Geochemistry of Groundwaters from the First Subsurface CO2 Mineral Carbonation Pilot Site in Saudi Arabia
Arkadakskiy S, Oelkers EH, Bjornsson G, Gislason SR, Finkbeiner T, Hoteit H, Afifi A, Addassi M, Fedorik J, Berno D, Ahmed Z & Kunnummal N

Ahmed Khan M. (2016) Geochemical Controls on Arsenic Release into Groundwater from Sediment: In Relation to Existence of a Natural Reactive Barrier
Berube M, Myers K, Ahmed Khan M, Jewell K, Ahmed KM, Knappett P & Datta S

Ahmerkamp S. (2019) Estimating Tide-Induced Seawater Infiltration Rates at a Meso-Tidal Beach by Modelling Reactive Transport of Si and 222Rn
Greskowiak J, Ahrens J, Ahmerkamp S, Grünenbaum N, Kossack M, Schnedger B, Ehlert C, Holtappelts M, Beck M, Pahnke K, Brumsack H-J & Massmann G
(2017) Nitrous Oxide Reduction by Metabolically Specialized Bacteria in Dynamic Permeable Sediments
Marchant HK, Milucka J, Mussmann M, Tegetmeyer HE, Ahmerkamp S, Rahal J & Kuypers MM

Ahmid S.A. (2017) Quantitative Mineralogy for Processing Ta-Low Grade Ores: The Penouta Deposit
Alfonso P, Ahmid SA, Guldris L, Guasch E, Anticoi H, Oliva J, López Moro FJ & Llorens T

Ahn Hyangsig (2012) Adsoption of Fecal Microorganism on Soils
Ahn H, Yoo CH, Lee J-H, Jo HY, Yun S-T & Jeong YS

Ahn Hyun (2009) An Investigation into Seasonal and Regional Aerosol Characteristics in East Asia Using Model-Predicted and Remotely-Sensed Aerosol Properties
Song C, Park M, Lee K, Ahn H, Lee Y, Kim J, Han K, Kim J, Ghim Y & Kim Y

Ahn I. (2015) REE Tetrad Effect, Negative Eu Anomaly and Oxygen Isotope
Lee S-G, Asahara Y, Tanaka T, Ahn I, Lee S & Lee J

Ahn Ji-Whan (2018) Manipulation of CaCO3 Crystallization in Mineral Carbonation of Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum
Song K, Kim W, Park S, Bang J-H, Jeon CW & Ahn J-W

Ahn Jinho (2023) Characterization of Solid Particles in East Siberian Ice Wedges: Implications on the Paleoenvironment and Provenance
Ko S, Ahn J, Fedorov A & Lee G
(2020) Reconstruction of Past Climate and Environmental Changes Using High Resolution Ice Core Records in Victoria Land, Antarctica
Hur SD, Hong S-B, Hwang H, Lee K, Han Y, Ahn J, Yang J-W & Jang Y
(2008) Precise Measurements of Atmospheric CO2 Trapped in Polar Ice Cores and its Application to the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide (WAIS Divide) Ice Core
Ahn J & Brook E

Ahn Jinmo (2019) Immobilization of High-Sulfate Radioactive Waste Solution by Metakaolin-Based Geopolymer Wate Form
Um W & Ahn J
(2016) Sorption and Transport Behavior of Radionuclides in Fractured Rock at the LILW Disposal Facility
Kim W-S, Ahn J, Kim J, Nam S & Um W

Ahn Joo Sung (2017) Regional Geochemical Mapping Using Composite Sample of Stream Sediment in NE Part of South Korea
Youm S-J, Ahn JS, Cho Y-C & Shin S-C
(2016) Field Performance Evaluation of Tailings Cover System Using a Solidified Layer
Ahn JS, Yim G-J & Ji S-W
(2015) Regional Geochemical Mapping of Rare and Trace Elements in Northeastern Part of South Korea
Youm S-J, Ahn JS, Cho Y-C, Shin S-C & Oh H-J

Ahn JooSung (2018) The Extent of the CO2 Concentration of Mine Drainage and its Effect on Stream Water Quality
Cheong Y, Yim G, Oh C & Ahn J

Ahn Joosung (2019) Comparison of Methane Emissions from Abandoned Coal Mine Sites Versus Ecological Wetlands
Yim G, Kwon J, Han Y, Kim S, Cho Y, Cheong Y & Ahn J

Ahn M. (2021) Spontaneous Assembly of Iron-Sulfur Clusters at Low Concentrations of Cysteine
Jordan SF, Ioannou I, Rammu H, Halpern A, Bogart LK, Ahn M, Vasiliadou R, Christodoulou J, Maréchal A & Lane N

Ahn U.S. (2019) Trace Elements and REEs Mineral Chemistry of Some Alkali Basalt-Hosted Mantle Xenoliths, Jeju Island, South Korea
Park C, Park C, Hong S, Choi W, Kil Y, Hong SS, Ahn US & Song Y

Ahn W-Y. (2008) Supramolecular Aggregation of Natural Organic Matter Promoted by Complexation with Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+ Ions in Aqueous Solutions
Ahn W-Y, Kalinichev A & Clark M

Ahn Yongjun (2016) Study on the Effect of Volcanic Erruption at Mt. Baekdu Using the Simulations from Climate Model
Kim B-H, Lee J, Kim J, Ahn Y, Kim K-T & Byun Y-H

Ahn Yun-Gyong (2014) Characteristics of Water-Soluble Organic Carbon Species and Sources in PM2.5 in Gosan Supersite, Jeju, Korea
Kim J-A, Park M, Lee M, Ahn Y-G, Shin J-H & Yoon H-O

Aho K. (2022) The Importance of Hydrology in Routing Terrestrial Carbon to the Atmosphere via Global Streams and Rivers
Liu S, Kuhn C, Amatulli G, Aho K, Butman D, Allen G, Lin P, Pan M, Yamazaki D, Brinkerhoff C, Gleason C, Xia X & Raymond P

Ahonen L. (2019) Energetics of Sulphate Reduction in Deep Bedrock Groundwater
Kietäväinen R, Ahonen L & Purkamo L
(2018) Carbon Cycling and Nuclear Waste Disposal: Evidence for Methanogenesis at Low Temperature Bedrock Setting
Kietäväinen R & Ahonen L
(2017) Gases in Bedrock Groundwater: Geochemical Potential for Sustaining Deep Life
Kietäväinen R & Ahonen L
(2013) Residence Times of Ancient Water in Outokumpu (Finland) Revealed by Noble Gases
Kietäväinen R, Ahonen L, Kukkonen I, Niedermann S & Wiersberg T
(2012) Ancient Water and Isolated Ecosystems in Crystalline Bedrock
Kietaevaeinen R, Ahonen L, Kukkonen I, Kortelainen N, Nyyssoenen M & Itaevaara M

Ahoussi K. (2023) Impact of Artisanal Gold Mining on Land Degradation and Soil Contamination in West Africa: Contribution of Remote Sensing and Geochemistry in Koma Bangou, Niger
Abass Saley A, Baratoux D, Ahoussi K, Yao KA, Baratoux L, Martin L, Resongles E, Maurice L & Bruneel O

Ahrens B. (2017) Long-Term Continental Scale Reconstruction of Soil Erosion Based on Lake Sediment Archives and RUSLE Model
Jenny J-P, Francus P, Lapointe F, Koirala S, Ahrens B, Baud A, Gregory-Eaves I, Normandeau A, Noren A & Carvalhais N

Ahrens J. (2019) Estimating Tide-Induced Seawater Infiltration Rates at a Meso-Tidal Beach by Modelling Reactive Transport of Si and 222Rn
Greskowiak J, Ahrens J, Ahmerkamp S, Grünenbaum N, Kossack M, Schnedger B, Ehlert C, Holtappelts M, Beck M, Pahnke K, Brumsack H-J & Massmann G
(2017) Spatial Variability in Pore Water Biogeochemistry and Trace Element Cycling of a Subterranean Estuary
Ahrens J, Beck M, Waska H, Schnetger B & Brumsack H-J

Ahrens T.J. (2005) Thermodynamics of the Lowermost Mantle
Sun D, Ahrens TJ & Asimow PD
(2004) Petrology of the Lowermost Mantle
Asimow P, Sun D, Akins J, Luo S & Ahrens T

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