Ahmadi V.
Petrographic and Geochemical Investigation on Jurassic Carbonates (Surmeh Formation), in High Zagros Belt Northeast of Shiraz-Iran
Ahmadi V & Monsef R
Ahmadian J.
Genetic Classification Based on AFM
Deevsalar R & Ahmadian J
Copper Mineralization Prevented by Arc-Root Delamination during Alpine-Himalayan Collision in Iran
Haschke M, Ahmadian J, Sarjoughian F & Shafiei B
Ahmadipour H.
New Perspectives on the Evolution of the Baft Ophiolite Melange Using Spinel: A Textural and Mineral-Chemical Approach
Ahmadipour H, Mohammadi N, Lentz D & McCarron T
Geochemistry of Granitoids of the Lalezar Area (Kerman, Iran)
Niktabar M, Moradian A, Santos JF, Ahmadipour H & Silva A
Geochemical and Mineralogical Evidences of Melt-Rock Interaction in Diopsidic Harzburgites of Sorkhband Ultramafic Complex, Southern Iran
Najaf Zadeh AR, Arvin M, Pan Y & Ahmadipour H
Compositional and Textural Evidence for Magma Mixing Documented in Plagioclase Phenocrysts at Mt. Bidkhan, Iran
Khalili Mobarhan S, Ahmadipour H, Cristofolini R & Viccaro M
Using Chromespinel for Petrogenetic Implications of South-Eastern Iranian Mantle Peridotites
Ahmadipour H
Lithological, Mineralogical and Geochemical Aspects of Kuh-Shah Peridotites in South-East Iran
Ahmadipour H
Differentiation of High-K Calcalkaline Magmas at Mount Bidkhan Volcano (Central Iranian Volcanic Belt)
Khalili Mobarhan S, Viccaro M, Cristofolini R & Ahmadipour H
Evolution of Upper Mantle in Sanandaj – Sirjan Zone of Iran
Ahmadipour H
Ahmadipour M.H.
Investigation of Effective Parameters on Adsorption of Pb2+ by Natural Goethite from Hurmoz Island, Persian Gulf
Mazaheri SA, Hosseini M, Mahmudy Gharaei MH & Ahmadipour MH
Ahmadullah T.
Relationship between Strength Development and Pozzolanic Reactions in Stabilized Kaolinite
Ahmadullah T & Chrysochoou M
Thermodynamic and Kinetic Modeling of Cementitious Reactions in Lime-Treated Clays
Ahmadullah T, Bompoti NM & Chrysochoou M
Ahmady Birgani H.
Survey of Aeolian Airborne Dust over Iran from the Point of View Geochemistry and Mineralogy (Case Study: Western Iran and North of Persian Gulf and Sea of Mokran)
Ahmady Birgani H, Feiznia S & Charehsaz N
Ahmadzadeh G.
Geochemical Behavior of Cu and Other Elements in Polymetallic Deposits in Qarah Gol Area, Meshgin Shahr, Ardabil Province
Zia SSZ, Sadati SN & Ahmadzadeh G
Targeting of Alteration for Prospecting of Polymetal Mineralization Using Remote Sensing in Qarah Gol Area, Meshgin Shahr, Ardabil Province
Zia S, Sadati SN & Ahmadzadeh G
Ahmed Ahmed
Secular Change of the Chromite Concetration Process from the Archean to Phanerozoic
Arai S & Ahmed AH
Ultrahigh-Pressure Podiform Chromitites as a Possible Deep Recycled Material
Arai S, Ahmed A & Miura M
Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Cr-Spinels from Archean to Phanerozoic Chromite Deposits
Mondal S, Ripley E, Li C, Ahmed A, Arai S & Liipo J
Ahmed Ashour A.
Computer Simulations at the Interface between Chemistry, Physics, and Soil Science: Advances in Understanding the Phosphorus Binding in Soil
Ahmed AA, Leinweber P & Kühn O
Ahmed Ayesha
Mitigation of Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions during Maize Production with Basalt Amendments
Chiaravalloti I, Theunissen N, Zhang S, Wang J, Sun F, Ahmed A, Pihlap E, Reinhard CT & Planavsky NJ
Ahmed Ayesha A
Cation Uptake by Biochar Reduces Carbon Removal Efficiency
Planavsky NJ, Ahmed AA, Suhrhoff TJ & Reinhard CT
Ahmed Engy
Ancient Archaeal Community Successions in Lateglacial Lake Sediments
Ahmed E, Agren R, Unneberg P, Schenk F, Rattray J, Han L, Yamoah K, Muschitiello F, Pedersen M, Smittenberg R, Parducci L, Slotte T & Wohlfarth B
Investigation of Biogenic Chelators, Microenvironments and Weathering Processes in Soil
Ahmed E & Holmström S
The Microbe-Mineral Interactions in the Acidic Podzol Soil
Ahmed E & Holmström S
The Role of Microorganisms in the Diversity and Distribution of Siderophores in Podzolic Forest Soil
Ahmed E, J. M. Holmstroem S, Brechert V & G. Holm N
Ahmed Ezzat
Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Neogene Mudrocks from Khuzam and Durri Formations in Southern Egypt
Essa M, Ahmed E & Ismaeel M
Ahmed Imad
Fe(II)-carbonate Precipitation Kinetics and Precambrian Seawater Chemistry
Jiang Z, Tosca N & Ahmed I
Bio-Essential Trace Metal Cycling in a Ferruginous, Silica Rich Ocean
Tostevin R, Tosca N & Ahmed I
Uncovering the Structural Basis Behind the Reactivity of White Rust: An X-Ray and Neutron Total Scattering Study
Ahmed I, Keen D & Tosca N
Ahmed Imad A.M.
Cr(VI) Removal from Alkaline COPR Leachate Using Green Rust
Rogers C, Shaw S, Burke I & Ahmed I
Green Rust is a Precursor to Magnetite: Direct Evidence from an in situ Diffraction Study
Sumoondur A, Shaw S, Ahmed I & Benning LG
An in situ SAXS/WAXS Study of Sulfate- and Carbonate-Green Rust Formation
Ahmed I, Kakonyi G, Shaw S & Benning L
The Formation and Oxidation of Green Rust: Mechanisms, Kinetics and Trace Element Speciation
Kakonyi G, Shaw S, Ahmed I & Benning LG
Synchrotron-Based X-Ray Scattering Studies of Mineral Reactions in Complex Geochemical Systems
Shaw S, Ahmed IAM, Benning LG, Kakonyi G & Behrends T
Ahmed Imad AM
Nutrient Limitation in Ferruginous, Silica-Rich Precambrian Oceans
Tostevin R, Ahmed IA & Tosca NJ
Ahmed Kazi M
Geochemical Controls on Arsenic Mobilization in a Potential Permeable Natural Reactive Barrier (PNRB)
Varner TS, Kulkarni HV, Nguyen W, Cardenas MB, Kwak K, Knappett P, Uddin Bhuiyan M, Ahmed KM, Ahkter S & Datta S
Ahmed Kazi Matin
Integrating Digitalization of the Decadal Understanding on the Hydrogeochemistry of Geogenic Arsenic and Societal Aspects for Sustainable Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh
Bhattacharya P, Ahmed KM, Hamisi R, Alam MJ, Akter N, von Brömssen M, Sharma S, Rahman MS & Khan ER
A Comparison of Arsenic Retardation in Reduced Holocene Sediment and Oxidized Pleistocene Sediment
Mozumder MRH, Bostick BC, Islam MA, Choudhury I, Ahmed KM, Ellis T, Mailloux B & Van Geen A
Geochemical Controls on Arsenic Release into Groundwater from Sediment: In Relation to Existence of a Natural Reactive Barrier
Berube M, Myers K, Ahmed Khan M, Jewell K, Ahmed KM, Knappett P & Datta S
The Geochemistry & Microbiology Behind Arsenic Cycling within Riverbank Aquifers in Bangladesh
Jewell K, Myers K, Knappett P, Berube M, Datta S, Hossain S, Peterson J & Ahmed K
Sewage Waste Implicated as a Predominant Microbial Carbon Source Mediating Arsenic Release in Bangladesh Aquifers Through PLFA Δ14C, Sterol Fecal Biomarkers and Cl/Br Ratios
Whaley-Martin K, Mailloux B, van Geen A, Bostick B, Ahmed KM, Choudhury I & Slater G
Groundwater As Occurrences in Bangladesh and Mitigation Options
Ahmed KM
Young High-Arsenic Groundwater Confirmed to 250 M Depth Across the India-Bangladesh Border
van Geen A, Khan MR, Nath B, Huhmann B, Choudhury I, Chakraborty M, Harvey C, Michael H, Bostick B, Mailloux B, Schlosser P, Mukherjee A & Ahmed KM
Hydrogeological Characterization of Shallow, Intermediate and Deep Aquifers – Implications for the Installation of Arsenic-Safe Drinking Water Tubewells and their Sustainability
Hossain M, Bhattacharya P, Jacks G, Ahmed KM, Rahman MM & Hasan MA
Presence of U and Th in Cox’s Bazar Paleobeach Aquifer, South-Eastern Bangladesh: Geological and Hydrogeological Controls
Seddique AA, Harue M, Kon Y, Ahmed KM, Shaibur M, Alam N, Rahman M & Hoque A
A Weathering Index to Delineate the Boundary between Low and High Arsenic Aquifer Sediments
Mozumder R, Bostick B, Mihajlov I, Choudhury I, Ahmed K, Mailloux B & van Geen A
Sustainable Arsenic Mitigation Below the Redox-Chemocline by Using Sediment Color as a Tool for the Local Drillers of Bangladesh
Mozumder R, Hossain M, Bhattacharya P, Ahmed K, Hasan A, Rahman M, von Bromssen M & Datta S
Examination of Carbon Sources Stimulating Microbially Mediated Arsenic Release in Bangladesh Aquifers
Whaley-Martin K, Mailloux B, Silvern R, Kim C, Bostick B, van Geen A, Ahmed K, Choudhury M & Slater G
Relation between Microbiology, Hydrogeochemistry and Sediment Chemistry in Explaining Occurrences of High Groundwater Arsenic Sites in Matlab, SE Bangladesh
Kibria MG, Kirk MF, Hossain M, Bhattacharya P, Ahmed KMU, Bromssen MV, Jacks G & Datta S
Kinetics of Arsenic Sorption on Aquifer Sediment from Bangladesh Imaged by XRF Microprobe in Flowing Columns
Mihajlov I, Bostick BC, Stute M, Choudhury I, Ahmed KM & van Geen A
Investigation of Sediment Geochemistry in Areas with Elevated Arsenic in Groundwater of Matlab, Bangladesh and Murshidabad, India
Kibria G, Hossain M, Bhattacharyya P, Ahmed K, Bromssen MV, Jacks G, Kirk M, Sankar MS, Telfeyan K, Ford S, Neal A, Haug TJ, Johannesson K & Datta S
The Role of Changing Abstraction Patterns in the Contamination of a Low-Arsenic Aquifer in Bangladesh
Mihajlov I, Stute M, Bostick BC, Choudhury I, Ahmed KM & van Geen A
Residence Times of the Upper Low-Arsenic Aquifers in Bangladesh at the Onset of Increased Abstraction
Stute M, Mihajlov I, Schlosser P, Ahmed KM & van Geen A
Radiocarbon Analysis of Microbial DNA and PLFA from Arsenic Impacted Aquifers in Bangladesh
Mailloux B, Trembath-Reichert E, Cheung J, Watson M, Dochenetz A, Stute M, Freyer G, Ferguson A, Ahmed KM, Alam M,J, Buchholz B, Slater G, Ziolowski L, Thomas J, Layton A, Zheng Y & van Geen A
Evaluating Arsenic Adsorption in a Low Arsenic Aquifer in Bangladesh Using in situ and Laboratory Methods
Radloff K, Zheng Y, Michael H, Stute M, Mihajlov I, Ahmed KM & van Geen A
Mineralogical and Geochemical Profiling of Arsenic-Contaminated Aquifers in Central Bangladesh
Uddin A, Shamsudduha M, Saunders J, Lee M-K, Ahmed K & Chowdhury T
Column Experiments with Orange Bangladesh Sediments to Quantify Retardation in Low As Aquifers
Mihajlov I, Zheng Y, Stute M, Radloff KA, Ahmed KM & van Geen A
Flowpaths of Groundwater from Arsenic Contaminated Zone to Deeper Aquifers Under Development Stresses
Zahid A, Hassan MQ & Ahmed KM
Effect of Groundwater Flow on Dissolved As in a Bangladesh Aquifer
Radloff K, Zheng Y, Stute M, Ahmed KM, Schlosser P & van Geen A
How As Mitigation in Bangladesh can be Hampered by Other Factors, Some Geogenic (Mn, P), Others not
van Geen A & Ahmed KM
Hydrogeochemical Study of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh Groundwater – The Role of Redox Condition
Gavrieli I, Zheng Y, Van Geen A, Stute M, Dhar R, Ahmed KM, Simpson J & Goldstein SL
Ahmed Klibi
Sedimentologic Study and Reservoir Characterization of the Aptian Carbonate Platform in Fkirine Area. Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration
Ahmed K, Atef BK, Mohamed Riadh C, Bjarte L & Mohamed S
Ahmed M.
A Multimodal in situ Approach Reveals Molecular Pathways for Manganese Substitution in Growing Calcite
Koishi A, Weeraratna C, Ahmed M, Zhu C, Nielsen Lammers L & Whittaker M
Organic Compounds on Mineral Surfaces – Let's Turn up the Heat
Kleber M, Chacon S, Liu SY & Ahmed M
Isotopic Fractionation during Low Temperature (80 K) VUV Photodissociation of Nitrogen: Connection to Isotopic Heterogenity in the Solar Nebula
Chakraborty S, Jackson T, Rude B, Ahmed M & Thiemens M
Mass-Independent Sulfur Isotopic Fractionation at Lyman-Alpha Photodissociation of H2S and Relevance to Meteorites
Chakraborty S, Jackson T, Ahmed M & Thiemens M
Synthesis of 15N Enriched NH3 Through N2 Photolysis: Relevance to N-Enriched Meteoritic Organics
Chakraborty S, Jackson T, Muskatel H, Ahmed M, Rude B, Levine R & Thiemens M
Mass-Independent Sulfur Isotopic Fractionation in VUV Photodissociation of H2S: Implications for Meteorite Data
Chakraborty S, Davis R, Jackson T, Ahmed M & Thiemens M
Ahmed N.
Hydraulic Properties and Fresh Water Prospect of the Ganges River Basin, Bangladesh
Ahmed N
Ahmed R.
Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Micropaleontology of Sediments from El Meleh Lagoon, Tunisia
Prudencio I, Gonzalez I, Dias I, Galan E, Ruiz F, Duplay J, Gueddari F & Ahmed R
Ahmed Shakeel
Simulating Fluoride Evolution in Groundwater Using a Reactive Multicomponent Transient Transport Model
Pettenati M, Perrin J, Pauwels H & Ahmed S
Role of Major Ion Geochemistry in Delineating Polluted Parts in Southern Granitic Aquifer System, Andhra Pradesh, India
Atal S, Négrel P, Pauwels H & Ahmed S
Ahmed Shakib
Geochemistry of Arsenic in Central Massachusetts, U.S.A
Hon R, Brandon W, Hildum B, Ahmed S, Doherty K & Xie Y
Arsenic Speciation and Stable Isotope Chemistry in an Arsenic Contaminant Plume at a Landfill Site
Hildum B, Hon R & Ahmed S
Ahmed T.
Long Term Trend in the Aerosol Black Concentrations in the Arctic Region
Hopke P, Husain L, Dutkiewicz V, Ahmed T, DeJulio A, Laing J & Paatero J