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Zou Zongqi (2022) Natural Evidence for Primitive Alkaline Basalts Sourced from Carbonate-Bearing Eclogite
Zou Z, Wang Z, Foley SF, Xu R, Geng X, Liu Y-N, Liu Y & Hu Z-C
(2021) Calcium Stable Isotopes of Tonga and Mariana Arc Lavas: Implications for Slab Fluid-Mediated Carbonate Transfer in Cold Subduction Zones
Wang X, Wang Z, Liu Y, Park J-W, Kim J, Li M & Zou Z
(2020) The Intercalated Alkali and Tholeiitic Continental Basalts in Hannuoba, China: The Episodic Magmatic Products of Distinct Mantle Sources
Zou Z, Wang Z & Liu Y
(2019) Ca and Zn Isotopic Compositions of Arc Lavas from Tonga Rear Arc
Wang X, Wang Z, Park J-W, Kim J, Li M & Zou Z
(2018) The Distribution of Lead in Mantle Rocks: Insights from the Balmuccia Peridotite Massif (Italian Alps)
Wang Z, Lazarov M, Steinmann L, Becker H, Zou Z & Geng X
(2018) Copper Isotope Variation during Mantle Magmatic Migration: Insight from Pyroxenites in Balmuccia Peridotite Massif
Zou Z & Wang Z
(2018) Tracking Sulfide Fractionation in Deep Continental Arcs: Implications for Porphyry Cu Deposits
Chen K, Wang Z, Tang M, Zou Z, Hu Z & Liu Y
(2016) Formation and Destruction of a Thickened Lower Continental Crust: Evidence from the Southeastern North China Craton
Guo J, Gao S, Xu W, Han P & Zou Z

Zouabe J. (2021) New Approaches to Surface Complexation Modeling and Application of Machine Learning to Radionuclide-Mineral Interface Reactions
Zavarin M, Wainwright H, Zouabe J & Chang E

Zouari K. (2012) Multi Tracer Study (36Cl, 234U/238U, 14C) of the Tunisian Continental Intercalaire: Inferring Recharge Areas and Groundwater Ages
Petersen JO, Deschamps P, Hamelin B, Goncalves J, Massault M, Michelot J-L & Zouari K
(2011) Investigation of 36Cl Distribution in the North-Western Sahara Aquifer System
Petersen J, Hadj Ammar F, Deschamps P, Hamelin B, Goncalves J, Zouari K, Guendouz A & Michelot J-L

Zouari N. (2019) Composition of Exopolymeric Substances (EPS) Associated with Microbially-Mediated High Mg-Calcite and Protodolomite
Aldisi Z, Zouari N, Jaoua S, Al-Kuwari H, Dittrich M & Bontognali T

Zoubi A. (2010) Cr-Rich Smectite from a Natural Analogue of Suweileh Cementitious Repository, Jordan
Khoury HN & Zoubi A

Zouhair M. (2021) Molybdenite Under Stress: Dating the Contrarian Bou Azzer Co-ni-as Deposit, Morocco
Stein H, Ilmen S, Oberthür T, Zimmerman A, Maacha L & Zouhair M
(2015) Gold Distribution in Arseniures Ores from Bou Azzer El Graara – Inlier, Central Anti-Atlas, Morocco
El Ghorfi M, Maacha L, Zouhair M, Ennaciri A, Oberthuer T & Melcher F

Zouiten Cyril (2007) Study of Trace Elements Reactivity in Polluted Soils: Measure of Cd, Zn, Cu and Pb Lability by Using DGT and Isotopic Dilution Methods
Sivry Y, Denaix L, Fabrègue M, Riotte J, Zouiten C, Sappin-Didier V & Dupré B

Zouiten Cyril (2013) Zn Isotope Fractionation in Pristine Larch Forest Developed on Permafrost-Dominated Soils in Central Siberia
Viers J, Prokushkin A, Pokrovsky O, Kirdyanov A, Zouiten C, Oliva P & Dupre B

Zoulkova V. (2011) Lithium Isotope Fractionation at the Soil-Plant Interface
Myska O, Magna T, Novak M, Sikl J, Zoulkova V & Oulehle F

Zourarah B. (2019) Assessment of Heavy Metals Contamination in Sediment from the Khnifiss Lagoon (SW-Morocco)
Tnoumi A, Armiento G, Angelone M, Caprioli R, Crovato C, De Cassan M, Montereali M, Nardi E, Schirone A, Spaziani F, Fadili A & Zourarah B

Zral V. (2011) In situ Secondary Hydrocarbon Cracking in a Carbonate Reservoir
Arkadakskiy S, Rostron B, Wierzbicki R & Zral V

Zreda M. (2005) Improving the Accuracy and Precision of Scaling Factors for in situ Cosmogenic Geochronometers: New Measurements of Cosmic-Ray Neutrons in India and Hawaii
Desilets D & Zreda M
(2005) ICRONUS Meets CRONUS-Earth: Improved Calculations for Cosmogenic Dating Methods-From Neutron Intensity to Previously Ignored Correction Factors
Zreda M, Desilets D, Li Y, Bradley E & Anderson KM

Zrig S. (2023) Li Separation from Natural Samples Using Crown-Ethers
Birck JL, Zrig S, Praharaj A, Bouchez J & Dellinger M

Zsolnay A. (2003) Geochemical Role of Available Humus or Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) in Soils and Sediments
Zsolnay A

Zsom A. (2009) The First Phase of Protoplanetary Dust Growth: The Bouncing Barrier
Güttler C, Blum J, Zsom A, Ormel CW & Dullemond CP

Zu B. (2017) Post-Collisional Porphyry-Related Mineralization Systems in the Hongshan Deposit, Southern Yidun Arc, SW China
Zu B, Xue C, Chi G & Zhao X

Zubair Y.O. (2021) Practical Performance of Arsenate (As(V)) Removal Using Mesoporous Zerovalent Iron-Magnetite Nanocomposites (ZVI-Mncs)
Zubair YO, Fuchida S & Tokoro C

Zubavichus Y. (2015) Characterisation of Quenched Carbonate-Silicate Melts by Vibrational Spectroscopy, XAFS and HEXRD: Structure and Y, Sr, Zr Speciation
Shiryaev A, Murzin V, Veligzhanin A, Shablinskaya K, Averin A, Safonov O, Zubavichus Y, Pohlenz J, Belin S, Mathon O & Wilke M
(2015) Interaction of Pu(V, VI) with TiO2: Role of Photocatalytic Properties on Redox Reaction
Romanchuk A, Egorov A, Zubavichus Y & Kalmykov S
(2011) PuO2+x•nH2O Nanoparticles Formation Upon Pu(V, VI) Sorption onto Hematite
Romanchuk A, Egorov A, Zubavichus Y, Shiryaev A & Kalmykov S

Zuber A. (2004) Properly Verified Flow and Transport Model as a Basis for Management of Groundwater Quality
Kania J, Rozanski K, Szczepanska J, Witczak S & Zuber A

Zubko M. (2015) Thermal Transformation of Si-rich Ferrihydrite to Hematite via Three (γ, ε, and β) Fe2O3 Polymorphs
Rzepa G, Pieczara G, Gaweł A, Zelek S, Zubko M, Zalecki R & Tomczyk A

Zubkov A. (2009) Tritium/3He Dating and Fast Changes of Groundwater Quality
Tokarev I, Kamensky I, Tolsrikhin I, Rumynin V & Zubkov A

Zubkov M. (2009) Dust Inputs to the (Sub-) Tropical North Atlantic Ocean; Influence on Ocean Biogeochemistry
Achterberg E, Patey M, Rijkenberg M, Steigenberger S, Moore CM, Hill P, Powell C, Mahaffey C, Statham P, Purdie D & Zubkov M

Zubrick C. (2015) Dissolved Lead in the Deep Southeast Pacific Ocean: Results of the 2013 US GEOTRACES Cruise
Lee J-M, Zubrick C, Till R, Boyle E & Flegal AR

Zuccarello F. (2022) Etna 2011-2021: Focus on a Decade of Paroxysmal Eruptions at the Volcano
Viccaro M, Calcagno R, Cardone M, Giuffrida M, Torre C & Zuccarello F
(2020) Eruption Run-Up at Mt. Etna Volcano Fixed with Volatile Diffusion in Olivine-Hosted Melt Tubes
Zuccarello F, Schiavi F & Viccaro M
(2019) Rates of Magma Ascent at Mt. Etna Volcano Revealed by Diffusion of Volatiles in Glasses and Crystals
Zuccarello F, Giuffrida M & Viccaro M

Zucchi M. (2016) The Eastern Elba Island Magmatic-Hydrothermal Complex: A Proxy for the Supercritical Roots of Larderello Geothermal System (Italy)
Dini A, Brogi A, Liotta D, Rimondi V, Ruggieri G & Zucchi M

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