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Yebra-Rodriguez Africa (2017) Learning Mineralogy and Geochemistry Through Research Projects for High School Students: Two Examples on Mineralogy Applied to Geo-Hazards and Cultural Heritage
Jimenez-Millan J, Yebra-Rodriguez A, Abad I, Jimenez-Espinosa R, Navarro V & Perez Tovar MJ

Yecheskel Y. (2016) Engineered Nanoparticle Transport and Interactions in Partially Saturated Porous Media
Dror I, Yecheskel Y & Berkowitz B

Yechieli Yoseph (2023) Unraveling the Paleo-Hydrology of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer Using Dissolved Noble Gases
Ram R, Seltzer AM, Adar EM, Solomon DK, Yokochi R, Purtschert R, Yechieli Y, Burg A, Aeschbach W, Zappala JC, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Mueller P & Reznik IJ
(2022) A Multi-Tracers Mixing-Cells Model Identified and Quantified Active Recharge into a Deep Nubian Sandstone "Fossil" Aquifer
Adar EM, Atencio B, Ram R, Burg A, Yokochi R, Yechieli Y, Purtschert R, Lu Z-T & Jiang W
(2020) Identifying and Quantifying Long-Term Seawater Circulation in Coastal Aquifers
Kiro Y, Michael H, Duque C, Yechieli Y & Reznik I
(2018) The Circulation of the Dead Sea Brine in the Adjacent Regional Aquifer
Weber N, Yechieli Y, Stein M, Gavrieli I, Yokochi R, Zappala J, Mueller P & Lazar B
(2013) Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane by Sulfate in Hypersaline Groundwater at the Dead Sea Aquifer
Avrahamov N, Antler G, Yechieli Y, Gavrieli I, Joye S & Sivan O
(2013) Substantial Changes in the Salinity and Paleo-Hydrology of the Late Quaternary Dead Sea Revealed in the ICDP Deep Drill
Lazar B, Sivan O, Antler G, Yechieli Y, Levi E, Gavrieli I & Stein M
(2013) The Geochemical History of the Dead Sea from Dissolved Chemical Species and Isotopes in Pore Waters
Levy EJ, Sivan O, Yechieli Y, Gavrieli I, Lazar B & Stein M
(2011) Sea Water Circulation in Coastal Aquifers as Inferred from Radium Isotopes: The Dead Sea Case
Kiro Y, Weinstein Y, Yechieli Y & Starinsky A
(2011) Fate of Nutrients in the Fresh-Saline Water Interface in Coastal Aquifers
Russak A, Sivan O, Yechieli Y, Lazar B & Herut B
(2009) Radium Geochemistry in a Hypersaline Lake: The Role of Dead Sea Water Circulation in the Aquifer
Kiro Y, Weinstein Y, Yechieli Y & Starinsky A
(2009) The Last Termination at the Dead Sea Basin: Catastrophic Aridities, Salt Deposition and Human Culture Development
Stein M, Torfstein A, Gavrieli I & Yechieli Y
(2007) Atlantic Cold-Water Spells into the Mediterranean Caused the Abrupt Changes in the Levant's post-Glacial Hydrology and Human-Culture Development
Stein M & Yechieli Y
(2002) Geochemical Evolution of Seawater Intruding into a Coastal Aquifer
Sivan O, Yechieli Y, Herut B & Lazar B

Yechieli Yosseph (2016) ICDP Dead Sea Deep Core Pore Fluids Reveal Linear Global Climate Coupling with Levant Hydrology
Levy EJ, Lazar B, Stein M, Yechieli Y, Gavrieli I & Sivan O
(2016) Paleolimnological and Redox Conditions over the Last Glacial Dead Sea from Pore Fluids
Sivan O, Levy E, Antler G, Turchyn A, Yechieli Y, Lazar B, Stein M & Gavrieli I
(2016) Field Degassing as a New Sampling Method for 14C Analyses in Groundwater
Bernier R, Yokochi R, Yechieli Y, Purtschert R, Adar E, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Mueller P, Ram R & Zappala J

Yechieli Yossi (2019) The Recycling of Dead Sea Brine Through the Marginal Aquifers
Lazar B, Weber N, Yechieli Y, Gavrieli I, Antler G & Stein M

Yedekar D. (2007) Petrogenesis and Tectonic Evolution of the Meso-Proterozic Felsic Volcanic Suite of the Sakoli Group in the Bhandara Craton, Central India
Meshram D & Yedekar D

Yedema Y. (2022) Influence of Mineral Associations on Terrestrial Particulate Organic Carbon Preservation and Transport in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Yedema Y, Eefting DD, Nierop KGJ, van Leeuwen AWE, Trabucho Alexandre J, Vonk J, Sangiorgi F & Peterse F
(2021) Spatial Distribution of Lipid Biomarkers, Dinoflagellate Cysts and Pollen in Coastal Marine Surface Sediments in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Yedema Y, Sangiorgi F, Sluijs A, Sinninghe Damsté JS & Peterse F

Yee D. (2012) An Isotopic Record of Mercury in San Francisco Bay
Donovan P, Blum J, Yee D & Gehrke G

Yee J.L. (2014) Distribution of Historical Gold Mines Helps Predict Mercury in Fish Tissue, Sierra Nevada, CA, USA
Alpers CN, Slotton DG, Orlando JL, Yee JL, Ackerman JT, Marvin-DiPasquale M, Fleck JA & Stumpner E

Yee M.O. (2023) Crystalline Iron Oxides Stimulate Methanogenesis Under Sulfate Reducing Conditions in the Terrestrial Subsurface
Chakraborty R, Enalls BC, Yee MO, Bhattacharyya A, Gushgari-Doyle S & Hazen TC

Yee Nathan (2012) Phosphate Reaction with PbS Stimulates Microbial S Oxidation
Walczak A, Yee N & Young L
(2012) Role of Syntrophy in the Microbial Reduction of Crystalline Iron Oxides
Parikh M, Barkay T & Yee N
(2012) Genome-Enabled Study of Alternate Respiratory Pathways in a Novel As(V)-respiring Bacterium
Yee N, Rauschenbach I, Bini E & Heggblom M
(2012) Microbial Production of Methylmercury from Hg(0)
Colombo M, Ha J, Reinfelder J, Barkay T & Yee N
(2011) Iron Reduction by a Clostridia Consortium
Parikh M, Lin C-C, Barkay T & Yee N
(2011) Microbial Uptake and Methylation of Dissolved Elemental Mercury
Colombo M, Barkay T, Reinfelder J & Yee N
(2010) Hg(II) Adsorption and Speciation on Bacterial Surfaces
Mishra B, Fein J, Yee N, Beveridge T & Myneni S
(2010) Bosea sp. WAO Oxidizes Metal Sulfides at Neutral pH
Walczak A, Yee N & Young L
(2010) Reduction of Hg(II) to Hg(0) by Nitrate Enrichment Cultures Derived from Subsurface Sediments
Lin C-C, Wang Y, Wiatrowski H, Yee N & Barkay T
(2010) Insights into Anaerobic Respiration from the Genome of the Selenate Respiring Bacterium “Desulfurispirillum indicum” Strain S5
Rauschenbach I, Yee N, Häggblom M & Bini E
(2010) Novel Iron-Reducing Bacterium Isolated from Oak Ridge TN
Parikh M, Lin C-C, Wang Y, Dohnalkova A, Kukkadapu R, Bowden M, Barkay T & Yee N
(2010) Reduction of Hg(II) to Hg(0) by Biogenic Magnetite
Yee N, Parikh M, Lin C-C, Kukkadapu R & Barkay T
(2009) The Genetics and Geochemistry of Microbe-Selenium Interactions
Yee N
(2009) Reduction of Hg(II) to Hg(0) by Magnetite
Wiatrowski H, Das S, Kukkadapu R, Ilton E, Barkay T & Yee N
(2008) Molecular Investigation of Electron Transfer Mechanisms Involved in Microbial Selenate Reduction
Ma J, Kobayashi D & Yee N
(2007) A Molecular Model for Microbial Se(VI) Reduction
Yee N, Ma J & Kobayashi D
(2005) Microbially Controlled Selenate Reduction in Nutrient Limited Systems
Kenward P, Yee N & Fowle D
(2005) The Kinetics and Mechanism of Selenate Reduction by Enterobacter Cloacea
Yee N, Kobayashi D & Ma J
(2004) Silica Colloid Aggregation by Cyanobacteria: A Microbial Silicification Mechanism
Yee N, Benning L & Konhauser K
(2003) The Role of the Cell Surface Electric Field on Metal Uptake by B. subtilis
Yee N, Fowle D & Ferris G
(2003) Ternary Metal-Bacteria Interactions: The Role of the Bacterial Electric Field
Fowle D, MacLean L & Yee N
(2002) The in situ Molecular Characterisation of a Biomineralization Process: A Synchrotron Infrared Study
Benning LG, Yee N, Phoenix V & Konhauser K
(2002) Low pH Protonation of Bacterial Cell Walls: New Data for Bacillus subtilis
Fein JB, Yee N & Boily J-F
(2002) In situ FTIR Study of Protonation Reactions at the Bacteria-Water Interface
Yee N & Benning L
(2001) Quantifying Metal Adsorption onto Bacteria Consortia: A Test of the Surface Complexation Model
Yee N & Fein JB
(2000) Cd Adsorption onto Bacterial Surfaces: A Universal Adsorption Edge
Yee N & Fein J

Yee Nathan (2014) Role of Microbial Growth on Hg(0) Uptake and Production of Methylmercury
Colombo M & Yee N
(2014) Iron and Molybdenum Metabolism in Se(VI)-Respiring Bacteria
Yee N, Choi J, Porter A, Carey S & Rauschenbach I
(2014) The Molecular Basis for Selenate Reduction in Citrobacter freundii
Theisen J & Yee N
(2014) Interactions of Elemental Mercury with Microbial Biomass
Colombo M, Ha J & Yee N
(2014) Bacterial Tellurate Reduction is Catalyzed by a Molybdenum-Containing Enzyme
Theisen J & Yee N

Yee Nathan (2018) The Role of Cellular Cysteine in Microbe-Metal Interactions
Yee N
(2018) Oxidative Transformations of Ferrous Iron Smectites on Mars
Chemtob S, Rivera-Banuchi V, Kamali S, Catalano J, Morris R, Agresti D, Liu W & Yee N
(2018) Adsorption of Methylmercury onto Geobacter Bemidijensis Bem
Wang Y, Yu Q, Mishra B, Schaefer J, Fein J & Yee N
(2018) Abiotic and Biotic Oxidation of Chemically Synthesized Se(0) Nanoparticles
Mal J, Yee N, Schilling K, Goff J, Dhillon K & Pallud C
(2018) Anoxic Conversion of Rhodochrosite to Mn Oxides in the Presence of Ultraviolet Light
Liu W, Yee N, Elzinga E, Piotrwiak P, Nanda V & Falkowski P

Yee Nathan (2019) Bacterial Cell Envelope and Extracellular Sulfhydryl Binding Sites: Their Roles in Metal Binding and Bioavailability
Fein J, Yu Q, Nam J & Yee N
(2019) Using Mercury Stable Isotopes to Investigate Bacterial Hg(II) Uptake
Wang Y, Janssen S, Schaefer J, Yee N & Reinfelder J
(2019) Surface Thiol Sites of Bacillus subtilis are Associated with Detrital Proteins
Yee N, Wang Y, Yu Q & Fein J
(2019) Production of Extracellular Sulfite by Shewanella oneidensis MR1
Goff J, Schaeffer J, Dawson K & Yee N

Yee Nathan (2022) Anoxic Photochemical Weathering of Pyrite on Archean Continents
Hao J, Liu W, Goff J, Steadman J, Large RR, Falkowski P & Yee N
(2022) Experimental Investigation of Amino Acid Binding as a Mechanism for Fractionating Metal Stable Isotopes
Selden C, Schilling K, Basu A & Yee N

Yee Nathan (2023) An Experimental Approach to Investigate Isotope Fractionation of Metals by Amino Acid Complexation
Selden C, Schilling K, Saunders NJ, Basu A & Yee N

Yee Nathan (2024) On the Mechanisms Underpinning Biological Nickel Isotope Fractionation
Selden C, Schilling K, Saunders NJ, Timm J, Basu A & Yee N
(2024) Extracellular Organic Disulfide Reduction by Shewanella oneidensis
Phan J, Macwan S, Gralnick J & Yee N

Yee Ruby (2024) Detecting and Quantifying OAE Signal and Associated Carbon Removal in the Bedford Basin Field Trials
Atamanchuk D, Morgan S, Laurent A, Wang B, Fennel K, Izett R, Burt W, Sonnichsen C, Yee R, Kalyani-Janssen R-J & Musgrave R

Yee Ryly (2020) Effects of Iron Oxyhydroxide Nanoparticle Aggregation via Freezing and Drying on Zn(II) Adsorption and Retention
Yee R & Kim CS

Yeghicheyan D. (2019) Certification of the New Drinking Water Reference Material AQUA-1 (NRC-Cnrc): Preliminary Results for Major and Trace Elements Concentrations and Isotopic Ratios
Yeghicheyan D, Cloquet C, Freydier R, Dumoulin D, Tharaud M, Alleman L, Rousseau T, Seby F, Riotte J, Marquet A, Jeandel C, Causse L, Dumont J, Cordier L, Grinberg P & Mester Z
(2017) A New Compilation of Element Concentrations in the Natural River Water Standard SLRS-6 (NRC-Cnrc)
Yeghicheyan D, Aubert D, Bouhnik-Le Coz M, Chmeleff J, Delpoux S, Djouraev I, Granier G, Lacan F, Piro J-L, Rousseau T, Cloquet C, Marquet A, Menniti C, Pradoux C, Freydier R, Vieira da Silva-Filho E & Suchorski K

Yeh E-C. (2011) Geothermal Gradient and Heat Flow Distributions of Northeastern Taiwan and Its Implication
Liu C-M, Song S-R, Jeng F-S, Yeh E-C, Wang T-T & Lu Y-C

Yeh G. T. (2001) Numerical Modeling of Coupled Reaction-Based Biogeochemical Processes and Hydrologic Transport
Yeh GT, Fang YL & Burgos WD

Yeh Gau-Hua (2002) Fluid Geochemistry of Mud Volcanoes at the Accretionary Prism in Southern Taiwan
Yeh G-H, You C-F, Chen J-C, Yang T, Chen Y-G & Song S-R

Yeh Geoffrey (2013) The Influence of Functional Groups on Organic Aerosol Hygroscopicity
Petters M, Suda S, Yeh G, Matsunaga A, Strollo C, Ziemann P & Kreidenweis S
(2011) Developing a Comprehensive Approach to Chamber Studies of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation
Ziemann P, Matsunaga A, Aimanant S, Yeh G & Lim Y

Yeh H. (2004) Isotope Biogeochemistry: Carbon-Isotope Composition of Leaf Tissue and Pigments in a C3-plant
Yeh H, Yang C & Chen F
(2003) Genetic Effect on Carbon Isotope Composition of a C3-plant
Yeh H, Yang C & Chen F

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