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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Yang Wenbo (2014) Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Isotopes of Seafloor Sediments Associated with Natural Hydrocarbon Seeps from the Gulf of Mexico
Bill M, Conrad ME, Piceno YM & Yang W
(2014) Sulfur Isotopic Compositions of Deep Arc Cumulates: Implications for Redox Conditions and Metal Mobility in Subduction Zones
Lee C-T, Yang W, Ingram L, Chin E, Yu X, DePaolo D & Leeman W
(2007) Non-Biological Fractionation of Ca Isotopes in Soils of the Atacama Desert, Chile
Ewing S, Yang W, DePaolo D & Amundson R

Yang Wencai (2017) The Distribution and Formation Mechanism of Lower-Crust Channel Flows in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Yang W, Xu Y & Yan P

Yang Wendy (2017) Historical Soil Redox Regimes Mediate Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Krichels A, Suriyavirun N, Kent A, Chee-Sanford J, Sanford R, DeLucia E & Yang W
(2014) Characterization of the Acidophilic, Iron Reducer, Geobacter sp. FeAm09
Healy O, Souchek J, Heithoff A, LaMere B, Pan D, Hollis G, Yang W, Silver W & Weber K

Yang Wenge (2014) Formation of Iron Melt Channels in Silicate Perovskite at Earth’s Lower Mantle Conditions
Shi CY, Mao W, Zhang L & Yang W
(2012) In situ Determination of Crystal Structure of (Mg, Fe)SiO3
Zhang L, Yang W, Meng Y, Wang L, Zeng Q-S, Mao W & Mao H-K
(2012) High Pressure Constraints Core Formation from X-Ray Nanoscale Tomography
Shi Y, Mao W, Zhang L, Yang W, Liu Y & Wang J

Yang Wenjun (2010) Study on the Pollutant Transport in Unsaturated Sand Using CT
Zhou N, Yang W, Song W & Jun O

Yang Wenqiang (2016) Chronological Study of the Anatexis of the Grt Biotie Gneiss from the South Altyn HP-Uhpm Terrane
Cao Y, Liu L, Wang C, Yang W & Kang L
(2010) Dating of Multi-Stage Metamorphism Events: Constraints on Episodic Zircon Growth from Retrograded Eclogites of the South Altyn Tagh, China
Liu L, Chen D, Wang C, Cao Y, Kang L, Yang W & Zhu X

Yang Wenqing (2017) Oceanographic Mechanisms and Penguin Population Increases during the Little Ice Age in the Southern Ross Sea, Antarctica
Yang L, Sun L, Emslie S, Huang T, Gao Y, Yang W, Chu Z & Wang Y

Yang Wonseok
(2019) Temporal Distribution of Metals in Marine Total Suspended Particulate of the Socheongcho Ocean Research Stations (S-Ors) in the Yellow Sea
Kim KT, Ra K, Shim J, Noh JH, Jeong J-Y, Yang W, Lee H, Jeong H, Lee J & Jeong J-M

Yang Wubin (2020) Controls on the Critical Metals Concentration during the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution of Alkaline Granite
Yang W & Niu H
(2020) Apatite Records of the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Processes in the Giant Daheishan Porphyry Mo Deposit, NE China
Qu P & Yang W
(2017) The Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution of A-Type Granite Recorded in Zircon
Zeng L & Yang W

Yang X (2005) The Geochemical Characteristics during Mylonitization in Tan-Lu Fault Belt, East China
Yang X
(2003) Geochemistry and Metallogeny of Shaxi-Changpushan Porphyry Copper (Gold) Deposit, East China
Yang X, Zheng Y & Lee I

Yang X Y (2008) Pyrite Re-Os Dating from the Xinqiao Cu-S-Fe-Au Deposit in Tongling Area, East China
Xie JC & Yang XY
(2006) Study on the Ore-forming Condition and Occurrence of Uranium Minerals in Sandstone-Type Uranium Deposits from Ordos Basin, Northwest China
Yang XY, Ling MX, Sun W & Liu CY
(2006) 40Ar/39Ar Dating on Mylonites in the Ductile Shear Zones from South Tan-Lu Fault Belt in Anhui Province, East China
Yang XY
(2001) The Chemical and Carbon Isotope Compositions of Fluid Inclusions in Eclogites from Eastern China
Yang X-Y, Fu B, Liu D-L & Zheng Y-F

Yang Xi (2022) Sulfur, Manganese and Iron Transformations in Low-Sulfate Iron-Rich Lake Sihailongwan
Kamyshny A, Boyko V, Avetisyan K, Findlay A, Guo Q, Yang X & Pellerin A
(2017) Status, Source and Ecological Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Soils from Tibet Plateau, China
Hu J, Li J, Zhu Z, Liu X, Guo Q, Wei R, Tian L, Han X, Kong J, Yang X, Li X, Zhou W & Song G

Yang Xi-Ming (2023) Nickel Isotope Fractionation during Magmatic Differentiation
Yang X-M, Wang S-J, Zhang Y-W & Dong X-H

Yang Xia (2008) Carbonate Weathering in Response to Monsoon Changes
Qiu L, Li G, Chen J & Yang X

Yang Xianghua (2018) Petrography-Geochemistry, Provenance and Palaeoclimatology for Eocene Liushagang Formation of Wushi Depression, Beibuwan Basin, the South China Sea
Xu Y, Yang X & Mei L

Yang Xiao (2017) Continental Silicic Rock Composition: A Major Control of Past Global Chemical Weathering?
Bataille C, Willis A, Yang X & Liu X-M

Yang Xiao-Fa (2024) Sedimentary Process Response of Basic Magmatism in Sedimentary Basins
Yang X-F
(2016) Geochemical Characteristics of Crude Oil from M1ss Member in Tarapoa Block, Oriente Basin, Ecuador
Ma Z, Xie Y, Zhang Z, Yang X & Gan L
(2016) Geochemical Comparison of Source Rock and Crude Oil and the Analysis of Hydrocarbon Accumulation of T Block in Oriente Basin, Ecuador
Xie Y, Ma Z, Yang X & Liu Y
(2016) Source Rocks Variation and its Links to Sequence Stratigraphy in the Upper Cretaceous of the Oriente Basin, Ecuador
Yang X-F, Xie Y-F, Ma Z-Z, Zhang Z-W, Liu Y-M, Zhou Y-B & Wang D-D

Yang Xiao-Feng (2011) Basin Evolution, Lithofacies Palaeogeography and Manganese Mineralization in Heqing Basin, Yunnan Province, Southwest of China
Wen X-P, Han R-S & Yang X-F
(2010) Hyperspectral Mapping of Mineral Assemblages Using Spectral Unmixing
Wen X, Han R & Yang X

Yang Xiao-Yong (2017) In situ LA-ICP-MS Trace Element Analylses of Magnetite: Geochemical Characterization for Algoma Type and Superior Type Banded Iron Formations
Moon I, Lee I, Park J-W & Yang X-Y

Yang Xiaofa (2017) Geochemical Characteristics and Formation Mechanism of Heavy Oil from M1 Member, TW Block, Oriente Basin
Ma Z, Zhang Z, Yang X & Zhou Y

Yang Xiaojing (2011) Application of Nano-Powders in the Sewage Treatment
Yang X & Ji L

Yang Xiaolin (2013) Interaction of Bioavailability of Soil Heavy Metals in Black Soil Region of Central Jilin Province
Wang D, Li Y, Yang Y & Yang X

Yang Xiaonan (2010) Physicochemical Condition of Mineralization of the Xiaomiaoshan Gold Deposit, Anhui Province, China
Xu Z, Yang J, Yang X, Zhang J & Mao H
(2009) Fluid Properties in Porphyry-Style to Skarn-Hosted Copper Mineralization at Dongguashan, SE China
Yang X, Xu Z, Seo JH, Lu X & Guillong M

Yang Xiaoning (2023) The Complex Role of Ion Interactions in the Interfacial Reactivity of Gibbsite
Clark AE, Guo Q, Pouvreau M, Rosso KM, Stack AG & Yang X

Yang Xiaoqiang (2017) Catchment Nitrate Leaching and Transport Modeling Benefitting from Grid-Based mHM-Nitrate Model and High-Frequency Sensor Monitoring
Yang X, Jomaa S, Samaniego L, Attinger S, Fleckenstein J, Zink M & Rode M

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