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Yang F (2005) Structural Constraints on the Genesis of Dashankou Gold Deposit in the Southwest Tianshan, Xinjiang, NW China
Wang Y, Mao J, Feng J, Yang F & Li H

Yang Fan (2013) Structure of Weathered Clastic Crust and Its Significance in Deep Petroleum Exploration
Yang F, Hou L & Yang C

Yang Fan (2014) Fluid Inclusions in Gold-Rich Ores of the Dongping Gold Deposit, China
Xu J, Zhang G, Xiao X, Yang F & Wei H

Yang Fan (2020) Emanated Carbonatite Fluids for REE Mineralization: From Fenitization to Late-Stage Metasomatism
Chen W, Ying Y, Yang F & Jiang S

Yang Fan (2008) Health Risk of Cadmium: A Hidden Health Killer in Areas of Coal-Combustion Related Fluorosis?
Xiao T, Tang J, Lei J & Yang F
(2008) PAH Concentration and δ13C Trends in Sediments Receiving Long-Range Atmospheric Deposition
Benson A, Yang F, Marvin C, Muir D & Slater G

Yang Fang

Yang Fei (2020) Effects of Dust on Soil Changes: From Tropical Islands to Alpine Meadow in the East Eurasia
ZHang G-L & Yang F
(2017) Geochemical Evidence from Core 973-2 and 973-4 for Methane Activity Near Jiulong Methane Reef in the Northern South China Sea
Wu D, Pan M, Yang F & Liu L

Yang Feng (2009) Indium Mineralization in Dachang Tin Deposit, South China
Li X, Yang F & Bai Y

Yang Feng (2014) Geochronology of Yuechengling Gneissic Granite Pluton in the Northeastern Guangxi, China
Feng Z, Yang F, Wu J, Wang B & Niu P

Yang Fengchang (2021) Effects of Sr2+ Impurity on the Nucleation and Growth of Barite Investigated by Optical Microscopy and X-Ray Nanotomography
Yuan K, Starchenko V, Rampal N, Yang F, Xiao X & Stack AG

Yang Fengtian (2019) Deposition and Mobilization of Pathogenic Virus in Unsaturated Porous Media: Role of Soil−water Interfaces and Air−water Interfaces
Zhang W, Qin Y, Wu S, Zhang Y, Du S, Yang F & Yang Y

Yang Frank (2016) Continuous Sampling of Geothermal and Groundwater Volatiles in Earthquake-Prone Regions
Hilton D, Barry P, Fu C-C, Yang F & Kulongoski J

Yang Fumo (2015) Aerosol Carbon Isotopes at Alert, Canada: Understanding Emission Sources of Black Carbon Transported to the Arctic
Huang L, Zhang W, Sharma S, Brook J, Leaitch R, Czimczik C, Santos GM, He K, Duan F & Yang F

Yang Fuquan (2009) Petrogenesis of the Early Devonian Metarhyolites in the Kelang Basin at the Southern Margin of the Altay, Xinjiang: Implication for Tectonic Evolution
Chai F, Yang F, Liu F, Geng X & Zhang Z
(2009) The Ore-Forming Fluids of the Mengku Iron Deposit in Altay, Xinjiang
Yang F, Chai F, Liu F, Geng X & Zhang Z
(2009) The Indication of Metallogeny for the Iron Deposit in Abagong Area in the Southern Margin of Altay, Xinjiang, China
Liu F, Yang F, Li Y, Chai F & Geng X
(2008) SHRIMP Zircon U-Pb Dating for Metarhyolites from the Kangbutiebao Formation of the Altay Orogenic Belt, Xinjiang
Chai F, Dong L, Yang F, Liu F & Geng X
(2008) Geochronology and Geological Implications of the Mengku Plagiogranite Pluton in Altay, Xinjiang
Yang F, Chai F, Liu F, Zhou G & Geng X
(2008) The Geologic Implication of the SHRIMP U-Pb Ages of Two Granites Near Abagong Iron Deposit, Altay, Xinjiang, NW China
Liu F, Mao J & Yang F

Yang G (2006) Precise 2004 ± 9 Ma Re-Os age for Pechenga black shale: Comparison of sulfides and organic material
Hannah JL, Stein HJ, Zimmerman A, Yang G, Markey RJ & Melezhik VA

Yang G-M (2012) Dating Old Groundwater by Multiple Tracers Including Krypton 81
Love A, Purtschert R, Lu Z-T, Fulton S, Shand P, Jiang W, Mueller P, Yang G-M, Wohling D, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Broder L, Kipfer R, Priestley S, Gueutin P & Tosaki Y

Yang Gang (2015) Re-Os and the Permo-Triassic Mass Extinction, Hovea-3, Perth Basin, Western Australia
Stein H, Yang G, Grice K, Georgiev S & Hannah J
(2015) Re-Os Ages for a Confined Petroleum System, Norwegian North Sea
Georgiev S, Stein H, Hannah J, Yang G, Dons C & Pedersen J

Yang Gang (2017) Bitumen – The Zircon of Petroleum Systems
Stein H, Yang G, Hannah J & Georgiev S

Yang Gang (2018) Melt Water Surge at End Marinoan Glaciation: Os Isotopic Evidence
Hannah J, Stein H, Yang G, Markey R, Tohver E, Kjoll HJ & Torsvik T
(2018) Comment on Recent Study of Re and 187Os Decoupling in Molybdenite Using Nanoscale Technology
Yang G, Zimmerman A, Stein H & Hannah J
(2018) Temporal Evolution of the Brynhild Petroleum System, North Sea
Georgiev S, Stein H, Hannah J, Yang G, Hurtig N, Dons C, Pedersen JH & Di Primio R

Yang Gang (2019) Applying Recent Advancements in Re-Os Methodology to Molybdenite
Zimmerman A, Yang G, Georgiev SV, Goswami V, Hannah JL & Stein HJ
(2019) Optimal Extraction and Purification of Re from Geological Samples: The Role of Coarse Anion Resin Beads
Yang G, Zimmerman A, Hurtig N, Georgiev S, Goswami V, Hannah J & Stein H

Yang Gang (2020) Molybdenite 187Re-187Os Age Variance at the Macroscale Using ID-Ntims
Yang G, Zimmerman A, Stein H & Hannah J

Yang Gang (2021) Age of the J/K Boundary Using Re-Os Geochronology of Black Shale from Central Spitsbergen, Svalbard
Park J, Stein H, Hannah J, Georgiev SV, Yang G, Hammer Ø & Olaussen S

Yang Gang (2023) Too Small to Date: Statistical Limits on Analytical Spot Size
Hannah J, Yang G, Zimmerman A & Stein H
(2023) Processing the Bitumen-Sulfide History in the Sichuan Basin, China
Stein H, Deng B, Yang G, Hannah J, Lu P & Liu S

Yang Gang (2015) A Highly Efficient Method to Reduce Nitric Acid Os Content to Femtogram Levels by Hydrogen Peroxide
Yang G, Zimmerman A, Stein H & Hannah J
(2013) Re-Os Analyses for Ag Ores from the Kongsberg Mines, Southeast Norway
Yang G, Stein H & Zimmerman A
(2013) Geochemistry and Re-Os Age for Black Shales from the Cambrian-Ordovician Boundary, Green Point, Western Newfoundland
Tripathy G, Hannah J, Stein H & Yang G
(2013) Eocene Hydrocarbon Migration, Green River Formation, Utah
Stein H, Hannah J, Yang G, Loseth H, Wensaas L & Cobbold P
(2010) Birth of a Giant Paleoproterozoic Oil Field: Re-Os Ages for Source Rocks and Maturation
Hannah J, Yang G, Stein H & Zimmerman A
(2010) Sampling Challenges in Re-Os Geochronology of Black Shale
Xu G, Hannah JL, Stein HJ, Zimmerman A, Yang G, Georgiev S & Bingen B
(2010) Targeted Drilling for Re-Os Geochronology to Decipher Complex History of Overmature Source Rocks and Migrated Hydrocarbons
Yang G, Stein H, Hannah J & Zimmerman A
(2009) Re-Os Isotopic Disturbances at Unconformities: Challenges and Opportunities
Hannah JL, Yang G, Xu G, Zimmerman A, Stein HJ, Bingen B & Egenhoff S
(2009) Re-Os Systematics of Sulfides in Overmature and Altered Shale, Bidjovagge Cu-Au Deposit, Northern Norway (Finnmark)
Yang G, Stein HJ, Hannah JL, Zimmerman A & Bjørlykke A
(2009) Re-Os Geochemistry of Barents Sea Shales: Anisian-Ladinian Stage Boundary, Faunal Distributions, and Hydrocarbon Exploration
Xu G, Hannah JL, Stein HJ, Bingen B, Yang G, Zimmerman A, Weitschat W & Weiss HM
(2009) Re-Os Fractionation on Instantaneous Maturation at the Siljan Meteorite Impact Site, Central Sweden
Stein HJ, Yang G, Hannah JL, Zimmerman A & Egenhoff S
(2009) Certification of Os Concentration and 187Os/188Os for Co-rich Crust MCPt-1 Reference Material:Central Pacific Seamount Zone
Du A, Qu W, Holly S, Yang G, Judy H, Yang S & Li C
(2009) Out of This World Crude Oil – Separating Meteoritic and Hydrocarbon Re-Os Components
Zimmerman A, Yang G, Stein H, Hannah J & Egenhoff S
(2008) Re-Os Geochronology of Shungite: A 2.05 Ga Fossil Oil Field in Karelia
Hannah JL, Stein HJ, Zimmerman A, Yang G, Melezhik VA, Filippov MM, Turgeon SC & Creaser RA
(2008) Crustal Versus Hydrothermal Sources to 2.7-2.3 Ga Seawater: Constraints from Os Isotopes and Re, Mo Abundances in Black Shales
Kendall B, Hannah J, Yang G, Stein H, Creaser R, Anbar A & Arnold G
(2007) ~560 Ma and ~300 Ma Re-Os Ages Constrain Neoproterozoic Glaciation and Record Variscan Hydrocarbon Migration on Extension of Oslo Rift
Hannah JL, Yang G, Bingen B, Stein HJ & Zimmerman A
(2007) 2.7 Ga Re-Os Age for C-Rich Slate of the Joy Lake Sequence, Western Wawa Subprovince, Minnesota
Yang G, Hannah J, Zimmerman A, Stein H & Bekker A
(2007) Instrumental Mass Fractionation Overcome by Total Evaporation
Zimmerman A, Stein HJ, Hannah JL, Tuttas D, Yang G & Beitscher B
(2003) Re-Os Dating of Arsenopyrites from the Maoling Gold Deposit, Northeast China
Chen J, Yang G, Yu G, Du A & Qu W

Yang Goumin (2023) What can 81Kr and Other Environmental Tracers Tell us About Paleoclimate in the Pleistocene: An Example from the South-Western Great Artesian Basin, Australia
Love AJ, Purtschert R, Jang W, Lu Z-T, Yang G, Fulton S, Wohling D, Shand P, Aeschbach W, Broeder L, Mueller P, Tosaki Y, McCallum J, Chmielarski M & Xie Y
(2023) New Frontiers for 81Kr-Dating
Li H, Yan J, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Ritterbusch F & Yang G

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