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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Yang Chonghui (2018) Determination of the 2.5Ga A-Type Granite in Zanhuang Area, North China: A Case of Huangcha Pluton
Yang Y, Li L, Yang C & Du L

Yang Chuan (2017) High-Precision Geochronology of the Upper Ediacaran in South China: Implications for the Stratigraphic Correlation
Yang C, Li X-H, Zhu M & Condon D
(2015) Mid-Neoproterozoic Angular Unconformity in the Yangtze Block Revisited: Insights from Detrital Zircon U-Pb Age and Hf-O Isotopes
Yang C, Li X-H, Wang X-C & Lan Z

Yang Chun (2013) Structure of Weathered Clastic Crust and Its Significance in Deep Petroleum Exploration
Yang F, Hou L & Yang C

Yang Chun (2020) Diffusion-Driven Zn Isotope Fractionation in Olivine of Intra-Plate Alkaline Basalt in Shandong, Eastern China
Yang C, Liu S-A, Wang Z-Z, Wu H-J & Li S-G

Yang Chun (2021) "Inverse" Zn Isotope Fractionation Discoverd between Chromian Spinel and Olivine
Yang C, Liu S-A, Zhang L, Wang Z-Z, Liu P-P & Li S-G
(2021) Tracking Deep Carbon Cycling by Using Zinc Isotopes – Shen-Su Sun Foundation Medal Lecture
Liu S-A, Yang C, Wang Z-Z & Li M-L

Yang Chun (2022) High Temperature Experimental and Isotopic Investigations of Zn during Sulfur-Bearing Magma Degassing
Yang C, Pangritz P, Renggli CJ, Burkhardt C, Klemme S & Liu S-A

Yang Chun (2011) Biogas Generating Simulation from Source Rock and Oil in Jiyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China
Luo X, Hou LH, Yang C & Wang JH
(2010) An Abiogenic Alkane Gas Field, Changde Gas Field in Songliao Basin, NE China, Resulted from CO2 Loss
Yang C, Zou C, Wang Z, Tao S, Ni Y & Tao X
(2009) Helium Isotope Variation Influenced by Radioactive Elements Decay
Yang C
(2008) Low Mature Coal-Dervied Gases from the Turpan-Hami Basin, Northwest China
Ni Y, Dai J, Zhou Q, Hu A & Yang C

Yang Chun (2017) Accurate Determination of Cadmium Isotopic Composition of Solution Standards and Geological Reference Materials by MC-ICP-MS
Li D, Li M-L, Yang C, Zhu J & Liu S-A

Yang Chun (2018) Lithological Heterogeneity in the Sources of Emeishan and Tarim Large Igneous Provinces: A Zn/Fe and Zn Isotope Perspective
Yang C, Liu S-A & Wang Z-Z

Yang Chung-Shu (2018) Temporal and Spatial Variations of Weathering along the Catchment of Heping River and Sinwulyu River in Eastern Taiwan
Yang C-S & Chen H

Yang Chunlong (2020) Geochemical Characteristics and Reservoir Forming Mechanism of Large Gas Field with High Water cut of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in Sichuan Basin, China
Xie Z, Yang C, Li J, Jin H, Zhang L, Guo J & Hao C
(2019) Source Correlation and Forming Model of Natural Gas in Devonian-Middle Permian Fornatiom in Sichuan Basin, China
Xie Z, Yang C, Dong C, Zhang L, Guo J, Li Z, Li J & Qi X
(2018) Gas Accumulation Process of Anyue Gas Field in Sichuan Basin in China
Xie Z, Wei G, Li J, Wang Z, Dong C, Hao A, Zhang L, Guo J & Yang C

Yang Chunyan (2015) MG II Dominated the Archaeal Community Composition in Water Columns of the Northeastern South China Sea
Liu H, Yang C, Chen S, Wang P & Zhang C

Yang Cun (2018) Mesogenetic Dissolution Could Significantly Enhance the Performance of Carbonate Reservoirs: Evidence from Experimental Simulation
He X, Shen A, Xiong S & Yang C

Yang D (2006) Rare earth element geochemistry in fresh rock-weathered rock-soil
Kim KH, Lee S-G, Kim JK & Yang DY
(2006) The climatic and environmental records in the sediment of the Luobei billabong in the district of Lop-Nur,Xinjiang in recent 30ka
Peng Z, Luo C, Yang D, Zhang Z, Liu W & He J

Yang Dan (2020) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Sediment from Poyang Lake Under the Condition of Drying-Wetting Cycles
Zhang Y, Yang D, Mao L, Liu J, Zhang Y & Qi S
(2019) Origin and Evolution of the Gacun Volcanic-Hosted Massive Sulfide Deposit in Sichuan,China: Hf and U-Pb Isotopic Evidence
Yang D, Hou Z, Zhao Y, Hou K & Tian S
(2017) Source and Evolution Path of Ore- Forming Fluids in Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) System: New Constraint from Lithium Isotopic Investigation on the Gacun Deposit, Sichuan
Yang D, Hou Z, Zhao Y, Hou K, Tian S & Fu Q
(2011) Quantitative Exploration of the System MgCl2-H2O Using Cryogenic Raman Spectrum
Yang D & Xu W

Yang Dapeng (2017) Elasticity of Superhydrous Phase B at High Temperature and Pressure: Implications for Water Flow into Lower Mantle
Yang D, Wang W & Wu Z

Yang Debin (2020) Sedimentary Response to the Tectonic Evolution of the Southern North China Craton during the Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic
Yang D, Yang H, Xu W & Wang F
(2013) Petrogenesis of Early Cretaceous Intrusive Rocks from Southern Margin of the North China Craton: Constraints from Zircon U-Pb Ages and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf Isotopes
Yang D, Xu W, Wang F & Pei F
(2012) Petrogenesis of the Mesozoic Intermediate Intrusive Rocks in the Central North China Craton: Constraints from Zircon U – Pb Chronology and Geochemistry
Yang D-B, Xu W-L, Pei F-P & Wang D-Y
(2011) Recycling of Lower Continental Crust in an Intracontinental Setting: Mineral Chemistry and Oxygen Isotope Insights from Websterite Xenoliths in the North China Craton
Xu W, Zhou Q, Pei F, Yang D, Gao S, Wang W & Feng H
(2011) Chronology of Detrital Zircons from Jurassic Sandstones in Western Shandong Province, China: Constraints on the Nature of the Tan–Lu Fault Zone
Yang D, Xu W, Xu Y & Pei F
(2010) Spatial Extent of Influence of Deeply Subducted Continental Crust to Adjacent Lithosphere: Constraints from Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopic Compositions of Mesozoic Gabbros and High-Mg Diorites in Western Shandong, China
Yang D, Xu W, Yang C & Pei F
(2010) Multiplicity of the North China Craton Destruction: Constraints from Metasomatic Types and Zircon U-Pb Ages from Peridotite Xenoliths Entrained by Mesozoic High-Mg# Diorites
Xu W, Yang D, Gao S, Pei F & Wang W
(2010) Heterogeneity of the Lower Continental Crust beneath Southern Jilin Province, NE China: Evidence from Geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb Isotopic Compositions of Early Cretaceous Granitoids
Pei F, Xu W, Yang D, Lu S & Feng H
(2009) Recycled Lower Continental Crust: Re-Os Isotopic Evidence from Peridotite Xenoliths Entrained by Mesozoic High-Mg Diorites in the Eastern North China Craton
Xu W-L, Gao S, Yang D-B, Yuan H-L, Rudnick RL & Walker RJ
(2008) Mesozoic Lithospheric Mantle of the Central North China Craton: Evidence from Peridotite Xenoliths
Xu W-L, Yang D-B, Gao S, Yu Y & Pei F-P

Yang Disong (2019) Submairne Groundwater Discharge Influnced Benthic Biogeochemistry in the Yellow River Estuary
Xu B, Zhao S, Yang D, Burnett W, Zhang X & Yu Z

Yang Dong Beom (2017) Human Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in PM10 of Road Deposited Sediments (RDS) in the Major Industrial Areas along the Coast of South Korea
Choi JY, Jeong H, Ra K, Lee SY, Won EJ, Kim K-T, Kim KR, Kim ES, Yang DB & Hong GH
(2016) Magnetic and Chemical Characteristics of Volcanogenic Black Sand found on a Beach of Jeju Island, South Korea: Remediation and Beneficial Use
Choi JY, Hong GH, Kim K & Yang DB

Yang Dongsheng (2013) Ore Genesis of the Longshan Sb-Au Deposit, Hunan, China: Evidence from Fluid Inclusions
Pang B, Zhang M, Yang D, Liu X & Wang B

Yang Dr Jiangwen (2002) Numerical Modelling of Heat and Fluid Flow in Submarine Terrains
Schardt C, Yang DJ & Large PR

Yang En-Lin (2013) Petrogenesis of the Syenite Granites in Kuluketage Block: Constraints from Petro-Geochemistry, Zircon U-Pb Dating and Hf Isotope
Yuan Q, Lü X-B, Cao X-F, Wang X-D & Yang E-L

Yang Eom Ji (2020) 3D-Shape Preferred Orientation (SPO) Measurement Using Synchrotron μ-CT: Application for Estimation of Fault Moving Sense in Fault Gouge
Sim H, Song Y, Kim J, Yang EJ, Yun TS & Lim J-H

Yang Erwen (2023) The Response of N2 Fixation to Deglacial Changes in Shelf Nitrogen Loss along the Western Pacific Margin
Ren HA, Yang E, Chang Y-P, Chen M-T & Sigman DM

Yang Eun Jin (2023) Isotopic Attribution of Atmospheric Species and Sources of Mercury to the Arctic Ocean Ecosystem
Lim SH, Kim Y, Motta LC, Kwon SY & Yang EJ
(2020) Seasonal Nitrogen Baseline (δ15N) Variation of Sinking Particles in the Western Arctic Revealed by Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis of Amino Acids
Choi H, Yang EJ, Kang S-H & Shin K-H
(2017) Determination of Nitrogen Isotopic Baseline in Western North Pacific Ocean Using Compound Specific Isotope Analysis of Amino Acid
Choi B, Won H, Yoo H, Ha S-Y, Yang EJ, Kang S-H & Shin K-H
(2017) Episodic Dumping of Ice Rafted Organisms on the Amundsen Shelf, Antarctica
Kim M, Yang EJ, Kim HJ, Kim D, Lee S & Hwang J
(2016) Biogeochemical Characteristics of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Carbon in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
Jung JY, Ha S-Y, Hyun J-H, Park J, Yang EJ, Shin K-H & Lee S

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