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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Wiebe R (2004) Multiple Replenishments in an Evolving Silicic Magma Chamber: The Vinalhaven Intrusive Complex, Maine, USA
Wiebe R & Hawkins D

Wiebe Robert (2020) Rejuvenation and Decompression Events Recorded in Alkali Feldspar from Plutonic Rocks
Seitz S, Gualda G, Wiebe R & Caricchi L

Wiechert U. (2018) Sulfur as a Tracer for Peridotite-Fluid-Microbe Interaction in the Oceanic Lithosphere
Schwarzenbach E, Liebmann J, Früh-Green G, Boschi C, Rouméjon S, Strauss H & Wiechert U
(2018) A Lithium Isotope Gradient on the Tibetan Plateau – Source Effect or Weathering Regime Change?
Weynell M, Wiechert U & Schuessler JA
(2018) High-Precision Analysis of 34S/32S with ConFlow-Elemental Analyzer-Irms
Schmid FE, Becker H & Wiechert U
(2017) Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Pyroxenites from the Earth’s Mantle
Schmid FE, Iden E, Becker H & Wiechert U
(2017) Influence of Water-Rock Interaction on the Sulfur Geochemistry at the Atlantis Massif, MAR 30°N
Liebmann J, Schwarzenbach EM, Früh-Green G, Strauss H, Wiechert U & John T
(2015) Lithium Isotope Ratios of Waters and Sediments of Lake Bangong, Western Tibetan Plateau
Weynell M, Wiechert U & Schuessler JA
(2015) Magnesium Isotope Fractionation in Basins of the Bangong Lake System, Western Tibetan Plateau
Wiechert U, Wilckens F, Weynell M & Schuessler J
(2013) Lithium Isotope Variation in Rivers and Lakes on the Tibetan Plateau
Wiechert U, Weynell M, Barvencik S & Schuessler J
(2013) Lithium Isotope Variation in Waters and Sediments from Lake Donggi Cona and its Catchment, China
Weynell M, Wiechert U & Schüssler JA
(2013) Isotopic Constraints for Sources and Sinks of NOx in the City of Berlin
Friebel M & Wiechert U
(2012) Primary Origin vs. Redistribution of Trace Elements by Fluid Flow in Slope Facies Ediacaran Carbonate Rocks from the Yangtze Platform (South China)
Becker H, Baero W, Quiring M, Hammerschmidt K, Wiechert U & Hippler D
(2011) Controls on Isotope and Trace Element Systematics of Slope Facies Ediacaran carbonates, Yangtze Platform (South China)
Baero W, Becker H & Wiechert U
(2011) Lithium Isotope Fractionation in Pegmatites – Function of Bond Length
Novák M, Magna T, Cempírek J, Janoušek V, Ullmann C & Wiechert U
(2011) Lithium and Its Isotopes in Central European Rivers
Wiechert U, Ullmann C, Uhlig D, Pfahl T, Ricking M & Becker H
(2009) On the Origin of Li Isotope Signatures in Magmatic Rocks from the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex
Janoušek V, Magna T, Holub FV, Oberli F & Wiechert U
(2009) Stable Isotope Variations in a Modern North Sea Oyster Shell Reflect Annual Environmental Changes
Ullmann C, Wiechert U & Korte C
(2009) Authigenic Zircons and Monazites in Ediacaran Sediments of the Yangtze Platform (South China)
Baero W, Becker H & Wiechert U
(2009) Trace Element Abundances in Sulfide and Phosphide Bearing Inclusions in Iron Meteorites
Meyer C, Wombacher F, Becker H & Wiechert U
(2009) Fingerprinting Sources of Granitic Rocks with Li Isotopes
Kohút M, Magna T, Janoušek V, Oberli F & Wiechert U
(2008) Precise and Accurate Lead Isotopic Analysis of Fast Transient Signals by Laser-Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Pettke T, Oberli F, Audetat A, Wiechert U, Harris C & Heinrich C
(2007) Multiple Sulphur Isotopes Reflecting Compositional Changes in Earth's Early Atmosphere
Strauss H, Peters M, Farquhar J, Johnston D, Wiechert U & Stögbauer A
(2007) Isotopic Evidence for Mid-Archean Anoxia
Farquhar J, Peters M, Johnston D, Strauss H, Masterson A, Wiechert U & Kaufman J
(2006) Non-chondritic Magnesium and the origins of the inner terrestrial planets
Wiechert U & Halliday A
(2005) Magnesium Isotope Composition of Chondrites, Achondrites and the Earth-Moon System
Wiechert U & Halliday AN
(2005) Dating Mantle Samples: Examples from the Re-Os System in Eclogites and Diamonds
Shirey S, Schmitz M, Westerlund K, Richardson S, Wiechert U, Pearson G, Carlson R & Harris J
(2004) Tellurium Isotopes in Archean Sulfides
Fehr M, Rehkämper M, Wiechert U, Halliday A, Ono S & Rumble iii D
(2004) Magnesium Isotope Composition of Chondrules and CAIs in Allende
Wiechert U, Halliday A & Yuan H
(2004) Mg Isotopic Compositions of Pacific and Arctic Seawater
Yuan H, Wiechert U & Halliday A
(2004) Coupled Li-He Isotope Systematics in Icelandic Basalt Glasses
Magna T, Harrison D, Wiechert U & Halliday A
(2003) Lithium Isotope Composition of Arc Volcanics from the Mt. Shasta Region, N California
Magna T, Wiechert U, Grove T & Halliday A
(2003) Simultaneous Magnesium Isotope and Aluminium Abundance Measurements Using Laser Ablation Multiple-Collector ICPMS
Wiechert U, Oberli F & Halliday A
(2003) Can Accurate Pb Isotopic Compositions be Determined on Single Fluid Inclusions?
Pettke T, Wiechert U, Audétat A, Günther D & Heinrich C
(2002) Lithium Isotopes and Crust-Mantle Interaction
Magna T, Wiechert U & Halliday AN
(2002) Oxygen Isotopic Heterogeneity Among Eucrites
Wiechert U, Halliday AN, Palme H & Rumbel Iii D
(2000) MC-ICPMS – The Good, the Small and the Massive
Halliday A, Rehkämper M, Schönbächler M, Oberli F, Freedman P, Frank M, Müller W, Teutsch N, Baur H & Wiechert U

Wiecinski P. (2009) Developmental Toxicity of Oxidatively Degraded QDs
Wiecinski P, King Heiden T, Metz K, Mangham A, Hamers R, Heideman W, Peterson R & Pedersen J

Więcław D. (2023) Evaluation of the Organic Pollutants Yields Emitted by Coal Waste during the Self-Heating: Simulation by Dry and Hydrous Pyrolysis
Więcław D, Jurek K, Szram E, Bilkiewicz E, Kowalski A, Fabiańska MJ, Ciesielczuk J & Misz-Kennan M
(2022) Changes of Coal Wastes Mineralogy during Self-Heating Processes Simulated by Hydrous and Anhydrous Pyrolysis
Ciesielczuk J, Szczerba M, Fabiańska MJ, Więcław D, Misz-Kennan M, Ciesielska Z & Jurek K
(2015) Organic Matter Properties as Factors Controlling Ore Mineralization Process in the Kupferschiefer, Lubin-Sieroszowice Copper Deposit, Poland
Więcław D, Pieczonka J, Kotarba MJ & Piestrzyński A
(2013) Prospective Shale Gas Zones in the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian Strata of Polish Lowlands
Wieclaw D & Kotarba MJ
(2011) Shale Gas Potential of the Upper Jurassic Strata in the Central Part of the Polish Lowlands
Więcław D & Kosakowski P

Wieczorek Alina (2017) Scavenging of Hydroxide Dominated Elements: Insights from Dissolved Titanium in the South Pacific Gyre and Southern Ocean
Croot P, Nicholas S, Grassie A, Wieczorek A, Heller M, Klockgether G, Lavik G & Ferdelman T
(2017) Tracing Submarine Groundwater Discharge to Coastal Waters on the Irish Shelf and the North East Atlantic with the Ra Quartet
Nicholas S, Grassie A, Wieczorek A, Mullins M, Daly E & Croot P

Wieczorek Arkadiusz K. (2016) The Composition and Mechanical Properties of Soil-Derived Fe-Om Co-precipitates at Macro- and Nanoscale
Fritzsche A, Wieczorek AK, Mueller CW, Schroeder C, Ritschel T & Totsche K
(2011) Primary Shape and Nanomechanical Properties of Natural Fe-Colloids Studied by AFM and SEM
Wieczorek AK, Fritzsche A & Totsche KU
(2011) Composition, Structure and Shape of in situ Precipitated Fe-Oxide Nanoparticles from a Soil Effluent
Fritzsche A, Wieczorek AK, Rennert T, Händel M & Totsche KU

Wieczorek M. A. (2019) Composition of the Martian Crust and Geophysical Constraints from the InSIGHT Mars Lander
McLennan SM, Ojha L, Plesa A-C, Smrekar SE & Wieczorek MA

Wieczorek Mark (2013) Petrological Constraints on Formation of the Martian Crust
Baratoux D, Monnereau M, Toplis MJ, Kurita K, Samuel H, Garcia R & Wieczorek M

Wieczorek Mark A. (2023) Differentiation of the Martian Highlands: Insights from a Geodynamic Inversion Based on Crustal Thickness Constraints
Bonnet Gibet V, Michaut C, Bodin T, Wieczorek MA & Dubuffet F
(2021) Chemical Composition of the Martian Crust: Geophysical Constraints from the InSight Mission
McLennan SM, Khan A, Knapmeyer-Endrun B, Michaut C, Panning MP, Plesa A-C, Samuel H, Smrekar SE & Wieczorek MA

Wieczorek R. (2013) Geochemical Evidence for Volcanic Activity Prior to and Enhanced Terrestrial Weathering during the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
Fantle M, Wieczorek R, Kump L & Ravizza G

Wieczorek T. (2009) Tethys-Wide Occurrence of Lower Aptian Lithocodium-Bacinella Facies: Shoalwater Expression of Basinal OAE1a Black Shales
Immenhauser A, Huck S, Rameil N, Heimhofer U, Korbar T, Wieczorek T & Kunkel C

Wiedenbeck M. (2023) Geochronological Constraints of the Paleoproterozoic Tectonics of Northern Indian Plate in Northern Pakistan
Sajid M, Wiedenbeck M, Arif M, Glodny J & Ghani H
(2023) What can be Learnt from the G-Chron U-Th-Pb Proficiency Testing Program
Meisel TC, Wiedenbeck M, Webb PC & Glodny J
(2021) In situ C and N Isotope Data of the Extraterrestrial, Carbonaceous “Hypatia” Stone and the Ureilite Diamond Conundrum
Kramers JD, Andreoli MAG, Makhubela TV & Wiedenbeck M
(2021) Permian-Triassic Mass Extinction – A Carbon-Driven Climatic and Biogeochemical Collapse
Jurikova H, Gutjahr M, Wallmann K, Flögel S, Liebetrau V, Posenato R, Angiolini L, Garbelli C, Brand U, Wiedenbeck M & Eisenhauer A
(2021) Improvements of Calibration Strategies for SIMS Isotope Analysis of Apatite – IAG Young Scientist Medal Lecture
Wudarska A, Slaby E, Wiedenbeck M & Couffignal F
(2021) Destabilization of Long-Lived Hadean Protocrust and Onset of Pervasive Hydrous Melting at 3.8 Ga Recorded in Detrital Zircons of the Green Sandstone Bed, South Africa
Drabon N, Byerly B, Byerly G, Wooden JL, Wiedenbeck M, Valley JW, Kitajima K, Bauer A & Lowe DR
(2021) Boiling Effects on Trace Metal(loid)s and Sulfur Isotopes in Shallow-Submarine Base Metal Sulfides, Milos Island, Greece
Schaarschmidt A, Haase KM, Klemd R, Keith M, Voudouris PC, Alfieris D & Wiedenbeck M
(2019) Origin of Chromitites with UHP Minerals in the Aladag Ophiolite, Turkey: Two-Way Recycling in Oceanic Lithosphere Generation
Lian D, Yang J, Wiedenbeck M, Dilek Y, Rocholl A & Wu W
(2019) Halogen Analysis at the Ultratrace Level – First Applications of the Dresden Super-Sims
Renno AD, Akhmadaliev S, Belokonov G, Böttger R, von Borany J, Kaever P, Meyer M, Noga P, Rugel G, Tiessen CJ, Wagner N, Wiedenbeck M, Wu H & Ziegenrücker R
(2017) The Heating Rate Controls Chert δ18O
Tatzel M, von Blanckenburg F, Herwartz D, Oelze M, Lünsdorf NK & Wiedenbeck M
(2017) Calcium Isotopes as Tracers of Ocean Crust Alteration – Implications for Proxy Records
Böhm F, Rocholl A, Wiedenbeck M, Liebetrau V & Eisenhauer A
(2016) Nitrogen Solubility in Transition Zone and Lower Mantle Minerals
Yoshioka T, Wiedenbeck M, Shcheka S & Keppler H
(2015) Tourmaline Boron Isotope Evidence for Multiple Fluid Sources in Silicified Oceanic Crust of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Farber K, Dziggel A, Trumbull RB & Wiedenbeck M
(2015) Gem-Quality Apatite as Reference Material for Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Biogenic Apatite by the Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Sun Y, Joachimski M & Wiedenbeck M
(2015) Strontium and Sulfur Isotopes Reveal the Complex Evolution of the Sotiel-Migollas VMS Deposit (Iberian Pyrite Belt)
Velasco-Acebes J, Tornos F, Wiedenbeck M, Kidane A & Velasco F
(2014) Boron Isotopes in Tourmaline of the Darasun Gold District, Transbaikal Region, Russia
Baksheev I, Prokofiev V, Trumbull RB, Wiedenbeck M & Yapaskurt V
(2013) Quantification of the in situ Heterogeneity of RMs for Microanalytical Methods
Ramsey M & Wiedenbeck M
(2013) Design Overview of the Potsdam 1280-HR SIMS Instrument
Rocholl A & Wiedenbeck M
(2012) Partitioning of F between Nominally Fluorine-Free Minerals and Basaltic Melts: Implications for the Global Cycle of Halogens
Klemme S, Beyer C, Vollmer C, Wiedenbeck M & Stracke A
(2011) Are the Silicate Reference Glasses BAM-S005 A and B Suitable for in situ Microanalysis?
Yang Q, Jochum KP, Stoll B, Weis U & Wiedenbeck M
(2011) Silicon Self-Diffusion in Forsterite, Revisited
Fei H, Katsura T, Chakraborty S, Dohmen R, Hegoda C, Yamazaki D, Wiedenbeck M, Yurimoto H, Shcheka S, Pollok K & Audétat A
(2011) Solubility of Fluorine and Chlorine in Nominally Anhydrous Mantle Minerals: Implications for Mantle Metasomatism and Arc Magmas
Bernini D, Dolejs D, de Koker N, Audetat A, Keppler H & Wiedenbeck M
(2011) F, Cl and S Contents of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from Picritic Dike Rocks, Etendeka, NW Namibia
Worgard L, Trumbull R, Keiding J, Veksler I, Wiedenbeck M, Wenzel T & Markl G
(2010) Challenges Facing the Production of RMs for Geochemical Microanalyses
Wiedenbeck M
(2009) Tourmaline Reference Materials for the in situ Determination of Lithium Isotope Composition
Wiedenbeck M, Rosner M, Halama R & Krienitz M
(2007) Quantifying the SIMS Structural Matrix Effect
Wiedenbeck M
(2007) Boron Isotopic Compositions of Tourmaline from a Hydrothermal Gold Deposit – Constraints on Fluid Sources
Krienitz M-S, Trumbull RB, Hellmann A, Kolb J, Meyer M & Wiedenbeck M
(2004) Depleted Melt Inclusions from the Southwest Indian Ridge: An Example of Melt Productivity from an Ultra-Slow Mid-Oceanic Spreading Ridge
Lund M, Kent A, Brooks C, Konnerup-Madsen J & Wiedenbeck M
(2004) Carbon Solubility in Major Mantle Minerals
Shcheka S, Wiedenbeck M, Frost D & Keppler H
(2001) Water — a Source of Systematic Error in Quantitative SIMS Analyses of Hydrous Glasses
Wiedenbeck M, Rocholl A & Koepke J

Wiedenmann J. (2019) Coral Chemists: Decoupling the Carbonate System to Survive
Chalk T, Standish C, Murray F, Foster G, Saeed M, Lei F, Hennige S, Roberts M, D'Angelo C & Wiedenmann J
(2017) How Robust are Vital Effects for Coral Calcification and pH Up-Regulation?
Chalk T, Lei F, Foster G, D'Angelo C & Wiedenmann J

Wiederhold Jan (2016) The Origin of the Elevated Hg Concentrations in Meteorites
Schönbächler M, Biester H & Wiederhold J

Wiederhold Jan G. (2023) Characterization of Mercury Species and Microbial Communities in Sediments and Suspended Particulate Matter from Historically Contaminated River Systems
Wiederhold JG, Gfeller L, Marquardt N, Alten A, Krisch S, Breidenbach A, Schüttler A, Hahn J, Buchinger S, Wick A, Biester H & Duester L
(2023) Multi-Element River Water Monitoring by Quantifying 68 Elements in One Single Analytical run
Belkouteb N, Schroeder H, van Dongen R, Terweh S, Slabon A, Arndt J, Wiederhold JG, Ternes TA & Duester L
(2023) Experimental Evidence for Mass-Independent Fractionation of Even-Mass Mercury Isotopes Related to the Nuclear Volume Effect
Schwab L, Gallati N, Reiter SM, McLagan D, Biester H, Kumar N, Kimber R, Kraemer SM & Wiederhold JG
(2022) Kinetic Versus Equilibrium Mercury Isotope Effects during Homogenous and Surface Catalyzed Mercury(II) Reduction by Iron(II)
Schwab L, Gallati N, McLagan DS, Biester H, Kraemer SM & Wiederhold JG
(2021) High Mercury Sorption in Low Organic Matter Aquifer Material Using Column Experiments
McLagan DS, Esser C, Schwab L, Pietrucha J, Wiederhold JG, Kraemer SM & Biester HU
(2021) Mercury in Suspended Particulate Matter of Rivers in Germany
Wiederhold JG, Biester HU, Gerloff A-L, Hahn J & Duester L
(2021) Experimental Determination of Kinetic Mercury Isotope Fractionation during Reduction of Hg(II) by Dissolved Fe(II) and Fe(II)-bearing Minerals
Schwab L, Gallati N, McLagan DS, Kraemer SM, Biester HU & Wiederhold JG
(2019) Isotopic Signatures of Cu and Hg during Weathering of Tetrahedrite and Chalcopyrite
Majzlan J, Stevko M, Herrmann J, Lazarov M & Wiederhold J
(2019) Mercury Isotope and Species Analyses as a Tool to Trace Processes in Contaminated Soils and Sediments
Schwab L, McLagan DS, Kraemer SM, Biester H & Wiederhold JG
(2017) Mercury Isotope Signatures as Tracer for Industrial Hg Contamination
Wiederhold JG, Grigg ARC, Gilli RS & Kretzschmar R
(2017) Tracing Hg Transformations in Contaminated Soil Using Hg Isotopes
Brocza FM, Biester H, Richard J-H, Kraemer SM & Wiederhold JG
(2017) Hg Isotope Analysis and Sequential Extractions of Industrially Contaminated Soils in Valais, CH
Grigg A, Kretzschmar R, Gilli R & Wiederhold J

Wiederhold Jan Georg (2014) Slow and Incomplete Exchange during Competitive Hg(II) Binding to Model Ligands, NOM, and Goethite
Jiskra M, Saile D, Wiederhold JG, Bourdon B, Björn E & Kretzschmar R
(2013) Tracing Local Industrial Pollution Sources with Mercury Isotopes
Wiederhold JG, Jiskra M, Skyllberg U, Drott A, Jonsson S, Björn E, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2011) Calcium Isotope Fractionation in Alpine Plants
Hindshaw R, Reynolds B, Wiederhold J, Kretzschmar R & Bourdon B
(2011) Sequential Extractions as a Tool to Investigate Stable Metal Isotope Fractionation between Soil Pools
Wiederhold J, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2011) Mercury Isotope Fractionation in Layered Roasted Ore Waste
Smith R, Wiederhold J, Jew A, Brown G, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2009) Seasonal Stream Water Chemistry at the Damma Glacier, Switzerland
Hindshaw RS, Reynolds BC, Wiederhold JG, Kretzschmar R & Bourdon B
(2009) Li Isotope Fractionation in Surface Waters of an Alpine Granitic Catchment
Lemarchand E, Tipper ET, Hindshaw R, Wiederhold JG, Reynolds BC, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2009) Fe Isotope Fractionation during Phyllosilicate Dissolution: Effect of Protons, Ligands and K Concentration
Kiczka M, Wiederhold JG, Kraemer SM, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2009) Equilibrium Mercury Isotope Fractionation between Dissolved Hg(II) Species and Thiol-Bound Hg
Wiederhold JG, Cramer CJ, Daniel K, Infante I, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2008) Iron Isotope Fractionation during Fe(II) Sorption to Mineral Surfaces
Mikutta C, Wiederhold JG, Hofstetter TB, Cirpka OA, Bourdon B & von Gunten U
(2008) Calcium Isotope Variations at the Damma Glacier, Switzerland
Hindshaw R, Reynolds B, Bourdon B, Wiederhold J & Kretzschmar R
(2008) Hg Isotopes in Contaminated Soils
Wiederhold JG, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2008) Lithium Isotope Fractionation along a Weathering Chronosequence
Lemarchand E, Reynolds BC, Wiederhold JG, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2007) How can We Trace Fe Isotope Fractionation by Weathering in Soils?
Wiederhold JG, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2007) The Impact of Fe Isotope Fractionation by Plants on the Isotopic Signature of Soils
Kiczka M, Wiederhold JG, Kraemer SM, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2005) Iron Isotope Fractionation during Goethite Dissolution by Oxalate
Wiederhold JG, Kraemer SM, Teutsch N, Halliday AN & Kretzschmar R
(2004) Iron Isotope Fractionation during Soil Formation – Comparison of Ligand and Redox Controlled Processes
Wiederhold J, Teutsch N, Kraemer S, Kretzschmar R & Halliday A
(2002) Iron Isotope Variations in a Complete Natural Soil Catena with Lateral Iron Mobilization and Reprecipitation
Wiederhold JG & von Blanckenburg F

Wiederhorn S. (2007) The Use of Atomic Force Microscopy to Study Crack Tips in Glass
Wiederhorn S, Guin J-P & Fett T

Wiederin D. (2013) Syringe Based Flow Injection MC-ICPMS: Total Sample Consumption and Rapid Sample Standard Bracketing
Field P, Watson P & Wiederin D

Wiederkehr M. (2009) Transport of Heat and Mass in a Barrovian Belt: What do We Know from Nature ?
Berger A, Bousquet R, Engi M, Janots E, Rubatto D, Schmid S & Wiederkehr M

Wiedermann J. (2011) Processes of Heavy Metals Immobilization in Mires
Smieja-Król B, Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł B & Wiedermann J

Wiederwohl C.L. (2023) Reimagining Oceanographic Biogeochemistry: Bringing the Ocean to the Community Through Virtual Reality
Wiederwohl CL, Bogdanoff R, Thomas A, Fitzsimmons JN, Twining B & Cutter G

Wiedmann I. (2023) Impact of Contrasting Glacial Input on Pelagic and Benthic Processes in Young Sound, NE Greenland
Laufer-Meiser K, Wiedmann I, Holding JM, Lund Paulsen M, Winding MS, Roy H & Sejr MK

Wiegand Bettina (2017) Geochemical Inventory of the Upper Rhine Graben Geothermal System
Wiegand B, Sosa G, Patzer A & Sauter M

Wiegand Bettina A. (2013) Geochemical and Isotopic Investigation of Fluids from Lahendong Geothermal Field
Wiegand BA, Brehme M, Teuku F, Amran IA, Prasetio R, Kamah Y & Sauter M
(2013) Isotope Geochemistry of Wayang Windu Geothermal Field, Indonesia
Prasetio R, Wiegand B, Sauter M & Malik D
(2013) Hydrochemical Patterns in a Structurally Controlled Geothermal System
Brehme M, Haase C, Regenspurg S, Moeck I, Deon F, Wiegand B, Kamah Y, Zimmermann G & Sauter M
(2008) Geochemical and Isotopic Evidence for the Origin of the Boulder Batholith, Montana
Wooden J, Mazdab F, Mueller PA, Aleinikoff J, Lund K, Wiegand B, Kita N & Valley J

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