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Vetere Francesco P. (2013) Glass Forming Ability of Sub-Alkaline Silicate Melts
Misiti V, Vetere F, Iezzi G, Behrens H, Holtz F, Ventura G, Cavallo A, Dietrich M & Mollo S
(2013) Textural Evolution of a Basaltic Melt in Function of Cooling Rate
Giuliani L, Cauti F, Iezzi G, Vetere F, Poe B, Cavallo A, Misiti V, Ventura G, Mollo S & Behrens H
(2013) The Role of Alkalis in the Solubility of H2O and CO2 in Silicate Melts
Vetere FP, Behrens H, Botcharnikov R, Holtz F & Fanara S
(2009) Preeruptive Conditions and Dynamic Processes in Magmatic Systems: The Example of Unzen 1991-1995 Eruption
Cichy SB, Holtz F, Botcharnikov RE, Behrens H, Vetere F & Sato H

Vetlényi E.J. (2013) Magma Droplets in Coexisting Olivine and Spinel Phenocrysts Hosted in the Pohang Basalt (South Korea)
Vetlényi EJ, Aradi LE, Szabó C, Zajacz Z & Yang K

Vetõ I (2000) Evolution of Planktonic Production during the Toarcian Anoxic Event in Umbria (Italy)
Vetõ I & Hetényi M

Vető István (2017) Meeting of Mantle CO2 and Organic Substances Formed in the Crust
Vető I

Vetoshkina A. (2021) Hydrogeochemical Studies of the Distribution of Rare Earth Elements in Surface Waters on Kudurs of Sikhote-Alin (Primorye, Russia)
Panichev A, Vakh E, Chekryzhov I & Vetoshkina A

Vetriani C. (2016) Physical Control of the Spatial and Temporal Diversity of Microbial Mats at a Shallow-Water Hydrothermal Vent
Giovannelli D, Foustoukos D, LeBris N, Sievert S, Yucel M, D'Alessandro V, Ricci R & Vetriani C
(2010) Aromatic Carboxylic Acids are Anaerobically Transformed in Guaymas Basin Sediments
Porter A, Vetriani C & Young L
(2009) Microbial Mechanisms of Energy Conservation, Carbon Transfer and Detoxification in Deep-Sea Extreme Environments
Vetriani C

Vetrin V. (2007) Atypical SHRIMP II REE Data in Zircons: A Positive Eu Anomaly
Paderin I, Mordberg L, Vetrin V, Belyatsky B & Sergeev S

Vetrov V. (2013) Accumulation of Trace Elements in the Lake Baikal Biota
Vetrov V

Vetseva M. (2020) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Clay Layers and Partings from the Maritsa East Lignite Basin, Bulgaria
Dimitrova D, Georgiev S, Vetseva M, Yossifova M, Tzvetanova Y & Ivanova R

Vetter A. (2013) Monitoring the Stability of Scale Inhibitors by ATR-FTIR at High Pressures and Temperatures in Synthetic Geothermal Fluids
Vetter A & Regenspurg S
(2011) Biogeochemical Characterization of Geothermal Fluids
Vieth-Hillebrand A, Vetter A, Sachse A, Henne S, Regenspurg S & Mangelsdorf K

Vetter L. (2018) Multi-Proxy Reconstructions of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific: Measuring Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca, and Li/Mg in Modern Corals Using ICP-OES
Cheung A, Cole J, Vetter L, Jimenez G, Thompson D & Tudhope S
(2018) The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Assessing Impact of Skeletal Density and Transect Quality on Geochemistry in Sub-Fossil Corals from the Galápagos Islands
Reed E, Thompson D, Cole J, Lough J, Vetter L, Snyder M, Jimenez G, Tudhope S, Edwards L & Cantin N
(2015) Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of Coastal Marsh Successions during Early Holocene Sea-Level Rise
Vetter L, Schreiner K, Rosenheim B, Kohl B, Steinmetz B, Newsom L & Törnqvist T
(2014) 14C Dating of Early Holocene Paleosols Using Ramped Pyrolysis of Organic Carbon
Vetter L, Fernandez A, Rosenheim B & Törnqvist T
(2012) Micron-Scale Intrashell S18O Variation in Cultured Planktic Foraminifers
Vetter L, Kozdon R, Mora C, Eggins S, Valley J, Hoenisch B & Spero H
(2012) Timing and Mechanism for Intratest Mg/Ca Variability in Living Planktic Foraminifera
Spero H, Eggins S, Russell A, Vetter L & Honisch B

Vetter S. (2005) Geology of the Elmtree Gold Deposit, Northern NB, Canada
Vetter S & Lentz DR
(2005) Geochemistry of Basaltic Volcanism in and Around the Bruneau-Jarbidge Eruptive Center, Southwest Idaho
Vetter S, Shervais J & Hanan B

Vetterlein D. (2021) Bio-Chemical Imaging of Phosphorus-Related Maize Rhizosphere Processes in the Field
Oburger E, Hummel C, Bilyera N, Daudin G, Razavi B, Santangeli M, Spielvogel S, Bertrand I, Lippold E, Schlueter S & Vetterlein D
(2020) The Impact of Rhizosphere Soil Structure and Mucilage on Root Water Uptake – A Simulation Study
Landl M, Phalempin M, Vetterlein D, Schlueter S, Javaux M & Schnepf A

Vetterlein J. (2009) Adsorption of Alkyl Carbon by Soil Smectites
Dubbin W, Vetterlein J & Jonsson J

Vettese G.F. (2023) Inhalation of Environmentally Relevant Uraninite Micro-Particulates
Khng YC, Sarparanta M, Utsunomiya S, Ang JWL, Vettese GF & Law GTW

Vettier L. (2023) Optical Properties of Aerosol Haze Analogs: Implications for Future Observations with the James Webb Space Telescope
Drant T, Perrin Z, Vettier L & Garcia-Caurel E

Vetuschi Zuccolini M. (2005) Chromium Isotopic Fractionation during Cr(VI) Reduction in Groundwaters
Petrini R, Slejko FF, Ottonello G, Marini L, Vetuschi Zuccolini M & Accornero M

Veuger B. (2010) Benthic Microalgae and Bacteria Facilitate Carbon and Nitrogen Retention in Shallow Photic Sediments
Hardison AK, Canuel EA, Anderson IC, Tobias C & Veuger B

Veuve P. (2002) Cadmium Anomalies in Oolitic Carbonates of Bajocian and Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian Age in the Swiss and French Jura Mountains
Rambeau C, Föllmi K, Adatte T, Matera V, Steinmann P & Veuve P

Veyalko I. (2013) Thermal History of a Neoproterozoic Orogen and A-Type Leucogranites Formation (Yenisey Ridge, Western Margin of the Siberian Craton)
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Romanova I, Veyalko I, Polyansky O, Laevsky Y & Voronin K

Vezi E. (2021) Characterization of Trace Elements and δ34S Variability in Natural Pyrite Using N2O Reaction Gas
Vezi E, Paiste P, Paiste K, Kirsimäe K, Fike DA & Jones C

Vezina A. (2018) Molybdenum Burial Mechanism: Iron-Sulfide Pathway
Vorlicek T, Helz G, Chappaz A, Vue P & Vezina A
(2017) Inorganic Fixation of Molybdenum
Vorlicek T, Helz G, Chappaz A, Vue P & Vezina A

Vezina N. (2015) Atmospheric Particles: Viscosity, Phase, and Response to Relative Humidity
Gilles M, Harder T, Farland D, Vezina N, Wang B & Laskin A

Vezinet A. (2023) In situ U–Pb and Rb–Sr Dating Applied to Pb–Zn–Ag Mineralizations of the Western Alps
Bertauts M, Janots E, Rossi M, Vezinet A, Duhamel-Achin I & Lanari P
(2023) Strontium Isotopes Paradox of Archean Komatiites
Vezinet A, Sobolev AV, Chugunov A, Asafov EV, Batanova VG, Danyushevsky L, Sobolev SV, Jain C & Valley JW
(2023) Clacite U-Pb Dating in the Western Alps: State of the art and New Perspectives for Constraining Alpine Geodynamics
Bienveignant D, Huraut M, Vezinet A, Rolland Y, Bernet M, Schwartz S, Dumont T, De-Leeuw A & Bilau A
(2023) U-Pb Dating of Carbonates: Towards a Chronostratigraphic Framework for the Digne-Valensole Basin (France)
Huraut M, De-Leeuw A, Vezinet A, Bienveignant D & Margirier J
(2022) Sr Isotopes and Trace Elements in Melt Inclusions from ~260 Ma Song Da Komatiites, Northern Vietnam, Reveal Evidence of Component Mixing and Water Excess in their Parental Melt
Kazzy C, Sobolev AV, Vezinet A, Gurenko A, Asafov EV, Hanski E, Puchtel IS, Izokh AE, Batanova VG & Danyushevsky L
(2022) First Data on Sr Isotopes in Melt Inclusions in Olivine from 3.3 Ga Barberton Komatiites: Evidence for Depleted Source of Primary Komatiite Melt and its Near-Surface Contamination
Chugunov AV, Sobolev AV, Vezinet A, Batanova VG, Asafov EV, Gurenko A & Danyushevsky L
(2022) Evolution of Earth Mantle Since Eoarchean Detected by in situ Study of Melt Inclusions in Komatiite Olivine Phenocrysts
Sobolev AV, Vezinet A, Batanova VG, Kazzy C, Chugunov A, Asafov EV, Gavrilenko D & Danyushevsky L
(2022) Sequential Resetting of Hf-, Nd- and Sr- Isotope Signatures during the ca. 2 Ga Long Metamorphic History of the Archean Saglek Block (North Atlantic Craton): Evidence from Zircon, Apatite, and Feldspars Isotopic Signatures
Vezinet A, Sobolev AV & Thomassot E
(2021) Effect of Metamorphic Overprint on Early Earth Isotopic Compositions: The Case Study of Saglek Block (Labrador, Canada)
Vezinet A, Thomassot E & Pearson DG
(2018) Generation of Early Continental Crust: A Billion Year of TTG Evolution from the Eoarchean Saglek Block, Canada
Vezinet A, Pearson DG, Thomassot E, Stern RA, Luo Y & Sarkar C

Vezzalini G. (2013) Fluorenone dye – Zeolite L Hybrid: A Novel Optical Material
Gigli L, Arletti R, Quartieri S & Vezzalini G

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