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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Vermylen C. (2023) Evolution of Fe Oxides Crystallinity in Permafrost Deposits from Mid-Pleistocene to Holocene: Implications for Mineral Organic Carbon Interactions
Thomas M, Jongejans LL, Strauss J, Vermylen C, Calcus S, Opel T & Opfergelt S

Verna R. (2023) Living in a Ghost Town: Iron-Cycling Bacteria in the New Jersey Pine Barrens
Seyler L, DeCicco E, Figueroa K, Jabin I, Recalde S, Hood D, Rivera N, Santos G, Straut A & Verna R

Vernant P. (2021) Impact of Intraterrestrial Microbial Life on Rock Weathering at Depth: Case Studies from Cave Environments
Pisapia C, Menez B, Bruxelles L, Watkinson M, Champollion C, Vernant P, Doerflinger E, Bouquerel H, Isambert A, Lecourt L & Gérard E

Verner K. (2015) Mid to Late Cretaceous Plutons Recording Strain Variations in the Sierra Nevada, California
Tomek F, Žák J, Verner K, Holub F, Sláma J, Memeti V & Paterson S

Verney-Carron Aurelie (2013) Impact of Organic Acids and Siderophores on Dissolution of Basaltic Glasses in Ultrapure Water at 25℃ and pH 6.3
Perez A, Rossano S, Trcera N, Huguenot D, Van Hullebusch E, Verney-Caron A & Sarrasin L
(2010) Lithium Isotope Signatures of Hydrothermally Altered Basalts (Hengill, Iceland)
Verney-Carron A, Vigier N, Millot R & Hardarson BS
(2009) Coupled Chemistry-Transport Modeling of Glass Alteration Using Archaeological Fractured Samples
Verney-Carron A, Gin S, Frugier P & Libourel G
(2008) A Roman Glass Altered 1 800 Years in Seawater: Analogy with Nuclear Waste Glass in Deep Geological Repository
Gin S, Verney-Carron A & Libourel G

Verney-Carron Aurélie (2023) Alteration of Stained Glass Windows: Influence of the Mn-Oxidising Bacteria Pseudomonas putida on the Dissolution of 5 Model Glasses
Boutillez C, Perez A, Verney-Carron A & Rossano S
(2019) Correlation between Black Crust Formation on Limestone Monuments and the Urban Pollution
Verney-Carron A & Saheb M
(2018) Limestone Weathering in the Urban Atmospheric Environment, a Reactive Transport Model for Unsaturated Porous Medium
Gentaz L, Saheb M, Verney-Carron A & De Windt L
(2018) Alteration Mechanisms and Kinetics of Limestone Materials Used in Built Cultural Heritage
Saheb M, Gentaz L, Verney-Carron A, Sessegolo L, Rémusat L, Nuns N, Mertz J-D & Chabas A
(2017) Study of Water and Cultural Heritage Limestone Interaction Using Isotopic Labelling
Drici A, Saheb M, Verney-Carron A, Sessegolo L, Remusat L, Cano-Gonzalez A & Coll P
(2017) Use of Isotopic Tracers (D, 18O) for the Study of Water Transport within Stained-Glass Windows Alteration Layer
Sessegolo L, Verney-Carron A, Saheb M, Drici A, Remusat L, Gonzales-Cano A, Loisel C & Chabas A
(2016) Isotopic Labeling to Determine the Water Penetration Depth and Reaction Sites in the Limestone Used in Built Cultural Heritage
Saheb M, Verney-Carron A, Drici A, Sessegolo L, Rémusat L, Mertz J-D, Chabas A & Rozenbaum O
(2016) Si Isotopes to Investigate Mechanisms and Kinetics of Glass Alteration
Verney-Carron A, Sessegolo L, Saheb M, Ausset P, Losno R, Mangin D & Valle N
(2015) Bioalteration of Fe(III), Fe(II) and no Fe-Bearing Basaltic Glasses in the Presence of Heterotrophic Bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Impact of Siderophores
Perez A, Rossano S, Trcera N, Huguenot D, Verney-Carron A, Van Hullebusch E & Guyot F

Vernikovskaya A. (2020) Stages of Tectonothermal History of the Taimyr – Severnaya Zemlya Orogen during Oblique Collision in the Carboniferous-Permian
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Proskurnin V, Polyansky O, Laevsky Y & Travin A
(2019) Ediacaran Magmatism in the Evolution of the Transform Active Continental Margin of the Siberian Craton: Geochemistry, Geochronology and Geodynamics
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Kadil'nikov P, Li Z-X, Wilde S, Romanova I & Travin A
(2017) Late Ediacarian Adakites from the Yenisey Ridge Orogen, Western Framing of the Siberian Craton: Petrology and Tectonic Setting
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Kadil'nikov P & Romanova I
(2016) Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Tectonic Setting of Late Neoproterozoic Adakites and Gabbro-Anorthosites from Zimovey Massif (Southwestern Framing of the Siberian Craton)
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Kadilnikov P, Matushkin N & Romanova I
(2013) Thermal History of a Neoproterozoic Orogen and A-Type Leucogranites Formation (Yenisey Ridge, Western Margin of the Siberian Craton)
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Romanova I, Veyalko I, Polyansky O, Laevsky Y & Voronin K
(2009) Thermochronological Models for the Cooling History of Neoproterozoic Post-Collisional Granites
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Polyansky O & Travin A
(2007) The Neoproterozoic Alkaline Rocks of the Yenisey Ridge, Western Margin of the Siberian Craton: Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Geochronology
Vernikovskaya I, Sal'nikova E, Vernikovskaya A, Matushkin N & Yasenev A
(2007) The 940-864 Ma Granites of the Yenisey Ridge and Taimyr Foldbelts, Western Margin of the Siberian Craton: Geochemistry and Geodynamics
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V & Yasenev A
(2005) Neoproterozoic Collisional and Anorogenic A-Type Granites of the Yenisey Ridge Orogen (Southwestern Framing of the Siberian Craton)
Vernikovskaya A & Vernikovsky V

Vernikovskaya I. (2007) The Neoproterozoic Alkaline Rocks of the Yenisey Ridge, Western Margin of the Siberian Craton: Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Geochronology
Vernikovskaya I, Sal'nikova E, Vernikovskaya A, Matushkin N & Yasenev A

Vernikovsky V. (2020) Stages of Tectonothermal History of the Taimyr – Severnaya Zemlya Orogen during Oblique Collision in the Carboniferous-Permian
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Proskurnin V, Polyansky O, Laevsky Y & Travin A
(2019) Ediacaran Magmatism in the Evolution of the Transform Active Continental Margin of the Siberian Craton: Geochemistry, Geochronology and Geodynamics
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Kadil'nikov P, Li Z-X, Wilde S, Romanova I & Travin A
(2019) Siberian Traps Expanded in Space and Composition Through New High Precision Geochronology
Augland LE, Ryabov VV, Vernikovsky V, Planke S, Polozov A, Callegaro S, Jerram D & Svensen H
(2017) Late Ediacarian Adakites from the Yenisey Ridge Orogen, Western Framing of the Siberian Craton: Petrology and Tectonic Setting
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Kadil'nikov P & Romanova I
(2016) Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Tectonic Setting of Late Neoproterozoic Adakites and Gabbro-Anorthosites from Zimovey Massif (Southwestern Framing of the Siberian Craton)
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Kadilnikov P, Matushkin N & Romanova I
(2013) Thermal History of a Neoproterozoic Orogen and A-Type Leucogranites Formation (Yenisey Ridge, Western Margin of the Siberian Craton)
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Romanova I, Veyalko I, Polyansky O, Laevsky Y & Voronin K
(2009) Thermochronological Models for the Cooling History of Neoproterozoic Post-Collisional Granites
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Polyansky O & Travin A
(2007) The 940-864 Ma Granites of the Yenisey Ridge and Taimyr Foldbelts, Western Margin of the Siberian Craton: Geochemistry and Geodynamics
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V & Yasenev A
(2005) Neoproterozoic Collisional and Anorogenic A-Type Granites of the Yenisey Ridge Orogen (Southwestern Framing of the Siberian Craton)
Vernikovskaya A & Vernikovsky V

Vernon A. (2010) Orogen-Scale Thermochronologic Trends of the Central Andes
Reiners P, Vernon A, Zattin M, Thomson S, Pearson D & Cavazza W

Vernooij M. (2007) Single Particle Sampling and Analysis
Grobéty B, Vernooij M & Lorenzo R

Veron A. (2015) The Fate of Atmospheric Pollutant Lead in Urban Ecosystem Revealed from Isotopic Imprints and Long-Term Blood Records
Véron A, Petit D, Flament P, Deboudt K & Poirier A
(2012) Archaeo-Environmental Characterization of the Arvernian Gold Mines of Auvergne (France)
Trement F, Argant J, Bremon E, Cubizolle H, Dousteyssier B, Lopez-Saez J-A, Massounie G, Rigaud P & Veron A
(2012) High Resolution Climate Changes and Anthropogenic Impact in Central Europe during the Holocene
Veron A, Novak M, Brizova E & Le Roux G
(2012) Ore Origin of Middle-Bronze Age Copper Artefacts from Sidon
Veron A, Le Roux G, Baque D, Poirier A & Doumet-Serhal C
(2012) Paleo-Environmental Characterization of the Pelusiac Branch of the Nile (Egypt)
Tronchere H, Veron A, Goiran J-P & Forstner-Muller I
(2011) Pb Concentrations, Stable Isotopes and 210Pb in Seawater, Phytoplankton, Zooplankton, Sardines, Anchovy from the Gulf of Lion
Strady E, Veron A, Chiffoleau JF & Radakovitch O
(2009) Radiogenic Isotopes Investigation of Cenozoic Environmental Changes in the Arctic Ocean
Poirier A, Veron A & Hillaire-Marcel C
(2005) Stable Lead Isotopes as Geochemical Tracers in Remote Air of the Atlantic
Church T & Veron A
(2000) Transient Isotopic Variations of Pollutant Lead in the Mediterranean Sea
Hamelin B, Alleman L, Veron A & Nicolas E

Veron E. (2017) Study of Iron-Bearing Dolomite Dissolution at Various Temperatures: Evidence for the Formation of Secondary Nanocrystalline Iron-Rich Phases on the Dolomite Surface
Debure M, Andreazza P, Canizarès A, Grangeon S, Lerouge C, Mack P, Madé B, Simon P, Veron E, Warmont F & Vayer M

Veronesi G. (2021) The ID21 Beamline at ESRF: Sub-Micron Spectroscopy Under Cryo Conditions for Life and Environmental Sciences
Castillo-Michel H, Cotte M, Salome M, Bugnazet D, Veronesi G, Pradas Del Real AE, Colocho Hurtarte LC, Villalobos E & Goulet G
(2017) New Insights on the Biomineralisation Process Developing on Inhaled Asbestos Fibres
Bardelli F, Veronesi G, Capella S, Charlet L, Cedola A & Belluso E
(2012) Synchrotron Radiation Characterization of Ferruginous Bodies from Human Lung Tissue
Bardelli F, Belluso E, Capella S, Veronesi G & Charlet L

Veronesi M. (2013) Methanotrophic Bacteria Drive Seasonal Anoxia and the Formation of a Benthic Nepheloid Layer in a Deep Alpine Lake
Blees J, Niemann H, Wenk CB, Zopfi J, Veronesi M, Schubert CJ & Lehmann MF
(2011) Tracing N2O Transformation Pathways in a Lake Ecosystem by N2O Isotopomer Analysis
Wenk CB, Blees HJR, Koba K, Casciotti KL, Schubert CJ, Veronesi M, Freymond CV, Niemann H, Zopfi J & Lehmann MF
(2011) Aerobic Methanotrophs Drive the Formation of a Seasonal Anoxic Benthic Nepheloid Layer in a Monomictic Lake
Blees J, Niemann H, Wenk C, Zopfi J, Schubert CJ, Veronesi M & Lehmann M
(2009) Biogeochemical Signatures of the Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in a South Alpine Lake (Lake Lugano)
Niemann H, Hitz C, Blees J, Schubert C, Veronesi M, Simona M & Lehmann M

Veroslavsky G. (2012) First Record of Ediacaran Iron Formations: Origin and Paleoenvironmental Significance
Pecoits E, Aubet N, Gingras M, Poulton S, Bekker A, Veroslavsky G & Konhauser K

Verostick K. (2023) Known Origin? Promise and Limitations of North American Stable Isotope Reference Data for Human Geolocation
Bowen G, Verostick K, Stantis C & Serna A

Verosub K. (2009) Geochemical Proxies for Paleoprecipitation and Drought from Lake Tahoe Cores: California and Nevada, USA
Osleger D, Heyvaert A, Stoner J & Verosub K

Verpaele S. (2020) Calculating Apportionment of Metals in PM2.5 Using Ni Isotope Characterization
Kelvin M, Voinot A, Leybourne M, Layton-Matthews D & Verpaele S

Verplanck Emily (2011) Development of a Micro-Interdigitated Electrode Array for Use in High Precision TIMS-Based Isotope Ratio Determinations
Farmer GL & Verplanck E

Verplanck Emily P.

Verplanck P. (2018) Copper Isotopes in Surface- and Groundwater as Indicators of Hydrothermally Altered Crystalline Bedrock in Handcart Gulch, Colorado, USA
Wanty R, Manning A, Morrison J, Verplanck P, Caine J & Balistrieri L
(2014) Transport and Fate of Zinc in the Abandoned Mine District of Ingurtosu, Italy: A Mass- and Isotopic-Balance Approach
Wanty R, De Giudici G, Podda F, Verplanck P, Medas D, Cidu R, Lattanzi P & Kimball B
(2013) Niobium Mineralization in a Magnetite-Rich Carbonatite, Elk Creek, Nebraska (USA)
Blessington M, Kettler R, Verplanck P & Farmer L
(2012) Regional Evaluation of Catchment-Scale Weathering: Surface-Water Chemical Indicators of Lithology, and Mechanical and Biological Effects
Wanty R, Bern C, Verplanck P, Schmidt T, Todorov T, SanJuan C & Fey D
(2009) Simulation of Pre-Mining Metal Concentrations in Mine-Impacted Catchments: Redwell Basin, Colorado, USA
Kimball B, Runkel R, Wanty R & Verplanck P
(2005) Pre-Mining Ground-Water Quality at Molycorp's Questa Molybdenum Mine, Red River Valley, New Mexico
Nordstrom DK & Verplanck P

Verrall M (2006) Origin and weathering of gold nuggets
Butt C, Hough R, Reddy S & Verrall M

Verrall Michael (2021) Behaviour of Critical Elements, Au and PGE in the Ni-Co Lateritic Profile, Goongarrie, Western Australia
Salama W, Verrall M, Lampinen H, Schoneveld L & Ibrahimi T

Verreault D. (2012) Sulfate Adsorption at Buried Mineral/Solution Interfaces Probed via Vibrational Surface Spectroscopy
Jubb A, Allen H & Verreault D

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