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Ver Hoeve T. (2014) Trace Element Mobility in Metamict and Altered Zircon from Late-Stage Granophyres in the Stillwater Complex
Ver Hoeve T, Wall C, Amini M, Weis D & Scoates J

Ver Loren Van Themaat E. (2013) Structure, Evolution and Function of the Root Bacterial Microbiota of Arabisopsis species
Schlaeppi K, Dombrowski N, Ver Loren Van Themaat E & Schulze-Lefert P

Vera M.S. (2022) Study of Natural and Modified Zeolites for the Removal of Arsenic and Glyphosate in a Freshwater System with the Presence of Phytoplankton
Rodriguez AI, Vera MS, Leal P & Trinelli MA

Vera R. (2015) Evidence of Pedogenesis in Late Pleistocene Volcanic Ash Deposits in Ecuador
Opfergelt S, Delmelle P, Duhain C, de Potter d'Indoye A, Vera R, Yin Q, Guevara A & de la Torre E

Veraart Annelies (2015) Effects of Phosphorus and N:P Stoichiometry on Methane Oxidation in Wetlands
Veraart A, Steenbergh A, Ho A & Bodelier P

Veraart Annelies J. (2023) Nitrate-Dependent Anaerobic Methane Oxidation (N-Damo) as a Bioremediation Strategy for Waters Affected by Agricultural Runoff
Glodowska M, Legierse A, Struik Q, Smith G, Echeveste Medrano MJ, Jetten M, Veraart AJ & Welte C
(2021) Methane Dynamics in a Seasonally Hypoxic Coastal Marine Basin
Zygadlowska OM, Lenstra WK, van Helmond NAGM, Röckmann T, Venetz J, Wallenius AJ, Dalcin Martins P, Veraart AJ, Jetten MSM & Slomp CP

Veraverbeke S. (2022) Fires – Climate Feedbacks – Examples from the High North
Veraverbeke S

Verba C. (2018) Distribution and Speciation of Rare Earth Elements in Clay Deposits via Synchrotron µ-XRF and µ-XANES
Stuckman M, Lopano C, Montross S, Verba C & McKoy M

Verbavatz J. (2004) Physico-Chemical and Biological Interactions between CeIII, CeIV Nanoparticles and Escherishia Coli
Thill A, Spalla O, Chauvat F, Verbavatz J & Chaneac C

Verbeeck J. (2023) Nanoscale Mechanism of Uranium Reduction by Magnetite
Bartova B, Pan Z, Lagrange T, Xia Q, Gauquelin N, Tavabi AH, Verbeeck J, Dunin-Borkowski RE & Bernier-Latmani R

Verbeeck M. (2021) The Role of Natural Organic Matter on the Adsorption and Availability of Phosphate in the Environment
Smolders E, Moens C, Vermeiren C & Verbeeck M
(2017) Colloids Mediate Phosphate Leaching in Agricultural Soil: Observations and CD-MUSIC Modelling
Warrinnier R, Goossens T, Verbeeck M, Vanden Nest T, Amery F & Smolders E

Verbeke A. (2017) Soil Formation from Mining Residues: Example of Weathering of Spoil Tips, Hauts-De-France Region
Lloret E, Bourdelle F, Verbeke A, Mosser-Ruck R & Elmaleh A

VerBerkmoes N. (2012) Manipulating Uranium Redox Status in an Alluvial Aquifer: Insights from Electron Donor Amendment Experiments
Long P, Williams K, Banfield J, Bargar J, Davis J, Fox P, Handley K, Hatfield K, Lovley D, Verberkmoes N, Wilkins M, Wrighton K, Yabusaki S & Science Team RI
(2011) High-Resolution Metabolomics Reveals Unusual N-Methyl Lyso Phosphatidylethanolamines as Abundant and Strain-Specific Lipids in Acid Mine Drainage Biofilms
Wilmes P, Fischer C, Bowen B, Thomas B, Mueller R, Denef V, VerBerkmoes N, Hettich R, Northen T & Banfield J
(2009) The Biochemistry of Unusual Cytochromes Isolated from Acidophilic Fe(II)-Oxidizing Biofilms
Singer S, Erickson B, VerBerkmoes N, Hwang M, Chan C, Jeans C, Banfield J, Hettich R & Thelen M
(2009) Influence of Geochemistry and Biology on Community Protein Expression within a Chemoautotropic Biofilm
Mueller R, Denef V, Kalnejais L, Wilmes P, Thomas B, Shah M, Hettich R, VerBerkmoes N & Banfield J

Verberne R. (2019) Trace Element Heterogeneities at Twin Boundaries: A Combined Atom Probe Tomography and Transmission Electron Microscopy Study
Verberne R, Reddy S, Saxey D, Fougerouse D, Rickard W, Quadir Z, Evans N & Clark C
(2019) Mechanisms of Radiogenic Isotope Redistribution in Minerals: Evidence from the Nanoscale
Reddy S, Saxey D, Rickard W, Fougerouse D, Verberne R, Kirkland C & Peterman E
(2015) Low-Temperature Nanocatalysis of Abiogenic Methane during Peridotite Alteration
Plümper O, King H, de Ruiter L, Verberne R & Liu Y

Verbruggen E. (2021) Carbon Sequestration Through Enhanced Weathering Processes on Trictum Aestivum Production in an Acidic and an Alkaline Soil: Yield and N2O Emissions Co-benefits
Poblador S, Vienne A, Verbruggen E & Vicca S

Verbruggen N. (2012) Speciation and Localization of Cd in the Hyperaccumulator Arabidopsis halleri Grown in the Field and in Controlled Conditions by XAS Techniques
Isaure M-P, Huguet S, Meyer C-L, Verbruggen N & Sarret G
(2011) Relation between Cobalt Fractionation and its Accumulation in Metallophytes from South of Central Africa
Faucon MP, Collinet G, Jitaru P, Verbruggen N, Shutcha M, Mahy G, Meerts P & Pourret O

Verburg R. (2020) Reactive Transport Modeling of Remediation Strategies for Coal Combustion Residuals Sites
Nolan P & Verburg R

Verbuyst B. (2022) Application of X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy to Assess Arsenic Mobility and the Effectiveness of a Passive Treatment System at an Abandoned Au-Mine
Ptacek CJ, Angai J, Verbuyst B, Pakostova E, Bain J & Blowes DW

Vercammen K. (2002) Fluorescence Spectroscopic and Chromatographic Evidence for the Interaction of NOM and Metal Ions
Frimmel FH, Delay M & Vercammen K

Verch A. (2013) Correlation between Crystallization Patterns and Diurnal Growth Bands in Scleractinian Corals
van de Locht R, Verch A, Saunders M, Sand K & Kroger R

Verchovsky Alexander (2021) N-Ar-He-CO2 Systematics and H2O, Cl, K Abundances in MORB Glasses: Evidence for Interaction of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Systems in the MAR at 16°07'-17°11’N
Buikin A, Silantyev S & Verchovsky A
(2019) Tracing Fluid Retention in Gas Shales Using Noble Gases
Basu S, Verchovsky A & Jones A
(2018) N-C-Ar-He Systematics of Basalt Glasses from Bouvet Triple Junction: Stepwise Crushing Approach
Buikin A, Verchovsky A & Migdisova N
(2017) Subduction in Early Proterozoic Mantle: Implications from Nitrogen in Carbonatites and Diamonds
Basu S, Jones A, Southworth R & Verchovsky A

Verchovsky Alexander B (2014) Major Volatiles and Noble Gases in Pyroxenites and Carbonatites of the Seblyavr Massif (Kola Peninsular): Stepwise Crushing Data
Buikin A, Verchovsky A, Sorokhtina N & Kogarko L
(2013) Isotopically Light (Solar?) Nitrogen Associated with the Planetary Noble Gas Carrier (Q)
Verchovsky A, Saphton M & Wtight I
(2013) Complex C-O-H-N-S Fluids and Sulphide-Silicate Melt Immiscibility in the Upper Mantle
Solovova I, Bouikine A, Kogarko L & Verchovsky A
(2013) A New Strategy for Identifying Shales with High Gas Retention Using Noble Gas, Nitrogen and Carbon
Basu S, Jones A & Verchovsky A
(2013) C, N2, Ar, He in Fluid Inclusions in a Garnet Lherzolite from Oasis Jetty, East Antarctica
Buikin A, Verchovsky A, Solovova I & Kogarko L
(2013) Nitrogen Isotope Systematics and Origins of Mixed-Habit Diamonds
Howell D, Stern R, Griffin W, Southworth R, Mikhail S, Stachel T, Verchovsky S, Jones A, O'Reilly S & Pearson N
(2011) The Abiogenic Generation of Low δ13C Reservoirs in the Deep Earth
Mikhail S, Shahar A, Hunt SA, Verchovsky AB, Franchi IA, Basu S & Jones AP
(2011) Comparing Carbon Isotopic Signatures between Meteorites and Terrestrial Mantle Samples: Need for Reassessment of Carbon Composition of Earth’s Mantle
Basu S, Mikhail S, Jones A & Verchovsky AB
(2011) The First Stepwise Crushing Data on C, N and Ar Isotopic and Elemental Ratios in Guli Carbonatites
Buikin A, Verchovsky A, Grinenko V & Kogarko L
(2009) N and C Isotopic Compositions in High-3He Kola Plume Rocks
Verchovsky A & Tolstikhin I
(2002) Hydropyrolysis of the Organic Macromolecular Material in the Murchison Meteorite
Watson JS, Sephton M, Love G, Verchovsky S, Snape C & Gilmour I
(2002) Xenon Isotopes in Nanodiamonds
Holland G, Gilmour J, Verchovsky S & Turner G
(2002) Search for Q: Single Grain Xe Isotope Analyses of Graphitic Residue from Yilmia (EL6)
Verchovsky A, Gilmour J, Halland G & Wright I
(2000) Ion Implantation into Presolar Diamonds: Experimental Simulation
Verchovsky A, Wright I, Fisenko A, Semjonova L & Pillinger C

Verchovsky S. (2020) Tracing Circulating Fluids in Gas Shales Using Noble Gases and Nitrogen
Basugupta S, Verchovsky S, Jones A, Papineau D & Antwi R

Vercouter T.
(2016) Uranium Biomineralization in Environmental Bacteria
Chapon V, Theodorakopoulos N, Piette L, Fevrier L, Coppin F, Gallois N, Armengaud J, Alpha-Bazin B, Barakat M, Ortet P, Carriere M, Vercouter T & Berthomieu C
(2014) Coupling between Ionic Chromatography and Multi Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry for Sm and Nd Isotopic Measurements
Isnard H, Gueguen F, Nonell A, Vio L, Aubert M, Bresson C, Vercouter T & Chartier F
(2013) On the Importance of Ternary Alkaline Earth Carbonate Complexes of Uranium(VI) in Natural Waters: A Round-Robin Modeling Test
Vercouter T, Reiller P, Ansoborlo E, Février L, Gilbin R, Lomenech C & Philippini V
(2011) Uranium Speciation in Opals from the Nopal I Deposit (Mexico)
Othmane G, Allard T, Menguy N, Vercouter T, Morin G, Calas G & Fayek M

Verdecchia S.O. (2011) Mineral Metastability and Effective Bulk Composition: The Effect of Grain Sizes and Modal Mineral Amounts
Verdecchia SO, Reche J, Baldo EG, Segovia-Diaz E & Martínez FJ

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