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Velazquez S. (2019) InFORMing Perceived Risks from Fukushima Through Scientific Engagement from Data Collection to Social Media
Cullen J, Kellogg J, Buesseler K, Chen J, Cooke M, Frank E, Gurney-Smith H, Mercier J-F, Velazquez S, Smith J & Trudel M

Velázquez Galicia A. (2022) Role of Amorphous Ferric Arsenate in the Partitioning and Mobility of Arsenic (As) and Lead (Pb) in an Ancient Pb–Zn Mine in Central Mexico
Aguilar Carrillo de Albornoz J & Velázquez Galicia A

Velazquez Santana L. (2020) Bolivian Crustal Xenoliths: Petrochronological Constraints on the History of the Central Andean Continental Crust
Velazquez Santana L, McLeod C, Shaulis B & Brown K

Velazquez-Sanchez M.G. (2022) Whole-Rock Vs. Micro Analysis of 87Sr/86Sr Aztec Wash Pluton as a Test of Mush Zone Differentiation
Velazquez-Sanchez MG & Lundstrom C
(2022) Making Silicic Magmas: It’s Igneous but Maybe a lot Colder Than you Think
Lundstrom C, Bruckel KM, Velazquez-Sanchez MG, Ortega K, Roden N, Manselle P, Campe C & Marks C

Velbel M. (2005) Element Redistribution during Weathering of Volcanic Rocks in Sedentary Landscapes
Patino L, Velbel M, Price J & Wade J
(2005) Solute Geochemical Mass Balance and Forest Biomass in Small Appalachian Blue Ridge Watersheds
Velbel M
(2005) Geochemical Mass Balances and Weathering Rates in Forested Watersheds of the Southern Blue Ridge: Solving More Equations in More Unknowns Through Incorporation of Rare Earth Elements
Price J, Patino L & Velbel M
(2001) An Assessment of Weathering Indices and their Potential Applications to Heterogeneous Weathering Profiles and Paleosols
Price JR & Velbel MA
(2001) Trace Element Mobility during Corestone Formation
Patino LC, Velbel MA, Price J & Wade JA
(2001) Compositional Relationships between Partly Altered Olivine and Replacement Serpentine in Nogoya (CM2): Implications for Scales of Elemental Redistribution during Aqueous Alteration
Velbel MA & Price JR

Veld H. (2007) Organic Geochemical Assessment of the Onset of an Oceanic Anoxic Event
Gill AS, Veld H & Behrends T

Veldkamp T. (2000) Late Pleistocene to Holocene Erosion Rate Variations from Cosmogenic Nuclides in River Terrace Sediments
von Blanckenburg F, Schaller M, Veldkamp T, Kubik P & Hovius N

Veldt M. (2023) The RAD8 Continuous Radon Monitor for Quantitative Groundwater Tracing Applications
Bielicki C, Sadler SW, Shrey A, Simko J & Veldt M

Velić I. (2008) Redefinition of the Permian-Triassic Boundary in Velebit Mt., Croatia: New Geochemical and Isotope Data
Fio K, Spangenberg JE, Sremac J, Vlahović I & Velić I
(2006) Geochemical Evidence for Environmental Changes at the Permian-Triassic Transition, Mt. Velebit, Croatia
Fio K, Spangenberg JE, Sremac J, Vlahovic I, Velic I & Mrinjek E

Veligzhanin A. (2015) Structural Properties of Carbonate-Silicate Melts: An EXAFS Study on Y and Sr
Pohlenz J, Pascarelli S, Mathon O, Belin S, Shiryaev A, Safonov O, Veligzhanin A, Murzin V, Irifune T & Wilke M
(2015) Characterisation of Quenched Carbonate-Silicate Melts by Vibrational Spectroscopy, XAFS and HEXRD: Structure and Y, Sr, Zr Speciation
Shiryaev A, Murzin V, Veligzhanin A, Shablinskaya K, Averin A, Safonov O, Zubavichus Y, Pohlenz J, Belin S, Mathon O & Wilke M

Velikoslavinsky S. (2019) Geochemical Revisit of Archean Olondo Greenstone Belt in the Aldan Shield, Siberian Craton
Tran T-D, Wang K-L, Kovach V, Kotov A, Velikoslavinsky S, Popov N & Lee H-Y
(2011) Geochemical Signature of Rocks of the Neo-Archean Ultramafite-Mafite Mass in the Dzhugdzhur-Stanovoy Superterrane (The South-Eastern Rim of the North-Asian Craton)
Buchko I & Velikoslavinsky S
(2009) Timing of Precambrian Gabbro-Anorthosites in the Stanovoy Mobile Belt (Eastern Siberia)
Buchko I, Sal'nikova Y, Larin A, Kotov A, Sorokin A & Velikoslavinsky S
(2007) Method of Interpretation of in situ U-Pb Zircon Geochronology Using Data on Melt and Fluid Inclusions
Tolmacheva E, Saltykova T, Berezhnaya N, Velikoslavinsky S & Sergeev S
(2006) Early Archean metabasites of the Okhotsk terrain (north-east Russia): geochemical features and tectonic setting
Shevchenko S, Kuzmin V, Velikoslavinsky S & Petrov E

Velinsky D. (2012) Potential Impacts to Ecosystem Health and Water Quality from Marcellus Shale Drilling
Velinsky D, Zelanko P, Anderson F, Horwitz R & Mead J

Velivetskaya T. (2015) Local FS-IR Laser – Fluorination CF-IRMS δ34S, δ33S Isotope Analyses of Sulfides
Ignatiev A & Velivetskaya T
(2015) Variations Δ17O of H2O2 Formed in Electrical Discharge with Water Vapor and Oxygen
Velivetskaya T, Ignatiev A, Yakovenko V & Budnitsky S
(2013) Method for Measurement of Argon Isotopes in Helium Flow for K/Ar Geochronology
Budnitskiy S, Ignatiev A & Velivetskaya T
(2011) W-Sn Ores of the Svetloye Deposit: Mode of Formation from Isotope, Fluid Inclusion and Modeling Studies
Sushchevskaya T, Bychkov A, Ignatiev A, Matveeva S, Popova J, Prisyagina N & Velivetskaya T
(2007) Method Measurement of Ar Isotopes in He Stream (Conflo) for K/Ar Geochronology
Ignatiev A, Velivetskaya T & Budnitskiy C
(2007) Open Tube Combustion Method of Organic Samples for Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis
Velivetskaya T, Ignatiev A & Kiyashko S
(2007) Oxygen Isotopic Zonality at the Iultin Sn-W Deposit (Chukotka, North-East of Russia)
Sushchevskaya T, Spasennykh M, Ignatiev A & Velivetskaya T

Velizhanin K.

Vella A. (2023) Ammonium is a Significant Reservoir of Nitrogen in the Orgueil Meteorite
Laize-Générat L, Soussaintjean L, Poch O, Bonal L, Savarino J, Caillon N, Ginot P, Vella A, Flandinet L, Gounelle M & Bizzarro M

Vellekoop J. (2021) The Recovery of the Biological Pump Across the K/Pg Boundary in the GSSP of El Kef, Tunisia
Dijk JV, Sepúlveda J, Alegret L, Birch H, Bralower T, Jones H, Henehan MJ, Hull PM, Negra MH, Ridgewell A, Roehl U, Vellekoop J, Westerhold T, Whiteside J, Wilkes EB & Zeebe R

Velo A. (2002) Geochemical Self-Organization of Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Sediments in Estuarine-Like Systems
García T, Gago-Duport L, Fernández-Bastero S, Velo A, Santos A & De la Rosa-Fox N
(2002) XRD-Rietveld and RMC Analysis of the Aging Process in Glauconites
Fernandez-Bastero S, Gago-Duport L, Garcia T, Velo A, Villar MP & Santos A
(2002) Numerical Modelling of Competitive Nucleation Pathways
Velo A, Fernandez-Bastero S, Garcia T, Vilas F, Santos A & Gago-Duport L

Veloso A. (2016) The Carajás IOCG Deposits: A SLIP-Related Mineral System?
Monteiro LV, Moreto C, Xavier R, Juliani C, Melo G, Veloso A, Delinardo M, Previato M, Jesus S, Sousa S & Marques I

Veloso C. (2021) First-Principles Modelling Applied to Flotation
Lainé J, Veloso C, Correa A, Foucaud Y & Badawi M

Velu V. (2011) Exploring Geoengineering Using Climate and Detailed Modelling Strategies
Rasch P, Wang H, Yoon J-H, Ganguly D, Ma P-L & Velu V

Velz M. (2007) Sulfide Mobility during Melt Percolation: Implications for PGE and Os Isotopes from the Oman Ophiolite
Velz M & Bruegmann G

Venables H. (2016) Nitrogen Cycling in Coastal Antarctic Sea Ice and Exchange with the Surface Ocean
Henley S, Ganeshram R, Annett A, Fallick A, Meredith M, Clarke A & Venables H

Venceslau Sofia S (2017) Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction is a Four-Step Pathway
Venceslau SS, Santos AA, Leavitt W, Johnston D, Bradley AS & Pereira IAC

Venceslau Sofia S. (2014) Isotopic Consequences of Metabolic Inefficiency during Microbial Sulfate Reduction
Leavitt W, Bradley A, Venceslau S, Pereira I & Johnston D
(2013) Energy Metabolism in Sulfate Reducing Bacteria
Pereira IAC, Ramos AR & Venceslau SS

Venchiarutti C. (2012) Changes in 231Pa/230Th Signatures in the Bottom Water of the Ocean
Rutgers van der Loeff M, Kretschmer S & Venchiarutti C
(2009) Hafnium and Neodymium Isotope Composition of Filtered Particles from the Drake Passage
Stichel T, Frank M, Haley B, Rickli J & Venchiarutti C
(2007) Extracting Sequentially Ra, Nd, Pa, Th and U from a Unique Natural Sample, on the Same Column
Pradoux C, Jeandel C, Venchiarutti C, Lacan F, Bourquin M, van Beek P & Riotte J
(2007) A Multiproxy Approach to Constrain the Origin of the Natural Fertilisation on the Kerguelen Plateau
Jeandel C, Bourquin M, Bowie A, Bucciarelli E, Chever F, Jacquet S, Lacan F, Sarthou G, van Beek P & Venchiarutti C
(2007) Estimates of Particle Fluxes and Boundary Scavenging in the Seawater Around the Kerguelen Plateau Using 230Thxs and 231Pa
Venchiarutti C, Jeandel C, Roy-Barman M & Freydier R

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