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Veit H. (2009) Sensitivity of Glacier and Climate Reconstructions in High Mountain Regions to Uncertainties of 10Be Surface Exposure Dating
Ilgner J, Zech R & Veit H

Veith-Hillebrand A. (2017) Insights into Organic Carbon Oxidation Potential during Fluvial Transport from Laboratory and Field Experiments
Scheingross JS, Dellinger M, Eglington T, Fuchs M, Golombek N, Hilton R, Hovius N, Lupker M, Repasch M, Sachse D, Turowski J, Veith-Hillebrand A & Wittmann H

Veizer J. (2013) The Phanerozoic δ<sup>88/86</sup>Sr Record of Seawater: New Constraints on Past Changes in Oceanic Carbonate Fluxes
Vollstaedt H, Eisenhauer A, Wallmann K, Böhm F, Fietzke J, Liebetrau V, Krabbenhöft A, Farkaš J, Tomašovŷch A, Raddatz J & Veizer J
(2012) Analysis of Carbon Cycling within a Malaysian Watershed
Lee K, Veizer J & Clark I
(2012) Marine Carbonate Burial Rates at the Phanerozoic Mass Extinctions
Vollstaedt H, Eisenhauer A, Bohm F, Fietzke J, Wallmann K, Liebetrau V, Farkas J, Tomasovych A & Veizer J
(2012) Isotopic Constraints on Water and Carbon Fluxes in Langat Basin, Peninsular Malaysia: A Reconnaissance Study
Syakir M, Clark I & Veizer J
(2011) The Paleozoic δ88/86Sr-Seawater Record – Quantifying Carbonate Production Rates at Mass Extinction Events
Vollstaedt H, Eisenhauer A, Böhm F, Fietzke J, Krabbenhöft A, Liebetrau V, Farkas J & Veizer J
(2009) Carbon-, Sulphur- and Strontium-Isotope Trends of High- and Low-Latitude Permian Brachiopods
Korte C, Brand U, Strauss H & Veizer J
(2009) δ88/86Sr Record of Phanerozoic Marine Carbonates
Vollstaedt H, Eisenhauer A, Krabbenhöft A, Farkas J & Veizer J
(2008) Biospheric Coupling of Terrestrial Water and Carbon Fluxes: Implications for the Climate System
Veizer J & Ferguson PR
(2008) A Multi-Proxy Perspective on Isotope Evolution of Phanerozoic Seawater
Farkaš J, Jacobsen S & Veizer J
(2006) Dissolved inorganic carbon and sulfur isotopic compositions in the Alakananda-Bhagirathi rivers in Himalayas
Chakrapani GJ, Veizer J & Schulte U
(2006) Paleoclimates, Ocean Depth, and the Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Seawater
Kasting J, Howard T, Wallmann K, Veizer J, Shields G & Jaffres J
(2005) Latitudinal Gradient in <$f"Symbol">d<$f"Times-Roman"><+>18<$>O of Permian Brachiopods
Korte C, Brand U, Dickins J, Mertmann D & Veizer J
(2004) Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Ranges in Modern and Ancient Brachiopods
Korte C, Erika G, Schmahl W & Veizer J
(2004) The Chemical Inhomogeneity of Brachiopod Shell Calcite – A Spatial High Resolution LA-ICP-MS Investigation
Griesshaber E, Pettke T, Job R, Veizer J & Schmahl W
(2002) D18O of Permian and Triassic Brachiopods: Implications for Coeval Seawater and Paleotemperatures
Korte C, Jasper T, Kozur HW & Veizer J
(2001) Four Billion Years of Carbon Cycle: What’s in It for Us?
Veizer J

Vejar Manuel (2019) Arsenic Spatial Distribution in Mine Wastes: Developing a Proxy for Short and Long-Term Exposure Risks
Vejar M, LaHaye N & Kim C

Vejar Manuel R. (2023) Influence of Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Crystallite Size on the Sorption and Reduction of Plutonium
Zengotita FE, Vejar MR, Weiss S, Shams Aldin Azzam S, Bazarkina EF, Huittinen N, Kvashnina K & Hixon AE
(2023) Redox Behaviour of Plutonium in the Presence of Al-Doped Iron Oxide Mineral Surfaces: A Solid-Phase Perspective Using HERFD-XANES
Vejar MR, Zengotita FE, Weiss S, Shams Aldin Azzam S, Amidani L, Bazarkina EF, E Silva CL, Aldair Misael W, Otte F, Huittinen N, Kvashnina K & Hixon AE

Vejdani Y. (2011) Assessing the Seismic Hazard for Some Parts in Hormozgan Province, Southern Iran
Fazelvalipour A, Vejdani Y & Fazelvalipour A

Vejelyte I. (2011) Intracratonic Carboniferous Granites in the Paleoproterozoic Crust of Lithuania: New SHRIMP U-Pb Zircon Ages
Vejelyte I, Yi K, Cho M, Kim N & Lee T-H

Vejmelka P. (2004) The Effect of a Mg-Oxychloride- Brucite Backfill Material on the Pu Behavior in MgCl2-NaCl-Brines
Metz V, Vejmelka P, Kienzler B, Marquardt C, Seibert A & Fanghänel T
(2002) Geochemically Based Source Term Assessment for the Asse Salt Mine – Modelling and Experimental Results
Schuessler W, Metz V, Kienzler B & Vejmelka P

Vekemans B. (2020) HR 3D Element Distribution by SR-Xrf Tomography of CM2 Material as Analog for Material Returned in Hayabusa2
Tkalcec BJ, Tack P, Brenker FE, De Pauw E, Vekemans B, Vincze L, Nakamura T, Matsumoto M, Amano K, Takahashi M, Fujioka Y, Kagawa E & Falkenberg G
(2020) Rare Earth Element Analysis of UR CAIs in CV3 Chondrites by SRXRF
Genzel P-T, Bazi B, Krot AN, De Pauw E, Vekemans B, Ivanova MA, Ma C, Lindner M, Garrevoet J, Falkenberg G, Vincze L, Brenker FE & Davis AM
(2018) Tracing Meteoritic Components in Cretaceous-Paleogene Microkrystites Using XRF Nano-Analysis
Goderis S, Laforce B, Belza J, Tucoulou Tachoueres R, Van Malderen S, Vekemans B, Vincze L & Claeys P
(2014) A Hydrous Mantle Transition Zone Indicated by Ringwoodite Included within Diamond
Pearson DG, Brenker F, Nestola F, McNeill J, Nasdala L, Hutchison M, Matveev S, Mather K, Silversmit G, Schmitz S, Vekemans B & Vincze L
(2007) High Resolution S-Xrf Study of Stardust Impact Tracks
Schmitz S, Brenker F, Vincze L, Vekemans B, Burghammer M & Riekel C
(2006) CO2-recycling to the deep convecting mantle
Brenker FE, Vollmer C, Vincze L, Vekemans B, Szymanski A, Janssens K, Szaloki I, Nasdala L, Joswig W & Kaminsky F

Vekilov P. (2020) Antagonistic Cooperativity between Antimalarials Controlling Hematin Crystallization by Attenuation of Step Pinning
Ma W, Lutsko J, Rimer J & Vekilov P
(2014) The Nucleation Precursors in Protein Crystallization
Vekilov P

Veklenko V. (2010) X-Ray Luminescence Study of REE Behaviour in Fluorites from Gold-Bearing Metasomatites, SE Siberia
Veklenko V, Boroznovskaya N, Tishin P, Biryukov E & Tsyro N
(2010) Neoproterozoic Alkaline Magmatism and Gold Deposits of the Yenisei Ridge, Central Siberia: A Result of the Plume Activity and Late Collisional Tectonics
Vrublevskii V, Gertner I, Tishin P, Veklenko V & Kozulina T

Vekony A. (2019) Strategies to Advance Geoscience Understanding and Engagement in Religious Academic Institutions
Visscher C & Vekony A

Veksler Ilya (2018) Phase Equilibria and Geochemical Constraints on the Petrogenesis of high-Ti Picrite from the Paleogene East Greenland Flood Basalt Province
Zhang Y-S, Hou T, Veksler I, Lesher C & Namur O

Veksler Ilya V. (2021) First Experimental Evidence for Magmatic Crystallization of Bastnaesite and Burbankite
Nikolenko A, Stepanov K & Veksler IV
(2021) Connate Brine Incorporation into the Bushveld Magmas as Evidenced by Hydrogen and Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Phlogopite from the UG2 Chromitite
Zhou H, Trumbull RB, Veksler IV, Bindeman IN, Glodny J, Kaufmann FED & Rammlmair D
(2015) REE and Nb in Minerals from Rocks of the Belaya Zima Carbonatite Complex, Russia
Doroshkevich A, Klemd R & Veksler I
(2015) Mineral Chemistry in Mineralised Layers and Barren Rocks of East Pana Intrusion, Kola Peninsula, Russia
Gorbunov A, Veksler I, Asavin A, Anosova M & Kazymov K
(2015) Chemical and Textural Variations Across the UG2 Chromitite at the Khuseleka Mine, Bushveld Complex
Sedunova A, Veksler I, Zhdanov V, Kazymov K & Reid D
(2013) Lithospheric Control of Plume Impact: Evidence from Dyke Geochemistry
Keiding J, Trumbull R, Will T, Frimmel H, Wiegand M & Veksler I
(2012) Effects of Water on the Nucleation of Li-Rich Granitic Melts
Sirbescu M-LC, Wilke M, Veksler I & Whittington AG
(2011) On the Significance of Ultra-Magnesian Olivines in Basaltic Rocks
Keiding JK, Trumbull RB, Veksler IV & Jerram DA
(2011) F, Cl and S Contents of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from Picritic Dike Rocks, Etendeka, NW Namibia
Worgard L, Trumbull R, Keiding J, Veksler I, Wiedenbeck M, Wenzel T & Markl G
(2007) Kinetics of Liquid Immiscibility in the System K2O-Cao-FeO-Al2O3-SiO2
Veksler I, Dorfman A, Wirth R & Dingwell D
(2006) Evidence for early liquid immiscibility in the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland
Jakobsen JK, Veksler IV, Tegner C, Lesher CE, Thy P & Brooks K
(2006) Unmixing of Ferrobasaltic Melts: Evidence from Centrifuge and Static Experiments
Veksler I, Borisov A, Dorfman A & Dingwell D
(2006) Low-Temperature Alkali Silicate Melt and Fluid in the System Na2O-K2O-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O
Veksler I, Thomas R & Schmidt C
(2005) Element Partitioning between Ferrobasalt-Rhyolite Immiscible Liquids
Veksler I, Jakobsen JK, Dorfman A, Danyushevsky L, Dingwell DB & Lesher CE
(2004) Extreme Fe Enrichment and Liquid Immiscibility in Skaergaard: Evidence from Apatite-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Jakobsen J, Veksler I, Tegner C & Brooks C
(2004) Element Partitioning between Immiscible Melts and Geochemical Anomalies in Igneous Rocks
Veksler I, Dorfman A, Dulski P & Dingwell D
(2003) Lanthanide Distribution and the Tetrad Effect in Bulk Rocks and Fluorite of the Khangilay Granitic Complex (Russia)
Badanina E, Veksler I, Syritso L, Dulski P & Trumbull R
(2002) SIMS Study of 11B/10B in Immiscible Borosilicate Glasses
Gurenko A, Veksler I, Thomas R, Meixner A, Dorfman A & Dingwell D
(2002) Melt Evolution in Li-F Granites as Revealed by Quartz-Hosted Melt Inclusions (Orlovka Massif, Russia)
Badanina E, Thomas R & Veksler I
(2002) Experimental Evidence of the Role of Liquid Immiscibility in Evolution of Granitic Pegmatites and Li-F Granites
Veksler I, Badanina E & Thomas R
(2001) The Synthesis of Boron-Rich Aqueous Melt and Implications for Element Partitioning in Pegmatites
Veksler IV, Thomas R, Schmidt C & Heinrich W
(2001) Phase Equilibria, Mineral-Melt and Fluid-Melt Element Partitioning in the Haplopegmatite System
Veksler IV & Thomas R

Velaoras Dimitrios (2018) Nutrient Dynamics in East Mediterranean Sea Under Different Water Masses
Pavlidou A, Rousselaki E, Velaoras D & Papadopoulos V

Velaoras Dimitris (2017) Nutrient Dynamics in Eastern Mediterranean Sea, South of Crete Island
Pavlidou A, Rousselaki E, Velaoras D & Psarra S

Velarde R. (2014) Evaluating Global Atmospheric Transport of Plutonium with Dust Aerosols
Velarde R, Arimoto R & Gill TE

Velasco E. (2012) Extreme Microbial Sulphur Isotpe Fractionation in a Mars Analogue Environment at Rio Tinto, SW Spain
Velasco E, Mason P, Vroon P, Roling W, Amils R & Davies G
(2011) Microbial Sulphur Isotope Fractionation in a Mars Analogue Environment at Rio Tinto, SW Spain
Velasco E, Mason P, Vroon P, Roling W, Amils R & Davies G

Velasco F. (2015) Strontium and Sulfur Isotopes Reveal the Complex Evolution of the Sotiel-Migollas VMS Deposit (Iberian Pyrite Belt)
Velasco-Acebes J, Tornos F, Wiedenbeck M, Kidane A & Velasco F
(2015) Crustal Contamination Controls the Formation of the Magmatic-Hydrothermal El Laco System
Tornos F, Velasco F & Hanchar JM
(2011) Biogenic Supergene Galena-Rich Ore in the Las Cruces Deposit, Spain
Tornos F, Miguelez NG, Velasco F & Videira JC
(2011) Cu Isotope Geochemistry in the Unusual Las Cruces Supergene Copper Deposit
Miguélez NG, Mathur R, Tornos F, Velasco F & Videira JC
(2011) The Alteration Sequence of PGM in the Gossan of the Aguablanca Ni-Cu-(PGE) Sulphide Deposit, SW Iberia
Suárez S, Prichard H, Velasco F, Fisher P & McDonald I
(2010) The Zn-Pb-(Ag) Epithermal Mineralization of Mazarrón (Spain) a Preliminary Isotope Study
Esteban I, Carrillo FJ, Morales S, Velasco F, Yusta I & Boyce A
(2009) A New Lower Cretaceous Fossil Resin from El Soplao, Cantabria (Spain). Biomarkers and Chemotaxonomy
Menor-Salvan C, Najarro M, Velasco F, Tornos F & Rosales I
(2009) Geochemistry of the Zn-Pb-Cu-(Ag)-(Au) Epithermal Deposits from San José (SE Spain)
Esteban I, Boyce A, Carrillo-Rosua J, Morales-Ruano S, Velasco F & Yusta I

Velasco-Acebes J. (2015) Strontium and Sulfur Isotopes Reveal the Complex Evolution of the Sotiel-Migollas VMS Deposit (Iberian Pyrite Belt)
Velasco-Acebes J, Tornos F, Wiedenbeck M, Kidane A & Velasco F

Velaskez M. (2013) Evidences of Paleoproterozoic Metamorphism in the NW Region of the Quadrilatero Ferrifero Area, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Implications for Gold Mineralizations
Tassinari C, Velaskez M, Munha J, Lobato L, Mateus A & Campos W

Velasquez G. (2013) The Copper Deposit of Gaoua, Burkina Faso: A Paleoproterozoic Porphyry Deposit
Le Mignot E, Siebenaller L, Beziat D, Salvi S, Andre-Mayer A-S, Reisberg L & Velasquez G

Velasquez I. (2019) Distribution of Conservative and Reactive Trace Metals in Different Size Fractions in the Amazon River-Seawater Mixing Continuum
Velasquez I, De Carvalho L, Schneider A, Krause C, Schallwig L & Koschinsky A

Velasquez M. (2009) Geochemical Study of a Marine Shelf in SW-Gondwana: The Aftermath of Neoproterozoic Glaciations
Velasquez M, Spangenberg J, Gaucher C & Boggiani P
(2008) Tracking the Biogeochemistry of an Ediacaran Basin in SW-Gondwana by Isotopes and Biomarkers
Velasquez M, Spangenberg JE, Gaucher C & Boggiani P
(2007) Molecular and Isotopic Biogeochemistry of Neoproterozoic Sediments in the Rio de la Plata Craton
Velasquez M, Spangenberg JE, Gaucher C & Boggiani PC

Velazquez D. (2015) Raman Characterization of the UV-Protective Pigment Gloeocapsin- Potential Biosignatures of Early Earth Records
Storme J, Golubic S, Wilmotte A, Kleinteich J, Velazquez D & Javaux E

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