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Vazin J. (2014) Strategies to Assess the Biochemical Properties of Extracellular Hydrolases in Aquatic Environments
Steen A, Michalska K, Chhor G, Endres M, Vazin J, Lloyd K, Wilhelm S & Joachimiak A

Vazirov K. (2018) Genetic Features of the Formation of Gold-Sulphide Mineralizations in the Chore Ore Field
Safari N, Fayziev A, Vazirov K & Malakhov F

Vazquez F. (2002) Chemical and Molecular Analysis of Methanogens & SRB in Anaerobic Sediment of Lake Cadagno & Rotsee
Sahan E, Bottinelli M, Vazquez F, Tonolla M, Peduzzi R & Zepp K

Vazquez Jorge (2020) Volcanic-Hosted Be-(Li-F-Ree-U) Deposits: Insights into Source Rocks, Geochemical Signatures, and Macro-To-Microscale Concentration Processes
Foley N, Ayuso R & Vazquez J
(2020) SHRIMP U-Pb Zircon Geochronology of Volcanic Rocks Hosting World-Class Be-U-Li-F Mineralization, Spor Mountain, Utah, U.S.A
Ayuso R, Foley N & Vazquez J
(2018) Multi-Chronometer Zircon Dating of the Old Crow Tephra
Vazquez J, Burgess S & Coble M
(2017) SHRIMP-RG Determination of Rare Earth Element Distribution in Coal Fly Ash
Kolker A, Scott C, Hower J, Vazquez J & Lopano C
(2015) Trace Element “Fingerprinting” Tectono-Magmatic Provenance of Igneous Zircon
Grimes C, Wooden J, Cheadle M, John B & Vazquez J
(2015) Thermochemical Diversity of Zircon Crystallizing from the Youngest Toba Tuff, Indonesia
Reid M, Gaither T & Vazquez J
(2014) Crystal Cannibalization: Youngest Toba Tuff Remnants Remobilized Through Post-Caldera Lava Domes
Barbee O, Vazquez J, Reid M & Chesner C
(2014) Residence Times of Eruptible Rhyolites at Yellowstone Caldera: Insights from Zircon and Sanidine
Stelten M, Cooper K, Vazquez J, Calvert A & Glessner J
(2014) Geochronological and Geochemical Transects of the Western Alaska Range Batholith
Ayuso R, Haeussler P, Todd E, Box S, Jones J, Bradley D, Vazquez J, Karl S & Jackson J
(2013) Magmatic Evolution at Yellowstone: The Role of Isotopically Juvenile Magma Inferred from Zircon Age, Trace-Element, and Hf Isotope Data
Stelten M, Cooper K, Vazquez J, Wimpenny J & Yin Q-Z
(2013) The Disparate Crystal Records of the Youngest Toba Tuff, Indonesia
Reid M & Vazquez J
(2012) Compositional Heterogeneity within the Yellowstone Magma Reservoir: Insight from Zircon Age, Trace-Element, and Hf-Isotopic Analyses
Stelten M, Cooper K, Vazquez J, Wimpenny J, Barfod G & Yin Q-Z
(2011) In situ Dating and Investigation of Remarkably Depleted –27.3‰ SMOW “Slushball” Earth Zircons
Bindeman I, Vazquez J, Schmitt A, Eiler J, Serebryakov N & Evans D
(2005) Dating Compositional Zoning in the Youngest Toba Tuff Magma
Vazquez J & Reid M
(2005) Chronologies of Magmatic Evolution from Compositional Zoning in Allanite
Vazquez J & Reid M
(2004) Dating the Accessory Phase Record of Dynamic Rhyolite Evolution
Reid M & Vazquez J
(2002) Constraining the Timing of Magmatic Evolution in the Youngest Toba Tuff Rhyolite Through Dating of Zoning in Allanite
Vazquez JA & Reid MR

Vazquez Jorge A. (2023) Numerical Simulation of the Formation of the IDDP-1 Rhyolitic Melt (Krafla Volcano, Iceland)
Melnik OE, Borisova AY, Gaborit N, Bindeman IN, Laurent O, Traillou T, Raffarin M, Stefánsson A, Llovet X, Parseval PD, Proietti A, Tait S, Vazquez JA & Leisen M
(2022) Dating Young (100-350 ka) Gen Z Zircons: Development of a Dual ID-TIMS and ID-Mc-ICPMS U-230Th-Pb Zircon Analytical Technique and Data Reduction
Chan CF, McLean NM, Cooper KM, Vazquez JA & Burgess SD

Vazquez Camargo A. (2012) Variation in Volatile Content: Chichinautzin Volcanic Field, Mexico
Robidoux P, Roberge J, Carolina Reyes Luna P, Vazquez Camargo A, Guilbaud M-N, Roberto Justo Espinosa L & Briseno Arellano A

Vazquez Ochoa A.T. (2023) Phase Equilibria and Geochronologic Constraints on Paleozoic Metamorphism, Anatexis, and Melt-Facilitated Exhumation in New York City
Castro AE, Tailby ND, Wolfe OM, Morin KD, Brunet IM, Merrill EJ, Vazquez Ochoa AT & Thomas JB

Vazquez Reina S. (2019) Arsenic Levels in Different Rice Types Sold in the UK
Menon M, Sarkar B, Hufton J, Vazquez Reina S & Young S

Vázquez-Arias A. (2022) Parent Material and Atmospheric Deposition as Pollution Sources of Urban Soils and their Human Exposure Risk in Minas de Riotinto (Spain)
Parviainen A, Vázquez-Arias A & Martin-Peinado FJ

Vázquez-Duarte A. (2014) Of Fluids, Melts and Slab Diapirs: Insights from Western Mexico
Gómez-Tuena A, Díaz-Bravo B, Vázquez-Duarte A, Pérez-Arvizu O & Mori L

Vazquez-Gutierrez F. (2007) Different Sources of Hydrocarbon Pollution in Surface Sediments of the Campeche Sound, Gulf of Mexico, Revealed by Biomarker Analysis
Scholz-Boettcher B, Vazquez-Gutierrez F & Rullkötter J

Vazquez-Lule A. (2020) Carbon Flux and Export from a Temperate Tidal Salt Marsh: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Vargas R, Capooci M, Seyfferth A, Trifunovic B, Vazquez-Lule A & Wozniak A

Vazquez-Rodriguez A.I. (2013) Volatilization of Hg from HgS Minerals Mediated by the Coupled Activity of Thiosulfate and a Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacterium
Vazquez-Rodriguez A, Zhang T, Lamborg C, Santelli C, Brooks S & Hansel C
(2012) In situ Colonization of HgS Mineral by Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacteria and the Enhancement of HgS Weathering
Vazquez-Rodriguez A, Santelli C, Kim C, Brooks S & Hansel C
(2011) Bacterial and Fungal Communities Colonizing Mercury Sulfide Surfaces
Vazquez-Rodriguez AI, Santelli CM, Brooks SC & Hansel CM
(2009) Defining Novel Enzymatic and Photochemical Pathways in the Oxidation of Manganese
Learman D, Vazquez-Rodriguez A, Madden A & Hansel C

Vázquez-Suñé E. (2013) Modeling the Fate of the Pharmaceuticals in an Urban Aquifer. Besòs River Delta Case Study (Barcelona, Spain)
Jurado A, Vázquez-Suñé E, Carrera J, Pujades E, López-Serna R, Petrovic M & Barceló D

Vdovic R. (2000) Clay Minerals of the North Alpine Molasse Sediments – Archives of Alpine Upliftment and Climatic Change?
Vennemann TW, Vdovic R & Thoral S

Veber A. (2017) Cerium Redox State in Silicate Glasses and Melts: Implications for Properties Change and Structural Roles
Cicconi MR, de Ligny D, Veber A, Blanc W, Baudelet F & Neuville DR

Veblen D. (2009) Uranyl Phosphate Sheet Reconstruction during Dehydration of Metatorbernite [Cu(UO2)2(PO4)2•8H2O]
Stubbs J, Post J, Elbert D, Heaney P & Veblen D
(2008) Newly Recognized Hosts for Uranium in the Hanford 300 Area Vadose Zone
Stubbs J, Elbert D, Veblen L, Zhang S & Veblen D
(2004) A New Hypothesis for the Slow Feldspar Dissolution in Groundwater Aquifers
Zhu C, Blum A & Veblen D
(2002) Crystallographic and Compositional Aspects of C-Domains in Calcium-Rich Dolomite
Schubel K, Elbert D & Veblen D

Veblen L. (2008) Newly Recognized Hosts for Uranium in the Hanford 300 Area Vadose Zone
Stubbs J, Elbert D, Veblen L, Zhang S & Veblen D

Vecchiato M. (2022) The Distribution of Contaminants of Emerging Concern in North-Western Spitsbergen: A Journey from the Atmosphere to the Arctic Snow Cover
D'Amico M, Gambaro A, Kallenborn R, Scoto F, Gallet JC, Spolaor A & Vecchiato M

Vecht A. (2013) Role of Deep Carbides in the Formation of Hydrocarbons?
Vecht A & Jones A
(2011) On the Origins of Prebiotic Carbon Containing Rocks in the Early Earth
Vecht A
(2007) A Reassesment of Prebiotic Sources of Carbon in the Early Earth
Vecht A

Vecino-Mantilla M.M. (2023) Fruit-Extracted Thiols as Tools for Mercury Removal in Contaminated Water Sources
Vecino-Mantilla MM, Pinilla C, Mass J, Allan N, Davis S & Mosquera OM

Vecitis C. (2022) Biogeochemical Conditions and Microbial Populations Linked to Biodegradation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Soil and Sediment
Lorah MM, Akob DM, Harris C, He K, Blaney L, Schultes L, Sunderland E & Vecitis C

Vedamati J. (2014) Response of Phytoplankton Metal Quotas to Oceanic Gradients in Dissolved and Particulate Metals
Twining B, Rauschenberg S, Vedamati J, Moffett J & Sedwick P

Vedanti N. (2014) Composition and Elastic Properties of Deccan Volcanic Basement: Evidences from Killari Borehole, Western India
Pandey OP, Vedanti N, Lakshmi K, Tripathi P, Sen M, VIjay Kumar K & Ravinder S
(2013) Anomalous Lithospheric and Geodynamical Evolution of the Southern Part of Vindhyan Basin, Central India
Pandey OP, Vedanti N & Srivastava RP
(2009) Mafic Crustal Exhumation Below Jabera-Damoh Region of Vindhyan Basin (India) and Thermo-Tectonic Evolution
Srivastava RP, Vedanti N, Pandey O & Dimri V

Vedharaman R. (2018) Mobilization and Redistribution of Elements in a Spheroidally Weathering Profile of Amphibolite, Southern India
Pandey D & Vedharaman R

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