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Vaughan Hammon J. (2020) Peak Pressure Determined from Staurolite-Chloritoid Metapelites in the Monte Rosa Nappe: Thermodynamic and Geodynamic Implications
Vaughan Hammon J, Luisier C, Schmalholz S & Baumgartner L

Vaughan-Hammon J. (2017) Importance of Relative Water Fugacity Estimates in Metagranites and White Schists from SIMS Measurements of Water in Phengite
Luisier C, Baumgartner LP, Bouvier A-S, Siron G, Vaughan-Hammon J & Schmalholz SM

Vaughn B. (2017) Continuous, High-Resolution Measurements of 17O Excess of H2O from Ice Cores
Steig E, Schauer A, Kahle E, White J, Vaughn B, Jones T, Morris V & Thayer A
(2013) Inferring a West Antarctica Firn Temperature History from a Shallow Ice Core Using a New Proxy
Gkinis V, Jones T, White J, Vaughn B, Steig E, Markle B & Schoenemann S

Vaughn J. (2014) Determination of Anion Order in F-Cl Apatite via Multinuclear Solid-State NMR & X-Ray Crystallography
Vaughn J, Lindsley D, Hughes J, Nekvasil H & Phillips B

Vaughn K. (2014) Iron Isotope Composition of Iron Ore and Iron-Based Nasca Pigments, Peru
Barfod GH, Eerkens J, Vaughn K, WIlliams R, Lesher C & Glessner J

Vaughn M. (2022) CO2 Solutions – Driven by Enzyme-Enabled Carbon Capture
Govil T, Vaughn M, Ustunisik G, Soeder DJ, Lingwall B & Sani RK

Vaunat J. (2023) Weakening of the Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane (AOM) Biofilter: The Combined Role of Methane Gas Transport and Methanotrophic Biomass Dynamics
De La Fuente Ruiz M, Arndt S, Marín-Moreno H, Minshull TA & Vaunat J

Vaury Véronique (2021) Tracing Weathering and Anthropogenic Controls of Groundwater Geochemical Cycling from Tropical Watershed
Pullyottum Kavil S, Cardinal D, Chakrabarti R, Riotte J, Sarma V, Dapoigny A, Vaury V, Ruiz L, Baud B & Kumar BSK
(2017) Effects of Early Diagenesis on the Isotopic Signature of Wood: Incubation in Aquatic Microcosm
Tramoy R, Nguyen Tu T-T, Vaury V, Sebilo M, Millot-Cornette L, Roose-Amsaleg C & Schnyder J
(2013) Effect of the Isotopic Composition of Nitrite on the Enrichment Factor during Benthic Denitrification
Mothet A, Sebilo M, Laverman AM, Vaury V & Mariotti A
(2013) Tracing Denitrification Using Isotopic Composition of Nitrogen in Soils and Plants
Sebilo M, Mothet A, Hamilton L, Malone E, Vaury V, Gros O & Pinay G

Vaury Veronique (2018) Isotopic Fractionation of Nitrate by Benthic Microbial Communities
Laverman A, Vaury V & Sebilo M
(2016) Tracing Source Contributions to Radiocesium Contaminated Sediment with Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotope Ratios and Elemental Concentrations
Laceby JP, Huon S, Onda Y, Vaury V & Evrard O

Vautour Genevieve (2013) Helium Isotopic Gradients in a Catchment Basin: Constraining Groundwater Flow Patterns and Residence Times
Pinti DL, Vautour G, Roulleau E, Castro MC & Sano Y
(2012) Behavior of Uranium Isotopes in Shallow Aquifers of Southern Quebec, Canada
Mejean P, Vautour G, Pinti DL, Ghaleb B & Larocque M
(2012) Dating Groundwater in Quebec Using Noble Gases, U and Stable Isotopes and Major Elements
Vautour G, Meyzonnat G, Mejean P, Pinti DL, Larocque M, Castro MC, Hall CM & Helie J-F

Vautour Geneviève (2015) Trace Metals Dispersion from Two Smelters in the Abitibi Region: An Approach Coupling Lead and Osmium Isotopes
Vautour G, Poirier A & Widory D

Vautravers M. (2017) Evolution of Atmospheric pCO2 from the Late Oligocene to Present
Misra S, Bokkerink M, Roberts J, Vautravers M & Greaves M
(2009) Enhanced Atlantic Merdional Overturning Circulation during Pronounced Interstadials
Barker S, Diz P, van de Flierdt T, Vautravers M, Hall I, Broecker W & Knorr G
(2002) Millennial Scale Variability Records in Western Subtropical Atlantic Ocean
Vautravers M, Shackleton N & Gruetzner J

Vave R. (2022) Ola I Ka Wai: Life at the Intersection of Water Science, Policy, and Indigeneity in Hawaiʻi
Vave R

Vavilin V.

Vavouraki A.
(2011) Eu(III) Interactions with Calcium Carbonate
Vavouraki A, Fernández-González Á, Prieto M & Koutsoukos P
(2009) A Comparative Study of Calcite Dissolution in the Presence of Aqueous Sulphate: Batch and AFM Experiments
Vavouraki A, Putnis C, Putnis A & Koutsoukos P

Vavpetič P. (2017) PIXE Microanalysis of Birch Roots Colonized by Ectomycorrhizal Fungi: New Insights into Metal Distribution and Potential Tolerance Mechanisms
Märten A, Merten D, Formann S, Kelemen M, Vavpetič P, Pelicon P & Vogel-Mikuš K

Vavtar F. (2017) Minor and Trace Elements in Sphalerite from Lead-Zinc-Ores in the Ötztal-Stubai Complex
Angerer T, Onuk P & Vavtar F
(2003) Sulfur Isotopic Geochemistry of the Woxi W-Sb-Au Deposit, South China: Implications for Ore Genesis
Gu X, Schulz O, Vavtar F, Liu J & Liu X
(2002) Rare Earth Element Geochemical Constraints on the Genesis of the Woxi W-Sb-Au Deposit, South China
Gu X, Schulz O, Vavtar F & Liu J

Vax A. (2000) Variation of Palaeoclimate in the Eastern Mediterranean Region – as Derived from Speleothems in Various Climate Regimes in Israel
Bar-Matthews M, Gilmour M, Ayalon A, Vax A, Kaufmann A, Frumkin A & Hawkesworth C

Vaxelaire S. (2023) Elucidation of Biotic and Abiotic Processes Governing Manganese Redox Cycle in Sediment of Passive Mine Drainage Treatment Plants
Lafont C, van Hullebusch E, Battaglia-Brunet F, Vaxelaire S, Gelabert A & Gorny J

Vaxevanopoulos M. (2021) What do Ag-Pb Isotopes Tell us About Mining in Lavrion?
Vaxevanopoulos M, Blichert-Toft J, Albarede F & Davis G

Vayer M. (2017) Study of Iron-Bearing Dolomite Dissolution at Various Temperatures: Evidence for the Formation of Secondary Nanocrystalline Iron-Rich Phases on the Dolomite Surface
Debure M, Andreazza P, Canizarès A, Grangeon S, Lerouge C, Mack P, Madé B, Simon P, Veron E, Warmont F & Vayer M

Vayssieres L. (2010) Water-Oxide Interfacial Thermodynamics, Aqueous Growth Control and Confinement Effects of Nanostructured Metal Oxides and Oxyhydroxides
Vayssieres L

Vaz Dos Santos Neto E. (2013) Decoupling of the Sub-Basinal CO2 and He Mantle Fluxes as Evidenced by Intense CO2/3He Fractionation of Natural Gases from Brazilian South Atlantic Margin Basins
Rouchon V, Vaz Dos Santos Neto E & Tavares de Morais E
(2007) Non-Hydrocarbon Compounds in Oil and Gas Accumulations: Deep Influx Constrained by Noble Gases
Prinzhofer A, Dreyfus S, Donard O & Vaz Dos Santos Neto E

Vaz Teixeira L.P. (2021) Untangling the Fe Isotope Signal in Neoarchean Carbonates and Iron Formations from Carajás (Brazil)
Siciliano Rego E, Busigny V, Lalonde SV, Vaz Teixeira LP, Rossignol C, Narduzzi F, Zapparoli A, Babinski M, Trindade R & Philippot P

Vazhakuttiyakam J. (2023) Phosphorus in the Deep Earth: An Experimental Investigation of Ca-Phosphates at Upper- to Lower-Mantle P-T Conditions
Pausch T, Vazhakuttiyakam J, Withers AC, Ludwig T, Joachim-Mrosko B & Konzett J
(2022) Ca-phosphates in the Deep Earth: Phase Stability and Volatile Incorporation of Tuite, γ-Ca3(PO4)2
Pausch T, Vazhakuttiyakam J, Withers AC, Ludwig T, Joachim-Mrosko B & Konzett J

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