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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Vásquez Paulina (2007) Petrogenesis of Fayalite Granitoids: New Insights from Metapelitic Xenoliths
Vásquez P, Franz G, Glodny J & Romer R

Vasquez Paulina (2015) Nd Isotopes of Seabird Guano Reflect the Composition of Upwelling Waters off Northern Chile?– A Pilot Study
Lucassen F, Kasemann S, Wilke H, Vasquez P & Sepúlveda F
(2014) Radiogenic Isotope Signatures of Past Coastal Waters from Ornithogenic Sediments in North Chile
Lucassen F, Kasemann S, Vasquez P, Sepulveda F & Wilke H

Vasquez Paulina (2016) Lithospheric Evolution at the Early Andean Convergent Margin, Chile
Oliveros V, Vasquez P, Creixell C, Lucassen F, Ducea MN, Gonzalez J & Ciocca I

Vasquez Y. (2023) Nanoremediation the Tannery Wastewater: A Case Study from the Upper Basin of the Bogotá River (Colombian)
Vasquez Y, Galvis J, Filip J, Agudelo F, Franco J, Vasquez J, Cardenas G, Petala E & Herrera O

Vasquez Cardenas D. (2019) Altruistic Electrical Cooperation in Multicellular Cable Bacteria
Geerlings N, Karman C, Polerecky L, Trashin S, As K, Kienhuis M, Hidalgo-Martinez S, Vasquez-Cardenas D, Boschker H, de Wael K, Middelburg J & Meysman F
(2019) Bypassing the Redox Ladder: Cable Bacteria as Electron Sinks for Other Microbes
Vasquez Cardenas D, van de Vossenberg J, Polerecky L, Malkin SY, Hidalgo-Martinez S, Middelburg JJ, Meysman FJ & Boschker HT

Vasquez Vargas A.C. (2023) Anthropogenic Source Identification and the Naturally Heavy Cu Isotopic Signatures in the Changjiang (Yangtze River)
Vasquez Vargas AC, He Z, Guo J, Yang S, Hohl SV & Hao Q
(2023) Geochemical Characteristics of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Water during a Large Flood Event and Implications for Enhanced Chemical Weathering and CO2 Consumption
Guo J, Su N, He Z, Vasquez Vargas AC, Hao Q & Yang S
(2023) Fire and Civilization:From Passive Adaptation to Anthropogenic Modification
Hao Q, Yang S, Yang C, Vasquez Vargas AC, Zhang C & Guo J
(2022) Unusually Heavy Cu Isotope Signatures of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River: The Impact of Chemical Weathering and Delivery to the Oceans
Vasquez Vargas AC, He Z, Yang S, Guo J, Su N & Hao Q
(2022) Controls of Iron Isotope Spatial Variability Across the Changjiang River Basin: Sources, Fractionation, and Implications
He Z, Vasquez Vargas AC, Guo J, Hao Q, Su N, Lian E, Li D & Yang S

Vasquez-Ortega A. (2014) Acid-Weathering and Uranium Speciation: Reaction Kinetics and Phosphate Addition
Perdrial N, Vasquez-Ortega A, Reinoso-Maset E, O'Day PA & Chorover J
(2012) Do Critical Zone Carbon and Water Fluxes Control Chemical Denudation?
Perdrial J, Brooks P, Chorover J, Condon K, Harpold A, Holleran M, Huckle D, Lybrand R, Troch P, McIntosh J, Meixner T, Minor R, Mitra B, Pohlmann M, Rasmussen C, Swetnam T, Vasquez-Ortega A & Zapata-Rios X

Vasquez-Riveiros N. (2017) New Constrains on Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Changes during the Past 40 ky from Combined 231Pa/230Th, Benthic δ13C and 14C Benthic-Planktonic Ventilation Ages
Missiaen L, Waelbroeck C, Pichat S, Dapoigny A, Thil F, Foliot L, Wacker L, Hajdas I, Böhm E, Vasquez-Riveiros N & Moreira Martinez S

Vasseur J. (2020) Effects of Cooling on Fe-Ti Oxide Nanolites Crystallisation and Melt Polymerisation at Low Pressure and Oxidising Conditions
Cáceres F, Scheu B, Hess K-U, Cimarelli C, Vasseur J, Kaliwoda M & Dingwell DB
(2019) Magma Hybridization Recorded in Banded Pumices from the 0.17 Ma El Abrigo Eruption, Tenerife: Preliminary Results
González-García D, Perugini D, Giordano D, Vasseur J, Martí J & Dingwell DB

Vassilakis E. (2021) Why We Need Extensive, Regional, Bioavailable Sr Isotope Baselines for Human Mobility Studies in Archaeology: A Case from the Peloponnese
Frank AB, Frei R, Triantaphyllou M, Vassilakis E, Kristiansen K & Frei KM

Vassileva R. (2020) Trace Elements in Pegmatite-Hosted Titanite from the Petrovitsa Pb-Zn Deposit, South Bulgaria
Vassileva R, Grozdev V & Milenkov G
(2017) New U-Pb Age Constraints on Tertiary Magmatism and Pb-Zn Skarn Formation in the Madan District, Central Rhodopes, Bulgaria
Hantsche A, Kouzmanov K, Dini A, Vassileva R, Guillong M & von Quadt A
(2017) Origin of the Igneous Rocks from Ruen Zone (SE Europe): Geochemistry, Isotope Data and Analysis of the Zircon Population
Grozdev V, Peytcheva I, von Quadt A, Vassileva R & Georgiev S

Vasudev V.N. (2020) Re-Os Dating of Auriferous LLHR Pyrite and SHRIMP U-Pb Zircon Age for Host Granitoids: Implications for the Origin of the Jonnagiri Gold Deposits, Dharwar Craton, Southern India
Sarangi S, Stein H, Stein H, Srinivasan R, Kesarwani M, Swain S & Vasudev VN
(2017) C and O Isotope Geochemistry of Auriferous Quartz Carbonate Veins of Jonnagiri Gold Deposit, Eastern Dharwar Craton, Southern India: Implication for Source of Mineralizing Fluids in Granodiorite Hosted Gold Deposits
Kesarwani M, Sarangi S, George BG, Ray J, Srinivasan R & Vasudev VN

Vasudevan Dharni (2012) Sorption of Cationic Amines to Soils and Soil Minerals: Role of Intermolecular Interactions
Vasudevan D, Arey T, Newman M & Zhang T
(2005) Rhizosphere Iron-Redox Cycling: Electron Transfer Reactions that Drive Mineral Weathering
Fimmen R, Richter D & Vasudevan D
(2002) Fluoride Sorption and Associated Al Release in Iron Oxide Rich Soils
Vasudevan D, Harrington L & Cooper E
(2001) Organic Ligand Adsorption at the Mineral-Water Interface: Role of Tautomeric Equilibrium
Vasudevan D, Dorley PJ & Zhuang X
(2001) Influence of Compound 3-D Structure on Adsorption at the Mineral-Water Interface
Vasudevan D, Fimmen RL & Francisco AB

Vasudevan Dharni (2015) Insights into Organic Cation Interactions with Aluminosilicate Clay Mineral Surfaces
MacKay A, Vasudevan D, Gascon J, Jolin W & Samaraweera M

Vasyukova Ekaterina (2008) Chemical Weathering of Mafic Rocks in Boreal Environment (NW Russia)
Vasyukova E, Oliva P, Pokrovsky O, Viers J, Martin F, Dupre B & Bychkov A

Vasyukova Elena (2013) Petrology of the Lamprophyres
Vasyukova E
(2011) Petrology of Lamprophyres as a Result of the Study of Minerals
Vasyukova E

Vasyukova O. (2020) From the Mantle to Mineralisation: The Cobalt Story
Williams-Jones A & Vasyukova O
(2020) Phoscorite – The ‘Secret Weapon’ of Carbonatite Niobium-Enrichment
Vasyukova O, Williams-Jones AE, Matton G, Beaulieu C & Lavoie M
(2019) Controls on the Concentration of Zirconium in Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
Williams-Jones A & Vasyukova O
(2019) Tracing the REE Composition of an Evolving Peralkaline Granitic Magma via the Composition of Arfvedsonite
Vasyukova O & Williams-Jones AE
(2019) Colloidal Transport: A Solution to the High-Grade Gold Ore Paradox?
McLeish D, Williams-Jones A, Vasyukova O, Clark J & Board W
(2018) A Tale of REE Concentration, Strange Lake, Canada
Vasyukova O & Williams-Jones AE
(2018) Colloidal Processes in the Formation of Bonanza-Grade Gold Ores
Williams-Jones A, McLeish D & Vasyukova O
(2017) Hydrothermal REE Transport at Strange Lake
Vasyukova O & Williams-Jones AE
(2016) Fluid Evolution and HFSE Mobilisation in the Strange Lake Granite Pluton
Vasyukova O & Williams-Jones AE
(2015) Fluid Evolution within the Strange Lake Peralkaline Pluton
Vasyukova O & Williams-Jones AE
(2014) New Evidence for Fluoride-Silicate Liquid Immiscibility in the Strange Lake Granites
Vasyukova O & Williams-Jones AE
(2013) The Role of Fluoride-Silicate Liquid Immiscibility in REE Ore Genesis
Vasyukova O & Williams-Jones AE
(2012) Evolution of the Strange Lake Pluton: Insights from Melt and Fluid Inclusions
Vasyukova O & Williams-Jones AE
(2010) Origin of Quartz-Eyes from Porphyry-Type Deposits
Vasyukova O, Gömann K, MacRae C & Kamenetsky V
(2008) Origin of “Quartz Eyes” and Fluid Inclusions in Mineralized Porphyries
Vasyukova O, Kamenetsky D & Goemann K
(2007) The Source and Fate of Silica in Mineralized Porphyries Revealed by SEM-Cl Textures of Quartz
Goemann K, Vasyukova O & Kamenetsky V

Vaucher R. (2023) Lessons Learnt (and yet to be Learnt) When Creating the Community-Driven Diamond Open Access Journal Sedimentologika
Thomas C, Zuchuat V, Vaucher R, Spychala Y, Saleh F, Privat A, Poyatos-Moré M, Marchegiano M, Kernen R, Kane I & Chiarella D

Vauchez A. (2019) A Window into Neoproterozoic Mantle Evolution: Insights from Serpentinites in the Tuareg Shield, North Africa
Ouadahi S, Bodinier J-L, Bendaoud A, Dautria J-M, Vauchez A & Fettous E-H
(2016) Deformation, Metasomatism and Melt-Rock Reactions in the Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Hoggar Swell (Algeria): Mantle Xenoliths from the Tahalgha, Eggéré and Manzaz Districts
Kourim F, Bodinier J-L, Alard O, Vauchez A & Basscou J
(2013) Heterogeneity and Anisotropy in the Lithospheric Mantle
Tommasi A, Baptiste V, Frets E, Higgie K, Soustelle V, Le Roux V, David M, Vauchez A, Garrido C & Bodinier J-L
(2011) The Pan-African Reconstruction of NW Angola: Petro-Structural and Temporal Constraints
Monie P, Bosch D, Bruguier O, Vauchez A, N'Sungani P & Rolland Y
(2010) High-Pressure Hydrofracturing during Deserpentinization
Garrido CJ, Padrón-Navarta JA, Tommasi A, López Sánchez-Vizcaíno V, Gómez-Pugnaire MT, Jabaloy A & Vauchez A

Vaughan A. (2023) Mineralogical Diversity of Jezero Crater, Mars from Orbit and Rover Observations and Implications for Mars Sample Return
Horgan BHN, Bell J, Garczynski B, Johnson JR, Mandon L, Million C, St. Clair M, Vaughan A, Udry A, Herd CDK, Fagents S, Randazzo N, Ravanis E, Simon JI & Wadhwa M
(2022) Mastcam-Z Views of Alteration in Jezero Crater Floor Rocks
Garczynski B, Johnson JR, Horgan BHN, Vaughan A, Rice M, Bell J, Núñez J, Curtis S, Million C & St. Clair M

Vaughan D. (2014) The Arsenic Issue
Vaughan D
(2012) Radium Interactions with Iron (Oxy)hydroxide Minerals
Sajih M, Bryan N, Vaughan D, Descostes M, Phrommavanh V & Morris K
(2012) Arsenic Bioremediation by Biogenic Iron Oxides and Sulfides
Omoregie E, Couture R-M, Van Cappellen P, Corkhill CL, Charnock J, Polya DA, Vaughan DJ, Vanbroekhoven K & Lloyd JR
(2012) Impact of Radiation on the Microbial Reduction of Iron Oxides
Brown A, Wincott P, Vaughan D, Pimblott S, Goodacre R & Lloyd J
(2012) Enhanced Radionuclide Capture by Bioreduced Biotite and Chlorite
Brookshaw DR, Morris K, Lloyd JR, Pattrick RAD, Law GT & Vaughan DJ
(2011) Using Bacteria to Produce Tailored Magnetic Nanoparticles
Byrne J, Coker V, Telling N, van der Laan G, Vaughan D, Pattrick R & Lloyd J
(2011) Bioengineering Nano-Magnetite for Contaminant Clean-Up
Coker V, Crean D, Cutting R, Telling N, Byrne J, Pattrick R, van der Laan G, Vaughan D & Lloyd J
(2011) Bioreduction of Biotite and Chlorite: Effects on Mineral Reactivity
Brookshaw D, Pattrick R, Lloyd J & Vaughan D
(2010) Evidence of Internal Mixing of African Dust and Biomass Burning Particles by Individual Particle Analysis Using Electron Beam Techniques
Vaughan D, Hand V, Capes G, Formenti P, Haywood J & Coe H
(2009) Microbial Reduction of Toxic Metals: From Pristine to Extreme
Lloyd J, Coker V, Cutting R, Geissler A, Handley K, Law G, Livens F, Morris K, Pattrick R, Pearce C, Polya D & Vaughan D
(2009) Uranium Stability in Near-Surface Environments: Lessons from the Study of Depleted Uranium Munitions
Vaughan D, Alvarez R, Bryan N, Fomina M, Gadd G, Handley-Sidhu S, Keith-Roach M, Livens F & Lloyd J
(2009) Reductive Microbial Transformations of Iron Oxides; Engineering Biominerals for the Remediation of Metals and Organics
Lloyd J, Coker V, Cutting R, Hofstetter T, Mosberger L, Telling N, Pattrick R, Pearce C, van der Laan G & Vaughan D
(2008) Impact of Microbial Fe3+ & SO42- Reduction on Arsenic Solid-Phase Cycling in Fe- and As-Rich Sediment
Handley K, Bootman C, McBeth J, Charnock J, Wincott P, Vaughan D, Polya D & Lloyd J
(2008) Geochemical and Microbial Controls of the Decomposition and Dispersion of Depleted Uranium in the Environment: Experimental Studies
Vaughan D, Alvarez R, Bryan N, Fomina M, Gadd G, Handley-Sidhu S, Keith-Roach M, Livens F & Lloyd J
(2008) Influence of Leptospirillum ferrooxidans on the Breakdown of As-Bearing Sulphides in Acid Mine Drainage Systems
Corkhill C, Wincott P, Lloyd J & Vaughan D
(2007) Surface Analytical Studies of Feldspar Surface Reaction with U(VI)
Chardon E, Bosbach D, Livens F, Lyon I, Marquardt C, Romer J, Schild D, Wincott P, Wogelius R & Vaughan D
(2007) Depleted Uranium in the Environment: A Biogeochemical Study
Alvarez R, Livens F, Lloyd J & Vaughan D
(2006) Biogeochemical Influences on the Decomposition and Dispersion of Depleted Uranium in the Environment
Alvarez B, Livens F, Lloyd JR & Vaughan DJ
(2006) Sulfide mineralogy and geochemistry: changing perspectives on key Earth materials
Vaughan D
(2006) Nanoparticulate nickel sulfides formed in low temperature aqueous solutions.
Huang S, Ohfuji H, Lammie D, Wess T, Bell A, Vaughan D, Oldroyd A & Rickard D
(2005) Surface Coatings on Quartz Grains in Bentonites and their Relevance to Human Health
Wendlandt R, Harrison W, Vaughan D & Wincott P
(2005) Investigating the Effect of Calcium on Barite (001) and (210) Surfaces Using in situ Atomic Force Microscopy
Finch K, Stark A, Wincott P, Warren M, Collins I & Vaughan D
(2005) The Surfaces of Iron-Bearing Minerals: Key Reactive Substrates in Earth Systems
Vaughan D, Cutting R & Wincott P
(2005) An Investigation on the Extreme Silver Enrichment at Tennantite Surfaces in Alkaline Solutions: An XPS-Based Study
Hobson E, Wincott P, Vaughan D & Pattrick R
(2004) Spectacular Silver Segregation on the Surface of Sulfides
Hobson E, Wincott P, Vaughan D & Pattrick R
(2004) Kinetic and Thermodynamic Controls on the Precipitation and Morphology of Barite (BaSO4)
Stark A, Wogelius R, Collins I & Vaughan D
(2004) Probing the Reactivity of Iron Oxides at the Nanoscale: Magnetite with Water and Small Organic Molecules
Vaughan D, Cutting R, Muryn C & Thornton G
(2004) Computer Simulations and Imaging of the Effect of Calcium on Barite Crystal Morphology
Finch K, Stark A, Warren M, Collins I & Vaughan D
(2001) Structural Evolution of Amorphous Transition Metal Sulfides
Moyes LN, Pattrick RAD, Vaughan DJ, Livens FR & Charnock JM
(2001) Simulation of the Surface Structure and Reactivity of Metal Sulfide Minerals
Wright K, Steele H, Keith C, Vaughan DJ & Hillier IH
(2001) Sulfide Mineral Surfaces: A Key Role in Environmental Geochemistry
Vaughan DJ, Farquhar M, Moyes L, Livens FR, Pattrick RAD & Wogelius RA
(2000) Hydrothermal Formation of Hydrated Ferric Oxides: An in situ Synchrotron Study
Shaw S, Pepper SE, Livens FR, Henderson CMB, Vaughan DJ & Clark SM
(2000) Pyrite Surfaces – What a Difference a Day Makes
Farquhar ML, Wogelius RA & Vaughan DJ

Vaughan G. (2010) Analytical Transmission Electron Microscope Characterisation of Thermally Aged Two-Line Ferrihydrite Co-precipitated with Phosphorous
Vaughan G, Brown A & Brydson R

Vaughan Jeffrey (2007) Contracting KREEP Magmatism in the Early Evolution of the Moon
Pidgeon R, Nemchin A, Vaughan J & Whitehouse M

Vaughan Jeremy (2014) Tracing Fluid Flow in a Carlin-Type Hydrothermal System Using Isotopic, Chemical, and Textural Alteration of Calcite
Vaughan J, Hickey K & Barker S

Vaughan M. (2011) The Combined Use of CALIOP, MODIS and OMI Aerosol and Cloud Products for Calculating Direct Aerosol Radiative Effects
Redemann J, Vaughan M, Shinozuka Y, Russell P, Livingston J & Remer L

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