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Varner R. (2018) GEO-Chem: Infusing Geochemical Systems into High School Chemistry Classrooms
Remiszewski K, Bryce J & Varner R

Varner Thomas S (2023) Variation in Sedimentary Organic Matter Properties along the Meghna River-Aquifer Interface and its Implications on As Mobility
Varner TS, Kulkarni HV, Cardenas MB, Knappett PSK & Datta S

Varner Tom S (2022) Role of Sedimentary Organic Matter on Arsenic Mobilization in a Potential Natural Reactive Barrier (NRB) along the Fluctuating Meghna River, Bangladesh
Varner TS, Kulkarni H, Nguyen W, Kwak K, Buskirk ZE, Cardenas MB, Ojeda A, Knappett PSK, Malina N & Datta S
(2022) Hydrological and Biogeochemical Controls on the Formation of a Fe-Oxide Permeable Natural Reactive Barrier (PNRB) along the Meghna River, Bangladesh
Buskirk ZE, Knappett PSK, Prewitt A, Cardenas MB, Datta S, Kulkarni H, Varner TS & Pappas A
(2022) Freshly-Deposited Overbank Sediments Create an Arsenic Release Hotspot in Riverbanks of a Tidally and Seasonally Fluctuating River
Kwak K, Varner TS, Nguyen W, Kulkarni HV, Knappett PSK, Datta S & Cardenas MB
(2021) Characterization of Dissolved and Sedimentary Organic Matter in Arsenic Contaminated Aquifer and a Potential Riverbank Natural Reactive Barrier in Bangladesh
Kulkarni HV, Varner TS, Kwak K, Knappett P, Cardenas MB & Datta S
(2021) Geochemical Controls on Arsenic Mobilization in a Potential Permeable Natural Reactive Barrier (PNRB)
Varner TS, Kulkarni HV, Nguyen W, Cardenas MB, Kwak K, Knappett P, Uddin Bhuiyan M, Ahmed KM, Ahkter S & Datta S

Varol E. (2016) New K-Ar Ages of Post-Collisional Quaternary Basaltic Volcanism in the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province, Turkey
Dogan-Kulahci GD, Guillou H, Gourgaud A, Deniel C, Temel A & Varol E
(2014) Post-Collisional Quaternary Basaltic Magmatism from the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province (CAVP): Mineralogy and P-T Estimates
Doğan GD, Gourgaud A, Deniel C, Temel A & Varol E
(2010) Origin of the Neoformation Minerals in the Polatlı Volcano-Sedimentary Lacustrine Basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey
Temel A, Akdag N & Varol E
(2010) Geochemical and Petrological Characteristics of The Carnian Basic Volcanic Rocks from The Alakircay Nappe of The Antalya Nappes, SW Turkey
Varol E, Tekin UK & Temel A
(2010) Geochemistry of the Basic Volcanic Rocks from the Late Triassic Volcano-Sedimentary Sequences in the Kocali Complex, SE Turkey
Bedi Y, Varol E, Tekin UK & Uzuncimen S
(2007) Geochemical Characteristics of the Quaternary Volcanic Rocks from Hatay Region, Southern Turkey: Evidence for Lithospheric Mantle Source
Varol E, Frei R, Alpaslan M, Kurt MA & Temel A
(2002) Petrology and Geochemistry of Çamlıdere Volcanic Rocks, Central Anatolia, Turkey: Preliminary Results
Varol E, Temel A & Yurur T
(2000) Petrology and Geochemistry of Balkuyumcu-Ankara Volcanics, Central Anatolia, Turkey
Varol E, Temel A, Gourgaud A & Bellon H

Varol Muratcay E. (2017) Investigation Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Tertiary Sedimentary Units Around Bala, SE Ankara, Central Anatolia
Demir E & Varol Muratcay E

Varonka M. (2022) Dissolved Organic Matter Fluorescence within Oil and Gas Produced Water from U.S. Unconventional Petroleum Plays: Comparisons and Consequences for Beneficial Reuse
McDevitt B, Jubb AM, Varonka M, Hackley PC, Blondes M, Engle M, Gallegos T & Shelton J
(2022) Enhancement of Acetoclastic Methanogenesis during in situ Biostimulation of Coalbed Methane Generation
Barnhart E, Smith H, Schweitzer H, Mueller R, Orem W, Varonka M, Ruppert L, Clark A, Crockett Z & Fields M
(2022) Role of Geochemistry and Non-Mercury Methylators in Supporting Mercury Methylation in Aquatic Sediments
Wang Y, Ikuma K, Varonka M, Brooks SC & Deonarine A
(2021) Optimizing Radium Removal from Produced Water Utilizing the Sr/Ba Molar Ratio and Precipitate Seeding
McDevitt B, Gallegos T, Blondes M, Shelton J, McAleer R, Valentine B, Varonka M, Jolly G, Jubb AM, Jackson J & Chenault J
(2020) Geochemical, Isotopic and Volumetric Signatures of Produced Water from Williston Basin Oil Wells Hydraulically Fractured with Crosslinked Gel
Gallegos TJ, Doolan C, Caldwell R, Engle MA, Varonka M, Jolly G, Coplen TB & Oliver T
(2014) Evaluation of Organic Compounds for Enhancing Microbial Coal Bed Methanogenesis
Akob D, Dunlap D, Varonka M & Orem W
(2012) Atmospheric Particulate Matter in Proximity to Mountaintop Coal Mines
Kolker A, Engle M, Orem W, Tatu C, Hendryx M, McCawley M, Esch L, Geboy N, Crosby L & Varonka M
(2012) Organic Geochemistry and Toxicology of Fluids from Shale Gas Wells
Crosby L, Varonka M & Orem W

Varriale G. (2023) The 1631 a.D. Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius: A Multidisciplinary Approach for Investigating the Dynamics and the Timescales of the Feeding System
Arienzo I, De Lucia M, Mormone A, Nave R, Marfè B, Cariddi B, Doronzo D, Pelullo C, Sparice D, Vertechi E, Di Vito MA, de Vita S, Carandente A, Nazzari M, Forlenza G, Montagna C, D'Oriano C, Colucci S, Petrosino P, Di Renzo V, D'Antonio M, Morgavi D, Petrelli M, Arzilli F, Balcone-Boissard H, Chakraborty S, Cecere D, Monaco A, Varriale G, Cioni R & Moretti R

Varrica D. (2010) FTIR Spectral Analysis of PM10 and PM2.5 Particulate Matter over the Urban Area of Palermo (Italy) during Normal Days and Saharan Events
Di Carlo I, Dongarrà G, Varrica D & Vultaggio M
(2002) Heavy Metals in Road Dust and Vegetation from the Urban Area of Messina (Italy)
Dongarr‡ G, Sabatino G & Varrica D

Varsanyi I. (2009) Palaeoclimate Reconstruction in the Southern Great Hungarian Plain Based on Noble Gases
Palcsu L & Varsanyi I
(2006) Geothermal Waters on and out of the LMWL in the Pannonian Basin, Hungary
Varsányi I & Ó.Kovács L

Varty S. (2019) Using Ice and Sediment Cores to Quantify Climate-Warming Induced Inputs of Legacy Mercury to Lake Hazen, Nunavut
Lemire D, Lehnherr I, De Silva A, Young C, Criscitiello A, Kirk J & Varty S

Vas D.A. (2023) Enhanced Constituent Fluxes in the Sagavanirktok River on the North Slope of Alaska during the Summer Thaw Season
Smith JP, Gallaher SG, Barker AJ, Douglas T, Vas DA & O’Banion MS
(2023) Validation of a Predictive Model of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from a Sub-Arctic Boreal Forest in Alaska, USA
Vas DA, Barbato RA, Corriveau E & Wood L
(2023) The Impact of Scale: Iterative Approach to Understanding Soil Heterogeneity in Actively Thawing Permafrost Watersheds in Alaska
Barker AJ, Barbato RA, Baxter WB, Douglas TA, Sullivan TD & Vas DA

Vasanthvigar M. (2010) Geophysical and Hydrochemical Investigations of Groundwater in a Hard Rock Terrain, India: Implication for Evaluation, Quality and Vulnerability Risk Mapping
Srinivasamoorthy K, Vijayaraghavan K, Vasanthvigar M, Chidambaram S, Rajivganthi R & Sarma V

Vasavada A. (2016) MSL Chemistry and Mineralogy of the Bagnold Dunes, Gale Crater
Ehlmann B, Achilles C, Bridges N, Conrad P, Cousin A, Edgett K, Fraeman A, Johnson J, Lapotre M, Litvak M, Rowland S, Schroder S, Sutter B, Stein N, Thompson L, Vaniman D, Vasavada A & Yen A
(2016) Constraining Hesperian Martian PCO2 from Mineral Analysis at Gale Crater
Bristow T, Haberle R, Blake D, Vaniman D, Grotzinger J, Siebach K, Des Marias D, Rampe E, Eigenbrode J, Sutter B, Fairén A, Mischna M & Vasavada A

Vascik B. (2022) Effects of Landslides on Terrestrial Carbon Stocks with a Coupled Geomorphic-Biologic Model: Southeast Alaska, United States
Booth AM, Vascik B, Buma B & Nagorski S

Vasconcellos A.C. (2023) Petrogenesis and Tectonic Environment of Neoproterozoic Calc-Alkaline Magmatism in the Southern Portion of Socorro-Guaxupé Nappe: Comparative Study of Pre-Collisional Orthogneisses and Post-Collisional Granitoids
Toledo BB, Janasi VDA, Schmidt MW & Vasconcellos AC

Vasconcellos E. (2017) Controls of Tufa Development in Bonito Region – Brazil
Oste J, Froehner S, Sanez J, Vasconcelos E, Cury L & Bahniuk A
(2017) Statistical Techniques Applied to Large Geochemical Databases: A Case Study on the Paraná Igneous Province, Southern Brazil
Gomes A, Licht O & Vasconcellos E

Vasconcellos S. (2009) Integrated Investigation on Petroleum Biodegradation
Santos Neto E, Oliveira V, Reis F, Koike L, Marsaioli A, Vasconcellos S, Sette L, Crespim E, Cerqueira J, Lopes JA, Lima SG, Cruz G, Simioni K & Dussan LJ

Vasconcelos C. (2023) Nanoscale Detection of Microbial Fossils in Banded Iron Formations (BIFs): Examples from 2.74 Ga Carajás Formation, Brazil
Vasconcelos C, Ganade C, Teixeira N, McKenzie J, Delgado C & Martinez-Ruiz F
(2019) The Influence of Microbial Sulfate Reduction on the δ34SCAS Composition in Modern Mg-rich Carbonates
Schurr S, Fichtner V, Strauss H, Immenhauser A, Vasconcelos C, Hänsch S, Heßeler V, Areias de Oliveira C & Fernandes Barbosa C
(2019) Sedimentary Features of a Modern Environment with Dolomite Formation
Areias de Oliveira C, Fernandes Barbosa C, Cruz AP, Vasconcelos C, Morlock M, Vogel H & Ariztegui D
(2019) Surficial Dolomite Lithification of Mg-Carbonate Muds in Hypersaline Coastal Lagoons during Periods of Increased Oceanic Upwelling: An Example of Very Early Carbonate Diagenesis
Mckenzie JA, Nascimento GS, Bahniuk A & Vasconcelos C
(2017) A Geobiological Model for the Formation of Dolomite in Sabkha-Environments
Bontognali T, Al-Saad Al-Kuwari H, McKenzie J, Al-Disi Z, Williford K, Vasconcelos C, Petrash D, Sadooni F, Tuite M & Dittrich M
(2017) Dolomite Formation within Microbial Mats in the Coastal Khor Al-Adaid Sabkha of Qatar
DiLoretto Z, Al-Kuwari H, Al-Disi Z, McKenzie J, Vasconcelos C, Palermo C, Williford K, Sadooni F, Tuite M, Bontognali T & Dittrich M
(2017) Upwelling Influence on Biogeochemical Processes in Coastal Lagoons, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Nascimento GS, Eglinton TI, Belem AL, Albuquerque ALS, McKenzie JA & Vasconcelos C
(2017) Using Culture Experiments to Investigate Carbonate/Clay-Mineral Associations in Natural Environments and the Geological Record
Vasconcelos C, Bontognali T, McKenzie J, Nascimento GS, Sanches-Roman M & Martinez-Ruiz F
(2017) Unraveling Fossil and Living Microbialite Formation in the Maquinchao Basin (Argentina)
Eymard I, Alvarez MDP, Bilmes A, Vasconcelos C, Foubert A & Ariztegui D
(2013) Dolomite Formation within Microbial Mats from the Dohat Faishakh Sabkha, Qatar
Brauchli M, Bontognali T, McKenzie J, Strohmenger C, Jameson J, Sadooni F & Vasconcelos C
(2011) Viruses: A Key Role in Microbial Mat Mineralization
Pacton M, Wacey D, Kilburn MR, Gorin GE & Vasconcelos C
(2011) Calibration and Applications of the Dolomite Clumped Isotope Thermometer to High Temperatures
Bonifacie M, Ferry J, Horita J, Vasconcelos C, Passey B & Eiler J
(2010) Microbe-Mineral Interfaces in Biofilms as Seen by Atomic Force Microscopy Combined with Raman and X-Ray Spectroscopy
Dittrich M, Vasconcelos C & Dorozhkin P
(2009) Modern Stromatolites from Lagoa Salgada, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: The Role of Methanogenic Bacteria in Carbonate Precipitation
Lundberg R, Bontognali T, McKenzie J & Vasconcelos C
(2009) Nanoscale Characterization of Organic Matter in Modern Stromatolites
Dittrich M, Vasconcelos C & McKenzie J
(2007) Dolomite Nucleation on Extracellular Polymeric Substances
Bontognali T, Vasconcelos C, Warthmann R & McKenzie JA
(2007) Experimentally Determined Biomediated Sr2+ Partitition Coefficient for Dolomite
Sanchez-Roman M, Vasconcelos C, de Luca Rebello Wagener A, Plötze M & McKenzie JA
(2006) Formation of lamination in modern stromatolites from Lagoa Vermelha, Brazil: An example for Precambrian relics?
Vasconcelos C, Visscher PT, Warthmann R & McKenzie JA
(2006) Anaerobic sulfur bacteria inducing lithification in modern- and possibly Precambrian stromatolites
Warthmann R, Vasconcelos C & McKenzie JA
(2005) Magnesium Isotopes in Bacterial Dolomites: A Novel Approach to the Dolomite Problem
Carder E, Galy A, McKenzie J, Vasconcelos C & Elderfield H
(2002) Temperature-Dependent Oxygen Isotope Fractionation Factor for Dolomite: Constraints Based on Bacterial Culture Experiments
Vasconcelos C
(2002) Dolomite Formation on the Peru Margin: Evidence for Microbial Activity in the Deep Biosphere
Meister P, McKenzie JA, Vasconcelos C & Ocean Drilling Program L2SSP
(2002) Molecular Approach to Study Microbial Communities Involved in Modern Dolomite Formation
Mauclaire L, Meister P, Zepp K, Vasconcelos C & McKenzie JA
(2002) Hydrogeochemistry of a Modern Dolomite-Forming Lagoon System (Cabo Frio-Rj, Brazil): Role of Sulfide Oxidation
Moreira NF, Walter LM, McCall PJ, Vasconcelos C & McKenzie JA
(2000) Role of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria during Microbial Dolomite Precipitation as Deduced from Culture Experiments
van Lith Y, Vasconcelos C, Warthmann R & McKenzie J

Vasconcelos F. (2015) Juvenile Plutonic Episode (2.15-2.13 Ga) in the Mineiro Belt, Southern São Francisco Craton: Geochronological and Geochemical Evidences
Teixeira W, Ávila C, Bongiolo E, Hollanda MH, Barbosa N & Vasconcelos F

Vasconcelos Paulo (2020) 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of the Paraná LIP Central Segment
Gomes A & Vasconcelos P
(2020) Low Melt Fluxes Enhance Differentiation and Complexity of Intraplate Volcanic Plumbing Systems
Tapu A-T, Ubide T & Vasconcelos P
(2018) Mechanisms of Argon Release and Rates of Argon Diffusion in Hypogene and Supergene Alunites
Ren Z & Vasconcelos P
(2018) Surface Mediated Bacteria-Mineral Interactions: Mineral Dissolution and Re-precipitation
Southam G, Gagen E, Levett A, Bostelmann H, Shuster J, Long P, McCutcheon J & Vasconcelos P
(2017) Intracrystalline Oxygen Isotope Thermometry of Goethite
Miller H, Farley K, Eiler J & Vasconcelos P
(2016) A Two-Stage Evolution of the Buckland Central Volcano, Australia
Crossingham T, Knesel K & Vasconcelos P
(2016) Trace Metal Distribution in Iron Manganese Oxyhydroxide Crusts from a Tasmantid Seamount
Gagen E, Monteiro H, Nothdurft L, Rintoul L, Paterson D, Vasconcelos P & Southam G
(2016) The Importance of Iron Duricrust Formation to Brazilian Iron Ore Production
Southam G, Gagen E, Levett A, Monteiro H, Paz A & Vasconcelos P

Vasconcelos Paulo M. (2023) 40Ar/39Ar and (U-Th)/He Constraints on Landscape Evolution in Alkaline-Carbonatite Complexes
Conceição FT, Vasconcelos PM, Navarro GRB & Farley KA
(2022) 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb Geochronology of Mafic and Felsic Magmatism in the South Atlantic
Vasconcelos PM, Carmo I & Feng Y
(2022) Improved Accuracy and Precision of in situ Sr Isotope Measurements by LA-MC-ICP-MS: New Insights into Magma Histories
Mulder J, Hagen-Peter G, Ubide T, Tapu A-T, Feng Y & Vasconcelos PM

Vasconcelos Paulo Marcos (2014) (U-Th)/He Geochronology and δ18O Values of Goethite in Weathering Profiles
Miller H, Farley K, Eiler J & Vasconcelos P
(2013) Geochronology of Weathering and Pedogenesis
Vasconcelos PM
(2007) The Relative Tempo of Weathering and Erosion Controls Supergene Metal Accumulation
Vasconcelos P
(2006) (U-Th)/He and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of weathering, Hamersley Province, Australia: implications for weathering history and landscape evolution
Heim J, Vasconcelos P, Farley K, Shuster D & Broadbent G
(2002) Cosmogenic 3He in Goethite
Shuster D, Farley KA & Vasconcelos PM
(2000) Studies of Geomorphic Rates and Processes with Cosmogenic Isotopes – Examples from Australia
Stone J & Vasconcelos P

Vasconcelos Paulo Marcos (2015) Super Light Rain in Supercontinents
Vasconcelos PM, da Silva Monteiro H, Ireland T, Farley K & D'Avila J
(2015) SHRIMP-Si (18O/16O) Analyses of Goethite: Technical Aspects and Applications to Paleoenvironmental Studies
da Silva Monteiro H, Vasconcelos PM, Ireland T, Farley K, D'Avila J, Miller H, Eiler J & Southam G

Vasconcelos Paulo Marcos (2019) Combining Weathering Geochronology and Cosmogenic Nuclides in Landscape Evolution
Vasconcelos PM, Farley K & Stone J

Vasconcelos Corrêa Neto A. (2020) The Role of Bi on the Upgrade of Hypozonal Gold Deposits: An Example from Southeast Brazil
Brando Soares M, Vasconcelos Corrêa Neto A & Emerson André Alves F
(2019) The Development of a Meso- to Neoarchean Rifting-Convergence-Collision-Collapse Cycle over an Ancient Thickened Protocontinent, South São Francisco Craton, Brazil
Brando Soares M, Vasconcelos Corrêa Neto A & Fabricio-Silva W

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