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Varga Tamas (2018) Layered Bi-Based Materials for Remediation of Subsurface 129I and 99Tc Contaminants
Levitskaia T, Leonard M, Chatterjee S, Kaspar T, Schwenzer B, Varga T & Fujimioto M
(2018) Understanding the Chemistry of Low-Valent Technetium Species Relevant to their Separation from Hanford Tank Waste
Chatterjee S, Levitskaia T, Hall G, Du Y, Engelhard M, Washton N, Walter E, Varga T & Lee S

Varga Tamas (2020) Revealing Biomineralization and SOM-Mineral Associations with Chemical Imaging Methods
Dohnalkova A, Kovarik L, Varga T, Battu AK, Jiao Y, Park D, Marcus M, Krivanek O, Lovejoy T & Kukkadapu R

Varga Tamas (2022) Microbe-Mineral Dynamics within a ‘grass-To-Glass’ Soil Profile at a Late Iron Age Archaeological Site with Implications for Long-Term Storage of Nuclear Waste Glasses
Wells J, Plymale A, Pearce C, Graham E, Bagwell C, Brislawn C, Cheeke T, Danna V, Fansler S, Arey B, Bowden M, Varga T, Saunders D, Allen J, Marcial J, Tyrrell K, Weaver J, Sjöblom R, Vicenzi E, McCloy JS, Hjärthner-Holdar E, Englund M, Ogenhall E, Peeler D & Kruger A

Vargas C.A. (2023) Unraveling the Geodynamic Evolution of a Cretaceous Convergent Margin: Serpentinites from the Romeral Suture Zone, Colombia (NW South America)
Zuluaga CA, Pineda NA, Castellanos OM, Bernet M, Amaya S, Vargas CA & Caneva A

Vargas E. (2009) Origin of the Manleluag Hyperalkaline Hot Spring, Philippines
Vargas E, Pascua C, Honrado M, Arcilla C, Alexander WR, Namiki K, Fujii N, Yamakawa M, Sato T & McKinley I
(2009) Smectite and Zeolite Formation from the Pyroclastic Deposits of the Aksitero Formation, Philippines
Honrado M, Pascua C, Vargas E, Arcilla C, Alexander WR, Namiki K, Fujii N, Yamakawa M, Sato T & McKinley I
(2009) Reaction Pathways for Rising Hyperalkaline Groundwater in a Bentonite Mine in the Philippines
Arcilla C, Pascua C, Vargas E, Honrado M, Alexander WR, Namiki K, Fujii N, Yamakawa M, Sato T & McKinley I

Vargas G. (2013) Source and Sinks of Iodine in the Hyperarid Atacama Desert of Northern Chile
Alvarez F, Perez A, Snyder GT, Vargas G, Muramatsu Y & Reich M
(2011) The 129I Isotopic Composition of Supergene Iodine Minerals in Chile and Australia
Reich M, Alvarez F, Perez A, Snyder G, Palacios C, Vargas G, Muramatsu Y, Cameron E & Fehn U
(2010) Sources and Sinks of Iodine in the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile: Insights from the Nitrate Ore Fields and Supergene Zones of Cu Deposits
Reich M, Snyder G, Fehn U, Palacios C, Vargas G & Cameron E
(2009) Cristobalite Nanofibers in Volcanic Ash from the Ongoing Explosive Eruption at Chaitén Volcano, Chilean Patagonia
Reich M, Zuniga A, Amigo A, Vargas G, Morata D, Palacios C, Parada MA & Garreaud R

Vargas M. (2000) Microbial Reduction of Iron in Hot Environments: Implications for the Geochemistry of Ancient and Modern Environments
Lovley D, Kashefi K, Tor J, Vargas M & Reysenbach A

Vargas R. (2023) Soil Biogeochemical Controls on Carbon (De)stabilization and Uncertainty in Tidal Salt Marshes
Seyfferth A, Fettrow S & Vargas R
(2020) Carbon Flux and Export from a Temperate Tidal Salt Marsh: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Vargas R, Capooci M, Seyfferth A, Trifunovic B, Vazquez-Lule A & Wozniak A

Vargas S. (2015) Redox Control on Basal Animal Behavior and Metabolism
Mills D, Vargas S, Hasler-Sheetal H, Elemans C, Wörheide G & Canfield D

Vargas T. (2023) St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago, Equatorial Atlantic: Your Surface Radiogenic Heat Flow Suggest that is Colder Than the Surroundings Lithospheric Atlantic Ocean
Motoki KF, Ferreira da Costa Campos T, Sichel S, Araujo JH, Pastura VFDS, Barão L, Fonseca EM, Maia M, Navoni J, Vargas T, Szatmari P & Brunelli D
(2022) Compressive Tectonics Recorded in the Joint System of the St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago, Equatorial Atlantic Ocean
Motoki KF, Ferreira da Costa Campos T, Sichel S, Fonseca EM, Maia M, Brunelli D, Barão L, Virgens Neto J, Vargas T, Szatmari P, Neiva AMR & Motoki A
(2021) Surface Radioactive Heat Production from in situ Gamma Spectrometry and Chemical Data of Mantle Exhumed Peridotites from St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago (Equatorial Atlantic)
Ferreira da Costa Campos T, Fonseca EM, Araujo JH, Pastura VFS, Sichel S, Motoki K, Barão L, Maia M, Brunelli D, Virgens Neto J, Vargas T & Szatmari P
(2015) Vitoria-Trindade Ridge: Petrology and Geochemistry Studies of Seamounts and Martin Vaz Archipelago
Santos A, Geraldes M & Vargas T
(2014) Vitoria-Trindade Ridge: Petrology and Geochemistry Studies of Seamounts and Martin Vaz Archipelago
Santos A, Geraldes M & Vargas T

Vargas-Matos G. (2011) LA-ICPMS U-Pb Ages of Paleo- and Mesoproterozoic Granites in Bolivia
Vargas-Matos G, Geraldes MC, Matos R & Teixeira W

Varghese S. (2010) Modelling Tropospheric Ozone Concentrations over Ireland and North-East Atlantic
Varghese S, Tripathi O, Coleman L, Flanagan R, Jennings G & O'Dowd C

Varia J. (2017) Heterotrophic Bioleaching of Mine Tailings
Williamson A, Varia J, Boon N, Nicolay X & Hennebel T
(2017) Chemical and Biogenic Organic Acid Leaching of Low-Grade, Polymetallic Primary Ores and Secondary Industrial Residues
Varia J, Williamson A, Boom N & Hennebel T

Varlam M. (2009) Absolute Isotope Amount Ratio Measurements on Gases: a Basic Measurement Model
Valkiers S, Varlam M & Berglund M
(2007) Synthetic Isotope Mixtures for the Calibration of Ion Current Ratio Measurements in Carbon and Oxygen in Carbon Dioxide
Valkiers S, Varlam M & Berglund M

Varlamov D. (2017) Making Earth’s Continental Crust from Serpentinite and Basalt
Borisova A, Zagrtdenov N, Toplis M, Bohrson W, Nedelec A, Safonov O, Pokrovski G, Ceuleneer G, Melnik O, Bychkov A, Gurenko A, Shcheka S, Terehin A, Polukeev V, Varlamov D, Gouy S & De Parseval P

Varlamov Dmitri (2017) Tykotlov Gold-Sulfide Occurrence with Unique Ga-Bearing Silicates, Subpolar Urals, Russia
Mayorova T, Varlamov D, Sovoleva A & Kovalskaya T

Varlamov Dmitrii (2019) Carbonate-Bearing Source of Fluids in Leucocratic Granitoids Associated with Granulites of the Southern Marginal Zone, Limpopo Complex, South Africa: A Case of Study of Carbonate-Silicate Inclusions in Garnet
Mityaev A, Safonov O, Yapaskurt V, Varlamov D, Shcherbakov V, van Reenen D, Belyanin G & Elburg M

Varley N (2011) Time Scales of Metasomatism, Differentiation and Degassing at Volcán de Colima
Reubi O, Sims KWW, Eikenberg J, Reagan M, Varley N & Bourdon B
(2004) Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Bubbling Gases from Some Thermal Springs at Jalisco Block, Mexico: Evidence of a 15Nenriched Source
Inguaggiato S, Taran Y, Capasso G, Favara R, Grassa F, Varley N & Faber E

Varley Nicholas R. (2018) The Making of Porphyritic Andesites at Volcán de Colima
Reubi O, Sims KWW & Varley NR

Varley Nick R.

Varma A. (2017) The Effect of Dispersing and Stabilizing Additives and the Rheology of Resulting Suspension Slurry
Ojha A, Sangwai J & Varma A
(2017) Effects of Tectonism on the Organic Matter of Coal from Sikkim, India: Insights from Petrography and Geochemical Proxies
Varma A, Ghosh S, Patil D, Tiwari D & Biswas S

Varma S. (2019) The Role of Hydrogen Activation in Early Metabolism
Preiner M, Yu M, Varma S, Muchowska K, Tüysüz H, Moran J & Martin WF

Varma V. (2015) The Climate Response of Regional Air Pollution Changes
Ekman AML, Acosta Navarro J-C, Varma V, Riipinen I, Seland O, Kirkevåg A, Struthers H, Iversten T & Hansson H-C

Varner M D (2006) Mo isotopic variations in molybdenite: Vapor transport and Rayleigh fractionation of Mo
Hannah JL, Stein HJ, Wieser ME, De Laeter JR & Varner MD
(2006) Isotopic Anomalies of Molybdenum in Iron Meteorites
Varner M, Wieser M & De Laeter JR

Varner Myclel (2014) Investigation of Particle Formation from Methanesulfonic Acid and Amines via Laboratory Studies and ab Initio Calculations
Chen H, Varner M, Ezell M, Arquero K, Dawson M, Gerber B & Finlayson-Pitts B

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