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Vanderkluysen Loyc (2020) Spatial-Temporal Evolution of the Deccan Traps Volcanic System
Renne P, Tholt A, Pande K, Sprain C, Vanderkluysen L, Self S, Fendley I & Marzoli A

VanderLeest R. (2019) Early Miocene Volcanism between Slab Windows Revealed from Detrital 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Magallanes Basin 50-52°S
VanderLeest R, Fosdick J, Leonard J & Morgan L

Vanderliek Dennis (2020) Zircon-Baddeleyite Age Relationships in a Polymict Lunar Breccia
Vanderliek D, Becker H, Rocholl A & Schwarz W

Vanderliek Dennis M. (2021) The Behavior of the U-Pb System in Apatite and Zr Minerals in Pristine Lunar Norite during Infiltration by Imbrium Impact Melt
Vanderliek DM, Becker H, Rocholl A, Schwarz WH & Whitehouse M
(2021) Impact Origin of 4.33 Ga Old Baddeleyite in a Strongly Shocked Silica Oversaturated Lunar Norite
Dürr TA, Becker H, Schwarz WH & Vanderliek DM

Vanderliek Dennis Marcel (2017) Impact-Generated Zircon and the History of Lunar Breccia 67955
Vanderliek DM, Becker H & Rocholl A

Vanderploeg H.A. (2018) Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation Patterns of Chlorophyll Track Taxonomic Shifts in a Natural Phytoplankton Community
Kharbush JJ, Smith D, Powers M, Vanderploeg HA, Fanslow D, Robinson RL, Dick GJ & Pearson A

Vanderpol S. (2008) Mercury Isotopes Fractionation in the Alaskan Marine Environment along an Arctic/subArctic Transect
Point D, Day R, Sonke J, Vanderpol S, Donard O, Simac K, Moors A, Pugh R & Becker P

Vanderstraeten A. (2023) Reading Dust Provenance in Epica Dome C Ice Core (East Antarctica): High-Resolution, Quantitative Records from a New Rare Earth Elements (REE) Mixing Model
Boxho SL, Mattielli N, Vanderstraeten A, Laruelle GG, Bory A, Gabrielli P, Gili S & Bonneville S
(2023) Rare Earth Elements and Radiogenic Isotopes from Mineral Dust in East Antarctica: Sensitive Tracers of the Atmospheric Circulation and Climate Variability Through Time
Mattielli N, Gili S, Boxho SL, Vanderstraeten A, Laruelle GG, Bory A, Chaput A, King JS, Gaiero D, Delmonte B, Vallelonga P, Formenti P, Gabrielli P & Bonneville S
(2021) High-Resolution Statistical Quantification of Aeolian Dust Provenance in East Antarctica over the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition
Vanderstraeten A, Mattielli ND, Laruelle GG, Bory A, Gili S, Gabrielli P, Boxho S & Bonneville S
(2018) Microbe-Mineral Interactions on the Greenland Ice Sheet: Implications for Albedo and Melting
McCutcheon J, Lutz S, Williamson C, Cook J, Tedstone A, Stockdale A, Vanderstraeten A, Bonneville S, McQuaid JB, Tranter M & Benning LG
(2015) Dust Depostition in Snow from Northeast Antarctica: Mineralogical, Morphological and Chemical Characterization
Vanderstraeten A, Bonneville S, Schoeman V, Flament P, Deboudt K, Grobéty B, De Vleeschouwer F, Le Roux G, Gieré R, Tison J-L & Debaille V

Vanderstraten A. (2013) Holocene Peat Bog Records of Atmospheric Dust Fluxes in Southern South America
De Vleeschouwer F, Vanneste H, Mattielli N, Vanderstraten A, Piotrowska N, Coronato A & Le Roux G

VanderVelde D. (2023) Amino Acid Synthesis Driven by Ferroan Brucite-Mediated Chemistry
Chimiak LM, Hara E, Ellison ET, Eiler J, Sessions A, VanderVelde D & Templeton AS
(2018) Reductive Amination Driven by Iron Hydroxides in Hydrothermal Systems
Barge LM, Flores E, VanderVelde D & Baum MM

VanDerWielen S. (2023) Characterisation of Uranium Redox State in Organic-Rich Marine Sediments of the Cretaceous Toolebuc Formation, Australia
Bastrakov E, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Bazarkina EF, Kvashnina K, Proux O, Testemale D, Boreham CJ, VanDerWielen S & Guagliardo P
(2021) International Database on the Abundance of Critical Minerals in Ores: Relevance to Research and Development of Critical Mineral Resources
Hofstra AH, Bastrakov E, Champion DC, Czarnota K, Emsbo P, Gadd MG, Granitto M, Huston DL, Lauziere K, Lawley C, Lisitsin V, Raymond O & VanDerWielen S

Vanderzee S. (2022) Machine Learning and Mass Balance Methods for the Quantifying Carbon Capture Capacity of Nickel Deposits from Whole-Rock Geochemistry: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Best Practices
Vanderzee S, Dipple G & Bradshaw P
(2020) Enhancing Passive Atmospheric CO2 Sequestration and Tailings Stabilization by Ultramafic Mine Waste Aeration
Vanderzee S, Dipple G, Mayer KU & Bradshaw PMD
(2020) Field Protocols for Measuring Rates of CO2 Influx into Ultramafic Rocks: A Case Study at the Sumas Landslide, WA, US
Jones F, Doucet A-M, Black A, Dipple G, Mayer U & Vanderzee S
(2020) Carbon Mineralization in Ultramafic Mine Tailings: A Pathway to Negative Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Dipple G, Lu X, Vanderzee S, Wynands E, Baidya D, Ghoreishi-Madiseh SA & Cutts J

Vandeuren A. (2023) Environmental Bioavailability of As, Ni and Cr in Areas with Elevated Background Concentrations (Wallonia, Belgium)
Vandeuren A, Pereira B, Delmelle P & Abdoulaye JK
(2017) Using Portable XRF Devices for Quick and Low-Cost Measurement of Metal Content in Soils, Plants and Mushrooms in Peri-Industrial Areas of Wallonia (Southern Belgium)
Vandeuren A, Baillieux T, Pereira B, Sonnet P & Delmelle P
(2017) Do Explosive Volcanic Eruptions act as Local Carbon Sinks?
Paque M, Pereira B, Vandeuren A, Gilson R, Van Oost K & Delmelle P
(2017) Can Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Measurements Replace Standard Soil Assays in Soil Protection Regulations? A Case Study in Wallonia (Belgium)
Pereira B, Vandeuren A, Sonnet P & Delmelle P

VanDeVelde J. (2015) Clumped Isotopes in Early Cretaceous Belemnites: Alteration or Vital Effects?
VanDeVelde J, Passey B, Price G & Grimes S

Vandevenne F. (2013) Opal-Ct Precipitation in a Clayey Soil Explained by Geochemical Transport Model of Dissolved Si (Blégny, Belgium)
Ronchi B, Barao AL, Vandevenne F, Van Gaelen N, Verheyen D, Adriaens R, Batelaan O, Dassargues A, Struyf E, Diels J & Govers G
(2010) Interactions between Climate Change, Land Use and the Biological Silica Buffer in Wetlands and Forests
Struyf E, Kokfelt U, Smis A, Conley D, Humborg C, Mörth C-M, Vandevenne F & Meire P

Vandewiele N.M. (2018) Computer-Generated Isotope Modeling for Position Specific Isotope Analysis
Goldman MJ, Vandewiele NM, Ono S & Green WH

Vandieken V. (2013) High Rates of Carbon Oxidation Through Dissimilatory Manganese Reduction in Sediment of Ulleung Basin in the East Sea
Hyun J-H, Kim S-H, Mook J-S, Cho H-Y, Vandieken V & Thamdrup B
(2013) A Constant Flux of Diverse Anaerobic Thermophilic Endospores into Cold Marine Sediments
Hubert CR, Bell E, de Rezende JR, Hanson CA, Suárez-Suárez A, Head IM, Loy A, Müller A, Baranyi C, Ferdelman TG, Nickel M, Vandieken V, Arnosti C, Brüchert V, Finster K, Kjeldsen KU & Barker Jørgensen B

Vandzura R. (2019) How do Microbes Make Minerals in the Environment? Tracking Iron and Sulfur Biomineralization Using Meta-Omics and Microscopy
Chan C, McAllister S, Vandzura R, Henri P, Pavia M, Polson S & Macalady J
(2019) Microbial and Viral Roles in Hydrothermal Vent Fe Mat Elemental Cycling and Ecology
Chan C, McAllister S, Vandzura R & Polson S

Vane Christopher (2020) Is the Mississippian Bowland Shale an End-Member?
Emmings J, Poulton S, Davies S, Vane C, Jenkin G, Stephenson M, Hennissen J, Dowey P, Taylor K, Leng M, Lamb A, Moss-Hayes V & Rushton J
(2016) Molecular and Stable Isotope Signatures for Source Apportionment of PAHs in the River Thames Sediments, UK
Pedentchouk N & Vane C

Vane Christopher H (2023) Tracking Decadal Changes in Complex Mixtures of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in a Sediment Core from the Inner River Thames Estuary, UK, via Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry
Downham RP, Palacio-Lozano DC, Gannon B, Jones HE, Vane CH & Barrow M

Vane Christopher H. (2015) Constraints on the Antarctic Hydrological Cycle during the Neogene
Rees-Owen RL, Newton RJ, Ivanovic RF, Francis JE, Tindall JC, Riding JB & Vane CH
(2009) Hydropyrolysis as a Method for Radiocarbon Pre-Treatment, and the Quantification of Black Carbon
Meredith W, Ascough P, Snape C, Large D, Bird M, Brock F, Higham T, Wood R & Vane C
(2000) Molecular Characterization of Some of the Earliest Terrestrial Organisms
Abbott G, Edwards D, Drage T & Vane C

Vanegas C.D. (2021) Exploitation of Microbial Fe and As Oxidation for Semi-Passive Treatment of high-As Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) in a Field-Pilot
Vanegas CD, Casiot C, Lin L, De Windt L, Djibrine A, Hery M, Desoeuvre A, Bruneel O, Battaglia-Brunet F & Jacob J

Vanek A. (2020) Thallium Stable Isotope Fractionation in a Model Plant
Vanek A, Holubik O, Mihaljevic M, Ettler V, Trubac J & Voegelin A
(2020) Is Thalium in Peat a Good Indicator of Anthropogenic Contamination? Examples from Czech Sites with Contrasting Pollution Histories
Mihaljevic M, Ettler V & Vanek A
(2019) Thallium Stable Isotope Ratios in Geogenically Tl-Contaminated Soils
Vanek A, Voegelin A, Mihaljevic M, Ettler V, Trubac J & Drahota P
(2019) Historial Thallium Deposition Trends as Recorded in Peat Bogs – Examples from Czech Sites with Contrasting Pollution Histories
Mihaljevic M, Ettler V & Vanek A
(2019) Influence of Pb Smelting on the Chemical and Isotopic Composition of Soils and Trees in Kabwe, Zambia
Baieta R, Mihaljevič M, Ettler V, Vaněk A, Kříbek B & Trubač J
(2017) Fate of Smelter Particulates in Soils
Ettler V, Jarosikova A, Mihaljevic M, Kribek B, Veselovsky F, Penizek V, Vanek A, Sracek O & Matousek T
(2015) Using Soils and Geochemical Archives to Understand Spatial and Temporal Distribution Patterns of Metal(loid)s Near Metal Smelters
Ettler V, Mihaljevic M, Kribek B, Sebek O, Vanek A, Penizek V, Sracek O, Nyambe I & Mapani B
(2015) Contaminant Bioaccessibility from Dusts in Mining and Smelting Districts of Namibia
Ettler V, Mihaljevic M, Kribek B, Sebek O, Vanek A, Penizek V, Sracek O, Kamona F & Mapani B
(2015) Thallium Distribution in Vegetation Impacted by Sphalerite Weathering
Grösslová Z, Vaněk A, Tejnecký V & Mihaljevič M
(2013) Copper and Lead Isotope Ratios as Tracers of Soils Pollution from the Kombat Mining Area, Namibia
Mihaljevic M, Ettler V, Kribek B, Chrastny V, Vanek A & Penizek V
(2013) Chemical Stabilization of Soil Thallium Using Mn(III, IV) Oxide Birnessite (δ-MnO2)
Vanek A, Komarek M & Mihaljevic M
(2011) Geochemical Position of Pb, Zn and Cd in Soils Near the Mine/Smelter: Effects of Land Use, Type of Contamination and Distance from Pollution Source
Chrastny V, Vanek A, Komarek M & Novak M
(2011) Effect of Low-Molecular-Weight Organic Acids on Thallium Mobility in Soil – A Model Rhizosphere Solution Approach
Vanek A, Galuskova I & Komarek M

Vanessa A. (2018) Microbial Alteration of Limestone from Monuments Exposed to an Urban Area
Balland-Bolou-Bi C, Saheb M, Vanessa A, Noureddine B, Abbad-Andaloussi S, Alexandre L, Aurélie V-C & Anne C

Vangansbeke A. (2023) The Effect of Soil Properties on the Fate of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) as Benchmark for Perfluoroalkyl Acids
Vangansbeke A, Vermeiren C & Smolders E
(2023) Iron Mineralogy Determines the Phosphate Immobilisation Efficiency and Redox Stability of Fe(III)-rich Amendments
Xia L, Vangansbeke A, Lauryssen F & Smolders E

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