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Vandenbroucke T.R.A. (2023) New Objects of Study for Mass Spectrometry by Secondary-Ion and Laser Desorption-Ionization: Acritarchs, a Pilot Study of the Species "Gloeocapsomorpha Prisca"
Bon M, Lepot K, Carpentier Y, Bray F, Riboulleau A, Baudin F, Nuns N, Bridoux MC, Rolando C, Steemans P & Vandenbroucke TRA
(2022) Discharge of Sedex Ore-Forming Brines into Paleozoic Oceans Caused Global Marine Sr-Isotope Spikes, Perturbations to Global Carbon Cycles, Global Ocean Anoxic Events (OAEs) and Mass Extinctions
Emsbo P, McLaughlin P, Vandenbroucke TRA & Moscati RJ

Vandenburg E.D. (2023) The Thickness of Diversely Constructed Lithosphere Controls the Ages of Isotopic Reset in Archean Cratons
Vandenburg ED, Nebel O, Cawood PA, Smithies H, Capitanio F, Miller L, Millet M-A, Bruand E, Moyen J-F, Wang X, Raveggi M & Nebel-Jacobsen Y
(2022) Insights into Secular Changes in Archean Crustal Formation Processes: The Necessity for Representative Databases
Vandenburg ED, Nebel O, Millet M-A, Bruand E, McCoy-West AJ, Cawood PA, Smithies H, Moyen J-F & Nebel-Jacobsen Y

Vandenkoornhuyse P. (2013) Subseafloor Biosphere of the Canterbury Basin
Ciobanu M-C, Burgaud G, Dufresne A, Breuker A, Redou V, Ben Maamar S, Gaboyer F, Trambouze O, Lipp J, Schippers A, Vandenkoornhuyse P, Barbier G, Jebbar M, Godfroy A & Alain K

Vander Auwera Jacqueline (2021) Petrology of the April 2015 Eruption of Calbuco Volcano, Southern Chile
Namur O & Vander Auwera J
(2021) Petrology of the Nyiragongo Volcano, DR Congo
Molendijk SM, Namur O, Mason PRD, Smets B, Vander Auwera J & Neave DA
(2018) Magmatic Processes and Mantle Melting Under La Picada Stratovolcano (CSVZ, Chile)
Vander Auwera J, Namur O, Dutrieux A, Ganerød M, Coumont V & Bolle O
(2017) Building up the First Continents: A Message from Integrated Zircon U-Pb/Lu-Hf Isotopes, Granitoid Petrology and Geochemistry
Laurent O, Zeh A, Vander Auwera J, Bingen B, Bolle O, Debaille V, Mattielli N & Gerdes A
(2017) Magma Storage Conditions and Processes at Calbuco Volcano (Central Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile)
Montalbano S, Namur O, Schiano P, Bolle O & Vander Auwera J
(2017) Compositional Gap at La Picada (CSVZ, Chile) Results from Critical Cristallinity and Compaction
Vander Auwera J, Namur O, Coumont V & Bolle O
(2015) Two Differentiation Trends and Parent Magmas at Calbuco Volcano (CSVZ Chile)
Montalbano S, Schiano P, Cluzel N, Bolle O & Vander Auwera J
(2014) Fe and Mg Isotope Fractionation in Olivine from the NWA 1068 Shergottite
Collinet M, Charlier B, Namur O, Oeser M, Medard E, Vander Auwera J & Weyer S
(2007) The Sept Iles Mafic Layered Intrusion: An Example of Ferrobasaltic Differentiation
Namur O, Charlier B, Higgins M & Vander Auwera J
(2007) Early Saturation of Ilmenite and Plagioclase Buoyancy in Fe-Ti Deposits Associated with Proterozoic Anorthosites
Charlier B & Vander Auwera J
(2007) Genesis of Intermediate to Silicic Igneous Rocks at the End of the Sveconorwegian (Grenvillian) Orogeny
Vander Auwera J, Bogaerts M & Bolle O
(2004) Similar Sources for the Apuseni Mts and Banat (Roumania) Late Cretaceous Banatitic Magmatism
Vander Auwera J, Berza T, Dupont A, Marincea S & Pin C
(2004) REE in Bulk Cumulates and the Trapped Liquid Shift in the Bjerkreim- Sokndal Layered Intrusion (Norway)
Charlier B, Vander Auwera J & Duchesne J

Vander Auwera Jacqueline E. (2023) Petrology of the Nyiragongo Volcano, DR Congo
Molendijk SM, Namur O, Kamate Kaleghetso E, Mason PRD, Smets B, Vander Auwera JE & Neave DA
(2023) Experimental Study of Plagioclase Growth, Nucleation Rates, and Shape Evolution during Cooling of an Anhydrous Basaltic Andesite
Billon MMR, Charlier B, Namur O & Vander Auwera JE
(2023) Can We Relate Diffusion Timescales to Magmatic Flux and Crustal Permeability? The Case of Villarrica and Osorno Volcanoes (Chile)
Utami SB, Vander Auwera JE, Bechon T, Fugmann P & Namur O

Vander Kaaden Kathleen (2020) Examining the Geochemical Behavior of Sulfur in Highly Reduced Planetary Bodies: Insights from X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) Spectroscopy at the S K-Edge
Vander Kaaden K, Konecke B & McCubbin F
(2020) Cardiopulmonary Inflammatory Response to Meteorite Dust Exposure – Implications for Human Health on Earth and Beyond
Harrington A, McCubbin F, Kaur J, Vander Kaaden K, Smirnov A, Galdanes K, Schoonen M, Chen L-C, Tsirka S & Gordon T
(2019) Experimentally Determined Core Composition of Mercury
Vander Kaaden K & McCubbin F
(2019) Geochemical Behavior of Elements Under Reducing Conditions Relevant to Mercury
McCubbin F & Vander Kaaden K
(2017) Examining the Possibility of Carbon as a Light Element in the Core of Mercury
Vander Kaaden K, McCubbin F, Turner A & Ross DK
(2016) Making Mercury’s Core with Light Elements
Vander Kaaden K, McCubbin F & Ross D
(2013) Experimental Investigation into the Density, Compressibility, and Phase Equilibria of the Northern Volcanic Plains on Mercury
Vander Kaaden K, McCubbin F & Agee C

Vander Kaaden Kathleen E (2022) Trace Element Partitioning in the Presence of Sulfur Under Reduced Conditions
Anzures BA, Vander Kaaden KE, McCubbin FM, Iacovino K, Moore GM, Prissel K, Righter M & Righter K

Vander Linden C. (2018) Soil Weathering Degree Controls Silicon Bioavailability by Increased pH after Biochar Application
Li Z, Unzué-Belmonte D, Jean-Thomas C, Vander Linden C, Struyf E, Ronsse F & Delvaux B
(2018) Quantification of Distinct Phytolith Pools in a Perhydrated Andosol
Vander Linden C, Iserentant A & Delvaux B

Vander Pas B. (2023) Land Plant Radiation and its Linkages to Global Marine Anoxia during the Devonian
Gilhooly W, Vander Pas B, Smart MS, Filippelli G, Ozaki K, Reinhard CT, Marshall JEA & Whiteside J
(2021) High-Frequency Sulfur Isotope Variability in the Late Ordovician of the Cincinnati Region
Gilhooly W, Vander Pas B, Becerra E, Bosco-Santos A & Dattilo B

Vander Putten E. (2000) On the Potential of Bivalve Shells to Record Environmental Conditions: A LA-ICP-MS Study of Trace Element Distributions along a Growth/time Axis
Lazaret C, Vander Putten E, André L & Dehairs F

Vanderborght J. (2017) Modelling Soil-Root Interactions
Schnepf A, Javaux M, Leitner D, Flemisch B, Heck K, Koch T, Mai TH, Sheng C, Helmig R, Vanderborght J & Vereecken H

Vanderburg A. (2018) Growth Model Interpretation of Planet Size Distribution
Zeng L, Jacobsen S, Sasselov D, Vanderburg A, Lopez-Morales M, Perez-Mercader J, Petaev M & Mattsson T

Vandercluysen L. (2017) The Interaction of Impact and Volcanism at the End of Earth’s Cretaceous Period
Renne P, Sprain C, Richards M, Self S, Vandercluysen L, Pande K & Fendley I

Vanderelst S. (2023) Silicon Isotopes as a Tool to Capture Biogeochemical Connectivity in Permafrost Soils: Implications on Fe-Organic Carbon Interactions
Villani M, Hirst C, Thomas M, du Bois d'Aische E, Vanderelst S, Lundin E, Giesler R, Mörth M & Opfergelt S

Vanderford M. (2013) Reactive Transport Modeling of Carbon, Chlorine, and Hydrogen CSIA Data to Improve Monitored Natural Attenuation for Chlorinated Ethenes
Thouement HAA, Vanderford M, Kuder T, Philp P & van Breukelen BM

Vandergoes Marcus (2018) Postglacial Paleoclimate Preserved in Pan-Pacific Peatlands
Nichols J, Peteet D, Moy C, Heusser L, Massa C, Beilman D, Vandergoes M & Curtin L
(2017) High Resolution Speleothem Fluorescence Records: What do They Mean?
Pearson A, Hartland A, Perette Y, Fox B, Hellstrom J, Drysdale R & Vandergoes M
(2009) Precise 10Be Production Rate Calibration in New Zealand’s Southern Alps for the Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum Periods
Putnam A, Schaefer J, Vandergoes M, Barrell D, Kaplan M, Finkel R, Goehring B, Schwartz R & Denton G

Vandergoes Marcus J. (2020) Climate and Environmental Change in the SW-Pacific of the Last ~14, 000 Years Using Lipid Biomarkers in Sediments of a New Zealand Lake
Naeher S, Bauersachs T, Stucker VK, Puddick J, Wood SA, Robert S, Schubert CJ & Vandergoes MJ

Vandergriendt M. (2022) Influence of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Methanogenic Hydrocarbon Degradation: Experiment and Numerical Simulation
Ramezanzadeh M, Slowinski S, Rezanezhad F, Murr K, Lam C, Smeaton C, Alibert C, Vandergriendt M & Van Cappellen P

Vanderhaeghe Olivier (2012) Deciphering the Processes of Crustal Reworking during the Formation of the Neoproterozoic Lufilian Belt, NW Zambia
Eglinger A, Vanderhaeghe O, Andre-Mayer A-S, Mercadier J, Goncalves P, Zeh A & Deloule E
(2006) Oxygen isotopes, REE and U-Pb behaviour during metamorphic zircon formation
Martin L, Duchene S, Deloule E & Vanderhaeghe O

Vanderhaeghe Olivier (2015) Bulk Differentiation of the Archaean Crust: A Regional View from the NE Superior Province, Canada
Azevedo C, Moyen J-F, Jébrak M & Vanderhaeghe O
(2015) Lessons Learned from Multi-Scale Studies of Crustal K-Th Distribution
Baratoux D, Jessell M, McFarlane H, Fall M, Andre-Mayer A-S, Vanderhaegue O, Baratoux L, Boamah K & Ndiaye PM

Vanderhaeghe Olivier (2018) Unraveling the Age of HT Metamorphism in Eastern Senegal: Evidence from U-Pb in situ Analyses on Monazite and Sm-Nd Garnet Geochronology
Kone J, Baratoux L, Maneiro K, Baxter E, Vanderhaeghe O, Duchène S, Ndiaye PM, Pitra P, Dufrechou G & Bruguier O

Vanderhaeghe Olivier (2019) Geochemistry of Micas and Accessory Minerals in P-Rich NYF Pegmatites at Mangodara (West Africa, Burkina Faso)
Bonzi WM-E, Van Lichtervelde M, Salvi S, Vanderhaeghe O, Hema KA-A & Wenmenga U

Vanderhaeghe Olivier (2022) Crustal Growth and Reworking in the Tcholliré-Banyo Shear Zone at Mbé – Sassa-Mbersi Area (Central African Pan-African Belt, Cameroon)
Saha Fouotsa AN, Tchameni R & Vanderhaeghe O

Vanderhaeghe Olivier (2023) Accessory Mineral Record of Hybridization Processes in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone Lower Crust
Passos do Carmo C, Laurent O, Vanderhaeghe O & Galli A

Vanderkluysen Loÿc (2011) Lithospheric Control on Geochemical Composition of the Louisville Seamount Chain
Beier C, Regelous M, Mahoney J, Vanderkluysen L & Haase K
(2011) Evolution of the LUSI Mud Volcano: Fluid Chemistry and Remote Sensing
Hartnett H, Vanderkluysen L & Clarke A

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