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van Sijl J. (2010) 24Mg/26Mg Isotope Fractionation in Silicate Minerals Through First Principles Calculations
Pinilla C, van Sijl J & Allan N
(2010) Titanium Complexation in Cl- or F-Bearing High Pressure-Temperature Aqueous Fluids: New Results from ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
van Sijl J, Allan NL, Davies GR & van Westrenen W
(2009) Titanium Complexation in Subduction Zone Fluids: Insights from ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
van Sijl J, Allan NL, Davies GR & van Westrenen W
(2008) Towards Computer Simulation of Element Complexation in Subduction Zone Fluids
van Sijl J, Allan N, Pinilla C, Davies G & van Westrenen W

van Soelen E. (2017) A Compound Specific Carbon Isotope Record for the Late Permian to Early Triassic
van Soelen E, Peterse F & Kurschner W

van Soest M C (2005) Helium Isotope Systematics in Geothermal Fluids of the Cascade Volcanic Arc
van Soest M, Mariner R & Evans W
(2000) Rare Gas Isotopic and Elemental Constraints on Oil Migration and Hydrogeological Processes: The Statfjord, Snorre and Gullfaks Fields, Norwegian North Sea Oil Province
van Soest MC, Torgersen T & Kennedy BM

van Soest Matthijs
(2019) Magnesium Isotope Fractionation in Arc Lavas Caused by Magmatic Differentiation
Liu X, Hin R, Elliott T, van Soest M & Coath C
(2018) Refining Models of the Lunar Bombardment History Using the Laser Microprobe 40Ar/39Ar Method
Hodges K, Mercer C, Brunner A, McDonald C & van Soest M
(2018) Radiation Damage Zoning in Zircon: Intracrystalline Variations in Helium Diffusion
Anderson A, van Soest M, Hanchar J & Hodges K
(2016) Mo Isotope Evidence for Melting of Subducted Sediments beneath the Lesser Antilles Arc
Freymuth H, Van Soest M, Skora S & Elliott T
(2014) Excimer Laser Microprobe 40Ar/39Ar Chronology of Impact Melt Products
Hodges K, Mercer C, Young K, Wartho JA, van Soest M & Weirich J
(2014) Laser Microprobe (U-Th)/He Dating of Titanite
Horne A, Van Soest M & Hodges K
(2014) The Interaction of Subducted Oceanic Crust with Long-Lived Compositional Reservoirs in the Deep Mantle
McNamara A, Li M, Williams C, Garnero E & Van Soest M
(2011) A Novel Application of (U-Th)/He Geochronology to Constrain the Age of Small, Young Meteorite Impact Craters: A Case Study of Monturaqui Crater, Chile
Ukstins Peate I, van Soest M & Wartho J-A
(2008) Laser Microprobe Depth Profiling of 4He Diffusion in Durango Apatite
van Soest M, Boyce J, Monteleone B & Hodges K

van Staal C. (2023) Thermodynamic Modelling and Petrochronology of Taconic Eclogites of Newfoundland Appalachians: Implications for Exhumation Mechanisms
Scorsolini LG, van Staal C, Yakymchuk C & Hanchar JM

van Staden A. (2009) Unroofing the Kalahari Craton: Provenance Data from Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic Successions
Zimmermann U, Fourie P, Naidoo T, Chemale Jr F, Nakamura E, Kobayashi K, Kosler J, Beukes N, Tait J & van Staden A

Van Staden T. (2019) Spatio-Temporal Vulnerability to Phosphorus Losses in Agricultural Watersheds
Van Staden T, Van Meter K, Basu N, Van Cappellen P & Saurette D

Van Staeyen G. (2009) In situ Conditioning and Stabilisation of Dredging and Mineral Sludge
Van Roy S, Accoe F, Dejonghe W, Daems M, Ryngaert A, Diels L, Cichocka D, Springael D, Barbetti L, Van Impe P, Van Staeyen G, Meesschaert B, Duerinckx L, Vandekeybus J, Pieters A, Ide G, Seffelaar H, Pensaert S, Geeraert M, Ramdas R, Carpels B, Heylen A, Van Goylen E, Berteloot M & Dubois M

Van Stan J. (2018) A Study of Fire and Rain: Dissolved Black Carbon in Throughfall and Stemflow
Wagner S, Brantley S, Stuber S, Van Stan J & Stubbins A
(2018) Inter-Storm Variation in the Quality, Flux and Biolability of tree-Dom
Stubbins A, Wagner S, Howard D, Zhu L, Guillemette F & Van Stan J

Van Stappen J. (2016) 3D Dynamic Imaging of Pore Scale Processes in Geomaterials
Cnudde V, Bultreys T, Derluyn H, Boone M, De Kock T, Van Stappen J, De Schrijver T, Boone M, Masschaele B & Van Hoorebeke L

van Stiphout T. (2009) Integration of Petrological-Geochemical Constraints and Local Seismic Tomography – Implications for Magmatic Processes within Continental Arc Crust of S-Alaska
Ballmer S, Kissling E, Ulmer P & van Stiphout T

Van Tendeloo L. (2018) The Link between Cation Exchange Properties and Stability of Zeolites in Hyper-Alkaline Media
Raymaekers R, Wangermez W, Van Tendeloo L, Kirschhock C, Maes A & Breynaert E
(2015) An NMR View of Nucleation Theory for Zeolites Crystallization
Taulelle F, Van Tendeloo L, Kirschhock CEA, Martens J, Breynaert E & Haouas M
(2015) Zeolite Recrystallization in Potassium-Rich Hyper Alkaline Media
Van Tendeloo L, Kirschhock C, Maes A & Breynaert E
(2014) Zeolites as Sorption Sink in Concrete Based Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities
Breynaert E, Van Tendeloo L, Brassinnes S, Kirschhock CEA, Gens R & Maes A
(2014) A Unifed NMR View of Silicates from Zeolites to Ionic Liquids
Haouas M, Van Tendeloo L, Breynaert E, Kirschhock CEA, Martens J & Taulelle F
(2014) Impact of Cations on (Un)desirable Zeolite Transformations at High pH
Van Tendeloo L, Kirschhock C & Breynaert E
(2013) Zeolites as Ion Exchanger in Harsh Ultra-Alkaline Conditions
Breynaert E, Van Tendeloo L, Gobechiya E, Wangermez W, Deblochouse B, Martens JA, Kirschhock CEA & Maes A

van Veelen A. (2022) Oxidation Paradox: Influx of Oxidant Stimulates Microbial Metal/Radionuclide Reduction
Weber KA, Westrop JP, Yadav P, Rosso T, Noël V, Van Veelen A, Bargar J, Wu X, Chakraborty R & Herr J
(2020) Uranium Reduction in Response to an Influx of Nitrate into Organic-Rich Sediments
Westrop J, Yadav P, Noel V, Van Veelen A, Bargar J, Chakraborty R & Weber K
(2020) Direct Observation of the Oxygen Atoms in UO2+X
Wang C, van Veelen A, Bargar J & Ewing R
(2017) Multimodal Imaging and Modelling of Rhizosphere Processes
van Veelen A, Keyes S, Daly K, McKay-Fletcher D, Scotson C, Koebernick N, Cooper L, Mosselmans F, Roose T & Duncan S
(2014) In situ U ReflEXAFS from Single Crystal Mineral Surfaces
Mosselmans F, Wogelius R, van Veelen A, Ryan M, Morris K & Qi J
(2013) Spectroscopic Studies of Radionuclide Adsorption and Diffusion
Wogelius R, van Veelen A, Zou B, Bargar J, Brown, Jr. G, Grime G & Law G
(2013) Uranyl on Mg-Rich Minerals: Polarisation Dependent EXAFS
van Veelen A, Copping R, Law GTW, Smith AJ, Bargar JR, Shuh DK & Wogelius RA
(2011) Uranyl Coordination Chemistry on Magnesite and Brucite Surfaces: Polarisation Dependent EXAFS
van Veelen A, Law GTW, Smith AJ, Bargar JR, Rogers J & Wogelius RA

van Veen H. (2019) A Consortium of Anaerobic Microorganisms Protects Metal Sheet Piles Against Corrosion
in 't Zandt M, Kip N, Frank J, Jansen S, van Veen H, Jetten M & Welte C

van Velthoven P. (2009) Observation-Based Constraints on the Present-Day Atmospheric Methane Budget
van Weele M, Neef L & van Velthoven P

van Venrooy A. (2016) Precipitation of Fe-Sulfate and Fe-Hydroxide Intergrowths in Laboratory Simulations of Acid Mine Drainage: How Does Co-precipitation Affect Microtextures?
Cull-Hearth S & van Venrooy A

Van Vlierberghe H. (2011) On the Way to Medical Diagnosis Based on the Isotopic Analyis of Metabolically Relevant Transition Metals
Van Heghe L, Engström E, Rodushkin I, Verstraete A, Van Vlierberghe H, Cloquet C & Vanhaecke F

van Voorn G. (2014) On the Potential Role of Marine Calcifiers in Glacial-Interglacial Dynamics
Omta AW, van Voorn G, Rickaby R & Follows M
(2014) Inherent Characteristics of Sawtooth Cycles can Explain Shifts in Glacial Periodicity
Omta AW, van Voorn G, Rickaby R, Follows M & Kooi B

Van Wagoner N. (2022) Identification of Biomineralization Processes and Bacterial Species Forming the Speleothems of Iron Curtain Cave, Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada
Koning K, McFarlane R, Gosse J, Lawrence S, Carr L, Van Wagoner N, Boddy C & Cheeptham1 N

Van Wambeke F. (2017) Sensitive Determination of Dissolved Phosphate Pools for an Improved Resolution of the N:P Ratios in the Surface Oligotrophic Ocean: A Case Study in the Mediterranean Sea
Djaoudi K, Van Wambeke F, Coppola L, D'ortenzio F, Helias-Nunige S, Raimbault P, Taillandier V, Testor P, Wagener T & Pulido-Villena E

van Weelden H. (2009) UV Light Induces Methane Emission from Plant Biomass: Mechanism and Isotope Studies
Vigano I, Holzinger R, Röckmann T, van Dijk A, Keppler F, Greule M, Brand W, van Weelden H & van Dongen J

van Weele M. (2009) Observation-Based Constraints on the Present-Day Atmospheric Methane Budget
van Weele M, Neef L & van Velthoven P

Van Wesemael B. (2012) Tracing Land Use Controls on Silica Dynamics in the Soil-Vegetation Continuum
Clymans W, Govers G, Frot E, Ronchi B, Van Wesemael B, Struyf E & Conley DJ

van Westrenen W. (2023) Self-Sustaining Water Atmospheres on Magma Planets and their Observability
Van Buchem CPA, Miguel Y & van Westrenen W
(2023) Ultrasonic P-Wave Velocity Measurements of Fe-S-Ni Liquid Metal at 10 GPa
Knibbe J, Kono Y, Greaux S & van Westrenen W
(2021) A New Constraint to Improve the Prediction of Zircon-Melt REE Partition Coefficients
Streicher LB, van Westrenen W, Hanchar JM & Brouwer FM
(2020) Equilibration Time of Fe and Zn Concentrations and Isotopes in High-Pressure-Temperature Metal-Silicate Partitioning Experiments
Seegers AX, Stelwagen RG, van Zuilen K, van Westrenen W & Vroon PZ
(2020) CO2 Content in high-K Melts: High-P/T Experiments on Melt Inclusions
Nikogosian I, Van Westrenen W, De Hoog C-J & Koornneef J
(2017) In situ Viscometry of Primitive Lunar Magmas at High Pressure and High Temperature
Rai N, Perrillat J-P, Mezouar M, Colin A, Petitgirard S & van Westrenen W
(2017) Phosphorus-in-Olivine: Experimental Constraints on Partitioning and Zoning
Ersoy Ö, Nikogosian IK, Mason PRD, Van Westrenen W & Van Bergen MJ
(2015) Apatite as a Tool for Understanding the Volatile Contents of Late-Stage Lunar Magmas
Potts NJ, van Westrenen W, Tartese R, Franchi IA, Barnes JJ & Anand M
(2013) Calibration of the Raman Technique to Determine Water Contents in Lunar Silicate Glasses
Colin A, Davies G, Hooijschuur J-H, Nichols A, Rai N & van Westrenen W
(2013) Structural Change in Molten Basalt at Deep Mantle P-T Conditions
Sanloup C, Drewitt J, Dalladay-Simpson P, Morton D, Rai N, van Westrenen W, Konopkova Z & Morgenroth W
(2012) Combining Experimental and Numerical Studies of Lunar Differentiation
van Westrenen W, de Vries J, van Kan Parker M, Tronche E, Rai N, van den Berg A, Sanloup C & Jacobs M
(2011) Compressibility Change in Fe-Rich Melt and Implications for Core Formation Models
Sanloup C, van Westrenen W, Dasgupta R, Maynard-Casely H & Perrillat J-P
(2011) Origin of Earth’s Volatile Elements: Constraints from Rb Isotopes
Mezger K, Nebel O & vanWestrenen W
(2011) Constraints on the Formation of a Lunar Core from Metal-Silicate Partitioning of Siderophile Elements
Rai N & van Westrenen W
(2010) Discrepancy between Geochemical and Dynamical Models of Moon Formation in a Giant Impact
van Westrenen W & de Meijer R
(2010) Titanium Complexation in Cl- or F-Bearing High Pressure-Temperature Aqueous Fluids: New Results from ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
van Sijl J, Allan NL, Davies GR & van Westrenen W
(2009) Titanium Complexation in Subduction Zone Fluids: Insights from ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
van Sijl J, Allan NL, Davies GR & van Westrenen W
(2009) High-Precision HFSE Partitioning between Garnet, Amphibole, and Alkaline Melt, Kakanui, New Zealand
Fulmer EC, Nebel O & van Westrenen W
(2008) Towards Computer Simulation of Element Complexation in Subduction Zone Fluids
van Sijl J, Allan N, Pinilla C, Davies G & van Westrenen W
(2008) Insights into Trace-Element Mineral Melt Partitioning from Atomistic Simulation and ab Initio Theory
Pinilla C, Allan N, Blundy J & van Westrenen W
(2008) Underneath the Magma Ocean: Element Distribution between Calcium Silicate Perovskite and Sulphur-Bearing Iron Melts
van Westrenen W, Schmidt MW, Günther D & Stewart AJ
(2008) Predicting Solid Metal – Molten Metal Element Partitioning Using Crystal Lattice Strain
Stewart AJ, van Westrenen W, Schmidt MW & Günther D
(2007) The Origin of Silica-Rich Kaapvaal Lithospheric Mantle
Davies G, Wasch L, van der Zwan F, Morel M, Nebel O, van Westrenen W, Pearson G & Hellebrand E

van Wetten I. (2014) Tephrochronostratigraphy of the Paleocene Fort Union Formation: Implications for Coal Deposition?
Kuiper K, Abels H, Dekkers M, Hilgen F, Noorbergen L, Rost E, Smit J, van der Kaars S & van Wetten I

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