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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Van Kranendonk Martin (2021) Ruthenium Isotope Constraints on the Nature of Earth’s Late-Stage Building Blocks
Fischer-Gödde M, Münker C, Becker H, Maier W, Szilas K, Gerritzen C, Van Kranendonk M & Smithies H
(2019) Metalheads of the Early Earth: Biologically Mediated Accumulation of Transition Metals and Metalloids in 3.5 Billion–year–Old Stromatolites
Baumgartner R, Van Kranendonk M, Anais P, Wacey D, Fiorentini M & Ryan C
(2019) Long-Term Preservation of W Isotope Anomalies in Crustal Rocks from the Pilbara Craton, NW Australia
Tusch J, Münker C, Jansen M, Hasenstab E, Marien CS, Kurzweil F & van Kranendonk M
(2019) The Evolution of the Archean Mantle from Combined Isotope Systematics in Pilbara Basalts and Komatiites
Hasenstab E, Tusch J, Schnabel C, Schmitt V, Marien CS, van Kranendonk M & Münker C
(2017) Terrestrial Microbial Mats at 3, 220 Myr ago (Moodies Group, SA)
Homann M, Heubeck C, Airo A, Van Kranendonk M, Van Zuilen M, Gong J, Sansjofre P & Lalonde S
(2017) Globally Asynchronous Sulfur Isotope Signals Require Re-definition of the Great Oxidation Event
Philippot P, Ávila J, Killingsworth B, Baton F, Caquineau T, Muller E, Pecoits E, Cartigny P, Tessalina S, Lalonde S, Ireland T, Thomazo C, Van Kranendonk M & Busigny V
(2016) Coastal Hydrothermal Field was Hot Spot for Biotic Diversity on the Paleoarchean Earth
Sugitani K, Mimura K, Takeuchi M, Yamaguchi T, Suzuki K, Senda R, Asahara Y, Wallis S & Van Kranendonk M

Van Kranendonk Martin J (2020) Geochemical Constraints on the Depositional and Diagenetic History of a Unique 2.4 Ga Microbialite Reef
Nomchong B & Van Kranendonk M
(2020) Extracting Primary Information Through Si Isotope Analysis on a c. 2.4 Ga Microbialite Reef
Soares GG, Van Kranendonk MJ, Scicchitano MR, Nomchong BJ & Barlow EV
(2020) Ruthenium Isotopic Evidence for a Missing Late Accretion Component in the Mantle Source of Pilbara Craton
Fischer-Gödde M, Münker C, Becker H, Wolfgang M, Van Kranendonk M & Smithies H
(2018) Phosphogenesis in the Wake of the Great Oxidation Event: Evidence from the Turee Creek Group, W.A
Soares G, Van Kranendonk M, Belousova E & Thomson S
(2018) Tungsten Isotope Patterns of Rocks from the Pilbara Craton, Australia
Tusch J, Jansen M, Marien CS, van Kranendonk M & Münker C
(2018) Turee Creek Group Microfossils Highlight Early Paleoproterozoic Diversity and Complexity
Barlow EV & Van Kranendonk MJ

Van Kranendonk Martin J. (2023) Jaspillites from the 3.5 Ga Old Dresser Fm. – A Reliable Geochemical Archive for Ancient Water Chemistry?
Viehmann S, Kraemer D, Hohl SV, Koeberl C & Van Kranendonk MJ
(2023) Combined 142Nd and 182W Systematics of Neoarchean Rocks from the Yilgarn Craton, W-Australia
Hellers M, Hasenstab E, Tusch J, Gerritzen CT, Fischer-Gödde M, Schneider A, Marien C, Smithies H, Wyche S, Van Kranendonk MJ & Münker C
(2023) Selectively Targeting Authigenic and Detrital Components in Impure Chemical Sedimentary Rocks of the 1.85 Ga Duck Creek Dolomite, Western Australia
Gogouvitis MD, Rosca C, Kleinhanns IC, Havsteen JC, Van Kranendonk MJ & Schoenberg R
(2022) Investigating the Late Accretion History and Convective Homogenization of the Terrestrial Mantle – New Perspectives from Coupled Ru Isotope and HSE Abundance Data
Tusch J, Fischer-Gödde M, Hoffmann JE, Gerritzen C, Gans P, Maier W, Van Kranendonk MJ, Smithies H, Becker H & Münker C
(2022) Keeping the Baby in the Bathwater: Diagnostic Morphological Biosignatures for Ancient to Modern Stromatolites
Van Kranendonk MJ, Baumgartner R, Campbell KA, Dobson M, Murphy RJ & Nutman A
(2022) The Plot Thickens: An Updated View on Stromatolite Biogenicity in the 3.48 Billion-Year-Old Dresser Formation, Australia
Baumgartner R, Van Kranendonk MJ, Campbell KA, Dobson M & Teece B
(2022) Geomolecules in the Late Jurassic Claudia Paleo-Geothermal Field: Evidence of a Complex Geological and Biological Environment
Teece B, Guido D, Campbell KA, Van Kranendonk MJ, Galar A & George S
(2022) Regional to Micron-Scale Controls on Preservation of Biosignatures in Phanerozoic Hot Spring Microbial Sinter
Campbell KA, Guido D, Hamilton A, Rowe M, Lyon B, Teece B, Foucher F, Westall F, Ruff S & Van Kranendonk MJ
(2022) Additional Evidence for a Sulfur-Cycling Microbial Community Preserved in Chert from the c. 2.4 Ga Turee Creek Group
Barlow (she/her) EV, House CH & Van Kranendonk MJ
(2015) Paired Carbon Isotope from Three Key Intervals of the Turee Creek Group, Pilbara Craton, Australia
Ader M, Thomazo C, Baton F, Muller E, Chaduteau C, Cartigny P, Vennin E, Buoncristiani J-F, Van Kranendonk M & Philippot P
(2015) Trace Element Chemostratigraphy of the Paleoproterozoic Turee Creek and Uppermost Hamersley Groups, Western Australia
Pecoits E, Lalonde S, Van Kradendonk M & Philippot P
(2013) The Mo-Isotopic Composition of Late Archean Iron Formations
Kurzweil F, Wille M, Schoenberg R & Van Kranendonk M
(2013) Archean Mo Isotopic Evolution: Comparing the Pilbara and the Kapvaal Cratons
Wille M, Kurzweil F, Eroglu S, Schoenberg R, Beukes N & Van Kranendonk M
(2012) Transition Metal Stable Isotopes in Komatiites
Sossi P, Nebel O, O'Neill H, Eggins S & van Kranendonk M
(2012) Fe Isotope and U-Th-Pb Evidence for a Reduced 3.4 Ga Archean Ocean
Li W, Johnson C, Beard B & van Kranendonk M
(2012) The Hf-Nd Isotope Barcode of Crust Formation in the Archean Earth
Kemp T, Vervoort J, Whitehouse M, Hickman A, Van Kranendonk M & Naeraa T
(2011) Geology, Age and Origin of the Oldest Terrestrial Rocks and Minerals
Van Kranendonk M
(2011) 3 Ga Onset of the Supercontinent Cycle: SCLM and Crustal Evidence
Shirey S, Richardson S & Van Kranendonk M
(2011) Origin of Isotopically Heavy Fe in Pyrite from 2.75 Ga Wilgie Mia BIF, Western Australia
Lepland A, Van Kranendonk MJ & Whitehouse MJ
(2011) Transitional Oxygenation Recorded in the Paleoproterozoic Turee Creek Group, Western Australia
Williford K, Van Kranendonk M, Ushikubo T, Kozdon R & Valley J
(2011) Freeze-Fry Cycles in the Paleoproterozoic Turee Creek Group, Western Australia
Van Kranendonk M, Lepland A & Yamaguchi K
(2010) Iron Isotopes Reveal an Abiological Origin for a 2.75 Ga BIF from the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Czaja AD, Johnson CM, Beard BL & Van Kranendonk MJ
(2009) Microbial Community Structure and Atmospheric Oxygen ca. 2.4 Ga
Mojzsis S, Van Kranendonk M & Swanner E
(2007) Elemental-Sulfur Reducing or Disproportionating Organisms in a ~3, 5 Myr-Old Seafloor Setting
Philippot P, Van Zuilen M, Lepot K, Thomazo C, Farquhar J & Van Kranendonk M
(2007) Direct Dating of Archean Microbial Ichnofossils
Banerjee N, Simonetti A, Furnes H, Muehlenbachs K, Staudigel H, McLoughlin N, de Wit M & Van Kranendonk M
(2007) Isotopic Record of Hadean Crust in Western Australia
Tessalina S, Philippot P, Van Kranendonk M, Bourdon B & Birck J-L
(2006) Origin of carbonaceous matter in 3,525 Myr-old hydrothermally-altered subseafloor sediments from the Dresser Formation, Pilbara Craton
Philippot P, Lepot K, Thomazo C, Ader M & Van Kranendonk M
(2003) Geological Setting and Biogenicity of 3.45 Ga Stromatolitic Cherts, East Pilbara, Australia
Van Kranendonk M, Webb G, Kamber B & Pirajno F
(2002) Questioning the Evidence for Earth's Oldest Fossils
Brasier M, Green O, Jephcoat A, Kleppe A, Van Kranendonk M & Lindsay J

van Laaten N. (2023) How to get the most out of my Mapping Data? A Data Reduction Scheme to Analyze all of Your Mapping Data at Once
van Laaten N, Kusturica A & Schäfer T
(2022) Spider Web Biomonitoring as a Tool to Quantify Sources of Potentially Toxic Elements in Urban Dust
van Laaten N, von Tümpling W, Merten D, Schäfer T & Pirrung M
(2021) LA-ICP-MS Analysis of Trace and Rare Earth Elements in Carbonate Fracture Fillings from Granitoid Rocks (Sweden)
Kusturica A, van Laaten N, Drake H & Schäfer T
(2019) Trace Element Analysis on Spider Webs – Identification of Sources of Particulate Matter
van Laaten N, Merten D, von Tümpling W & Pirrung M

van Leeuwen A.W.E. (2022) Influence of Mineral Associations on Terrestrial Particulate Organic Carbon Preservation and Transport in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Yedema Y, Eefting DD, Nierop KGJ, van Leeuwen AWE, Trabucho Alexandre J, Vonk J, Sangiorgi F & Peterse F

van Leeuwen H.P. (2007) Dynamic Metal Speciation Analysis by Stripping Chronopotentiometry at Scanned Deposition Potential (SSCP)
Town RM & van Leeuwen HP

van Leeuwen J. (2013) Results of an Interdisciplinary Research Project on Soil Aggregate Formation in CZO’s
Regelink I, Lair G, Lehtinen T, van Leeuwen J, van der Zaan B, Schiefer J, Rousseva S, Blaud A, Mennon M & Banwart S

van Lichterfelde M. (2015) U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics of Nb-Ta Mineralization
Marko L, Gerdes A, van Lichterfelde M & Melcher F

van Lichtervelde M. (2019) Geochemistry of Micas and Accessory Minerals in P-Rich NYF Pegmatites at Mangodara (West Africa, Burkina Faso)
Bonzi WM-E, Van Lichtervelde M, Salvi S, Vanderhaeghe O, Hema KA-A & Wenmenga U
(2017) Origin of Pegmatites, Example of Pyrenean Variscan Pegmatites (Cap de Creus, Spain): Preliminary Results
Serrano J, Van Lichtervelde M, De Saint-Blanquat M, Borisova A, Druguet E & Gloaguen E
(2017) The Tantalite-Tapiolite Gap as an Indicator of Disequilibrium in Granitic Pegmatites: Constraints from Crystallization Experiments
Van Lichtervelde M, Holtz F & Melcher F
(2007) Geochemistry of Micas Associated with Tantalum Mineralization in the Tanco Pegmatite, Canada
van Lichtervelde M, Linnen RL, Grégoire M, Béziat D & Salvi S

Van Lith Y. (2004) Acid-Base Activity of Live Cells, Dead Cells and Cell Wall Components
Claessens J, van Lith Y, Laverman A & Van Cappellen P
(2002) From Process-Oriented Laboratory Experiments to the Modelling of Complex Natural Systems: Incorporation of Microbial Dynamics in a Biogeochemical Reaction Network Simulator Based on the Concept of a ‘Knowledge Base’
Regnier P, Laverman A, Pallud C, Van Lith Y & Van Cappellen P
(2000) Role of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria during Microbial Dolomite Precipitation as Deduced from Culture Experiments
van Lith Y, Vasconcelos C, Warthmann R & McKenzie J

Van Loo D. (2021) Chemical Form of Palladium and 3D Distribution of Pt-Group Minerals in Norilsk Ore Deposits
Merkulova M, Sittner J, Brovchenko V, Boone M, Renno A, da Assuncao Godinho JR, De Schryver T, Van Loo D, Roine A, Liipo J & Cnudde V
(2021) 3-Dimensional Distribution of Ore Minerals from the Au-U Witwatersrand Supergroup Using Spectral X-Ray Computed Micro Tomography
Sittner J, Godinho J, Renno AD, Cnudde V, Merkulova M, Guy BM, Boone M, De Schryver T, Van Loo D, Roine A & Liipo J
(2009) Application of X-Ray Tomography for Quantification of the Soil Pore Structure and Visualization of Soil Organic Matter
Bouckaert L, Van Loo D, De Neve S, Jacobs P & Van Hoorebeke L

Van Loon E. (2010) A New Biomarker Aproach to Reconstruct Past Vegetation Patterns
Jansen B, Van Loon E & Kalbitz K

Van Loon Lisa (2019) Applications of Synchrotron Spectroscopy to Ore Discovery
Banerjee N & Van Loon L
(2016) Probing Mining Industry Questions Using Synchrotron Radiation
Van Loon L, Banerjee N, Stromberg J, Feick K, Stammers L & Kope E
(2012) Speciation of Nickel in Workplace Aerosols Using X-Ray Near Edge Structure Spectroscopy
Van Loon L, Dutton M & Hamilton C

Van Loon Luc (2023) Relevance of Diffuse Layer, Stern-Layer and Interlayer Transport in Diffusion Experiments with Various Clays and Ions
Krejci P, Gimmi T, Van Loon L & Glaus MA
(2023) Chloride Accessible Porosity Fractions Across the Jurassic Sedimentary Rocks of Northern Switzerland
Zwahlen C, Gimmi T, Jenni A, Kiczka M, Mazurek M, Van Loon L, Mäder U & Traber D
(2019) Diffusion of 226Radium Through Opalinus Clay: A Combined Diffusion and Sorption Study
Brandt F, Van Loon L, Klinkenberg M, Poonoosamy J, Glaus M & Bosbach D
(2019) Modelling Diffusion of Sorbing Cations in Opalinus Clay
Krejci P, Gimmi T & Van Loon L

Van Loon Luc R. (2016) Anion Diffusion (36Cl) in Clay Rocks with Different Cations (Na, Ca & Cs)
Wigger C, Van Loon LR & Gimmi T
(2016) Modified Montmorillonite as Tool for Exploring Diffusion Pathways for Anions and Cations
Van Loon L, Fetz E, Hummel W & Plötze M
(2016) Migration Behaviour of Carboxylic Acids in Compacted Illite, Kaolinite and Opalinus Clay
Chen Y, Glaus M, van Loon L & Mäder U
(2015) Pore Size Distribution Measurements in Low Porosity Argillaceous Rocks
Wigger C, Van Loon L & Gimmi T
(2015) Experimental Benchmark for Testing Reactive Transport Codes
Poonoosamy J, Kosakowski G, Van Loon L & Mäder U
(2015) Migration of Small Organic Molecules in Dense Clay Systems
Chen Y, Glaus M, Van Loon L & Mäder U
(2013) Perturbing a Field Diffusion Experiment: First Results of the DR-A Test in the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory (Switzerland)
Gimmi T, Leupin OX, Soler JM & Van Loon LR
(2009) Modeling Cesium Diffusion in a Claystone Formation
Appelo T, Wersin P, Van Loon L & Dewonck S
(2009) Contaminant Transport in Complex Heterogeneous Geological Media: New Insights Through Micro-Imaging and Micro-Spectroscopy
Grolimund D, Guenther D, Borca CN, Van Loon L, Stampanoni M, Marone F, Barmettler K, Aeschlimann B, Wersin P & Heald SM
(2009) Sorption and Diffusion of Np(V) in Opalinus Clay
Reich T, Amayri S, Drebert J, Fröhlich D, Van Loon LR & Wu T
(2008) Diffusion and Retention Experiment in Clay Formation: An International Field, Lab and Modelling Exercise
Leupin OX, Dewonck S, Savoye S, Wersin P, Van Loon LR, Gimmi T, Samper J, Soler JM, Eikenberg J & Bayens B
(2005) In situ Diffusion at Mont Terri URL
Soler J, Gimmi T, Cartalade A, Wersin P & Van loon L

van Loosdrecht M. (2016) Considerations for Saturation Calculations of Concentrated Non-Equimolar Calcium Carbonate Precipitation
Bergwerff L, Picioreanu C, van Loosdrecht M & van Paassen L
(2011) Biologically Enhanced Silicate Mineral Dissolution for CO2 Sequestration
Salek S, Kleerebezem R, Jonkers H & van Loosdrecht M

Van maldegem E. (2023) Floodplain Sediment Phosphorus Concentrations Related to Long-Term Trends in Population, Landscape Dynamics and River Eutrophication
Lauryssen F, Broothaerts N, Van maldegem E, Crombé P, Van Zon M & Smolders E

van Maldegem Lennart (2022) Synglacial Biomarkers from Snowball Earth Offer New Insights on Early Eukaryote Evolution
Bishop C, Van Maldegem L, Jarrett A, Zhang R, Hope J & Brocks JJ
(2020) Diagenetic Origin of Neoproterozoic ‘Sponge Biomarkers’
Bobrovskiy I, van Maldegem L, Nettersheim B, Hope J, Volkman J, Hallmann C & Brocks J
(2020) The Curious Case of post-Snowball Lipid Biomarkers
van Maldegem L, Hallmann C & Brocks J
(2020) Nature and Habitat of pre-Cryogenian Algae
Hallmann C, Nettersheim B, van Maldegem L, Brocks J & Neumann M
(2020) Discovery of the Oldest Known Biogenic Molecules at the Edge of Detectability
Vinnichenko G, Jarrett A, van Maldegem L, Hope J & Brocks J
(2019) The Occurrence of Extended Tricyclic Terpanes in the Proterozoic and Paleozoic
Liyanage T, van Maldegem L, Edwards D, Boreham C, Hope J & Brocks J
(2019) Life after the Sturtian
Van Maldegem L, Kipp M, Krause A, Poulton S, Tosca N, Clayton K, Rooney A, Hope J & Brocks J
(2019) Testing the Value and Limitations of Redox-Sensitive Biomarker Proxies
Kinsley J, Poulton S, Kipp M, van Maldegem L & Brocks J
(2019) Steranes Constrain the Ecological Role of Ediacaran Animals and Protists
Nettersheim B, Brocks J, Bobrovskiy I, van Maldegem L & Hallmann C
(2018) Extreme Heterotrophy after Snowball Earth
van Maldegem L, Sansjofre P, Weijers J, Wolkenstein K, Wormer L, Strother P & Hallmann C
(2017) Recent Advances in the Search for New Hydrocarbon Biomarkers
Hallmann C, van Maldegem L, Wolkenstein K, Sansjofre P & Griesinger C
(2014) Coupled Cycling of Iron and Bioessential Trace-Metals
Peacock C, Moon E & van Maldegem L

van Maldegem Lennart M. (2023) Environmental Stabilisation and Biological Diversification in the Aftermath of the Sturtian Snowball Glaciation
Bowyer F, Krause AJ, Song Y, Huang K-J, Fu Y, Shen B, Li J, Zhu X, Kipp MA, van Maldegem LM, Brocks JJ, Shields GA, Le Hir G, Mills BJW & Poulton SW

Van Maldeghem F. (2023) CSI Solar System: Clues from Chromites in Cosmic Dust
Van Maldeghem F, Soens B, Maeda R, van Ginneken M, Krämer Ruggiu L, Cordier C, Suttle M, Folco L, Yamaguchi A, Claeys P & Goderis S
(2021) Oxygen Isotope Variability in Unmelted Micrometeorites from the Sør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica
Van Maldeghem F, Soens B, Kaufmann FEDED, van Ginneken M, Hecht L, Claeys P & Goderis S
(2019) Unmelted Antarctic Micrometeorites at the Nanoscale
Van Maldeghem F, Goderis S, Laforce B, Soens B, De Pauw E, Suuronen J-P, Van Ginneken M, Debaille V & Claeys P

Van Malderen Stijn (2018) Advances in Zircon Geochronology by LA-Icp-TOF-MS
Rittner M, Borovinskaya O, Tanner M, Danyushevsky L, Thompson J, Van Malderen S & Woodhead J
(2018) Ultra-Fast, High Resolution 3D LA ICP-MS Imaging of Zircons
Stremtan C, Van Malderen SJM & Săbău G
(2018) Tracing Meteoritic Components in Cretaceous-Paleogene Microkrystites Using XRF Nano-Analysis
Goderis S, Laforce B, Belza J, Tucoulou Tachoueres R, Van Malderen S, Vekemans B, Vincze L & Claeys P
(2016) Performance Evaluation of a Novel, High Efficiency, Low-Dispersion Aerosol Transport System for Laser Ablation ICP-MS
Asogan D, Jackson S, Yang Z, Van Malderen S, Vanhaeke F, Winship P & Lay C

Van Malderen Stijn J. M. (2022) LA ICP-MS Imaging of Zircons by Sector Field, High Sensitivity Mass Spectrometry Coupled to Fast-Washout Laser Ablation
Bracciali L, Craig G, Lindemann T, Vollstaedt H, Lloyd N, Asogan D & Van Malderen SJM

van Manen M. (2023) Isotopic Insights for External Iron Sources and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Amundsen Sea Polynyas
Tian H-A, van Manen M, Bunnell Z, Jung JY, Kim T-W, Conway TM, Reichart G-J & Middag R
(2018) Dissolved Iron in the Amundsen Sea
Middag R, Bertrand E, Brussaard C, Eich C, Gerringa L, Jung J, Lee S, Lee Y, van Manen M, McCain S, Pont S, Reichart G-J & Tian H-A

Van Meir N. (2012) High 36Cl/Cl Ratios and non Reactive Transport in Chernobyl Groundwaters
Roux C, Le Gal La Salle C, Simonucci C, Bassot S, Bourles D, Fifield K, Van Meir N, De Windt L, Bugai D & Lancelot J
(2012) An Account of the Chernobyl Pilot Site Studies: 25 Years Later
Simonucci C, Martin-Garin A, van Meir N, Dick P, Diez O, Roux C, Bugai D & Kashparov V
(2011) Identification of Geochemical Processes in Groundwater at the Chernobyl Pilot Site and Preliminary Contamination Characterization with 36Cl/Cl Ratios
Roux C, Le Gal La Salle C, Simonucci C, Bassot S, Michelot J-L, Fifield K, Van Meir N, Bugaï D & Lancelot J

Van Meter Kim (2019) Spatio-Temporal Vulnerability to Phosphorus Losses in Agricultural Watersheds
Van Staden T, Van Meter K, Basu N, Van Cappellen P & Saurette D

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