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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Van Driessche Alexander E.S. (2023) Understanding How Organic Molecules Control Mineral Nucleation at the Nanoscale
Baken A, Van Driessche AES, Fernandez-Martinez A, Kellermeier M, di Michiel M & Lanson M
(2023) Stoichiometry Effects on BaSO4 Crystallisation: Experiments and Theory
Peters VFD, Baken A, Seepma SYMH, Fernandez-Martinez A, Van Driessche AES & Wolthers M
(2023) Vaterite Formation from Aqueous Carbonation of Gypsum for CO2 Capture and Utilisation
Pimentel C, Montes-Hernandez G & Van Driessche AES
(2021) Mineral Self-Organization in Anoxic Conditions: A Window into Early Earth Geochemistry and Prebiotic Chemical Reactions
Kotopoulou E, Fernandez-Martinez A, Van Driessche AES & di Michiel M
(2021) The Structure of Amorphous Calcium Sulfate and its Role in the Nucleation Pathway and Final Mesostructure of CaSO4 Phases
Stawski TM & Van Driessche AES
(2021) The Surface Properties of Carbonate Rocks Across Scales: Elucidating the Role of Biominerals
Moya A, Giraud F, Agenet N, Charlet L, Van Driessche AES & Fernandez-Martinez A
(2021) A General View on Multi-Step Nucleation Pathways in Sulfate Minerals
Lauer A, Fernandez-Martinez A, Hellmann R & Van Driessche AES
(2021) Experimental Suite for Evaluating Metastable Nucleation Precursors and their Transformation
Lauer A, Fernandez-Martinez A, Hellmann R & Van Driessche AES
(2019) Nucleation Pathways of Sulfate Minerals
Lauer A, Fernandez-Martinez A, Hellmann R & Van Driessche A
(2019) Early Stages of the Formation of Nanocrystalline C-S-H Colloids
Besselink R, Poulain A, Goberna-Ferron S, Asta-Andres MP, van Driesche A & Fernandez-Martinez A
(2019) Getting the job Done: How do Organic Molecules Control Mineralization?
Van Driessche AES, Fernandez-Martinez A, Besselink R, Poulain A, Stawski T, Nicoleau L & Kellermeier M
(2018) Formation Pathway of Calcium Sulfate Minerals in Natural and Engineered Environments
Van Driessche AES
(2018) New Insights on Mica Reactivity at the Mineral-Solution Interface
Lamarca-Irisarri D, Jordan G, Cappelli C, Huertas FJ & Van Driessche AES
(2017) Nucleation of Portlandite
Madeja B, Gebauer D, Van Driessche A & Kellermeier M
(2017) Arsenic in Living Microbial Mats: Distribution, Redox State and (Bio)geochemical Implications
Sancho-Tomás M, Medjoubi K, Bergamaschi A, Philippot P, Visscher PT, Van Driessche AES, Rasuk C, Contreras M, Farias ME & Somogyi A
(2016) “Bricks-in-A-Wall”: The Structure of Ca-So4 Nanorods, the Basic Building Units of Gypsum Crystals
Besselink R, Stawski T, van Driessche A & Benning L
(2016) The Molecular Mechanism of iron(III) Oxide Nucleation
Scheck J, Wu B, Drechsler M, Rosenberg R, Van Driessche A, Stawski T & Gebauer D
(2014) To Make or Not to Make Crystals from Ions
Benning LG, Shaw S, Bots P, Rodriguez-Blanco JD, Stawski T, Garcia Ruiz JM, Van Driessche A, Ossorio M & Rodriguez Navarro C
(2014) Supersaturation-Independent Clusters: A Scaffold for Nucleation and Growth of Crystals
Sleutel M, Gil D, Maes D & Van Driessche AES
(2014) Making Starting Harder: How do Additives Retard Scalant Formation?
Ramirez-García P, Durán-Olivencia MA & Van Driessche AES
(2013) Precipitation and Stability Behaviour of Calcium Sulfate: The Role of Salinity, Temperature and Reaction Time
Ossorio M, Van Driessche AES, Pérez P & García-Ruiz JM
(2011) Growth Rate of Giant Gypsum Crystals
Van Driessche AES, García Ruiz JM, Tsukamoto K, Patiño LD & Satoh H
(2011) Experimental Study of Nucleation and Phase Stability of Calcium Sulfate
Ossorio Peralta M, Van Driessche A & García Ruiz JM

van Drongelen K. (2012) Polymict Eucrite NWA 5232: Composition of Clasts
van Drongelen K, Tait K, Gorton M & Nicklin I

Van Duin A. (2020) Deviations in Point of Zero Charge with Nanoscale Pore Geometries of Synthesized Silica-Based Materials
Jacobson A, Dewey J, Muraleedharan M, Chen C, van Duin A, Copeland G, Kaszuba J, Xia Y, Sen S, Risbud S, Cho H, Deo M, Bartl M & Butt D
(2013) Modeling of TiO2 Nanoparticles Interactions with Water and Ions
Kubicki J, Sung-Yup K, van Duin A, Ridley M, Machesky M, Hummer D & Kent P
(2010) A Combined Computational/Experimental Approach to Understanding the Quartz/Water Interface
Skelton A, Kubicki J, Fenter P, Van Duin A, Wesolowski D & Cummings P
(2005) Fluid-Rock Interactions in Petroleum Reservoirs: Alkylphenols
Bennett B, van Duin A & Larter S
(2000) Investigation into Amino Acid Racemization Pathways Using Computational Chemical Methods
van Duin A & Collins M

van Duin L. (2021) A Neogene Deep-Sea Temperature Record from Clumped Isotopes of Benthic Foraminifera from Walvis Ridge
Kocken IJ, Lyu J, Vorsselmans R, Spiering BR, Stouthamer W, Bode NJ, van Duin L, van de Pol NM, van der Meer A, Müller IA, Lourens LJ & Ziegler M

Van Dusen A. (2002) Significance of Sea-Floor Barite Cements in Marinoan-Age Post-Glacial Cap Carbonates
Hoffman PF, Van Dusen A, Halverson GP, Saenz J, Kaufman AJ & Schrag DP

van Eck B. (2004) Trace Metal Fluxes in the Scheldt Estuary, SW Netherlands
van Eck B

van Elteren J.T. (2013) Study of Archaeological Glass Based on Elemental Imaging by Laser Ablation ICP-MS
van Elteren JT, Panighello S, Šelih VS, Tennent NH, Orsega EF, Izmer A, Šala M & Vanhaecke F

van Erk Marit (2018) Effect of Oxidizing or Reducing Boom Clay on its Interactions with Uranium
Hoving A, van Erk M, Maes N, Bruggeman C & Behrends T

van Erk Marit R. (2019) Sulfur Cycling in Beach Sands Covered by Kelp Deposits
van Erk MR, Meier DV, Ferdelman T & de Beer D

Van Exem A. (2020) Hyperspectral Imaging for Sediment Cores: A Promising Method for Source-To-Sink Approach ?
Debret M, Copard Y, Van Exem A & Jacq K

van Gaans P. (2011) SoilTrEC: An International Consortium to Assess Soil Processes and Functions Using a Global Network of Critical Zone Observatories
Menon M, Chabaux F, Lundin L, Novak M, Brandao M, Nikolaidis N, Panagos P, van Gaans P, Kram P, Blum W, deRuiter P, Bernasconi S, Rousseva S, White T, Ragnarsdóttir KV, van Riemdijk W, Banwart S, Reynolds B & Lair G
(2011) A Geochemical Reference (Baseline) for the Natural Geogenic Variation in Pb Isotope Ratios in Sedimentary Soils
van Gaans P, Walraven N, van der Veer G, Vriend S, van Os B & Klaver G
(2011) The Leaching of Arsenic and Heavy Metals from Pyrite Slags Depots in the Upper Banks Under Conditions of Highly Dynamic Groundwater-Surfacewater Interaction
Hartog N, van Gaans P, Vermeulen K-J & Jansen M
(2003) Tracing Geochemical Processes and Pollution in Groundwater
Vissers M, van Gaans P & Vriend S
(2003) Sequential Factor Analysis as an Alternative Approach to Standard Factor Analysis
Van Helvoort P & Van Gaans P
(2003) On the Nature of Variation in Geochemical Soil Survey Data
van der Veer G, van Gaans P & Klaver G
(2003) Geochemical Map of Zeeland, South-West Netherlands
van Gaans P, Spijker J & van Os B
(2002) How to Assess Controls of Al in Acidified Soil Solution
van Gaans PFM
(2002) Geochemical Mapping of Soils for Natural Background and Diffuse Contamination Patterns
Spijker J, Vriend S & van Gaans P
(2001) Feldspar Weathering as the Key to Understanding Soil Acidity Monitoring Data
Mol G, Vriend SP & van Gaans PFM

Van Gaelen N. (2013) Opal-Ct Precipitation in a Clayey Soil Explained by Geochemical Transport Model of Dissolved Si (Blégny, Belgium)
Ronchi B, Barao AL, Vandevenne F, Van Gaelen N, Verheyen D, Adriaens R, Batelaan O, Dassargues A, Struyf E, Diels J & Govers G

van Geel B. (2001) The Use of Biomarkers in Peats to Reconstruct Palaeoclimate
Pancost RD, Baas M, van Geel B, Hopmans EC, Schouten S, Allen G & Sinninghe Damsté JS

van Geen A. (2020) Statistically Leveraging Spectroscopy to Link Sediment Properties and Groundwater Composition
Nghiem A, Stahl M, van Geen A & Bostick B
(2019) A City Built on a Mine: The Extent and Impacts of Residual Lead Contamination on Environmental Health in Kabwe, Zambia
Filippelli G, Wood L, Levy J, Hay MC, Mutiti S, Ericson B, van Geen A & Landes F
(2019) Groundwater and Aquifer Sand Concentrations of Arsenic along the Ravi River in Punjab, Pakistan
Mushtaq N, Farooqi A, Khattak J, Hussain I, Mailloux B, Ellis T & van Geen A
(2019) Extensive Cryptic Sulfur Cycling Affecting Arsenic Levels in Van Phuc, Vietnam
Bostick B, Nghiem A, Stahl M, Harvey C & van Geen L
(2018) Fluoride Distribution in Aquifers of the Indus Basin, Punjab, Pakistan
Ali Khattak J, Farooqi A, Hussain I, Mailloux B, Ellis T & van Geen A
(2017) Developing and Deploying a Field kit for Lead in Soils in NYC and Peru
Landes F, Ponce-Canchihuamán JC, Inauen J, Markowski K, Ellis T & van Geen A
(2017) A Comparison of Arsenic Retardation in Reduced Holocene Sediment and Oxidized Pleistocene Sediment
Mozumder MRH, Bostick BC, Islam MA, Choudhury I, Ahmed KM, Ellis T, Mailloux B & Van Geen A
(2016) Sewage Waste Implicated as a Predominant Microbial Carbon Source Mediating Arsenic Release in Bangladesh Aquifers Through PLFA Δ14C, Sterol Fecal Biomarkers and Cl/Br Ratios
Whaley-Martin K, Mailloux B, van Geen A, Bostick B, Ahmed KM, Choudhury I & Slater G
(2016) Blanket Testing of Wells for Arsenic and Fluoride and a Response Survey Conducted SW of Lahore, Pakistan
Farooqi A, Mushtaq N, Hussain I, Ali khattak J & van Geen A
(2016) Enhanced ENSO Variability during the Little Ice Age Based on Mg/Ca in Individual Planktonic Foraminifera
Marchitto T, Fehrenbacher J, Spero H & van Geen L
(2015) Young High-Arsenic Groundwater Confirmed to 250 M Depth Across the India-Bangladesh Border
van Geen A, Khan MR, Nath B, Huhmann B, Choudhury I, Chakraborty M, Harvey C, Michael H, Bostick B, Mailloux B, Schlosser P, Mukherjee A & Ahmed KM
(2014) Seasonal and Interannual Ocean Temperature Reconstruction Using Mg/Ca Measurements on Individual Planktic Foraminifera
Marchitto T, Grist H & van Geen A
(2014) A Weathering Index to Delineate the Boundary between Low and High Arsenic Aquifer Sediments
Mozumder R, Bostick B, Mihajlov I, Choudhury I, Ahmed K, Mailloux B & van Geen A
(2014) Geomorphic Controls on Groundwater Arsenic Concentrations in Aquifers Perturbed by Large Scale Pumping
Stahl M, Harvey C, van Geen A & Bostick B
(2014) Examination of Carbon Sources Stimulating Microbially Mediated Arsenic Release in Bangladesh Aquifers
Whaley-Martin K, Mailloux B, Silvern R, Kim C, Bostick B, van Geen A, Ahmed K, Choudhury M & Slater G
(2013) Kinetics of Arsenic Sorption on Aquifer Sediment from Bangladesh Imaged by XRF Microprobe in Flowing Columns
Mihajlov I, Bostick BC, Stute M, Choudhury I, Ahmed KM & van Geen A
(2013) Mapping Lead Contamination of Soil Due to Mining in Peru
Kragie SX & van Geen A
(2012) The Role of Changing Abstraction Patterns in the Contamination of a Low-Arsenic Aquifer in Bangladesh
Mihajlov I, Stute M, Bostick BC, Choudhury I, Ahmed KM & van Geen A
(2012) Residence Times of the Upper Low-Arsenic Aquifers in Bangladesh at the Onset of Increased Abstraction
Stute M, Mihajlov I, Schlosser P, Ahmed KM & van Geen A
(2012) Radiocarbon Analysis of Microbial DNA and PLFA from Arsenic Impacted Aquifers in Bangladesh
Mailloux B, Trembath-Reichert E, Cheung J, Watson M, Dochenetz A, Stute M, Freyer G, Ferguson A, Ahmed KM, Alam M,J, Buchholz B, Slater G, Ziolowski L, Thomas J, Layton A, Zheng Y & van Geen A
(2011) Low Latitude Surface Ocean Contribution to the Deglacial Atmospheric Radiocarbon Decline
Marchitto T, Lehman S, Lindsay C, Bryan S, Ortiz J & van Geen A
(2010) Evaluating Arsenic Adsorption in a Low Arsenic Aquifer in Bangladesh Using in situ and Laboratory Methods
Radloff K, Zheng Y, Michael H, Stute M, Mihajlov I, Ahmed KM & van Geen A
(2010) Column Experiments with Orange Bangladesh Sediments to Quantify Retardation in Low As Aquifers
Mihajlov I, Zheng Y, Stute M, Radloff KA, Ahmed KM & van Geen A
(2009) Effect of Groundwater Flow on Dissolved As in a Bangladesh Aquifer
Radloff K, Zheng Y, Stute M, Ahmed KM, Schlosser P & van Geen A
(2009) Expansion of the Northeast Pacific Oxygen-Minimum Zone Since 1995? Sediment N-Isotope Evidence from Soledad Basin, Baja California
van Geen A, Thunell R, Carriquiry J, Mey J, Crusius J, Zhao M, Baumgartner T, Fereira V & Gaxiola G
(2009) How As Mitigation in Bangladesh can be Hampered by Other Factors, Some Geogenic (Mn, P), Others not
van Geen A & Ahmed KM
(2006) The ocean's great deglacial CO2 release: Evidence from deep sea CaCO3 preservation and intermediate water 14C activity
Marchitto T, Lehman S, Ortiz J & Van Geen A
(2000) Hydrogeochemical Study of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh Groundwater – The Role of Redox Condition
Gavrieli I, Zheng Y, Van Geen A, Stute M, Dhar R, Ahmed KM, Simpson J & Goldstein SL

van Geen L. (2005) Oxidation of Natural Groundwater from Bangladesh: Arsenic Speciation Evolution Assessed by XAS
Thoral S, Rose J, van Geen L, Garnier J, Chapon V, Hazeman JL, Heulin T & Bottero J

Van Geet M. (2004) The Role of Geochemistry in the Research on Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste in a Deep Boom Clay in Belgium
Van Iseghem P, Maes N, Van Geet M, Wang L, de Craen M, Moors H & de Cannière P

van Gelder T. (2020) The Thermoacidophilic Methanotroph Methylacidiphilum Fumariolicum SolV Oxidizes Subatmospheric H2 with a High-Affinity [NiFe] Hydrogenase
Schmitz R, Pol A, Mohammadi S, Hogendoorn C, van Gelder T, Jetten M, Daumann L & Op den Camp H

van Geldern Robert (2011) Karst Versus Sandstone and Anthropogenic Influences on Small Rivers of the Franconian Alb
Barth J, Mader M, van Geldern R, Schreiter I, Zimmermann P, Türk T & Schulte P
(2011) Geochemical Monitoring of Reactive Percolation Experiments Using Carbon Stable Isotopes
Myrttinen A, Jeandel E, Ukelis O, Dimier A, Becker V, van Geldern R & Barth JAC
(2007) Geochemical Travertine Records – Insights from µ-EDXRF and µ-XRD
Wittenberg A, Kraml M, Berthold C, van Geldern R, Kato V & Delavaux D
(2007) Rivers of North Rhine Westphalia – Revisited
Stögbauer A, Strauss H, Arndt J, Marek V, Einsiedl F & van Geldern R
(2005) Correction Strategies in Deuterium Analysis Using Chromium Reduction
van Geldern R & Suckow A
(2004) Calcium Isotope Variations in Devonian Brachiopods
Böhm F, Van geldern R, Gussone N & Eisenhauer A
(2001) Secular Changes in the Stable Isotopic Composition of Devonian Brachiopods
van Geldern R, Joachimski MM, Day J, Álvarez F, Jansen U & Yolkin EA

van Geldern Robert (2013) Origin of Methane to N-Butane in Marine Sediments of the New Jersey Shallow Shelf
Stadler S, van Geldern R & Schlömer S

Van Geldern Robert (2016) Groundwater Dynamics and Transport Processes in a Discontinuous Permafrost Environment
Cochand M, Molson J, Barth JAC, van Geldern R, Lemieux J-M, Fortier R & Therrien R
(2016) Isotope Ratio Infrared Spectrometer Analysis of CO2 Reveals Preferential Flow Pathways in Geological Storage Site
Van Geldern R, Nowak M, Zimmer M, Szizybalski A, Myrttinen A, Barth J & Jost H

van Gend J. (2019) Saline Groundwater Generation from Paleo-Termite Mounds in the Buffels River Valley, South Africa
van Gend J, Miller J, Palcsu L, Clarke C & Francis M

van Genuchten Case (2013) Structure of Fe(III) Precipitates Formed by Fe(0) Electrolysis in the Presence of Groundwater Ions
van Genuchten C, Amrose S, Gadgil A & Peña J
(2011) Characterization of Fe(0) Electro-Coagulation Reaction Products Using Synchrotron-Based Techniques
van Genuchten C, Peña J, Addy S, Sposito G & Gadgil A

van Genuchten Case (2015) Coupled Homogeneous Oxidation of Fe(II) and Mn(II)
van Genuchten C & Pena J

van Genuchten Case (2016) Fe(II)-mediated Oxidation of Mn(II)
van Genuchten C & Pena J
(2016) Contaminant Attenuation by Biogenic Fe and Mn Oxide Minerals: Lessons from their Abiotic Counterparts
Pena J, van Genuchten C & Simanova A

van Genuchten Case (2017) Impact of Phosphate and Silicate on the Stability and Environmental Fate of Iron Oxides
Kraal P, van Genuchten C, Abdilla B, Dzade N & Mogollón J
(2017) Controls on the Formation of Fe(II, III) (Hydr)oxides Generated by Fe(0) Electrolysis
van Genuchten C, Kraal P, Behrends T, Stipp S & Dideriksen K
(2017) The Effect of Aluminium on Green Rust Sulphate Structure and Reactivity
Voigt L, Dideriksen K, Eiby SHJ, van Genuchten CM, Frandsen C, Jensen KMØ, Stipp SLS & Tobler DJ
(2017) Solid State Transformation of Green Rust in Response to Oxidation
Eiby S, Tobler D, Voigt L, Yin Z, van Genuchten C, Jensen K, Stawski T, Wirth R, Benning L, Hansen HC, Stipp S & Dideriksen K

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