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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

van der Zwan Froukje M. (2022) Low He Content of the High 3He/4He Afar Mantle Plume: Origin and Implications of the He-Poor Mantle
Balci U, Stuart F, Barrat J-A & van der Zwan FM
(2022) Mantle Xenoliths in Young Intraplate Volcanism: The Mantle beneath the Arabian Plate
Zivadinovic I, van der Zwan FM, Al Malallah MY, Jägerup BS, Follmann J, Garcia Paredes ER & Homaidi H
(2022) From Primitive to Mature Intraplate Volcanism: Geochemical Evolution of the Cenozoic Harrats in Western Saudi Arabia
Jägerup BS, van der Zwan FM, Hansteen TH, Garcia Paredes ER, Follmann J, Zivadinovic I & Al Malallah MY
(2022) Characterization of Xeno-Pumices from Harrat Rahat, SaudiArabia: Understanding Magma-Crust Interaction
Garcia Paredes ER, Jägerup BS, van der Zwan FM, Hansteen TH, Troll VR, Follmann J & Zivadinovic I
(2022) Hydrothermal Mineralization at Continental Breakup – Geochemical Insights from Sulfide Minerals from the South China Sea
Follmann J, van der Zwan FM, Petersen S & Frische M

van der Zwan Froukje M. (2023) Origin and Implications of He-Depleted Afar Mantle Plume
Balci U, Stuart F, Barrat J-A & van der Zwan FM
(2023) Composition and Thermal State of the Arabian Lithospheric Mantle: Evidence from Mantle Xenoliths
Zivadinovic I, van der Zwan FM, Koornneef JM, Hellebrand E & Davies GR
(2023) Low-Temperature Venting and Microbial Iron Deposit Formation in the First Observed Active Hydrothermal Vent Fields in the Red Sea Rift
van der Zwan FM, Augustin N, Petersen S, Altalhi SM, Schultz J, Peixoto RS, Follmann J, Anker A, Benzoni F, Garcia Paredes ER, Al Malallah MY, Shepard L, Ouhssain M, Jägerup BS, Jones BH & Rosado AS
(2023) Hydrothermal Fluids at Continental Breakup – Insights from Sulfide Trace Elements and Fluid Inclusions from the South China Sea Continent-Ocean Transition
Follmann J, van der Zwan FM, Frische M, Hansteen TH & Petersen S
(2023) Magmatic Processes in Felsic Intraplate Volcanism; Insights from Harrat Rahat, Saudi Arabia
Jägerup BS, van der Zwan FM, Hansteen TH & Pandey OP
(2023) Geochemistry of The Jizan Group Volcanics, Saudi Arabia and Its Suitability For Carbon Storage and Mineralization
Al Malallah MY, van der Zwan FM, Pandey OP, Alsalman M, Omar A & Hoteit H

Van Deusen J. (2014) Permeability of Core-Forming Melts: A Multidimensional Approach
Watson H, Todd K, Shi K, Van Deusen J, Yu T & Wang Y

van Deventer P. (2016) Investigation of Uranium Migration on Gold Tailings Dams Using Natural Gamma Spectrometry
Koch J & van Deventer P

Van Diggelen J. (2019) Iron Oxides Stimulate Methane Emission in Rewetted Dutch Agricultural Soils
de Jong A, Guerrero S, Van Diggelen J, Vaksmaa A, Smolders A, Lamers L, Jetten M & Rasigraf O

van Dijk A. (2019) Regional Geochemical Mapping: An Ideal Teaching Tool to Demonstrate the Imprint of the Subsurface on the Surface Environment
van Hinsberg V, Vriend S & van Dijk A
(2009) UV Light Induces Methane Emission from Plant Biomass: Mechanism and Isotope Studies
Vigano I, Holzinger R, Röckmann T, van Dijk A, Keppler F, Greule M, Brand W, van Weelden H & van Dongen J

van Dijk I. (2021) Impact of Photosynthesis on Mn and Mg Incorporation in the Benthic Foraminifera Amphistegina Lessonii
De Goeyse S, Reichart G-J, van Dijk I & de Nooijer LJ
(2021) Symbiont Activity Impacts Mn/Ca Distribution in Foraminiferal Calcite
van Dijk I, Barras C, Mouret A, Reichart G-J & Geslin E

Van Dijk J. (2019) Is There a Universal Clumped Isotope Temperature Calibration for all Carbonate Minerals?
Bernasconi S, van Dijk J, Müller I & Fernandez A
(2017) A Reduced Continental Temperature Gradient in North America during the Early Eocene
van Dijk J, Fernandez A, Müller I, White T & Bernasconi S
(2017) A High-Temperature Digestion Apparatus for High-Resolution Clumped Isotope Analyses of Siderite, Magnesite and Carbonate-Bearing Hydroxyapatite
Fernandez A, van Dijk J, Bishop S, Müller I, Bontognali T & Bernasconi S
(2017) Recent Advances in Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometry: Towards High-Resolution Paleoclimate Reconstructions from Marine Sediments
Bernasconi S, Fernandez A, Müller I, van Dijk J, Rodriguez-Sanz L, Rohling E, Radke J & Schwieters J
(2015) Technique Dependent Oxygen Isotope Fractionation during Siderite Digestion by Phosphoric Acid
Fernandez A, Van Dijk J, White T & Bernasconi SM
(2015) The Clumped Isotope Fractionation for Carbonates Reacted with Phosphoric Acid at 70℃ in a KIEL IV – MAT 253 System
Müller IA, Violay MES, Bonifacie M, Katz A, Fernandez A, van Dijk J, Madonna C & Bernasconi SM

Van Dingenen R. (2013) Smart Air Quality Policies for a Better Climate: A Regional Analysis
Van Dingenen R, Dentener F, Janssens-Maenhout G, Muntean M, Klimont Z & Hoglund L
(2009) PM in Global Climate and Air Quality Policies: Co-benefits and Trade-Offs
Van Dingenen R, van Aardenne J, Dentener F, Marmer E, Vignati E, Russ P, Szabo L & Raes F

van Dishoeck E.F. (2015) Snowlines in Embedded Disks
Harsono D, Bruderer S & van Dishoeck E
(2011) The Delivery of Organic Material to the Early Solar System
Visser R, van Dishoeck EF, Doty SD & Bergin EA

van Dongen Bart (2015) High Resolution Profile of Surface Water Incursion into an Arsenic-Bearing Aquifer in Cambodia
Richards L, van Dongen B, Magnone D, Sovann C, Ballentine C & Polya D
(2014) Terrestrial Microbial Biomarkers Trace Organic Matter Transport to the Arctic Ocean
Bischoff J, Sparkes R, Doğrul Selver A, Gustafsson Ö, Vonk J, Spencer R, Semiletov I, Dudarev O, van Dongen B & Talbot H
(2014) Terrestrial Organic Carbon and Biomarker Export from East Siberian Permafrost to the Arctic Ocean
Sparkes R, Doğrul Selver A, Bischoff J, Gustafsson Ö, Semiletov I, Dudarev O, Talbot H & van Dongen B
(2011) Synchrotron Rapid Scanning X-Ray Fluorescence of Soft-Tissue Fossils
Edwards N, Barden H, Manning P, Sellers W, van Dongen B, Bergmann U & Wogelius R
(2009) Comparison of Long- and Short-Term Terrestrial Carbon Isotopic Records of the Palaeogene
Pancost R, Handley L, van Dongen B, Pearson P & Schouten S
(2007) 14C Lipid Biomarker Ages in Surface Sediments off the Five Great Russian Arctic Rivers
van Dongen B, Semiletov I & Gustafsson O
(2000) Compound-Specific Stable Carbon Isotopes: The Effect of Biosynthetic Pathways
Schouten S, Özdirekcan S, van Dongen BE, van der Meer MT & Sinninghe Damsté JS
(2000) Carbon Isotopic Variability between Carbohydrates and Lipids within a Single Organism: An Explanation of the Enriched *13CTOC Values in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation
van Dongen BE, Pancost RD, Schouten S & Sinninghe Damsté JS

van Dongen Bart (2013) Geochemical Analysis of the Pigments and Affinity of the Jurassic Calcareous Algae Solenopora jurassica
Barden H, Withers P, Behnsen J, Bergmann U, Manning P, Wogelius R & van Dongen B

van Dongen Bart (2020) Monitoring the Impact of Microbial Processes on the Fate of Hydrocarbons and Metals in a Niger Delta Soil Contaminated with Crude Oil
Muhammad R, Boothman C, Lloyd J & van Dongen B
(2020) Sulfur Structure and Stable Isotopic Analysis of the Blackstone Band of the Jurassic Aged Kimmeridge Clay Formation
O'Beirne M, Werne J, Gilhooly W, Bosco-Santos A, Raven M, Sessions A & van Dongen B
(2020) Structural Characteristics and Sulfur Isotope Compositions of Laboratory Sulfurized Carbohydrates and DOM
Werne J, O'Beirne M, Raven M, van Dongen B, Bosco-Santos A & Gilhooly Iii W
(2020) Production and Preservation of Novel Bacteriohopanepolyols Under Extreme Environmental Euxinia
Sparkes R, O'Beirne M, Werne J, Gilhooly W & van Dongen B

van Dongen Bart (2021) The Relationship between Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) and Arsenic-Release at Two, Hydrogeologically-Contrasting, Aquifers in Kandal Province, Cambodia
Moore O, Bassil N, Richards L, van Dongen B, Polya D & Lloyd JR

van Dongen Bart (2022) Understanding Microbial Arsenic-Release at Two, Hydro-Geologically Contrasting Aquifers in Kandal Province, Cambodia
Moore O, Bassil N, Richards L, van Dongen B, Polya D & Lloyd JR

van Dongen Bart (2023) Application of Geomicrobial Techniques to Constrain Mechanisms of Arsenic Mobilisation in Anoxic Aquifers
Seitshiro T, Bassil N, van Dongen B, Polya D & Lloyd JR

van Dongen Bart E (2017) Organic Carbon Export from Siberian Permafrost Tracked Across the Arctic Shelf Using Raman Spectroscopy
Sparkes R, Maher M, Blewett J, van Dongen B, Dogrul Selver A, Gustafsson O & Semiletov I
(2017) Plasticised PVC Fuels Nitrate Reduction at High pH: Implications for Nuclear Waste Disposal
Nixon S, van Dongen B, Small J & Lloyd J
(2017) Understanding Surface Water Incursion in a Shallow, Arsenic-Affected Aquifer in Cambodia: An Application of Geochemical Tracers
Richards LA, Magnone D, Sovann C, Sültenfuß J, Boyce AJ, Bryant C, van Dongen BE, Ballentine CJ & Polya DA

van Dongen J. (2011) The Formation of Organic Molecules in Solar System Environments: The Miller-Urey Experiment in Space Preflight Overview
Kotler JM, Ehrenfreund P, Martins Z, Ricco AJ, Blum J, Schraepler R, van Dongen J, Palmans A, Sephton MA & Cleaves HJ
(2009) UV Light Induces Methane Emission from Plant Biomass: Mechanism and Isotope Studies
Vigano I, Holzinger R, Röckmann T, van Dijk A, Keppler F, Greule M, Brand W, van Weelden H & van Dongen J

van Dongen M. (2009) Hydrothermal PGE and Au Transport from Upper Crustal Felsic Magma
van Dongen M, Tomkins A & Weinberg R

van Dongen R. (2023) Multi-Element River Water Monitoring by Quantifying 68 Elements in One Single Analytical run
Belkouteb N, Schroeder H, van Dongen R, Terweh S, Slabon A, Arndt J, Wiederhold JG, Ternes TA & Duester L

van Donkelaar A. (2014) 15 Years of Global PM2.5 Estimates from Satellite
van Donkelaar A, Martin R & Boys B
(2014) NO2 and PM10 Exposure Models for Europe Using Satellite-Derived Measurements
Vienneau D, Bechle MJ, de Hoogh K, Beelen R, Martin RV, van Donkelaar A, Novotny EV, Millet DB, Hoek G & Marshall JD
(2009) Satellite Remote Sensing Estimate of Global Ground-Level Aerosol Concentrations and Precursors
Martin R, van Donkelaar A, Lee C & Lamsal L

Van Dover C. (2014) Unsuspected Dietary Habits of Hydrothermal Vent Shrimp: Bacterivorous Rimicaris hybisae can be Carnivorous or Even Cannibalistic
Versteegh E, Van Dover C & Coleman M
(2014) C Cycling at the Mid-Cayman Vent Sites: A Fatty Acid Compound-Specific Isotope Study of Rimicaris hybisae
Streit K, Van Dover C & Coleman M

van Driel Jac (2019) Wet Grain Boundaries of the Earth’s Lower Mantle
van Driel J, Brodholt J, Dobson D & Muir J

van Driel Jack (2016) Strong Affinity of Al-Containing Bridgmanite for Ferric Iron
McCammon C, van Driel J, Kawazoe T, Myhill R & Dubrovinsky L

Van Driessche Alessander E.S. (2015) Observing Classical Nucleation Theory at Work: Monitoring Phase Transitions with Molecular Precision
Sleutel M, Lutsko JF, Van Driessche AES, Duran-Olivencia MA & Maes D
(2015) Influence of NH4+ on the Dissolution Rate of Smectites at pH 7
Lamarca-Irisarri D, Van Driessche AES & Huertas FJ
(2015) Advanced Analysis of Time-Resolved and in situ SAXS Data from Evolving Inorganic Systems
Stawski TM, Van Driessche AES, Ossorio M, Rodríguez-Blanco JD & Benning LG

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