Urabe T.
The Influence of U, Th Mobility in Hydrothermal Fluids on U-Th Radioactive Disequilibrium Dating of Sulphide Minerals
Nakai S, Takamasa A, Yoshizumi R, Urabe T, Fujiwara T, Toyoda S & Ishibashi J
Temporal and Depth Variation of Os Isotope Composition in Ferromanganese Crusts from the Takuyo Daigo Seamount (#5 Takuyo Smt), Northwestern Pacific Ocean
Tokumaru A, Nozaki T, Goto KT, Takaya Y, Suzuki K, Chang Q, Kato Y, Usui A & Urabe T
Distribution of Metabolically Active Microbial Communities in CO2-rich Marine Sediments
Yanagawa K, Sunamura M, Morono Y, Futagami T, DeBeer D, Urabe T, Boetius A & Inagaki F
Seafloor hydrothermal activity at off-axial seamounts of backarc spreading in southern Mariana Trough
Ishibashi J-I, Suzuki R, Yamanaka T, Toki T, Kimura H, Noguchi T & Urabe T
Hydrothermal Interaction with Volcaniclastic Sediment beneath the Suiyo Seamount Submarine Caldera, Izu-Bonin Arc
Ishibashi J, Yamanaka T, Marumo K & Urabe T
Microbial Community Under a Hydrothermal System Revealed by the Analysis of Water Samples Collected from Bored Holes
Yamagishi A, Kasai H, Hara K, Yamashiro K, Itahashi S & Urabe T
Urai A.
Multi-Depth and Two Different Pore-Size Exploration of Subsurface Biosphere Inhabiting the Methane-Rich Deep Aquifers at Suwa Basin, Japan
Nishimura H, Urai A, Matsui Y, Yoshimura T, Ogawara M, Imachi H, Miyairi Y, Yokoyama Y, Miyabara Y, Takahashi Y & Takano Y
Urai J.L.
Coupling of Reactive Fluid Flow and Deformation during Carbonation of Peridotite at the Base of the Samail Ophiolite, Oman
Menzel MD, Urai JL, Ukar E, Decrausaz T, Godard M & Kelemen P
Urakawa S.
The Structure of Jadeite Composition Melt at High Pressure
Urakawa S, Funakoshi K, Kikegawa T & Shimomura O
In situ Density Measurement of Basaltic Glass at High Pressure
Ando R, Ohtani E, Urakawa S & Katayama Y
Post-Spinel Transition in Mg2SiO4 Determined by High P-T in situ X-Ray Diffractometry
Katsura T, Walter MJ, Yamada H, Shinmei T, Kubo A, Ono S, Kanzaki M, Yoneda A, Ito E, Urakawa S, Funakoshi K & Utsumi W
Urakoshi T.
A Dissolution Test for Understanding Water-Rock Interaction in Waste Rock Muck Under Rain Events
Urakoshi T, Ohta T, Kawagoe T, Atsuta S, Sun Y & Nakano Y
Urann B.
Damp to Super-Hydrous Magmas Recorded by Arc Root Cumulates
Urann B, Le Roux V, Jagoutz O, Müntener O, Behn M & Chin E
Novel Insights into the Volatile Content of Arc Magmas Recorded in the Deep Roots of Kohistan Arc
Urann B, Le Roux V, Jagoutz O, Müntener O, Behn M & Chin E
Novel Insights into the Volatile Content of Arc Magmas Recorded in the Deep Roots of Kohistan Arc
Urann B, Le Roux V, Jagoutz O, Chin E, Behn M & Müntener O
The in situ Halogen Content of MORB-Like Eclogites, Rapas Complex, Ecuador
Urann B, Le Roux V, John T, Barnes J & Beaudoin G
Ultra-Refractory Residues of Hydrous Melting from a Mid-Ocean Ridge Setting
Urann B, Dick H & Casey J
Si-Rich Veins Formation in Lower Oceanic Crust during Slab Bending
Ma Q, Dick H, Urann B & Zhou H
The Fluorine and Chlorine Budget of the Earth’s Peridotite Mantle
Urann B, Le Roux V, Hammond K, Marschall H, Lee C-T & Monteleone B
Urashima R.
Origin of Cretaceous Magmatism in North Kyushu: Evidence from Metamorphosed Intrusive Rocks in the Sefuri Mountains, Southwest Japan
Owada M, Urashima R & Kamei A
Urata K.
Reaction Zones and Composite Veins Around the Metamorphosed Basic Dykes in the Hirao Limestone, Fukuoka, Japan
Fukuyama M, Nishiyama T & Urata K
Urban I.
Aragonite Sea II-Calcite Sea II Transition: Insights from Geochemical Characterization of post-End-Triassic Mass Extinction Oolites at Wadi Milaha, Musandam Peninsula, United Arab Emirates
Urban I & Richoz S
Calcite Interval in Aragonite Seas: Geochemical Characterization of Post-Extinction Oolites at the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary and their Implications
Urban I & Richoz S
Urban J.
Nucleation and Crystal Growth in Confined Nanopores
Ruminski A & Urban J
Influence of MgO Nanoparticle Size on Available Surface Area for Carbonation
Ruminski A & Urban J
Urbani S.
Exploring the Petrographic Record of Distinct Magma Flow Regimes Created during Dike Ascent
Kavanagh JL, Chamberlain KJ, Chalk CM & Urbani S
Urbanneck C.
Impact of Assimilating Spaceborne Lidar Dust Extinction in Northern Africa and Middle East
Escribano J, Di Tomaso E, Jorba O, Klose M, Gonçalves Ageitos M, Macchia F, Amiridis V, Baars H, Marinou E, Proestakis E, Urbanneck C, Althausen D, Bühl J, Mamouri R-E & Perez Garcia-Pando C
Urbano E.
Geochemistry and U-Pb Age of Early Ordovician Ash-Fall Tuff Beds from Moncorvo, Northern Portugal
Urbano E, Gomes M, Meireles C, Teixeira R, Sá A, Santos F, Azevedo M & Corfu F
Urbano L.
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Focused Flow Through Porous Media due to Mineralization
Houghton J & Urbano L
Evaluating Fluid Dynamic and Geochemical Perturbations in Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems by Subsurface Biofilms Using a Novel Flow-Through Experimental Apparatus
Houghton J & Urbano L
Urbańska W.
The Recovery of Critical Raw Materials from Waste Li-Ion Batteries by Bioleaching in Comparison to Chemical Leaching – An Innovative Method Based on Geomicrobiology
Urbańska W, Potysz A, Borowska EII & Kula-Maximenko M
Urbanski J.
Transformation of Bedrock to Soil during Granite and Diabase Weathering: The Interplay of Porosity and Chemistry
Bazilevskaya E, Bhatt M, Jin L, Rother G, Cole D, Urbanski J & Brantley S
Urbanski S.
Fire Activity in Northern Eurasia from 2002 to 2010 and its Contribution to Arctic Black Carbon
Hao WM, Petkov A, Nordgren B, Corley R & Urbanski S
Urbat M.
Integrated Air Quality Assessment – PM0.1 to PM10 Magnetic Particles
Urbat M, Lehndorff E & Schwark L
Integrated Air Quality Assessment – Accumulation, Transport, and Source Recognition of PAH
Lehndorff E, Urbat M & Schwark L
Urbina H.
Microbial Bioenergetics along a Scots Pine Stand Age Gradient
Herrmann AM, Kainemi V, Rosling A, Urbina H, Boye K & Fransson P
Ureta-Souanef S.
Rare Earth Elements and Authigenic ‘coatings’ in the Service of Palaeoceanography: A Microanalysis Approach
Skinner L, Sadekov A, Brandon M, de la Fuente M, Read E, Gottschalk J, Ureta-Souanef S & Greaves M
Urgorri V.
Hydrothermal Co-rich Mn Nodules and Stratabound Mn Deposits from Galicia Bank (NE Atlantic)
González J, Somoza L, Hein J, Medialdea T, León R, Urgorri V, Reyes J & Martín-Rubí J
Urick B.
Changes in Uranium(VI) Solution Speciation and Adsorption Behavior with Increasing Temperature
Tinnacher R, Urick B & Tournassat C
Experimental Investigation of Uranium(VI) Adsorption onto Montmorillonite at Elevated Temperatures
Urick B, Tinnacher R & Tournassat C
Effects of Temperature on uranium(VI) Solution Speciation and Sorption Behavior
Urick B, Tournassat C & Tinnacher R
Effects of Temperature on uranium(VI) Solution Speciation
Urick B, Tournassat C & Tinnacher R
Sorption of Uranium(VI) onto Montmorillonite in the Presence of Calcite
Urick B, Shaw A, La DQ, Gutierrez Diaz A, Tournassat C & Tinnacher R
Urios Laurent
Microbial Characterization at Iron-Clay Interfaces after 10 Years of Interaction in situ in an Argillaceous Formation (Tournemire, France)
Urios L, Marsal F, Pellegrini D & Magot M
Urios Laurent
Microbial Corrosion of Steel in Toarcian Argillite: Influence of Metabolisms and Biofilms
Urios L, Perez A, Wittebroodt C, Mercier F, Flachet M, Marsal F, Neff D, Magot M & Dillmann P
Urios Laurent
Development of a nanoSIMS Analytical Protocole to Determine the Sulphur Isotopic Composition of Iron Sulphides Formed during Anoxic Corrosion
Grousset S, Dauzeres A, Crusset D, Deydier V, Linard Y, Mostefaoui S, Urios L, Dillmann P, Mercier F & Neff D