Saul D.
Factors Influencing the Precipitation of Sulphate-Rich Iron Oxides, and their Ability to Adsorb Trace Metals
Swedlund P, Webster J, Lane V, Saul D & Howarth R
Saulnier Ségolène
δ26Mg Record of Phanerozoic Oceans
Törber P, Farkas J, Rollion-Bard C, Wallmann K, Brand U, Azmy K, Tomasovych A, Lecuyer C, Vigier N, Saulnier S, Komarek M, Magna T, Simecek M, Francova M, Böhm F & Eisenhauer A
Intra-Shell Variability of Magnesium Isotope Compositions in Brachiopod Shells
Rollion-Bard C, Saulnier S, Vigier N, Schumacher A, Chaussidon M & Lécuyer C
Saulnier Segolene
δ26Mg of Brachiopod Shells and the Composition of Past Seawater
Saulnier S, Rollion-Bard C, Lecuyer C, Vigier N & Chaussidon M
Saumet S.
Seismic Properties of the Siberian Craton Mantle from Udachnaya Xenoliths
Saumet S, Bascou J, Ionov D & Doucet L
Saunders Andrew
Mantle Thermal Anomalies Associated with Large Igneous Provinces
Coogan L, Saunders A & Wilson R
Saunders Andy
Reconstructing the Rheic: Geochemical Analysis of Ocean Lithosphere from the Variscides
Band A, Barry T, Saunders A & Murphy B
What Caused Mongolian Mesozoic Magmatism: Was it Crustal or Mantle Driven?
Sheldrick T, Barry T & Saunders A
Fractionation of a Hydrous Arc Magma: The Origin of Adakitic and Alkaline Signatures at Savo Volcano, Solomon Islands
Smith D, Petterson M, Saunders A, Jenkin G & Naden J
Hf Isotopes from the Ninetyeast Ridge
Barry T, Kempton P & Saunders A
Did the Ancestral Hawaii Plume Interact with a Mid-Ocean Ridge? The Isotopic Evidence
Kempton PD, Thompson PME & Saunders AD
Hf-Nd Isotope Systematics of the Gorgona Komatiites, and their Relationship with the Caribbean Plateau
Thompson PME, Kempton PD, White RV, Saunders AD, Kerr AC & Tarney J
Hf-Nd Systematics of an Arc Sequence Associated with the Cretaceous Caribbean Oceanic Plateau
Thompson PME, Kempton PD, White RV, Tarney J, Saunders AD & Kerr AC
The Geochemical and Tectonic Origin of Island Arcs Associated with the Caribbean Oceanic Plateau
Thompson PM, Tarney J, White RV, Saunders AD, Kempton PD & Kerr AC
Saunders C.
Understanding Carbon Isotope Records from Wetland Plants: Implications for Paleohydrology
Anderson W, Saunders C, Sternberg L, Childers D & Newman S
Saunders Danielle
Microbe-Mineral Dynamics within a ‘grass-To-Glass’ Soil Profile at a Late Iron Age Archaeological Site with Implications for Long-Term Storage of Nuclear Waste Glasses
Wells J, Plymale A, Pearce C, Graham E, Bagwell C, Brislawn C, Cheeke T, Danna V, Fansler S, Arey B, Bowden M, Varga T, Saunders D, Allen J, Marcial J, Tyrrell K, Weaver J, Sjöblom R, Vicenzi E, McCloy JS, Hjärthner-Holdar E, Englund M, Ogenhall E, Peeler D & Kruger A
Enlisting Sedimentary Microbial Communities to Stabilize Long-Lived Contaminants in Mineral Phases
Bagwell C, Lawter A, Saunders D, Qafoku N & Szecsody J
The Geomicrobiology of Ancient Glass Alteration with Implications for Nuclear Waste Disposal
Pearce C, Plymale A, Weaver J, Sjöblom R, Arey B, Soltis J, Vicenzi E, McCloy J, Johnson K, Saunders D, Brislawn C, Wells J, Fansler S, Peeler D & Kruger A
Bacterial Productivity in a Cyanide-Contaminated Aquifer
Plymale A, Wells J, Brooks S, Cordova E, Saunders D, Snyder M, Lee B & Bagwell C
Systems-Based Approaches to Predict Technetium Immobilization in the Subsurface
Saunders D, Lee B, Cordova E & Lee H
Saunders David
Pulses of Ocean Acidification at the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary Recorded by Boron Isotopes
Trudgill M, Rae JWB, Crumpton-Banks J, van Mourik M, Adloff M, Burke A, Corsetti F, Doherty D, Greenop R, Hong W-L, Lepland A, McIntyre A, Neiroukh N, Rose C, Ruhl M, Saunders D, Stüeken EE, West J, Whiteford R & Greene SE
Pulses of Ocean Acidification at the Triassic Jurassic Boundary Recorded by Boron Isotopes
Rae J, Trudgill M, van Mourik M, Crumpton-Banks J, Burke A, Corsetti F, Greenop R, McIntyre A, Rose C, Saunders D, West J & Greene S
Saunders E.
Metallogenic Fingerprint of a Fertile Mantle Source Underlying an Ore-Productive Volcanic Province
Schettino E, Marchesi C, González-Jiménez JM, Saunders E, Hidas K, Gervilla F & Garrido CJ
Saunders James
Mineral-Scale Mobility of PGE and TABS in Subducted Serpentinites
Gervilla F, González-Jiménez JM, Piña R, Saunders J, Plissart G, Marchesi C & Padrón-Navarta JA
Saunders James A
Laser 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Supervolcanoes and Super Gold Deposits along the Trace of the Miocene Yellowstone Hotspot
Hames W, Brueseke M & Saunders J
Mobility of Au in the Mantle
Saunders J, Pearson N, O'Reilly S & Griffin W
Mid-Miocene Volcanism in the Owyhee Mountains (ID) and Implications for Coeval Epithermal Precious Metal Mineralization
Hasten Z, Brueseke M, Saunders J & Hames W
Gold Mobility in the Mantle: Constraints from Sulfides in Pyroxenites and Lherzolites
Saunders J, Pearson N & O'Reilly S
Volatility of Metals during Subduction-Related “Distillation" and the Geochemistry of Epithermal Ores
Saunders J & Brueseke M
Mineralogical and Geochemical Profiling of Arsenic-Contaminated Aquifers in Central Bangladesh
Uddin A, Shamsudduha M, Saunders J, Lee M-K, Ahmed K & Chowdhury T
The Role of Bacteria in Hydrogeochemistry, Metal Cycling and Ore Deposit Formation
Saunders JA
Saunders Kate
What can Basalts Tell us About the Evolution of a Rifted Continental Arc?
Law S, Boyce A, Bromiley G, Kilgour G & Saunders K
Redox State of Magmas Based on Mn Partitioning into Apatite
Stokes T, Bromiley G, Saunders K & Potts N
Diffusion Chronometry and Seismology: Insights into Eruption Precursors
Saunders K, Blundy J, Dohmen R & Cashman K
Rapid Dyke Emplacement as an Eruption Trigger: Dabbahu Volcano, Ethiopia
Field L, Saunders K & Blundy J
Petrogenesis of the Whakamaru Supervolcano, New Zealand, from in situ Micro-Analytical Studies
Saunders K, Wysoczanski R & Baker J
Saunders Krystyna M.
Exploring the Unknowns of Levoglucosan and its Isomers in Sediments to Increase the Efficacy of This Technique as a Biomass Burning Tracer
Stevens HJ, Proemse B, Sanz Rodriguez E, Barmuta L, Chase Z, Bowie A, Paull B & Saunders KM
Saunders M.
Incipient Carbonate Melting Drives Precious Metal and Sulfur Mobilisation in the Mantle
Ezad IS, Saunders M, Shcheka SS, Fiorentini M, Gorojovsky LR, Förster MW & Foley SF
Probing the Archean Sub-Seafloor Hydrothermal Environment for Early Traces of Life
McLoughlin N, Grosch E, Saunders M & Wacey D
Monazite, Xenotime, and Anatase Associated with Exceptional Cellular Preservation in Early Neoproterozoic Lakes
Sirantoine E, Wacey D, Saunders M & Peyrot D
Investigating Putative Biosignatures in Olivine from the Subsurface of Mars
McLoughlin N, Grosch E, Vullum PE, Gaugliardo P, Saunders M & Wacey D
Remarkably Preserved Tephra with Microfossil-Like Morphology from the ~3.43 Ga Strelley Pool Formation, Pilbara, Western Australia
Wacey D, Saunders M, Kong C & Kilburn M
Nanoparticles and Gold Deposit Formation
Pearce M, Gazley M, Fisher L, Hough R, Saunders M & Kong C
A 3480 Ma Pyritised Microbial Mat, Dresser Formation, Western Australia
Wacey D, Noffke N, Saunders M, Kong C, Cliff J, Barley M & Farquhar J
Correlation between Crystallization Patterns and Diurnal Growth Bands in Scleractinian Corals
van de Locht R, Verch A, Saunders M, Sand K & Kroger R
Geochemistry and Nano-Structure of Putative Filamentous Microbes from the 3.24 Ga Sulfur Springs Group, Pilbara, Western Australia
Wacey D, Saunders M, Kilburn M, Cliff J, Kong C, Barley M & McLoughlin N
A Combined SIMS and TEM Study of Potential Biosignals from Precambrian Rocks
Wacey D, Kilburn M & Saunders M
Saunders Naomi
Stable Nickel Isotope Fractionation in Planetary Materials
Saunders N, Barling J, Halliday A, Harvey J & Fitton G
High Temperature Stable Nickel Isotope Fractionation in Planetary Materials
Saunders N, Halliday A, Barling J, Harvey J & Fitton G
Geochemistry of a Precambrian Impactite: The Stac Fada Member, NW Scotland
Saunders N, Amor K, Porcelli D & Hesselbo S
Saunders Naomi J
An Experimental Approach to Investigate Isotope Fractionation of Metals by Amino Acid Complexation
Selden C, Schilling K, Saunders NJ, Basu A & Yee N
Nickel Isotopes in Eclogites: Investigating Inputs to Deep Mantle ẟ60/58Ni Heterogeneity
Saunders NJ, Debret B & Halliday AN
Saunders Naomi J.
Nickel Stable Isotopes in Oceanic Basalts – A Proxy for Mantle Recycling?
Saunders NJ, Barling J, Fitton JG & Halliday AN
Saunders S.R.
Thermodynamics of Materials and Minerals Under Confinement: From Ionic and Organic Solids to Refractory Ceramics
Hawkins MR, Zhang X, Cockreham C, Strzelecki AC, Reece ME, Goncharov VG, Sun H, Qi J, Guo X, Saunders SR, Ha S, Wang Y, Xu H & Wu D
Saunier G.
Iron Isotope Fractionation between Hematite and Aqueous Fluids: Insights from Hydrothermal Experiments
Saunier G, Pokrovski G & Poitrasson F
Saunier O.
Atmospheric Dispersion and Ground Deposition Induced by the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Mathieu A, Quérel A, Saunier O, Kajino M, Sekiyama T, Korsakissok I, Perillat R, Quélo D, Adachi K, Maki T, Igarachi Y & Didier D
A New Perspective on the Fukushima Releases Brought by Newly Available Air Concentration Observations and Reliable Meteorological Fields
Saunier O, Mathieu A, Sekiyama T, Kajino M, Adachi K, Bocquet M, Higarashi Y, Maki T & Didier D
Saup C.
Just Around the Riverbend: Seasonal Hydrologic Controls on Hyporheic Microbial Community Function
Saup C, Nelson A, Bryant S, Sawyer A, Christensen J, Williams K & Wilkins M
Biogeochemical Responses to Seasonal Snowmelt-Driven Hyporheic Disturbances in an Upland Catchment
Wilkins M, Saup C, Sawyer A, Nelson A, Bryant S, Christensen J & Williams K
Saupin X.
Serpentinization in Formate-Bearing Fluids: An Experimental Approach at 300℃-25 MPa
Barbier S, Andreani M, Grossi V, Gaucher E, Sissmann O, Daniel I, Menez B, Antheaume I, Albalat E, Fellah C, Cardon H, Jame P, Saupin X & Bonjour E
Saur J.
Europa's Subsurface Ocean
Schilling N, Neubauer F & Saur J
Saura Muzquiz M.
Technetium Waste Forms, the Next Possible Steps
Thorogood GJ, Kennedy B, Ablott T, Avdeev M, Saura Muzquiz M, Thorogood K, Zhang Z & Zhu H
Oxygen Deficient Lead-Technetium Pyrochlore, the First Example of a Stable Valence V Technetium Oxide?
Thorogood GJ, Avdeev M, Carter M, Losurdo L, Saura Muzquiz M, Thorogood K, Ting J, Wallwork KS, Zhang Z & Kennedy B