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Sasnow S. (2016) Dissolution of Iron Minerals and Metabolic Hierarchy in Labile Organic Substrate Utilization by Iron-Limited Pseudomonas putida
Wei H, Sasnow S, Yoshitake S & Aristilde L

Saso J. (2013) Investigation of Ancient Fluid Migration in Ordovician Carbonates in the Michigan Basin Using Secondary Minerals
Saso J, Caldas R, Diamond L, Parmenter A & Al T

Sasowsky I. (2020) Subsurface Microbial Iron-Reduction Processes in the Formation of Iron Ore Caves
Barton H, Parker C, Kawaichi S, Mulford M, Senko J, Auler A & Sasowsky I

Sass Henrik (2007) Aspects of Deep Biosphere in Intertidal Sediments from the Wadden Sea (Southern North Sea, Germany)
Köster J, Engelen B, Fichtel J, Sass H, Seidel M, Webster G, Cypionka H & Rullkötter J
(2007) Revealing the Importance of Endospores in Sediments
Fichtel J, Köster J, Sass H & Rullkötter J
(2007) Diverse Active Microbial Communities in a Tidal Flat Sediment as Deciphered by a Multidisciplinary Approach
Seidel M, Gittel A, Bischof K, Köster J, Sass H & Rullkötter J

Sass Henrik (2002) Novel Approaches to the Cultivation of Marine Sediment Bacteria
Cypionka H, Engelen B & Sass H

Sass K. (2023) Finding Mohn’s Treasure: Evidence of Deep Hydrothermal Activity at a Supposedly Extinct Seafloor Sulfide Deposit
Boonnawa C, Reeves EP, Pereira SI, Viflot TØ, Samin AM, Eilertsen MH, Sass K, Stokke R, Steen IH & Ribeiro PA
(2018) Iron, Sulfide and Hydrogen Cycling in Kermadec Arc Hydrothermal Fluids: Microbial Turnover Rates Coupled to Transcriptomics Give Insight into Biogeochemical Processes
Sass K, Böhnke-Brandt S & Perner M

Sassani D (2005) Coupled Processes in Performance Assessment Source-Term Models for Geologic Repository Systems
Sassani D

Sassani David
(2019) Evaluating Evolution of Crustal Fluids in Crystalline Basement Systems
Sassani D, Lopez C, Brady P, Kuhlman K & Jove-Colon C
(2018) A Stochastic Model of Degradation Behavior of Tristructural-Isotropic Coated Particle Spent Fuels
Sassani D & Gelbard F
(2017) Fluid-Rock Processes Driving Isolation of Crustal Fluids in Crystalline Basement Systems
Sassani D, Brady P, Kuhlman K, Jove-Colon C & Lopez C

Sasselov Dimitar (2018) UV Light on Early Earth and on M-Dwarf Exoplanets: Implications for Prebiotic Chemistry
Ranjan S, Todd Z, Wordsworth R & Sasselov D
(2018) Sulfidic Anion Concentration on Early Earth for Surficial Origins-Of-Life Chemistry
Todd Z, Ranjan S, Sutherland J & Sasselov D
(2018) Growth Model Interpretation of Planet Size Distribution
Zeng L, Jacobsen S, Sasselov D, Vanderburg A, Lopez-Morales M, Perez-Mercader J, Petaev M & Mattsson T

Sasselov Dimitar (2009) The First Law of Cosmochemistry
Jacobsen S, Remo J, Petaev M & Sasselov D
(2008) Hf-W Equilibration in a Magma Ocean at Very High P and T
Jacobsen S, Remo J, Petaev M & Sasselov D

Sasselov Dimitar (2013) An Isotopically Homogeneous Inner Terrestrial Planet Region
Jacobsen S, Petaev M, Huang S & Sasselov D

Sassen D. (2011) On Modeling H+ and U Transport Behavior in an Acidic Plume
Spycher N, Mukhopadhyay S, Sassen D, Murakami H, Hubbard S, Davis J & Denham M

Sassen R. (2002) Carbon Cycling in the Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Systems: A Review
Zhang C, Sassen R & Lanoil B
(2001) Lipids and Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry of Gas Hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico
Zhang CL, Sassen R, Peacock A, White DC, Huang Y, Wall JD & Larsen L

Sasseville C. (2018) Geochemical Fingerprint of the Orogenic Gold Mineralization in the Cadillac-Larder Lake Fault Zone, Abitibi, Canada
Meng Y-M, Jébrak M, Sasseville C & Huang X-W

Sassi M. (2020) Mechanistic Understanding of Electron-Beam Induced Akaganeite Nanorod Dissolution
Sassi M, Liu L, Nakouzi E, Kovarik L, Liang X, Zhang X, Rosso K & De Yoreo J
(2018) Ferrihydrite Transformation by Fe(II): Nucleation, Growth, and Phase Stability at Neutral pH
Qafoku O, Kovarik L, Bowden M, Sheng A, Soltis J, Sassi M, Pearce C, Liu J & Rosso K
(2016) The Future of Radionuclide Retention in Fukushima Soils from First Principles Simulations
Rosso K, Sassi M, Okumura M, Kerisit S & Machida M

Sassi R (2000) Some Thoughts on the Geochemistry of the "Unique" Sample of the "Venice Granodiorite" (Northern Italy)
Meli S & Sassi R

Sassi Raffaele (2022) Study of the Origin of Soil 222Rn and 220Rn Activities in Taylor Valley, Antarctica
Ruggiero L, Sciarra A, Tuccimei P, Galli G, Mazzini A, Mazzoli C, Tartarello MC, Florindo F, Wilson G, Anderson J, Worthington R, Mattia M, Giagnoni F, Bigi S, Sassi R & Ciotoli G
(2022) Evaluation of the Geochemical Activity of the Pusteria Fault System (Eastern Alps, Italy) by Radon Activity Index
Benà E, Ciotoli G, Coletti C, Galgaro A, Mair V, Massironi M, Mazzoli C, Morelli C, Morozzi P, Ruggiero L, Tositti L & Sassi R

Sassine M. (2009) Uptake and Release of Traces Gases at the Mineral Dust Surface
D'Anna B, Ndour M, Sassine M, Nicolas M, Ka O & George C

Sata N. (2011) Volume and Ionic Conductivity Measurements of H2O Ice at High Pressure and Temperature
Sugimura E, Komabayashi T, Ohta K, Hirose K, Sata N, Ohishi Y & Dubrovinsky LS
(2009) Sound Velocity Measurements in Water at High Pressures: Application to Water at Lower Mantle Conditions
Asahara Y, Murakami M, Ohishi Y, Hirao N, Sata N & Hirose K
(2009) Hydrogen Incorporation to the Earth’s Core
Terasaki H, Ohtani E, Sakai T, Kamada S, Shibazaki Y, Asanuma H, Hirao N, Yasuo O, Sata N, Sakamaki T, Suzuki A & Funakoshi K-I
(2006) The sharpness and compositional effects on post-perovskite phase transition
Ohta K, Hirose K, Sata N & Ohishi Y

Satake H. (2003) Long-Distance Transportation of Contaminants from the Asian Continent in Snow Cover of Central Japan High Mountain Region
Toyama K, Tsuruta M, Satake H, Takai G & Kawada K
(2003) Measurement of Chloride Stable Isotope Ratios by Methyl Chloride-Irms Method
Wu J & Satake H
(2003) Helium Isotopic Ratios and Geochemistry of Volcanic Fluids from the Norikura Volcanic Chain, Central Japan: Implications for Crustal Structures and Seismicity
Kusakabe M, Ohwada M, Satake H, Nagao K & Kawasaki I
(2003) A Change in the Chemical Composition of Ground Water Around the Mozumi- Sukenobu Fault, Japan and its Relation to Fault Activity
Satake H, Murata M, Hayashi H & Kita Y

Satake W. (2017) Iron Valence Variation in Plagioclase from Eucrite Meteorites: Additional Information and Implications
Mikouchi T, Satake W, Takenouchi A, Ono H & Buchanan P

Sathaye K. (2015) Compositional and Noble Gas Isotope Banks in Two Phase Flow: Changes in Gas Composition during Migration
Sathaye K, Larson T & Hesse M

Satheesh S.K. (2011) Air Quality over India: Weekly Periodicities and Long Term Trends
Satheesh SK, Moorthy KK, Babu SS, Srivastava N & Vinoj V

Sathiamurthy E. (2022) Widespread Deposition of Pre-Aged Terrestrial Organic Carbon on the Tropical Epicontinental Sea
Lin B, Liu Z, Zhao M, Sompongchaiyakul P, Zhang H, Blattmann T, Feng S, Wiesner M, Le KP, Meas R & Sathiamurthy E

Satir M. (2009) New in situ Zircon U-Pb Age Evidence for Archaean Crust Fragment in the Heterogeneous Saharan Metacraton, Central North Sudan Basement
Shang CK, Satir M, Taubald H & Morteani G
(2009) Kazdag Massif (NW Turkey): Metamorphic Equivalent of the Mesozoic Platform of Sakarya Continent
Erdogan B, Akay E, Hasozbek A, Satir M & Siebel W
(2009) Magmatic Evolution of the Northwestern Edge of Tauride- Anatolide Platform: Geochronological and Isotopic Implications
Hasozbek A, Satir M, Erdogan B, Akay E & Siebel W
(2008) Heterogeneous Signature of the Saharan Metacratonic Crust in Central North Sudan
Shang C, Satir M, Taubald H & Morteani G
(2007) Coeval Pan-African Granitization and Migmatization of the North Sudan Basement
Shang CK, Satir M, Taubald H & Morteani G
(2002) Geochemical and Geochronological Investigations of TTG Rocks from the Ntem Complex, Congo Craton and Implications for Post Magmatic Evolution
Shang CK, Siebel W, Satir M, Nsifa EN, Taubald H & Chen F
(2002) Provenance of Low-Grade Metamorphic Terrains of the Dabie UHP Collisional Zone, Central China
Chen F, Guo J-H, Siebel W & Satir M
(2002) Geochemistra and Zircon Ages of Variscan S-Type Granites from the Western Bohemian Massif
Siebel W, Chen F & Satir M
(2000) Experimental Studies of Oxygen Isotope Exchange between Calcite and Tremolite in the Absence and Presence of Fluid
Zheng Y, Satir M & Metz P

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