Sachse Dirk
Evaluating Hydroclimate Change in the Recent Past with Observed and Modeled Leaf Wax Hydrogen Isotopes
Konecky B, Nusbaumer J, Stevenson S, Thompson D, Wong T, Noone D & Sachse D
Sachse Dirk
Towards Sustainable Landscapes – Fluvial Organic Carbon Fluxes Modulated by River Morphology
Repasch M, Scheingross J, Hovius N, Szupiany R, Lupker M, Haghipour N, Eglinton TI & Sachse D
Carbon Storage, Transfer and Outgassing Driven by Floodplain Morphology and Seasonality at the Rio Bermejo, Argentina
Dosch S, Sachse D, Repasch M, Vieth-Hillebrand A, Bufe A & Hovius N
Investigating the Role of Marine Authigenic Clay Formation in Setting the δ7Li Composition of Seawater
Läuchli C, Gaviria-Lugo N, Bernhardt A, Wittmann H, Sachse D & Frings PJ
Sachse Dirk
New Insights into the Behavior of Lithium Isotopes in the Clay-Size Fraction of Marine Sediments
Läuchli C, Gaviria-Lugo N, Bernhardt A, Wittmann H, Sachse D & Frings PJ
Lithium Isotopes in Exchangeable and Silicate Fractions of Clay Sized Fluvial Sediments along a Climatic Transect
Gaviria-Lugo N, Läuchli C, Wittmann H, Bernhardt A, Sachse D & Frings P
Sachse Dirk
Paleohydrological Changes in Southeast China Since 13 ka BP Based on a Multi-Proxy Record from Shuizhuyang Peat
Wang X, Huang X & Sachse D
Timescales of Leaf Wax Biomarker Transport and Preservation in Alluvial River Systems: Rio Bermejo, Argentina
Repasch M, Sachse D, Hovius N, Scheingross J, Eglinton T & Lupker M
Deciphering River Water Source Contributions from Seasonal Moisture Pathways and Latitudinal Stable Isotope Signatures Across the Central Himalayas
Hassenruck-Gudipati H, Andermann C, Hovius N, Sachse D, Meyer H & Dee S
Sachse Dirk
Insights into Organic Carbon Oxidation Potential during Fluvial Transport from Laboratory and Field Experiments
Scheingross JS, Dellinger M, Eglington T, Fuchs M, Golombek N, Hilton R, Hovius N, Lupker M, Repasch M, Sachse D, Turowski J, Veith-Hillebrand A & Wittmann H
Potential Salinity Effects on Leaf Wax Lipid δD Values from Submerged Aquatic Macrophytes in Paleo-Climatic Records
Aichner B, Hilt S, Périllon C, Sachse D & Mischke S
Sachse Dirk
Insolation Influence on Late Pleistocene-Holocene Hydrology of the Southern Iberian Peninsula
García-Alix A, Camuera J, Ramos-Román MJ, Toney JL, Sachse D, Schefuß E, Jiménez-Moreno G, Jiménez-Espejo FJ & Anderson RS
Riverine Particulate Organic Matter Sourcing Varies Across the Himalaya
Menges J, Hovius N, Andermann C, Lupker M, Märki L, Haghipour N, Eglinton T, Gleixner G & Sachse D
Sachse M.
Cyanobacterial Intracellular Carbonatogenesis: Phylogenetic Distribution, Mechanisms and Environmental Implications
Benzerara K, Bitard-Feildel T, Blondeau M, Cam N, Caumes G, Coutaud M, Gorgen S, Dewever A, Diop IS, Callebaut I, Cassier-Chauvat C, Dezi M, Duprat E, Ferard C, Gugger M, Lopez-Garcia P, Moreira D, POinsot M, Sachse M & Skouri-Panet F
Sack R.O.
Primordial Delivery of Potassium to Mercury and Enstatite Chondrites
Ebel DS, Alexander CMO & Sack RO
Sackett J.
Mechanisms of Extracellular Electron Transfer in Methanosarcina
Rowe AR, Sriram S & Sackett J
Novel Extracellular Electron Transfer Mechanisms and Interspecies Interactions in a Marine Sediment Microbial Consortium
Sackett J & Rowe AR
Characterizing Novel Mechanisms of Extracellular Electron Transfer in Marine Sediment Microbes
Rowe AR & Sackett J
Elucidating a Novel Mechanism of Extracellular Electron Uptake in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
Sackett J, Trutschel L & Rowe A
Sadaka C.
Constraining the Meteorite Flux on Earth during the Last 2 Ma
Sadaka C, Gattacceca J, Dumas F, Kuzina D, Braucher R & Gounelle M
Sadana U.
Se Cycling in the Critical Zone in a Seleniferous Area in Punjab, India
Eiche E, Nothstein A, Neumann T, Sadana U & Dhillon K
Sadanaga Y.
Seasonal Variations of Triple Oxygen Isotopes of Atmospheric Nitrate and Sulfate at Noto Peninsula, Japan
Hattori S, Kamezaki K, Ishino S, Nyu T, Savarino J, Sadanaga Y, Matsuki A & Yoshida N
Sadanandan B.
Genesis and Timing of Mineralization in the Wynad Gold Field, Southern India
Sadanandan B & Hideki W
Sadati N.
The Role of Organic Matter in Genesis of Sedimentary-Hosted Stratiform Copper Deposits in Nahand-Ivand Area, NW Iran
Sadati N, Yazdi M, Behzadi M, Adabi MH & Mokhtari MAA
Sadati S.N.
Hydrothermal Alteration Mapping for Geochemical Exploration in the Zaviyeh 1:100000 Sheet, Using Aster Data
Babazadeh M, Sadati SN & Mohebi A
Alteration Mapping for Geochemical Exploration in Niazgholi-Moshiran area, Using Aster Data
Manzelati N, Sadati SN & Lotfibakhsh A
Geochemical Behavior of Cu and Other Elements in Polymetallic Deposits in Qarah Gol Area, Meshgin Shahr, Ardabil Province
Zia SSZ, Sadati SN & Ahmadzadeh G
Targeting of Alteration for Prospecting of Polymetal Mineralization Using Remote Sensing in Qarah Gol Area, Meshgin Shahr, Ardabil Province
Zia S, Sadati SN & Ahmadzadeh G
Diagenetic Pyrite as a Source for Sedimentary Copper Deposit in Nahand-Ivand Area, North of Tabriz, NW Iran
Sadati SN & Yazdi M
Linking TOC and Trace Elements Characteristics for Identifying Paleoredox Conditions in Sedimentary Copper Deposit at Nahand-Ivand Area, North of Tabriz, NW Iran
Sadati SN, Yazdi M, Behzadi M, Adabi MH & Mokhtari MAA
Sadatzki H.
Clumped Isotopes Applied to Coccolith Calcite: A New Way of Reconstructing Temperatures from Euphotic Oceans
Mejia Ramirez LM, Stoll H, Bernasconi SM, Fernandez A, Zhang H, Guitián J, Sadatzki H, Hernández-Almeida I & Pälike H
Sadavarte P.
Relevant Methane Emission to the Atmosphere from the Geological Gas Manifestation of the LUSI Eruption Study Case, Indonesia
Sciarra A, Mazzini A, Etiope G, Sadavarte P, Houweling S, Pandey S & Husein A
Sadayappan K.
Proposed Model for Impacts of Woody Encroachment on Groundwater CO2 and Mineral Weathering in Grassland Watersheds
Kirk MF, Anhold C, Hatley C, Alcantar Velasquez E, Jarecke K, Sadayappan K, Keen R, Sullivan PL, Nippert J & Li L
River Chemistry Predominantly Controlled by Climate
Li L, Stewart B, Zhi W, Sadayappan K, Ramesh S, Kerins D, Sterle G, Harpold A & Perdrial JN
Do Root-Regolith-Rock Interactions Govern Critical Zone-Climate Feedbacks over Decades to Centuries?
Sullivan PL, Billings S, Li L, Nippert J, Wen H, Zhang X, Moreno V, Sadayappan K, Keen R, Hirmas D, Flores A, Murenbeeld K, Barnard H, Singha K & Ajami H
Sade Z.
Kinetic Isotope Effects during Witherite (BaCO3) Formation
Sade Z, Yam R, Shemesh A & Halevy I
Kinetic Fractionation of Oxygen Isotopes during CO2(aq) (De)hydration and (De)hydroxylation: Revisiting Theoretical and Experimental Data
Sade Z & Halevy I
Kinetic Isotope Effects during Carbonate Mineral Formation
Sade Z, Yam R, Shemesh A & Halevy I
Sadeghi B.
Enhancement of Au Anomalies: Weight Bulk Leach Extractable Gold Data with Catchment Area
Sadeghi B, Carranza EJM, Wang H, Yilmaz H & Ford A
Sadeghi M.
Boron Geochemistry of European Agricultural Soil
Negrel P, Ladenberger A, Reimann C, Demetriades A, Dr. Birke M & Sadeghi M
Geochemical Behaviour and Mineral Potential of Critical Elements in Swedish Till
Ladenberger A, Sadeghi M, Morris G, Lax K & Snöälv J
The Geochemical Atlas of Sweden – A New National Geochemical Baseline Dataset
Andersson M, Ladenberger A, Carlsson M, Sadeghi M, Uhlbäck J & Morris G
REE Contents in Soils and Sediments from the GEMAS and FOREGS Data-Bases: Comparison between Different Geological Contexts in Italy and Sweden
Sadeghi M, Petrosino P, Andersson M, Albanese S, Ladenberger A, Morris GA, Uhlbäck J, Lima A & De Vivo B
Geochemistry of Urban Soils in Karlstad, Central Sweden – Preliminary Results
Uhlbäck J, Ladenberger A, Andersson M & Sadeghi M
Elemental Patterns in Agricultural and Grazing Land Soils in Norway, Finland and Sweden – What Have We Learned from Continental Scale Mapping?
Ladenberger A, Uhlbäck J, Andersson M, Reimann C, Tarvainen T, Sadeghi M, Morris G & Eklund M
Leveling and Analysis of Till Geochemical Data: Case Study in the Skellefte District (Sweden)
Sadeghi M, Carranza EJM & Lax K
Sadeghi S.
The Application of Stable Isotope Probing to Investigate Carbon Transformations in Slow Sand Filters for the Treatment of Drinking Water
Khojah B, Sadeghi S, Polerecky L, van Oevelen D, van der Meer M, Middelburg J & Behrends T
Sadeghi Bojd M.
From Fluid Inclusion Study to Genesis of the Anguran Ore Deposit, NW Iran
Sadeghi Bojd M & Moore F
Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Fluid Inclusion Study of Anguran Deposit, NW Iran
Sadeghi Bojd M
Sadeghian Mahmood
Magnetic Susceptibility of Zafarghand Granitoidic Pluton
Gavanji N, Sadeghian M & Shekari S
Petrology and Geochemistry of Chah – Salar Granitoidic Pluton (SW Neishabour, NE Iran)
Farsi Z, Sadeghian M, Ghasemi H & Khanalizadeh A
Geochemical investigation on quartz-monzonite pluton of Tuye-darvar, in eastern Alborz structural Zone, Damghan, north - east of Iran
Khanalizadeh A, Ghasemi H, Sadeghiyan M & Abedi A
Sadeghian Mahmoud
Investigation of the Plagioclases Texture Variation and Mineral Chemistryof the Eocene Andesites of W- Torbat-E Heydarieh(NE Iran)
Saki S, Tabakh shabani AA, Papadopoulou L & Sadeghian M