Santoyo E.
Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Soil-Gas Radon Emission in the Geothermal Caldera of Acoculco, Puebla (Mexico): A Preliminary Prospection of the Promissory Hot-Dry Rock System
Almirudis E, Santoyo E, Pérez D & Guevara M
Santoyo P.D.E.
A Reactive Lateral Flow Model in Deep Limestone of the Acoculco Geothermal System, México
Santos-Raga G, Guerrero FJ, Santoyo PDE & Yáñez-Dávila D
Spatial and Temporal Soil Gas Flux Measurements at Acoculco Geothermal Area, Mexico: Period 2015-2018
Perez-Zarate D, Santoyo PDE, Guevara M, Yáñez-Dávila D & Santos-Raga G
Santoyo-Gutiérrez E.
A New Precise Calibration of the Na/K Geothermometer Using a World Database of Geothermal Fluids and Geochemometric Techniques
Díaz-González L & Santoyo-Gutiérrez E
Santra B.
Equilibrium Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotope Fractionation between Water Ice and Vapor
Cao X, Bao H, Liu Y, Wang J, Hayles J, Peng Y & Santra B
Santschi Peter
Molecular Characterization of Organic Compounds Binding 239,240Pu in Nagasaki Soils
Lin P, Xu C, Kaplan D, Yeager C, Schwehr K & Santschi P
Radioiodine Speciation in Cementitious Environments
Kaplan D, Xu C, Lin P, Li D, Schwehr K, Tanaka K, Ohnuki T & Santschi P
Alkaline-Activated Metakaolin Solidification of Iodine Sorbed by Layered Double Hydroxides
Ohnuki T, Kozai N, Tanaka K, Tokunaga K, Utsunomiya S, Ikehara R, Komiya T, Takeda A, Kaplan D & Santschi P
Radioiodine Speciation Impact on Ag-Activated Carbon Immobilization in Cementitious Environments
Kaplan D, Price K, Seaman J, Li D, Lin P, Xu C, Schwehr K, Tanaka K, Ohnuki T & Santschi P
Santschi Peter H
Light-Induced Aggregation of Microbial Exopolymeric Substances
Sun L, Xu C, Zhang S, Lin P, Schwehr K, Quigg A, Chiu M-H, Chin W-C & Santschi P
Biogenic Manganese Oxides Facilitate Iodide Oxidation at pH ≤ 5
Grandbois R, Yeager C, Tani Y, Xu C, Zhang S, Beaver M, Schwehr K, Kaplan D & Santschi P
Recent Advances in the Detection of Specific Natural Organic Compounds as Carriers for Radionuclides in Soil and Water Environments, with Examples of Radioiodine and Plutonium
Santschi PH, Xu C, Zhang S, Schwehr KA, Lin P, Yeager CM, Kaplan DI, Didonato N & Hatcher PG
Unexpected Behavior of Radionuclides Associated with Natural Organic Matter in the Environment
Santschi PH, Xu C, Kaplan DI, Yeager CM, Zhang S & Schwehr KA
Seasonal Changes in Uranium Porewater Chemistry in a Contaminated Wetland
Kaplan D, Xu C, Santschi P, Li D, Seaman J & Jaffe P
Role of Natural Organic Matter on Iodine and Pu Distribution and Mobility in Environmental Samples from the Northwestern Fukushima Prefecture
Xu C, Zhang S, Sugiyama Y, Ohte N, Ho Y-F, Fujitake N, Kaplan D, Yeager C, Schwehr K & Santschi P
Microbial Processes that Impact Iodine Speciation at Environmentally Relevant Concentrations
Yeager C, Grandbois R, Li H-P, Xu C, Zhang S, Schwehr K, Santschi P & Kaplan D
Santschi Peter H.
Molecular Characterization of Natural Organic Matter Binding 239,240Pu in the Northwestern Fukushima Prefecture, Japan
Lin P, Xu C, Kaplan DI, Yeager CM, Xing W, Schwehr KA & Santschi PH
Iodide Uptake by Forest Soils is Principally Related to the Activity of Extracellular Oxidases
Grandbois R, Xu C, Santschi P, Kaplan D & Yeager C
Hydroxamate Siderophores in Soil Mineral-Organic Matter Matrix Responsible for Binding 239,240Pu in the Far-Field of the Savannah River Site, USA
Xu C, Zhang S, Ho Y-F, Athon M, Johnston I, Schwehr KA, Kaplan DI, Didonato N, Hatcher PG & Santschi PH
Plutonium Immobilization and Re-mobilization by Soil Mineral-Organic Matter Matrix Compounds in the Far-Field of the Savannah River Site (SRS), USA
Xu C, Athon M, Ho Y-F, Schwehr KA, Kaplan DI, Roberts KA, Dinato N, Hatcher PG & Santschi PH
Iodine Speciation Change by a Mn-Oxidizing Marine Bacteria, Roseobacter sp. Azw-3 k, Through the Production of Reactive Oxygen Species
Li H-P, Creeley D, Daniel B, Grandbois R, Zhang S, Xu C, Schwehr K, Kaplan D, Santschi P & Yeager C
Biogeochemical and Microbial Controls of <sup>129</sup>I Mobility in Groundwater
Santschi PH, Brinkmeyer R, Schwehr KA, Zhang S, Xu C, Li H-P, Kaplan DI, Yeager C & Roberts KA
Groundwater 129I Speciation and its Causes for Release from a Subsurface Burial Basin
Kaplan D, Brinkmeyer R, Denham M, Noonkester J, Roberts K, Schwehr K, Vangelas K, Yeager C, Zhang S & Santschi P
Mobility of Iodine (129I and 127I) Species in Sediment Columns from the Savannah River Site
Zhang S, Du J, Xu C, Schwehr K, Ho Y, Santschi P & Kaplan D
Chemosorbents for Natural and Artificial Radionuclides Detection by in situ Gamma Counting in Natural Waters
Johnson BE, Santschi PH, Schwantes JM, Douglas M & Addleman RS
Organo-Iodine Formation in Aquifer Sediments at Ambient Concentrations
Schwehr KA, Santschi PH & Kaplan DI
Near-Conservative Behavior of <+>129<$>Iodine in the Orange County Aquifer System, California
Schwehr K, Santschi P, Moran J & Elmore D
The Coupling Relation between 210Pbex and Organic Matter in Sediments of Enrichment Nutrient Lake: An Example from Lake Chenghai, China
Wan G, Santschi P, Chen J, Xu S, Wu F, Wan E & Yang W
Characterization of Organic-Rich 239,240Pu-Containing Colloids from Surface and Ground Waters from a Contaminated Site in Colorado, USA
Roberts K, Santschi P, Leppard G & West M
Santucci L.
Sanudo-Wilhelmy S.
Dissolved B-Vitamins in Coastal Marine Sediments of San Pedro Basin, CA
Monteverde D, Baronas J, Berelson W, Burdige D, Rollins N & Sanudo-Wilhelmy S
Sanwani E.
Biogeochemical Characterization of Mercury (Hg)-Contaminated Sediments at the Bunikasih Gold Mine, West Java Province, Indonesia
Chaerun SK, Hasni S, Sanwani E & Johnson DB
Sanyal A.
Biogeochemical Contributions to Supraglacial Meltwater Chemistry and Discharge during Summer in Coastal Antarctica
Samui GD, Antony R, Sanyal A & Thamban M
Sanyal P.
Simultaneous Synthesis of N-Alkanes and N-Alkanoic Acids in Tropical Angiosperms
Saishree A, Managave S & Sanyal P
Decoding the Role of Late Quaternary Climate and Vegetation in the Evolution of Indo-Gangetic Plain, India
Jha DK & Sanyal P
Exploring the Use of Biomarkers to Understand the Paradox of the Depository Settings in Eastern Siwaliks of Himalayan Foreland Basin
Roy B, Roy S, Sanyal P & Ghosh S
The Anomalous Character of Northeast Monsoon Precipitation over Southern India-Revelation Through an Array of Instrumental, Proxy Records and Future Projections
Basu S, Sanyal P & Anoop A
Role of Climate and Fluvial Architecture on Temporal and Spatial Variation in C4 Plant Abundance: A Compound Specific Isotopic Evidences from the Late Miocene Siwalik Deposit of NW India
Ghosh S & Sanyal P
Sanyal Sanjoy
Petrogenesis of A-Type Granitoids in the Chotanagpur Granite-Gneiss Complex (CGGC): Evidence for Mesoproterozoic Crustal Extension in the Indian Shield
Mukherjee S, Ibanez-Mejia M, Dey A, Sanyal S & Sengupta P
Formation of Anthophyllite + Plagioclase in a Retrograded Mafic Granulite from Palghat Cauvery Shear Zone, India: Constraints on Fluid Composition and Element Mobility
Dey A, Karmakar S, Sanyal S & Sengupta P
Dufrénite Crystallization in an Archaean BIF from the Mahadevi Layered Complex, Tamil Nadu, India
Talukdar M, Sanyal S & Sengupta P
Sanyal Santonu Kumar
Exploring Microbial Contribution to the Biogeochemical Cycling of Gold from the Genomic and Proteomic Perspective
Sanyal SK, Brugger J, Etschmann B & Shuster J
Biogeochemistry of Critical Metals and the Flinders Ranges Natural Laboratory
Brugger J, Reith F, Sanyal S, Shuster J & Etschmann B
Heavy-Metal Contamination Impacts Au Biogeochemical Cycling
Sanyal SK, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Reith F & Shuster J
Gold Biogeochemical Cycling Promotes the Enrichment of Metallophilic Bacteria Living on Placer Gold Particles
Sanyal SK, Shuster J & Reith F
Cultured Bacterial Communities from Australian and African Gold Grains
Sanyal SK, Rea MAD, Shuster J & Reith F
Sanyaolu F.
Sanz J. Q.
Survival of Environmental DNA in Natural Environments and Implications for the Evolution of Life
Dieudonné L, Sanz JQ, Jelavić S & Sand KK
Sanz Joaquim
The Museum of Geology Valentí Masachs: A Tool for Learning About the Use of Minerals
Alfonso P, Sanz J, Sidki-rius N, Biosca J & Parcerisa D
Sanz T.
Enriched Mantle Source for the Cretaceous Alkaline Lamprophyres from the Catalonian Coastal Ranges (NE Spain)
Ubide T, Gale C, Arranz E, Lago M, Larrea P, Tierz P & Sanz T
Sanz Montero M.E.
Bioinduced Formation of Bloedite in a Shallow Saline Lake
del Buey P, Cabestrero Ó & Sanz Montero ME
Sanz Rodriguez E.
Exploring the Unknowns of Levoglucosan and its Isomers in Sediments to Increase the Efficacy of This Technique as a Biomass Burning Tracer
Stevens HJ, Proemse B, Sanz Rodriguez E, Barmuta L, Chase Z, Bowie A, Paull B & Saunders KM
Sanz-Mangas D.
Sanz-Montero M.E.
Microbe-Gypsum Interactions in Microbial Mats: Implications for the Carbonatation of Sulfates
Sanz-Montero ME, García del Cura A & Cabestrero Ó
Hydromagnesite Precipitation in Microbial Mats from a Highly Alkaline Lake, Central Spain
Sanz-Montero ME, Cabestrero Ó & Rodríguez-Aranda JP
Sanz-Robinson J.
Carbon Isotopic Signatures of Methane and Ethane in Fluids Inclusions Compared to Dissolved Hydrocarbon in Saline Fracture Fluids
Sanz-Robinson J, Warr O, Brisco T & Sherwood Lollar B
Saona L.
Arsenolipid Characterization in High Altitude Andes Lakes
Doherty D, Schubotz F, Contreras S, Saona L, Farías ME, Planer-Friedrich B, de Beer D & Klatt JM
Saout-Grit C.
Océans Connectés, a New Online Media for Marine Sciences
Saout-Grit C