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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Swindle C. (2024) Mg Isotope Evidence that Magnesite in Martian Meteorite ALH84001 Precipitated as Hydromagnesite
Bhattacharjee S, Present T, Blättler C, Grewal DS, Yunbin G, Ma C, Swindle C, Sliwinski MG, Asimow PD, Valley JW & Eiler J

Swindle T. D. (2001) Applying Noble Gas Geochronology Techniques in situ on Planets and Asteroids
Swindle TD

Swindle Tim (2012) Implications of Noble Gases in Stardust Samples for the Source of Earth's Water
Swindle T
(2009) Earth-Moon Impacts over ~4.5 Ga
Zellner N, Delano J & Swindle T
(2008) Evidence for an Earth-Moon Impact Event 800 Ma ago
Zellner N, Delano J & Swindle T
(2002) Radiocarbon on Titan
Lorenz R, Jull T, Swindle T & Lunine J
(2001) Implications of Noble Gas Budgets for the Origin of Water on Earth and Mars
Swindle TD & Kring DA

Swindles G.T. (2019) Impact of Climate Warming on the Speciation and Long-Term Stability of Arsenic in sub-Arctic Lakes: Implications for Environmental Monitoring of Mine Sites
Miller CB, Parsons MB, Jamieson HE, Ardakani OH, Swindles GT, Nasser NA, Gregory BR, Patterson TR & Galloway JM

Swing Megan R (2024) Importance of Nanoscale Analyses for the Measurement of Sulfur Isotope Ratios and the Distribution of Trace Elements in Modern Sedimentary Pyrite Framboids
Swing MR, Gregory DD, Perea DE, Taylor SD, Wirth MG, Bougoure JJ & Figueroa MC

Swing Megan Rose (2022) Importance of Nanoscale Analyses of Sulfur Isotopes on the Formation of Pyrite Framboids
Swing MR, Gregory DD, Cliff J & Figueroa MC
(2022) Trace Metal – Pyrite Interactions during Early-Diagenesis: Calibrating The Paleoproxy
Figueroa MC, Gregory DD, Chappaz A, Mukherjee I, Swing MR, Kukkadapu R & Lyons TW

Swingedouw D. (2017) Modern and Holocene Hydrological Variations of the NE Atlantic Inferred from Nd Isotopic Composition Analyzed on Seawater and Deep-Sea Corals
Colin C, Bonneau L, Dubois-Dauphin Q, Pons-Branchu E, Douville E, Tisnerat-Laborde N, Elliot M, Douarin M, Mienis F, Frank N, Swingedouw D & Eynaud F

Swingley W. (2016) Impacts of Bison Reintroduction on Soil Geochemistry and Microbial Communities in a Tallgrass Prairie
Chantos K & Swingley W

Swinnard L. (2008) Geochemical, Geological and Geophysical Inferences for the Origin of the South Kauai Swell
Swinnard L, Garcia M, Weis D, Flinders A, Ito G, Appelgate B, Bianco T, Taylor B, Blay C & Yamasaki S
(2007) Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean: Constraining its Origin and Relation with the Kerguelen, Amsterdam and St. Paul Hotspots
Nobre Silva I, Weis D, Swinnard L & Scoates J
(2006) New Insights on the Origin of the Ninetyeast Ridge and its Connection to the Kerguelen Hot Spot
Nobre Silva I, Swinnard L & Weis D

Swinyard B. (2009) C1XS Data Calibration: X-Rays to Elements
Weider S, Kellett B, Howe C, Joy K, Swinyard B & Crawford I
(2009) First Results from the C1XS X-Ray Spectrometer on Board Chandrayaan-1
Crawford I, Kellett B, Grande M, Maddison B, Howe C, Swinyard B, Sreekumar P, Narendranath S & Huovelin J

Swisher C (2012) Inter-Laboratory Evaluation of 40Ar/39Ar Data for Sanidines from the Fire Clay Tonstein
Hemming S, Heizler MT, Jicha B, Machlus M, Rasbury ET, Renne PR, Singer BS, Swisher CC & Turrin BD
(2006) Testing the Carboniferous Fire Clay Tonstein as a Sanidine 40Ar/39Ar Standard
Machlus M, Bowring S, Hemming S, Rasbury T, Swisher C & Turrin B

Swisher Carl (2018) Mass-Dependent Isotopic Fractionation of Argon in Natural Systems: Implications to 40Ar/39Ar Dating
Turrin B, Champion D & Swisher C

Swisher Iii C. (2017) Rapid Cooling of the Bushveld Complex Layered Mafic Intrusion
Setera J, VanTongeren J, Turrin B & Swisher Iii C

Switzer C. (2019) Development of Novel Treatments for Carbon-Based Radioactive Waste
Tierney K, Renshaw J, Switzer C & Lunn R

Swoboda P. (2024) Validation of an Enhanced Weathering Model for Estimating CDR and its Uncertainty with In-Field Data from Brazil
Kang J, Larkin C, Bertagni MB, Calabrese S, Chiapini M, Swoboda P, Rodrigues MM, Ferrarezi J, Schwerz L & Clarkson M

Swoboda S. (2007) The Nature of the Arabian Lithospheric Mantle beneath Aritain Volcano, NE Jordan
Ntaflos T, Kurat G & Swoboda S

Swoboda-Colberg N. (2012) SIMS in situ Micro-Baddeleyite U-Pb Method for Dating Mafic Rocks
Chamberlain K, Schmitt A, Swapp S, Swoboda-Colberg N, Moser D, Wright J, Bleeker W & Khudoley A
(2008) Synthesis of Mineral Semiconductor Thin Films: Toward Mineral-Based Photosynthesis
Moyer A, Shankle A, Eggleston C, Borman C & Swoboda-Colberg N

Sy A. (2018) Subsurface Water Flux as an Indicator of Landslide Preparatory Factor
Sy A, Gayer E, Yokochi R, Violette S & Michon L
(2016) Cosmogenic Nuclides, River Geochemistry, and Lanforms Reconstruction Methods Comparison to Study the Coopling between Chemical Weahering and Mechanical Erosion in a Steep Reunion Island Basins
Gayer E, Louvat P, Bouchez J, Michon L, Gaillardet J, Sy A & Havas R

Syad S. (2023) First U-Pb Apatite Age Constraints on the Oumjrane Sediment-Hosted Cu-Pb-Zn-Ba Deposit (Eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco)
Idbaroud M, Bouabdellah M, Levresse G, Mouguina EM, Mathur R, Yans J, El Guedou A, Syad S & Maacha L

Syafrizal S. (2016) Recent Investigation on Ag-Bearing Minerals at the River Reef Zone, the Poboya Prospect, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Rivai TA, Yonezu K, Syafrizal S, Kusumanto D & Watanabe K

Syahbana D.K. (2022) Understanding Zinc Isotopic Signatures in Volcanic Lakes
Robic J, Debaille V, Villacorte E, Bornas MAV, Solidum RU, Syahbana DK, Huda K & Bernard A

Syahputra R. (2009) Spatial Distribution of Elemental Concentrations in the Stream Sediments Around the Ikuno Mine, Southwestern Japan
Syahputra R & Tsuboi M

Syakir M. (2012) Isotopic Constraints on Water and Carbon Fluxes in Langat Basin, Peninsular Malaysia: A Reconnaissance Study
Syakir M, Clark I & Veizer J

Sycheva L. (2010) Redox-Linked Conformation Change Observed for Adsorbed Metal-Reducing Bacterial Cytochromes
Sycheva L, Eggleston C, Colberg P, Magnuson T & Shi L

Syczewski Marcin (2023) Distribution and Speciation of Chromium in Active and Legacy Nickel Laterite Tailings
Delina REG, Perez JPH, Stammeier JA, Syczewski M, Rabang DCV, Tan MM, Garcia JJL, Arcilla CA & Benning LG
(2023) A Rusty Carbon Sink in Estuarine Sediments? Evaluation of an Iron Oxide Burial Experiment
Placitu S, Benning LG, Roddatis V, Schreiber A, Syczewski M & Bonneville S

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