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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Svyatoslav S. (2019) NMR Studies of Fluorine Defects in Forsterite and Wadsleyite
Gruetzner T, Christopher B, Svyatoslav S, Fechtelkord M & Klemme S

Swadling J. (2013) Catalytic Structure of the Hammerhead Ribozyme in a Clay Mineral Environment
Swadling J, Suter J, Wright D & Coveney P
(2011) Computer Simulation of Clay Mineral – Biomolecule Interactions
Swadling J, Coveney P & Greenwell C
(2010) Computer Simulation Study of the Interaction of RNA with Montmorillonite Clay
Swadling J, Coveney P & Greenwell C

Swaim N.

Swain E. (2010) A Molecular Biogeochemical Study of a Northern Peatland Ecosystem: The Effects of Substrate Source on Phenolic Composition
Swain E, Abbott G, Belyea L, Laing C, Cowie G, Filley T & Muhammad A

Swain S. K.

Swain S.k (2019) Fractal Dimension and its Implication to Mineral Exploration
Swain SK & Roy PNS

Swain S.k. (2017) Isotope (C-O-S) and Geochemical Evidence of Juvenile Origin for the Neoarchaean Orogenic Gold Deposits at Ajjanahalli and Gadag Gold Field, Chitradurga Schist Belt, Dharwar Craton, India
Sarangi S, Swain SK, Srinivasan R, Sarkar A, Majumadr A & Satyanarayanan M

Swain Sagar (2020) Re-Os Dating of Auriferous LLHR Pyrite and SHRIMP U-Pb Zircon Age for Host Granitoids: Implications for the Origin of the Jonnagiri Gold Deposits, Dharwar Craton, Southern India
Sarangi S, Stein H, Stein H, Srinivasan R, Kesarwani M, Swain S & Vasudev VN

Swami S. (2022) From Pattern to Process and Process to Pattern: Insights on Data-Driven Critical Zone Research from the Big Data Collaborative Network Cluster
Perdrial JN, Underwood K, Swami S, Lee BS, Ul Haq I, Kincaid D, Stewart B, Seybold E, Rizzo D, Li L, Hamshaw SD & Shanley JB

Swan M. (2010) On the Origin of Kerogen
Keith S & Swan M
(2010) The Serpentosphere
Swan M, Keith S, Hovland M, Rueslatten H, Johnsen HK & Page N

Swander Z. (2013) 10Be Derived Catchment Denudation Rates from the Garhwal Himalaya
Swander Z, Dosseto A, Fink D, May J-H & Korup O
(2011) Chronology of Fluvial Incision in the Upper Ganges Inferred from in situ Cosmogenic Isotopes
Swander Z, Dosseto A, Fink D & Mifsud C

Swanger K. (2019) He-3 and Cl-36 Cosmogenic Surface Exposure Ages from Alpine Glacier Deposits in the McMurdo Dry Valleys
Lamp J, Swanger K, Winckler G, Schaefer J, Schimmelpfennig I & Finkel R

Swann G. (2019) Nutrient Cycling in Lake Baikal: The World’s Oldest and Deepest Lake
Swann G, Panizzo V, Mackay A, Vologina E & Horstwood M
(2018) The Boron Isotopic Composition of Diatom Opal
Foster G, Donald H, Frohberg N, Poulton A, Moore M & Swann G
(2014) Water Column Silicon Isotope Profiles from Lake Baikal, Siberia
Panizzo V, Swann G, Mackay A, Roberts S, Vologina E & Horstwood M
(2014) Silicon Isotope Compositions of Lake Baikal’s Major Tributaries
Panizzo V, Swann G, Mackay A, Roberts S, Vologina E & Horstwood M
(2011) Regulation of Atmospheric pCO2 by the North Pacific Ocean Since the Last Interglacial
Swann G & Snelling A

Swannell R.P. (2000) Effect of Nutrient Concentration on the Selection of Bacterial Communities and Oil Composition during Bio-Remediation of Contaminated Beach Sediments
Milner MG, Jones DM, Swannell RP, Daniel F, Mitchell D & Head IM

Swanner B. (2023) Triple Fe Isotopic Behavior in an Expanded Array of Modern Aqueous Environments
Heard AW, Nielsen SG, Blusztajn J, Ostrander CM, Swanner B & Tivey M

Swanner Elizabeth (2023) Incorporation of Iodine in Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonates: Implications for Methane Flux Dynamics
Akam SA, Hardisty D, Feng D, Wang X, Hashim M, Burke J, Swanner E, Crémière A & Peckmann J
(2022) Carbon Budget of a Ferruginous Meromictic Lake with Ebullitive Methane Fluxes
Akam SA, Swanner E & Wittkop C
(2022) Preservation Protocols for Oxygen-Sensitive Minerals within Laminated Aquatic Sediments for Spectroscopic and Other Geochemical Analyses
Swanner E, Islam R & Ledesma G
(2021) Is the Uranium Isotope Proxy a Reliable Indicator of Ferruginous Conditions?
Perez JT, Gilleaudeau G, Swanner E & Romaniello SJ
(2021) Quantifying the Groundwater Source of Iron to Redox-Stratified Lakes in Minnesota, U.S.A
Swanner E, Meyer JR & Alexander S
(2021) Siderite Precipitation from a Carbonate Green-Rust Precursor in Ferruginous Canyon Lake
Wittkop C, Grengs A, Ledema G, Xiong Y, Poulton SW, Katsev S & Swanner E
(2019) Contribution of Fe(II)-oxidizing Bacteria to Carbon Fixation and Arsenic Immobilization in Paddy Soil
Tong H, Liu C, Swanner E, Chen M, Li F & Liu Y
(2019) Could Negative Carbonate Carbon Isotope Excursions be a Primary Signal in Ferruginous Environments?
Wittkop C, Swanner E, Lambrecht N, Grengs A & Katsev S
(2018) Microbes and Minerals from Two Ferruginous Lakes on a Spectrum of Physical and Chemical Characteristics
Swanner E, Lambrecht N, Fakhraee M, Sheik C, Katsev S & Wittkop C
(2018) Manganese Carbonates Linked to Methane Oxidation in Ferruginous Environments
Wittkop C, Swanner E, Lambrecht N, Grengs A, Myrbo A & Katsev S
(2018) Dissolved Iron as a Driving Factor of Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms
Leung T & Swanner E
(2018) Two Ferruginous Midwestern Lakes Exhibit Vastly Different Fluxes of Methane
Lambrecht N, Wittkop C, Katsev S, Fakraee M & Swanner E
(2018) Fate of Cobalt and Nickel during Diagenetic Pyrite Formation
Swanner E, Webb S & Kappler A
(2018) Uranium Isotope Fractionation Factors in Ferruginous Settings
Cole D, Longley M, Wilkes D, Wang X, Swanner E, Witkop C, Sperling E & Planavsky N
(2016) Iron Speciation and Iron Isotopes of Neoarchean Ca-Mg Carbonates
Eroglu S, Swanner E, Pascarelli S, Schoenberg R, Taubald H & Beukes N

Swanner Elizabeth D. (2020) U(VI) Reduction in an Oligotrophic Ferruginous Ocean Analog?
Romaniello SJ, Gilleaudeau GJ, Swanner ED, Wittkop CA & Chen X
(2020) Constraining the Intermediate Sulfur Species Involved in Sedimentary Pyrite Formation
Islam R & Swanner E
(2020) What can Subsurface Chlorophyll Maximum Layers (SCML) Tell us About Productivity in Ferruginous Oceans?
Swanner E
(2015) Fe Isotope Fractionation during Fe(II) Oxidation by Cyanobacteria
Bayer T, Wu W, Kappler A, Schoenberg R & Swanner E
(2015) Carbon Isotope Fractination of Organic Carbon during Simulated Diagenesis of Banded Iron Formations
Halama M, Swanner E, Kappler A, Jochmann M & Konhauser KO
(2015) Do Cr Isotopes Really Fingerprint Precambrian Surface Oxidation?
Babechuk M, Schoenberg R, Kleinhanns I, Swanner E, Webb S & Kamber B
(2015) The Interplay of Microbially Mediated and Abiotic Reactions in the Biogeochemical Fe Cycle
Melton E, Swanner E, Behrens S, Schmidt C & Kappler A
(2015) A Laboratory-Scale Column to Investigate Microbial Processes in Fe(II)-rich Upwelling Systems
Maisch M, Wu W, Kappler A & Swanner ED
(2015) The Isotope-Geochemical Record of a Near-Shore Neoarchean Oxygen Oasis
Eroglu S, Schoenberg R, van Zuilen M, Taubald H, Swanner E & Beukes N
(2014) Fate of Organic Carbon and Primary Iron Minerals during Simulated Diagenesis of Banded Iron Formations
Halama M, Swanner E & Kappler A
(2014) Validating the Use of Marine Pyrite as a Record of Trace Element Concentrations in Seawater
Swanner E, Webb S, Halama M & Kappler A
(2014) Toxic Levels of Fe(II) in Archean Seawater Delayed the Great Oxidation Event
Swanner E, Mloszewska A, Konhauser K, Schoenberg R & Kappler A
(2013) The Quantitative Contribution of Oxygenic Photosynthesis to Fe(II) Oxidation in Precambrian Oceans
Swanner E, Wu W, Voelker B, Schoenberg R & Kappler A
(2013) Physiology, Mineralogy and Fe Isotope Fractionation of Fe(II) Oxidation by a Marine Photoferrotroph – Implications for the Deposition of Precambrian BIFs
Wu W, Swanner E, Pan Y, Schoenberg R & Kappler A
(2013) Simulating Precambrian Banded Iron Formation Diagenesis
Kappler A, Posth NR, Koehler I, Swanner E, Schroeder C, Wellmann E, Binder B, Konhauser KO, Neumann U, Berthold C, Nowak M & Papineau D
(2012) Cyanobacteria and Photoferrotrophs: Together Again?
Swanner E & Kappler A
(2012) Banded Iron Formation as Seawater Proxies
Konhauser K, Robbins L, Eickhoff M, Swanner E & Kappler A
(2011) A Microbially-Mediated Deep Terrestrial Nitrogen Cycle at Henderson Mine, CO
Swanner E & Templeton A
(2010) Trace Elements in Sulfides from Precambrian Stromatolites and Banded Iron-Formations
Glaser S, Swanner E & Mojzsis S
(2010) Ralstonia Species Mediate Fe-Oxidation in the Deep Biosphere of Henderson Mine
Swanner E, Nell R & Templeton A
(2009) Microbial Community Structure and Atmospheric Oxygen ca. 2.4 Ga
Mojzsis S, Van Kranendonk M & Swanner E
(2008) Microbially-Mediated Cycling of Metals in Deep Subsurface Fluids at Henderson Mine, Colorado
Swanner E & Templeton A

Swanson Don (2016) Magma Reservoir Assembly at Kilauea Volcano: Insights from Chemical Zoning in Olivine
Lynn K, Garcia M, Shea T, Costa F & Swanson D
(2013) Mantle Control on Eruption Style at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai’i
Edmonds M, Sides I, Maclennan J, Swanson D & Houghton B

Swanson Donald (2020) The 2018 Eruption of Kīlauea and Assessments of Volcanic Hazard
Swanson D
(2020) Olivine and Glass Chemistry Record Cycles of Plumbing System Evolution after Summit Collapse at Kīlauea Volcano (HI)
Lynn K, Rose T & Swanson D
(2020) Kīlauea Volcano is More Complicated Than We Used to Think
Swanson D

Swanson Donald A (2022) Hawaiian Oral Traditions and Eruptions of Kīlauea Volcano
Swanson DA
(2022) Years to Decades of Pre-Eruptive Storage Recorded by Olivine from the Basaltic Subplinian Deposit of Kulanaokuaiki Tephra Unit 3 (900 C.E.), Kīlauea Volcano (HI)
Lynn KJ, Rose T, Ruth D, Swanson DA & Warren J
(2022) Learning About the Geologic History of the Hawaiian Islands Through Traditional Mo'olelo (Legends, Stories)
Shea T, Greene C, Tonato A, Tachera D, Janiszewski H & Swanson DA

Swanson G. (2021) Shifts in Iron and Manganese Oxidation States, Bonding Environments, and Mobility in Mining-Impacted Lake Sediments Exposed to Anoxic and Anoxic + Algal Detritus Experimental Conditions
Langman J, Swanson G & Moberly J

Swanson J. (2020) The Effect of Bacillus sp.ores on the Actinide Source Term at the WIPP Nuclear Waste Repository
Swanson J, Hazelton C, Navarrette A, Richmann M & Stanley F
(2017) The Influence of Microorganisms on Subsurface, Salt-Based Nuclear Waste Repositories
Swanson J, Cherkouk A, Bader M & Reed D
(2012) Neptunium (V) Adsorption to a Halophilic Bacterium at 2 and 4 M Ionic Strength: Surface Complexation Modeling in High Ionic Strength Systems
Ams D, Swanson J, Szymanowski J, Fein J, Richmann M & Reed D

Swanson K. (2022) Age and Petrology of Koko Rift Basalts: Hawai‘i's most Recent and Atypical Rejuvenation Stage Eruptive Sequence
Garcia MO, Swanson K, Lormand C, Jicha B & Norman M

Swanson Linda (2013) Photophysical Studies of Biologically Produced Macromolecules
Belkasem E, Swanson L & Romero-Gonzalez M

Swanson Linda (2010) Interactions at the Cell-Mineral Interface
Romero-Gonzalez M, Andrews J, Zhang Z, Geoghegan M, Swanson L, Scholes J & Banwart S

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