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Sandler A. (2015) δ88/86Sr and 87Sr/86Sr as Combined Tracers of the Evolution of Continental Strontium – Lessons from Soils and Carbonates in Israel
Shalev N, Halicz L, Stein M, Gavrieli I, Sandler A, Segal I & Lazar B
(2011) Recent Cessation of Nile Discharge Affecting the Geochemistry of SE Mediterranean Inner Shelf Sediments
Almogi-Labin A, Sandler A & Herut B

Sandler S.J. (2001) Mechanisms of Electron Transfer to Fe(III) and Other Metals in Geobacter sulfurreducens
Lloyd JR, Hodges Myerson AL, Leang C, Coppi M, Cuifo S, Sandler SJ & Lovley DR

Sandmann D. (2011) Sulfur Isotope Data from Beaver Brook Antimony Deposit, Central Newfoundland, Canada: A Hint for the Source of Mineralization?
Sandmann D, Seifert T & Gutzmer J

Sandner T. (2019) Metasomatism and Oxidation State of the Mantle Root beneath the Rae Craton, Canada
Gräf C, Sandner T, Woodland A, Höfer H, Seitz H-M, Pearson G & Kjarsgaard B

Sandor P. (2023) 182W Isotope Patterns Preserved in Paleoarchean TTGs from the Ancient Gneiss Complex
Hoffmann JE, Tusch J, Sandor P & Florin G

Sándorné Kovács J. (2015) 'Water' in Quartz from Various Rhyolitic Pyroclastic Horizons: A New Correlation Tool?
Biró T, Kovács I, Király E, Falus G, Karátson D, Bendő Z, Fancsik T & Sándorné Kovács J

Sandosky B. (2014) Alteration of Critical Zone Chemistry due to Addition of Rapidly Dissolving Rock Salt
Moore J, Sandosky B, Mcguire M, Casey R, Snodgrass J & Lev S

Sandoval J. (2006) A Multi-proxy Approach of the Bajocian Sedimentary Crisis in Western Tethys
Beaumont V, Bartolini A, Mas R, Gardin S, Gaillardet J, Chetelat B, O'Dogherty L, Sandoval J & Cecca F

Sandoval Garzón M.A. (2022) Residential Radon Concentrations in the Bogotá Region, Colombia
Huguet C, Domínguez Durán M, Sandoval Garzón MA & Ramos Bonilla JP

Sandoval Velasquez A.L. (2022) Recycling of Subduction-Related Noble Gases and Crustal Carbon in the Mexican Lithospheric Mantle
Sandoval Velasquez AL, Rizzo AL, Aiuppa A, Frezzotti ML, Straub SM, Gómez-Tuena A & Espinasa Perena R

Sandoval-Medina F. (2016) Multi-Isotopic Study of the Fluid Circulation at Los Azufres Geothermal Field, Mexico
Shouakar-Stash O, Pinti DL, Castro CM, Lopez-Hernandez A, Abuharara A, Hall CM, Sandoval-Medina F & Nuñez-Hernandez S

Sandquist D. (2014) Multidecadal Isotope Analysis of Encelia farinosa from Death Valley, California
Berke M, Tipple B, Hambach B, Sandquist D & Ehleringer J

Sandra Osk S. (2020) Understanding Fluid-Rock Interactions in Hydrothermally Altered Rocks of the Hengill Volcano, Iceland: Implications for Geothermal Energy and CO2 Storage
Catalina SR, Pedram M, Tom M, Sandra Osk S, Bergur S, Phil M, Eric O, Adrian J & Alberto S

Sandrini S. (2013) Aerosol Modifications Observed at Mt. Cimone (Italy) during the Eyjafjallajokull Eruption in 2010
Sandrini S, Giulianelli L, Decesari S, Cristofanelli P, Marinoni A, Chiari M, Calzolai G, Canepari S & Perrino C

Sandron D. (2019) The Grande Rose of Reims Cathedral: Origin of the Colour of Stained Glasses
Capobianco N, Hunault M, Balcon-Berry S, Galoisy L, Sandron D & Calas G

Sandroni S. (2015) Panafrican (?) HP Relics in Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks from Antarctica (Dronning Maud Land and Shackleton Range)
Palmeri R, Di Vincenzo G, Godard G, Sandroni S & Talarico F

Sands C. (2021) Impacts of Glacial Retreat on Benthic Iron Supply Using a Radium/Thorium Disequilibrium Approach
Annett A, Cai P, Williams J, Buragohain D, Jones R, Flanagan OG, Vora M, Zwerschke N, Sands C, Barnes D, Scourse J, Shi X, Hong Q, Wei L & Shi X

Sands D. (2009) Distribution and Potential Impacts of Biological Ice Nucleators in the Atmosphere
Christner B, Morris C, Sands D & Phillips V

Sandstad J.S. (2016) Tracking Strain and Fluid Localization in Fault Zones by Re-Os Pyrite-Chalcopyrite Geochronology
Torgersen E, Viola G, Sandstad JS, Stein H, Zwingmann H & Hannah J

Sandström B. (2013) U Phase Evolution in the Bedrock Around Forsmark, Eastern Sweden
Krall L, Sandström B & Tullborg E-L
(2013) Recent Groundwater Circulation of U at Forsmark, Eastern Sweden
Tullborg E-L, Suksi J, Sandström B, MacKenzie AB, Smellie J, Krall L & Puigdomenech I

SandStröm M. (2008) Arsenate Forms Monodenate Complexes at the Surface of Goethite
Loring J, SandStröm M, Norén K & Persson P

Sandu C. (2018) Mars Atmospheric 40Ar as a Constraint on Volcanic Outgassing History and Thermal Evolution
Kiefer W & Sandu C

Sandweiss D. (2014) The Effects of the 1982-1983 El Niño Mega-Event on Bivalve Mollusk Biomineralization
Nicosia A, Pérez-Huerta A, Sandweiss D & Andrus CF

Sañé E. (2011) Sediment-Water Nutrient and Oxygen Fluxes in Two Antarctic Continental Shelf Areas Differently Affected by Climate Change
Sañé E, Isla E & Grémare A

Sanehira T. (2008) X-Ray Microtomography Under Extreme Conditions
Lesher CE, Wang Y, Gaudio S, Clark A, Sanehira T, Yamada A & Roberts J
(2000) Experimental Studies of Sulphide Melt Textures in the Lower and Upper Mantle
Harte B, Sanehira T, Irifune T, Kawasaki T & Sato T

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