Salmon S.U.
Mineral Weathering Rates in Mill Tailings from Kristineberg, Northern Sweden
Salmon SU & Malmström ME
Salmon U.
A Process-Based Model for Iron Mineral Transformation
Jamieson J, Carr J, Sun J, Salmon U, Siade A, Rathi B & Prommer H
Constraining Flow and Reactive Transport Models with Environmental Tracer Data
Prommer H, Wallis I, Underwood S, Salmon U, McCallum J, Adam S & Rolf K
Modelling 14C Groundwater Age: Investigating Spatial Resolution Requirements and Impacts of Carbon Reactions
Salmon U & Prommer H
Modeling of Iron Mineral Transformations and Arsenic Fate Under Sulfate Reducing Conditions
Carr J, Prommer H & Salmon U
Modifying the Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films Technique for the Geochemical Exploration of Gold
Lucas A, Rate A, Salmon U & Zhang H
Coupled Biological, Geochemical and Physical Processes in Acidic Mine Lakes: Model Development and Application
Salmon U, Oldham C & Hipsey M
The Role of Iron Redox Cycling for the Natural Acidification of Ground Water
Peiffer S, Oldham C, Salmon U & Küsel K
Mineral Weathering Rates in Sulphidic Mill Tailings: Do Rate Laws for Monomineralic Samples Apply?
Malmström M & Salmon U
Salmonsen L.
Iron Isotope Systematics of the Skaergaard Intrusion
Lesher C, Lundstrom C, Barfod G, Glessner J, Brown E, Thy P, Salmonsen L & Tegner C
Salnikova Ekaterina
LIPs Timing by U-Pb ID-TIMS Dating of Calcic Garnets
Stifeeva M, Salnikova E, Chaknmouradian A, Kotov A, Arzamastsev A & Peytcheva I
Isotope and Geochemical Characteristics of Native Gold from the Olympic Dam Deposit
Beznosikova J, Yakubovich O, Kamenetsky V, Ehrig K, Savatenkov V & Salnikova E
The 1.98 Ga Mafic Sills in the Karelian Province as an Integrated Part of Phanerozoic-Type LIP
Samsonov A, Stepanova A, Larionov A, Larionova Y, Salnikova E & Egorova S
Fragments of Paleoproterozoic LIPs in the Eastern Fennoscandia: Implications for the Life Span of the Lapland-Kola Ocean
Stepanova A, Samsonov A, Salnikova E, Arzamastsev A, Puchtel I, Kepezhinskas P, Egorova S, Larionova Y & Erofeeva K
Calcic Garnets as a Promising U-Pb Geochronometers
Salnikova E, Chakhmouradian A, Stifeeva M, Reguir E & Nikiforov A
Composition and Duration of Paleoproterozoic Plume Events: A Case Study of 2.45 Ga Mafic Dyke Swarms in the Karelian Craton, Fennoscandian Shield
Stepanova A, Salnikova E, Samsonov A, Larionova Y & Stepanov V
‘Kimberlitic’ Zircons from Paleproterozoic Kimozero Kimberlites (Karelia): Mineralogy, Geochemistry and U-Pb Geochronology
Griban J, Samsonov A, Salnikiva C & Lepehina C
(U-Th)/He Dating of Native Gold: Problems and Perspectives
Yakubovich O, Shukolyukov* Y, Salnikova K, Yakovleva S, Gorokhovsky B & Kotov A
The Paleoproterozoic MORB-Type Tholeiitic Dykes as Indicators of Early Continents Breakup
Stepanova A, Samsonov A, Salnikova E, Larionova Y, Larionov A & Stepanov V
Kalar Complex (Siberian Craton) – The Oldest Example of the Anorthosite-Mangerite-Charnockite-Granite (AMCG) Association
Larin A, Kotov A, Salnikova E, Glebovitsky V & Kovach V
Age, Sources and Geodynamic Setting of the Paleoproterozoic Granitoids in the Western Aldan Shield (Eastern Siberia)
Salnikova E, Kotov A, Yakovleva S & Kovach V
Salnikova Ekaterina B.
U-Pb (CA-ID-TIMS) Geochronological Studies of the Metamict Zircons
Ivanova AA & Salnikova EB
Salnikova Y.
Hydrogeochemical Conditions of the West Siberian Megabasin
Abdrashitova R, Salnikova Y & Sabanina I
Salo V-T.
Recent Progress in Understanding the Dynamics of Peroxy Radical Interactions and their Impact on Atmospheric New-Particle Formation
Daub CD, Valiev R, Zakai I, Salo V-T, Mandal I, Ramazanov R, Skog R, Gerber B & Kurtén T
Salomao M.
Combustion-Derived Dissolved Organic Matter in Rivers and Estuaries of the Sugar-Cane Area of Southern Brazil
Paeng J, Dittmar T, Cooper B, Podgorski D, Chanton J, Salomao M, Rezende C & Bernardes M
Salome K.
Uranium Biomineralization Through the Activities of Microbial Phytases
Salome K, DiChristina T, Martinez R, Sobecky P & Taillefert M
Salomé M.
Mercury Methylation and Transformations by the Sulfate Reducing Bacterium Pseudodesulfovibrio Hydrargyri Combining Synchrotron cryo-Nano-Xrf, XRF Tomography and HERFD-XANES
Le Bars M, Barrouilhet S, Monperrus M, Goñi Urriza M, Rovezzi M, Salome M & Isaure M-P
The ID21 Beamline at ESRF: Sub-Micron Spectroscopy Under Cryo Conditions for Life and Environmental Sciences
Castillo-Michel H, Cotte M, Salome M, Bugnazet D, Veronesi G, Pradas Del Real AE, Colocho Hurtarte LC, Villalobos E & Goulet G
Oldest Methanogens from Subseafloor Hydrothermal Environment, South Africa
Cavalazzi B, Lemelle L, Simionovici AS, Cady SL, Russell M, Bailo E, Canteri R, Enrico E, Manceau A, Maris A, Salome M, Thomassot E, Bouden N, Tucoulou Tachoueres R & Hofmann A
ID21 a Synchrotron Multi-Modal Platform for Micro-Spectroscopic Analyses in Earth, Environmental and Geo-Sciences
Castillo-Michel H, Cotte M, Salome M, Fayard B, Hesse B, Rivard C, Bugnazet D, De Nolf W, Gagliardini E, Berruyer G & Susini J
Surface Passivation Does not Impede Biotransformation of Fe Oxides by Shewanella oneidensis
Eusterhues K, Friedrich MW, Thieme J, Prietzel J, Keller T, Grundmann G, Salomé M & Totsche KU
In situ Analysis of the Molecular Organic and Elemental Composition of a 3.33 Ga Microbial Mat from Barberton
Westall F, Lemelle L, Simionovici A, Salomé M, Marrocchi Y, Foucher F, Cavalazzi B, Meibom A, Robert F, Moustafaoui S, Jauss A, Toporski J, Laclean L, Southam G, Susan W, Vilette S, Jamme F & Dumas P
Salomon A.
Geoscience, Colonialism, and the Energy Transition
Ng J, Brito-Millan M, Guzman Morales J, Harrison E, Quintanilla L & Salomon A
Salomone F.
Thermodynamic Model for Aqueous Solutes in Low-Density Fluids: Critical Assessment of Quartz Solubility
Salomone F & Dolejš D
Salonen I.
Metagenomics Reveal Dominance of Sulfur Cycle Related Bacteria Inside Benthic Foraminifera
Chronopoulou M, Salonen I, Bird C, Reichart G-J & Koho K
Salou P.
New 14C Mass Spectrometry
Freeman S, Shanks R, McIntyre C, Gaubert G, Salou P, Kearney K, Hauser T & Sundquist M
Salova T.
Platinum Carbonyl as a Form of Transport in the Reduced Carbonic Fluid at Magmatic PT
Simakin A, Salova T, Tutunnik O, Isaenko S, Pokrovski G & Borisova A
Noble Metal Solubility in CO-CO2 Fluid at Magmatic PT
Simakin A, Gabitov R, Salova T, Trail D, Korost D, Tutunnik O & Kubrakova I
Mantle Carbonatization and Potassium Alkaline Member of the CKD (Kamchatka) Subduction Magmas
Salova T & Simakin A
Shiveluch Volcano: Mineralogical Records of Geodynamic Complexity
Simakin A, Salova T, Boris G & Tatyana C
Double-Layered Polymorphs of MAl2Si2O8 (M=Ba, Ca) and Aluminosilicate Melt Structure
Simakin A, Salova T & Kucherinenko J
Salpeteur I.
GEMAS Results at a Regional Scale: The Alps
Dinelli E, Lancianese V, Albanese S, Birke M, De Vivo B, Gosar M, Hasliger E, Hayoz P, Reitner H & Salpeteur I
Salt L.
Dissolved Fe in the Western Atlantic Ocean: Distribution, Sources, Sinks and Cycling
Rijkenberg M, Gerringa L, Laan P, Schoemann V, Middag R, van Heuven S, Salt L, van Aken H, de Jong J & de Baar H
Salter E.
Polyaspartate as a Stereochemical Switch for Controlling the Growth and Morphology of Calcite
Elhadj S, Dove P, De Yoreo J, Salter E & Wierzbicki A
Salter I.
Metaproteomic and 16S rRNA Reveal Rapid Shifts in Functional Responses of Native Polar Bacterial Communities to Organic Carbon Inputs: Does Taxonomy Matter?
Mikan M, Nunn B, Timmins-Schiffman E, May D, Riffle M, Noble W, Salter I & Harvey R
Salters Vincent
Ancient Residual Lithosphere at the Marion Rise: Evidence from Hf-Nd Isotope Systematics in Basalts and Peridotites
Woelki D, Beier C, Dick HJB, Stracke A & Salters V
Multi-Type Ultra-Depleted Mantle Components beneath a Single 80-Km-Long Segment at 53°E, Southwest Indian Ridge
Wang J, Zhou H, Salters V & Sun W
Shallow Recycling of Lower Continental Crust: The Mahoney Seamount at the Southwest Indian Ridge
Wölki D, Salters V, Beier C, Dick HJB, Koepke J & Romer RHW
Ultra-Depleted Mantle at the Southwest Indian Ridge: The Marion Rise
Wölki D & Salters V
Anciently Depleted Mantle at Knipovich Ridge?
Sanfilippo A, Sokolov S, Salters V, Stracke A & Peyve A
How Depleted is the Depleted Mantle?
Salters V & Stracke A
The Nature of the Depleted Mantle
Stracke A, Willig M & Salters V
Isotopic Heterogeneity of Mantle Melts Migrating Through the Lanzo Ophiolites: A Re-Os Perspective
Mosconi A, Sanfilippo A, Liu C-Z, Salters V, Tribuzio R & Zanetti A
What Have the Magmas of Indian Heaven and Mounts St. Helens, Cascades Arc, in Common?
Salters V, Larson P, Sisson T & Clynne M
The Magnesium Isotopic Composition of Cenozoic Planktonic Foraminifera
Dial A, Misra S, Salters V & Landing W
Systematic Differences in Ge/Si between Enriched and Depleted MORB
Yang S, Humayun M & Salters V
The Magnesium Isotopic Composition of Planktonic Foraminifera
Dial A, Misra S, Landing W & Salters V
Global Variations in Redox at Oceanic Ridges Inferred from V/Sc Ratios
Yang S, Humayun M & Salters V
Salters Vincent J.M.
Focused Melt Flow and Abyssal Magmatism at Lower Magma Supply Rates
Dick H, Salters V, Sanfilippo A, Schouten H & Smith D
Elemental Discrimination between Peridotite and Pyroxenite Melting in MORB and Hawaiian Glasses
Yang S, Humayun M, Salters V, Clague D & Perfit M
Northern Gulf of Mexico Speleothem Climate Record from 4 kyr to Present
Tremaine D, Humayun M, Salters V, Wang Y & Means H
Hg Isotope Fractionation Among Atmospheric Mercury Species Above a Coastal Suburban Environment (Pensacola, Florida, USA)
Perrot V, Eller V, Landing W & Salters V
Isotopic Constraints on the Genesis of Basanitic Lavas beneath Haleakala
Phillips Writer EH, Sims KWW & Salters VJM
Ultra Depleted Mantle at the Gakkel Ridge
Salters V, Sach-Kocher A & HJBD
Improved Analytical Method for Determination of Mg Isotopes: Application to Seawater and Natural Carbonates
Dial A, Ridgewell C, Kilgore B, Tremaine D, Misra S & Salters V
Chalcophile Elements in Peridotites as a Proxy for Sulfide Mineralization during Serpentinization
Gionfriddo C, Bizimis M, Sen I & Salters V
Apparent Oxygen Fugacity Structure beneath O'ahu, Hawai'i
Tibbetts NJ, Bizimis M, Longo M, Keshav S, Salters VJM & McCammon CA
1 Ga Old Plume-Derived Peridotite Xenoliths from Kauai, Hawaii
Bizimis M, Salters V, Huang S & Clague D
Thorium Complexation with Humic Acid: Results from Ligand Competition Experiments
Stern J, Sonke J & Salters V
Local and Global Scale Systematics in the MORB Source Chemistry
Salters V, Mallick S, Bizimis M & Langmuir C
Linking between Mid Ocean Ridge Basalts and Abyssal Peridotites from Nd Isotopes
Mallick S & Salters V
Recycled depleted lithosphere in the enriched mantle?
Salters V & Bizimis M
Hafnium and Neodymium Isotopes in Oceanic Basalts
Salters V & Li X
The Dynamics of Melting beneath Theistareykir, Northern Iceland
Stracke A, Zindler A, Salters VJM, McKenzie D & Groenvold K
Lu-Hf Isotopic Systematics of Subducted Ancient Oceanic Crust: Roberts Victor Eclogites
Jacob D, Bizimis M & Salters V
Shallow Depth of Melting for Mesozoic Basalt Flows beneath Charleston, South Carolina
Morris DP, Hames WE, Salters V & Ragland P
Saltikov Chad
Trace Metal Mobilization during Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR): A Batch Reactor Approach Assessing the Influence of Alternating Anoxic-Oxic Cycling on Metal Release and Transformation during MAR
Maki BC, Aiken ML, Thorpe S, Chung T, Schrad N, Serrano A, Saltikov C, Fisher AT & Ying SC
Impacts of Stormwater Infiltration on the Microbial Community during Managed Aquifer Recharge
Schrad N & Saltikov C
Carbon-Rich Amendments Stimulate Microbially-Mediated Nitrate Removal in Pilot Infiltration Studies
Beganskas S, Weathers T, Fisher A, Gorski G, Saltikov C, Weir W & Harmon R
Saltikov Chad W.
The Role of ArxA in Photosynthesis-Linked Arsenite Oxidation by Bacteria from Extreme Environments
Conrad A, Hoeft S, Miller L, Oremland R, Rosen M & Saltikov C
The Genetic Pathway for High Level Chromium Resistance in Shewanella sp. Strain ANA-3
Ramos J & Saltikov C
Expression of Shewanella sp. Str. ANA-3 Metal Reduction Genes in Response to Iron(III) and Arsenate
Reyes C, Murphy JN & Saltikov CW
How Iron and Arsenic Reduction Pathways in Metal-Reducing Bacteria Influence Arsenic Fate and Transport
Reyes C, Saltikov C, Tufano K & Fendorf S
Effect of Sorbed Arsenic Species on Bacterial Reduction of HFO
Campbell K, Malasarn D, Saltikov C, Newman D & Hering J
Saltus R.
Geochemistry and Tectonic Significance of Pluton Successions in the Western Alaska Range
Todd E, Jones J, Karl S, Ayuso R, Stelten M, Saltus R, Box S, Bradley D, Haeussler P & Gamble B
Saltykova A.
U-Pb Age and REE Data (SHRIMP II) on Zircons in Mantle Xenoliths from Alkaline Basalts (Vitim Area, Transbaikalia): Implication for the Upper Mantle Partial Melting
Saltykova A, Nikotina L & Matukov D