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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Rozenfeld A. (2022) Strategies for Reducing the Waste Generated from Medical Radioisotope Production: Towards a Sustainable Future
Thorogood GJ, Rozenfeld A & Raposio R

Rožič B. (2020) Assessing of Ecological Status Using Geochemical and Benthic Foraminifera Tools (Koper Bay, Northern Adriatic)
Žvab Rožič P, Vidović J, Čosović V, Rožič B & Dolenec M
(2020) Geochemical Signal of Paleoenvironmental Changes Across Jurassic Cretaceous Boundary (Eastern Southern Alps)
Rožič B, Grabowski J, Iwanczuk J & Žvab Rožič P

Rozier O. (2017) Effects of Microstructural Changes Associated with Silicate Dissolution on (Bio)weathering Rates
Wild B, Daval D, Guyot F, Fernandez-Martinez A, Remusat L, Bernard S, Rébiscoul D, Micha J-S, Narteau C, Rozier O & Imfeld G

Rozon C. (2012) Land Use Changes and Mercury Transfers to Aquatic Systems in the Brazilian Amazon
Belanger E, Lucotte M, Oestreicher J, Moingt M, Rozon C, Davidson R & Gregoire B

Rozov K. (2015) Replacement of Barite by (Ba, Ra)SO4 at T = 25 – 90℃
Brandt F, Rozov K, Klinkenberg M & Bosbach D
(2015) Phase Equilibria in the System (Ba, Sr, Ra)SO4 + H2O
Vinograd V, Brandt F, Klinkenberg M, Weber J, Rozov K, Kulik D, Winkler B & Bosbach D
(2013) Solid Solution Formation and Uptake of Radium in the Presence of Barite
Brandt F, Klinkenberg M, Vinograd V, Rozov K & Bosbach D
(2013) Effects of Lead and Strontium on Radium Uptake by Barite: Atomistic Simulations and Thermodynamic Assessment
Rozov K, Vinograd V, Kulik D, Brandt F, Winkler B & Bosbach D
(2012) Synthesis, Characterization and Stabilities of Mg-Zr(IV)-Al-Cl Containing Layered Double Hydroxides (LDHs)
Rozov K, Curtius H & Bosbach D
(2012) Recrystallization of Barite in the Presence of Ra at Elevated Temperatures up to 90℃
Klinkenberg M, Brandt F, Rozov K, Modolo G & Bosbach D
(2012) Replacement of Barite by Radiobarite at Close to Equilibrium Conditions and Room Temperature
Brandt F, Klinkenberg M, Rozov K, Modolo G & Bosbach D
(2009) Solubility Measurements of Hydrotalcite-Like Solid Solutions
Rozov K, Berner U & Kulik D
(2004) Solubility and Mass Transfer of Gold between Au(met) and FeS2 Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Rozov K & Laptev Y

Rozsypal C. (2011) Conditions for Uranium Transport in Unconformity-Related U Deposits
Richard A, Rozsypal C, Banks DA, Mercadier J, Cuney M, Boiron M-C & Cathelineau M

Rozuel E. (2019) Copper, Zinc and Lead Isotopes in Mollusks to Trace Metallic Marine Coastal Contaminations
Ponzevera E, Araujo D, Brach-Papa C, Briant N, Chouvelon T, Sireau T, Bruzac S, Rozuel E & Knoery J

Røhr T.S. (2017) Zircon and Monazite Geochronology of Long-Lived (>150 Myr) Metamorphism and Magmatism during the Terminal Stages of Fennoscandian Shield Evolution
Slagstad T, Roberts NMW, Kirkland CL, Røhr TS & Coint N

Rønning J.B. (2021) Alkaline Minerals as a Tool to Mitigate Ocean Acidification and Facilitate CO2 Uptake from the Atmosphere
Rønning JB & Löscher C

Rønsbo J. (2005) Apatite from Durango (Mexico) – A Potential Standard for in situ Trace Element Analysis of Phosphates
Frei D, Harlov D, Dulski P & Rønsbo J

Røstad A. (2017) Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics in the Mesopelagic Fish Accumulation Layer: Implications for C Cycling
Calleja ML, Røstad A, Ansari M, Da Silva L, Kaartvedt S, Irigoien X & Morán XAG

Røy H. (2019) Spatial Distribution of Reactive Fe(III) in Arctic Fjord Sediments – Impact of Different Glacial Sources and Benthic Fe-Cycling
Laufer K, Michaud AB, Røy H & Jørgensen BB
(2019) Glacial Influence on the Iron and Sulfur Cycles in Arctic Fjord Sediments (Svalbard)
Michaud AB, Laufer K, Findlay A, Pellerin A, Antler G, Turchyn AV, Røy H, Wehrmann LM & Jørgensen BB
(2019) The Temperature Relation of Enzyme Catalysis and Product Removal Determine Metabolic Rates in Sulfate Reducing Bacteria
Scholze C, Turchyn A, Røy H & Pellerin A
(2019) Cryptic Sulfur and Methane Cycling in Marine Sediments
Jørgensen BB, Beulig F, Findlay A, McGlynn SE, Pellerin A & Røy H
(2019) Benthic Trace Element Cycling Controlled by Glacial Activity in Arctic Fjords (Spitsbergen, Svalbard)
Herbert L, Riedinger N, Michaud A, Laufer K, Røy H, Jørgensen B, Aller R & Wehrmann L
(2018) The Sulfur Cycle Below the Sulfate-Methane Transition of Marine Sediments
Pellerin A, Antler G, Røy H, Findlay A, Beulig F, Turchyn A & Jørgensen BB
(2017) Controls on Iron and Sulfate Reduction in Arctic Fjord Sediments
Laufer K, Michaud AB, Røy H & Jørgensen BB
(2017) Methylotrophic Methanogenesis Fuels Cryptic Methane Cycling in Surface Sediment of Aarhus Bay, Denmark
Xiao K-Q, Beulig F, Røy H, Jørgensen BB & Risgaard-Petersen N
(2017) Systematics and Energetics of Volatile Fatty Acids in Baltic Sea Sediments
Glombitza C, Egger M, Røy H & Jørgensen B
(2017) Mineralization Rates Across the Sulfate-Methane-Transition of Holocene Marine Sediments are Continuous and Partially Mediated by Syntrophic Acetate Oxidation
Beulig F, Røy H & Jørgensen BB
(2016) Volatile Fatty Acids, Key Intermediates for Microbial Metabolism in Subsurface Sediments – Generation and Fate
Glombitza C, Røy H, Mangelsdorf K, Horsfield B & Jørgensen BB

Røyne A. (2020) Confined Nucleation of Calcium Carbonate Studied in the Surface Forces Apparatus
Dziadkowiec J, Zareeipolgardani B, Dysthe DK & Røyne A
(2017) Concrete Production Through Microbially Induced Dissolution and Re-precipitation of Limestone
Røyne A, Phua YJ, Eikjeland IG, Le SB, Markussen S, Josefsen K & Wentzel A
(2017) AFM Study of the Adhesion of Calcite Surfaces in NaCl Solutions
Javadi S, Røyne A & Hiorth A
(2017) Interactions between Reactive CaCO3 Surfaces in Aqueous Solutions – Surface Forces Apparatus Measurements
Dziadkowiec J, Javadi S, Bratvold JE, Nilsen O & Røyne A
(2016) Combining in situ Interferometry and Kinetic Monte Carlo to Study Mechanisms of Nanoconfined Crystallization
Høgberget J, Kohler F, Røyne A, Jettestuen E & Dysthe DK
(2016) Morphology and Polymorphism of Calcium Carbonate Precipitated from Different Calcium Sources via Enzyme Induced Carbonate Precipitation
Phua YJ & Røyne A
(2013) Effect of Fluid Salinity on Subcritical Crack Propagation in Calcite
Rostom F, Røyne A, Dysthe D & Renard F
(2013) Fracture Propagation Driven by Crystal Growth and the Role of Interfacial Fluid Chemistry
Røyne A, Meakin P, Malthe-Sørenssen A, Jamtveit B & Dysthe DK

Ruan Banxiao (2023) Two Mineralization Events in the Wunuer Zn-Pb-Ag-Mo Deposit in Inner Mongolia, NE China: Constrains from Geochemical, Isotopic, Geochronological Features
Liu H, Mei W & Ruan B
(2019) Magmatic and Modified Chromite in the Hongshishan Mafic-Ultramafic Complex, NW China: Insights from Hosted Solid Inclusions and Fe-Rich Chromite
Ruan B, Yu Y & Lv X
(2019) Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Igneous Rocks in the Kalatag area:Implications for the Tectonic Setting of Early Paleozoic Magmatism and VMS Mineralization in the Eastern Tianshan, NW China
Sun B, Lv X & Ruan B

Ruan Bing (2023) Plagioclase as Archives for Incremental Construction of the Quxu Batholith in the Gangdese Magmatic Belt: Implication for the Nature of Magma Reservoirs
Ruan B, Luo B, Zhang H, Zhao X-F, Xu W, Guo L & Pan F

Ruan Bo (2016) Biodegradation of Phenol Using Sphingomonas sp. GY2B Immobilized in PVA – Sodium Alginate – Kaolin
Ruan B & Wu P

Ruan J. (2014) Investigating The Age of Soil Carbon In Karst Terrains
Noronha A, Johnson K, Southon J, Ruan J & Hu C
(2014) Assessing Influences on Speleothem 14C Variability: Implications for Speleothem-Based 14C Calibrations
Johnson K, Noronha A, Hu C & Ruan J
(2013) The δ18O Signals of Precipitation and Drip Water: Two Hydrological Years’ Monitoring Results from Eight Caves in Monsoon Regions of China
Duan W, Ruan J, Zhang P, Luo W, Zhang D, Li T, Tian L, Tao T, Zeng G & Tan M
(2013) Altitudinal δ18O Gradients from Chinese Stalagmites Provide Records of Holocene Humidity Variation
Hu C, Henderson GM, Liao J, Ruan J, Li C, Xie S & Johnson K
(2011) The 4.2ka BP Climate Event and its Influence on Neolithic Cultures Around the Middle Reaches of Yangtze River, China
Liu Y, Hu C, Sun X, Ruan J & Xie S

Ruan Xiaobai (2022) Trans-Himalaya Weathering Under Monsoon Climate: What is the Impact of South Tibetan Mountain Weathering on Paleogene Climate Cooling?
Ruan X, Galy A & Yang Y
(2021) Influence of Periglacial Conditions on River Chemistry in Active Mountain Belts Insights from the Zayu River Catchment from SE Tibet
Ruan X & Galy A
(2019) Neogene 87Sr/86Sr Record of Rivers in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
Yang Y, Yang R, Galy A, Fang X, Ruan X, Jin Z & Zhang F
(2018) Southeastward Impact of Eolian Dust on River Chemistry in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the Late Cenozoic
Yang Y, Ruan X, Fang X, Galy A, Jin Z, Zhang F & Yang R

Ruan Xiaohong (2020) The N Cycle-Related Microbial Interaction Pattern and its Ecological Influences in Sediments of Shallow Freshwater Lake with Different Eutrophic Status
Wang Z, Ruan X, Zhang Y, Li R, Bai Y & Shi W
(2020) Study on the Influence of Geological and Anthropogenic Activities on Hydrogeochemical and Isotopic Characteristics in a Typical Pre-Urban Watershed
Le F, Ruan X & Li R

Ruan Yanming (2017) Insights from the Multi Climate Indexes in the Marginal Sea of the Western Pacific
Li L, Ruan Y & Dong L

Ruan Youyi (2023) Compositional and Thermal State of the Lower Mantle from Joint 3D Inversion with Seismic Tomography and Mineral Elasticity
Deng X, Xu Y, Hao S, Ruan Y, Zhao Y, Wang W, Ni S & Wu Z

Ruaro Peralba M.D.C. (2020) Effect of Secondary Alteration on Biomarkers Protected by Structures of Asphaltenes from Brazilian Crude Oils
Alves Jural P, Batista de Lima AL, Blanco Gonzáles M, Ruaro Peralba MDC, Freitas da Silva T, Luana Lenz R & Dubois D

Rubach F. (2014) Online Measurements of Organic Acids in the Gas and Particle Phase
Lopez-Hilfiker F, Mohr C, Ehn M, Rubach F, Mentel T, Kleist E, Wildt J & Thornton J

Ruban A.V. (2011) Importance of Correlation Effects in First-Principles Simulations of Iron at High-Pressure
Pourovskii L, Glazyrin K, Dubrovinsky LS, Tasnadi F, Ekholm M, Katsnelson M, Ruban AV & Abrikosov I

Rubananko L. (2017) The Fuzzy Snow Line: Ice Stability on Airless Bodies Enhanced by Regolith and Roughness
Hayne P, Schorghofer N, Aharonson O, Paige D & Rubananko L

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