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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Roy John (2013) Performance and Gas-Flow Effects of an Active 2-Volume Sampling Chamber Using a 213 nm Laser Ablation System for Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
Asogan D, Green D, Shuttleworth S & Roy J
(2012) High Sensitivity Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Lloyd N, Shuttleworth S, Bouman C, Roy J, Trinquier A & Schwieters JB

Roy Martin (2012) Dating Drinking Water in Eskers from Amos, Abitibi, Canada
Boucher C, Berthot L, Pinti DL, Larocque M, Roy M, Blanchette D, Cloutier V, Castro MC & Hall CM
(2012) Insights on the Late-Stage Evolution of Glacial Lake Ojibway
Daubois V, Menard M, Roy M & Veillette JJ

Roy Mousumi (2020) Implications of Thermal Disequilibrium during Melt-Rock Interaction for the Evolution of Continental Lithosphere
Roy M, Clark A & Farmer L

Roy Moutusi (2016) Mo Isotope Analysis of the ~2.7 Ga Roy Hill Shale – More Evidence for Archean Oxygen?
Ostrander CM, Roy M, Gordon GW, Romaniello SJ, Olson SL, Lyons TW & Anbar AD
(2015) Inorganic Hints of Archean Oxygenation in the ~2.7 Ga Roy Hill Shale
Olson S, Roy M, Lyons T, Ostrander C & Anbar A
(2014) Transients in the Biogeochemical Reaction Zone of Subterranean Estuaries
Martin J, Cable J, Roy M & Smith C
(2013) Iron Supply and Cycling on the Oregon-California Shelf: Comparisons with the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone
McManus J, Roy M, Severmann S, Chase Z, Berelson W, Reimers C, Goni M, Abbott A & Muratli J
(2010) Submarine Groundwater Flux of Nd to Coastal Waters
Chevis D, Johannesson K, Burdige D, Cable J, Martin J & Roy M

Roy N. (2023) Strong and Weak Mineral Acid-Mediated Chemical Weathering Pathways in the Central Himalayas: Its Role on the Chemical Weathering and CO2 Consumption Rates
Roy N & Sen IS

Roy P.d. (2012) Are River Basins Affected by Climatic Variations?: A Study from a Major River in Central Mexico, Mexico
Jonathan MP, Roy PD, Rodriguez-Espinosa PF & Munoz-Sevilla NP

Roy P.n.s (2019) Fractal Dimension and its Implication to Mineral Exploration
Swain SK & Roy PNS

Roy Pallab (2020) Triple Oxygen Isotope Clue of Enigmatic Nodular Chert Formation in Vindhyan Carbonates and an Insight into the Late Neo-Proterozoic Seawater Composition
Ghoshmaulik S, Bhattacharya SK, Sarkar A & Roy P

Roy Parijat (2017) Geochemistry of Sulfide Chimney Samples Recovered from Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR)
Roy P & Kurian J
(2009) The PGE Geochemistry of the On-Craton Kimberlites from Eastern Dharwar Craton, Southern India
Roy P, Vysetti B & Rao NVC
(2009) Abundances of PGE and Gold in Kimberlites from Eastern Dharwar Craton, Southern India
Balaram V & Roy P

Roy Pronoy (2022) A Review of the Proterozoic Carbon Isotope Record of India: Inferences on Global Redox and Climate Cycles
Roy P & Sreenivas B
(2021) Clay Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Shales from the Paleoproterozoic Kaladgi Basin, Dharwarn Craton, Southern India: Implications on Provenance and Paleoweathering Conditions
Roy P, Sreenivas B & Parthasarathy G

Roy Rajdeep (2011) Variability of Nitrogen Stable Isotope in Suspended Organic Matter in Waters of the Western Continental Shelf of India and the Mandovi Estuary
Maya MV, Karapurkar SG, Soares MA, Agnihotri R, Roy R, Naik H & Naqvi SWA
(2009) Intensification of Seasonal Oxygen-Deficient Zone over the Western Indian Shelf
Naqvi SWA, Naik H, Pratihary A, Narvenkar G, Roy R, Thorat B, Kurian S, Gauns M & Narvekar P

Roy Rupsa (2019) Growth Pattern and Oxygen Isotopic Systematics of Modern Freshwater Mollusks along an Elevation Transect: Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstruction
Roy R, Wang Y & Jiang S

Roy Sandip K. (2021) Characterization of Borosilicates Bearing Rocks of Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica: Implications for their Polygenetic Evolution
Sadiq M, Arora D, Dharwadkar A, Roy SK, Pant NC, Ghosh JG & - R

Roy Sohom (2020) Exploring the Use of Biomarkers to Understand the Paradox of the Depository Settings in Eastern Siwaliks of Himalayan Foreland Basin
Roy B, Roy S, Sanyal P & Ghosh S

Roy Stephane (2009) Lead Isotopes in Groundwater as Indicator of Water-Rock Interaction (Masheshwaram Catchment, Andhra Pradesh, India)
Negrel P, Millot R, Roy S, Guerrot C & Pauwels H
(2000) Lead Contents and Lead Isotopes in the Labile Fraction of Sediments in Silicate-Drained Rocks: Evidence in Small Watersheds in the Massif Central (France)
Roy S & Négrel P

Roy T. (2016) Quantification of Deep Sedimentary Microorganisms and Single-Cell Genomic Analysis from IODP Leg 347 Baltic Sea Paleoenvironment
Lloyd K, Buongiorno J, Turner S, Webster G, Bird J, Reese B, Marshall I, Asai M, Shumaker A, Roy T, Weightman A & Schippers A

Roy Chowdhury T. (2015) Iron Biogeochemistry in Arctic Tundra Soils
Herndon E, Roy Chowdhury T, Yang Z, Graham D, Gu B & Liang L

Roy-Barman M. (2021) 227Ac and 231Pa in the Southeast Sector of Southern Ocean (Bonus GoodHope – GEOTRACES Cruise
Levier M, Roy-Barman M & Dapoigny A
(2020) Seawater 227Ac Analysis by ID-Mc-ICPMS: A GEOTRACES Challenge
Levier M, Roy-Barman M, Colin C & Dapoigny A
(2019) Circulation Changes in the Amundsen Basin from 1991 to 2015 Revealed from Distributions of Dissolved 230Th
Valk O, Rutgers van der Loeff MM, Geibert W, Gdaniec S, Moran SB, Lepore K, Puigcorbé V, Casacabuerta N, Paffrath R, Smethie W, Roy-Barman M & Edwards RL
(2017) 231Pa and 230Th in the Barents Sea and the Nansen Basin: Implications for Shelf-Basin Interactions and Changes in Particle Flux
Gdaniec S, Roy-Barman M, Levier M, Missiaen L, Dapoigny A, Valk O, Rutgers van der Loeff M & Andersson P
(2017) Influence of Deep Water Formation and Boundary Scavenging on 231Pa and 230Th Distribution in the Mediterranean Sea
Roy-Barman M, Gdaniec S, Foliot L, Thil F, Burckel P, Andersson P, Mörth C-M, Masque P & Garcia-Orellana JG-O
(2017) Trace Elements in Speleothems as Tracer of Erosion and Climate during Termination I in Southern France
Drugat L, Pons-Branchu E, Valladas H, Roy-Barman M, Foliot L & Douville E
(2015) Manganese in an Ocean General Circulation Model
van Hulten M, Dutay J-C, Roy-Barman M, Tagliabue A, Sterl A, Middag R & de Baar H
(2015) An Improved Particle Representation in Ocean Models by Differential Particle Remineralisation Rates, and its Effect on Pa-231/Th-230
Aumont O, van Hulten M, Roy-Barman M & Dutay J-C
(2015) Improved U-Th Dating of Carbonates with High Initial 230Th Using the Stratigraphical Constrains of Coeval and non Coeval Samples: A Monte Carlo Approach
Roy-Barman M & Pons-Branchu E
(2015) Comparison between Seawater and Archive Nd Isotope Compositions Using Multi-Scatter Plots: A New Global Data Compilation
Tachikawa K, Arsouze T, Bayon G, Bory A, Colin C, Dutay J-C, Frank N, Gourlan A, Jeandel C, Lacan F, Meynadier L, Montagna P, Puceat E, Roy-Barman M & Waelbroeck C
(2013) Distribution of 230Th and 232Th along the Bonus GoodHope Section in the SouthEast Atlantic Ocean
Roy-Barman M, Marchandise S, Thil F, Bordier L, Ayrault S, Garcia-Solsane E & Jeandel C
(2012) A Short Oceanic Residence Time for Hf: Element/Isotope Comparison
Roy-Barman M & Marchandise S
(2007) Estimates of Particle Fluxes and Boundary Scavenging in the Seawater Around the Kerguelen Plateau Using 230Thxs and 231Pa
Venchiarutti C, Jeandel C, Roy-Barman M & Freydier R

Roy-Léveillée P. (2022) CO2 Flux Measurements in Northern Peatland Soil Incubations: Q10 Climate Trends and Alternative Model Representations Under Freeze-Thaw Conditions
Byun E, Rezanezhad F, Fairbairn L, Slowinski S, Basiliko N, Price JS, Quinton WL, Roy-Léveillée P, Webster K & Van Cappellen P

Royalty T. (2017) Effect of Dissolved Organic Carbon on the Iron Solubility in Seawater
Meskhidze N, Hurley D, Royalty T & Johnson M
(2017) Aerosol Properties in the Remote North Pacific Boundary Layer
Royalty T, Phillips B, Dawson K, Reed R, Meskhidze N & Petters M

Royce K. (2021) The Mineral Susceptibility Database: A New Tool for Communicating Research Outputs with the Heritage Sector and Beyond
Royce K

Roychoudhury Alakendra (2023) Spatial and Temporal Variability of Particulate Iron and Manganese in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean: Spring vs Winter
Ringard A, Planquette H, Bucciarelli E, Cloete R & Roychoudhury A
(2023) Iron and Mesoscale Eddy Dynamics in the South-West Indian Ocean – RESILIENCE Cruise
Cloete R, Samanta S, Ellis N, Jansen van Vuuren L, Baudet C, Penven P, Herbette S, Roychoudhury A, Bucciarelli E & Planquette H
(2023) Seasonal Cycling of Dissolved Fe in the South Atlantic Marginal Ice Zone of the Southern Ocean
Jansen van Vuuren L, Roychoudhury A, Samanta S & Cloete R
(2023) Speciation of Particulate Zn in the Southern Ocean: Implications for Zn-Cycling
Myneni S, Duan J, Cloete R, Sigman DM, Lam PJ, Lanzirotti A, Newville M, Martinez-Garcia A & Roychoudhury A
(2020) Winter and Spring Trace Metals at the Antarctic Marginal Sea Ice Interfaces
Menzel Barraqueta J-L, Samanta S, Loock JC, Cloete R, Viljoen JJ, Mahieu L, Krisch S, Kaukurauee K, Bernhard W, Fietz S & Roychoudhury A
(2020) Sources and Cycling of Dissolved Rare Earth Elements in the Southern Ocean: Linkages to the Nutrient Dynamics
Samanta S, Menzel Barraqueta J-L, Cloete R, Loock J, De Jongh T & Roychoudhury A
(2019) First Cadmium and Zinc Measurements from the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean
Cloete R, Loock J, Fietz S & Roychoudhury A
(2019) Synthesis of Dissolved Pb and Pb Isotope Data of Global Ocean: Sources, Cycling, and Mixing
Samanta S & Roychoudhury AN
(2019) Early Winter Dissolved Fe Distributions in the Southern Indian Ocean (GEOTRACES GIpr07 Cruise)
van Horsten N, Bucciarelli E, Planquette H, González-Santana D, Mtshali T, Roychoudhury A & Sarthou G
(2018) Winter Distribution of Cobalt in the Southern Ocean: First Results from the 30˚E Line
Cloete R, Loock J, Fietz S & Roychoudhury A
(2017) Bioactive Trace Elements (Cu, Zn, Cd and Co) in the Southern Ocean
Roychoudhury A, Cloete R, Loock J, Mtshali T & Fietz S
(2017) Dust Transport Pathways and Bioavailability of Dust Emissions from Southern Africa
Kangueehi K, Fietz S, Roychoudhury A, Eckardt F & Van Holdt J

Roychoudhury Alakendra Narayan (2022) Decadal Evolution of Dissolved Lead in the Cape Basin: The Role of Agulhas Current in Transporting Anthropogenic Lead from Southern Africa
Samanta S, Cloete R, Menzel Barraqueta JL, Loock J & Roychoudhury AN
(2022) Winter Copper and Nickel Distributions from the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean
Cloete R, Loock J, van Horsten NR, Samanta S, Mtshali T, Fietz S, Planquette H & Roychoudhury AN
(2013) Quantification and Speciation Study of the Marine Solid-Phase Iron Pool
von der Heyden B, Roychoudhury A & Myneni S
(2013) Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction in Hypersaline Environments: What is Regulating Sulfate Uptake?
Roychoudhury A & Porter D
(2012) Speciation of Colloidal Fe in Terrestrial and Marine Environments Using Synchrotron X-Ray Spectroscopy and Microscopy
Myneni S, Roychoudhury A, Tyliszczak T, Martinez G & van der Heyden B
(2011) Chemical Speciation of Fe-Rich Colloids and Nanoparticles in the Southern Ocean
von der Heyden B, Roychoudhury A & Myneni S
(2011) The Fe L3-edge as a Probe for Fe Oxide Speciation
Roychoudhury A, von der Heyden B, Frith M & Myneni S
(2010) Chemistry and Mineralogy of Fe-Rich Marine Nanoparticles, West Coast of South Africa
von der Heyden B, Myneni S & Roychoudhury A
(2009) Cobalt Uptake and Resistance to Trace Metals in Comamonas testosteroni Isolated from Heavy-Metal Contaminated Sites in the Zambian Copperbelt
Roychoudhury AN, Staniland S, Tuffin M & Cowan D
(2009) 1000-Year Sedimentary Record of Cyanobacterial Fluctuation in Verlorenvlei, South Africa
Das SK, Routh J & Roychoudhury AN
(2007) Sulfate Reduction Across a Salinity Gradient in Hypersaline Coastal Pans
Roychoudhury A, Porter D & Cowan D
(2007) Phosphorus Sedimentation and Release Processes in a Shallow Hyper-Eutrophic Lake, Zeekoevlei in South Africa
Das S, Routh J & Roychoudhury A
(2006) Molybdenum sequestration in saltmarsh sediments: Role of sulfate reduction, reactive iron and vegetation
Roychoudhury A
(2005) Trace Metals in the Water Column and Sediments from Zeekoevlei South Africa
Das S, Routh J & Roychoudhury A
(2004) An Integrated Geochemical and Microbiological Study of Sulphate Reduction in Hypersaline Pans
Porter D, Roychoudhury A & Cowan D
(2004) Accumulation of Sulfate on the Early Earth
Roychoudhury A
(2002) Sulfate Respiration in Extreme Environments: A Kinetic Study
Roychoudhury A

Roychowdhury M. (2020) Hydrological Controls on Sulfur Cycling in the Green River Formation
Cremiere A, Cui X, Tino C, Pommer M, Roychowdhury M, Sarg F, Lyons T, Summons R, Sessions A & Adkins J

Roychowdhury R. (2018) Terrestrial Arctic Climate from Lake El’gygytgyn: Normal vs. Super Interglacial Teleconnections
Brigham-Grette J, Castañeda I, Deconto R, Roychowdhury R, DeWet G, Habicht H, Keisling B & Daniels W

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