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Rouyer L. (2019) Resorcinol Specific 13C-Composition: New Insights into Holocene Environmental Changes in Tanzania
Nguyen Tu TT, Rouyer L, Anquetil C, Mendez-Millan M, Coffinet S & Huguet A

Rouzaud J.N. (2013) Delineating Biotic and Abiotic Carbonaceous Material in the Apex Chert
Olcott Marshall A, Jehlicka J, Rouzaud J-N & Marshall C
(2011) Combining NanoSIMS with STXM/TEM Imaging to Shed New Light on Organic Matter Contained in Micron-Sized Particles
Remusat L, Derrien D, Hatton P-J, Nico P & Rouzaud J-N
(2008) Laboratory Shock-Synthesized Diamond vs. Carbons from a Differentiated Meteorite
Le Guillou C, Rouzaud JN, Bourot-Denise M, Remusat L & Jambon A
(2004) Carbonaceous Microfossils in Early Archaean Cherts
Westall F & Rouzaud J
(2004) Characterization of the Organic Matter in an Archean Chert (Warrawoona, Australia)
Skrzypczak A, Derenne S, Robert F, Binet L, Gourier D, Rouzaud J & Clinard C
(2004) Characterization of the Aromatic Units of the Insoluble Organic Matter from Carbonaceous Chondrites
Derenne S, Robert F, Rouzaud J & Clinard C

Rouziere S. (2023) Evidence of the Impact of Substitutions in Ferrihydrite on Rare Earth Element Adsorption
Buist A, Rivard C, Davranche M, Bouhnik-Le-Coz M, Brisset F, Paineau EN, Rouziere S & Vantelon D
(2022) Evidence of the Impact of Substitutions in Goethite on Rare Earth Element Adsorption
Buist A, Rivard C, Davranche M, Chaouchi K, Bouhnik-Le-Coz M, Brisset F, Paineau EN, Rouziere S & Vantelon D

Rovan L. (2021) Uranium and Strontium Isotopes in Recent and Interglacial Tufa in Krka National Park (Croatia)
Lojen S, Zuliani T, Rovan L, Horvat B, Kanduč T, Vreča P, Jamil Q & Štrok M
(2021) Hydrogeochemical Impact on the Karst Watershed of the Krka River in Slovenia Interpreted by U and Th Isotopic Composition
Rovan L, Lojen S, Zuliani T, Horvat B & Štrok M
(2019) Non-Traditional Isotopes as Tracers of Water-Rock Interactions in a Complex Karst Aquifer: Case Study of Ljubljanica, Slovenia
Lojen S, Rovan L, Zuliani T, Kanduč T, Štrok M, Petrič M & Rusjan S

Rovane P. (2020) Carbonatite/Lamproite Liquid Imissibility in the Earth’s Mantle Through the Nefeline-Diopside-Kalsilite ±CO2, CH4, H2O Diagram
Vieira Conceicao R, Marcon VH, Wilbert de Souza MR, Colombo Carniel L, Schmitz Quinteiro RV, Rovane P, Pimentel Mizusaki AM & Schulz von Spitzenberger M

Rover J. (2015) Scaling of Sulfur Geochemical Processes in Prairie Pothole Wetlands
Goldhaber M, Stricker C, Mills C, Guntenspergen G, Rover J & Mushet D

Rovere A. (2013) Field Evidence, Modeling Results, and New Investigative Strategies Shed Light on the Timing and Amplitude of Sea Level Change during Past Interglacials
Raymo M, Rovere A, Mitrovica J, O'Leary M, Hearty P & Inglis J

Roveri M. (2016) Effects of Increasing Salinity on the Biogeochemical Cycle of the Hypersaline Biomat: Insights from the Isotopic Composition of Pigments
Isaji Y, Kawahata H, Kuroda J, Yoshimura T, Ogawa NO, Suzuki A, Shibuya T, Jimenez-Espejo FJ, Lugli S, Manzi V, Roveri M & Ohkouchi N
(2016) Miocene to Pleistocene Osmium Isotopic Records of the Mediterranean and Atlantic Sediments
Kuroda J, Nozaki T, Gennari R, Lugli S, Manzi V, Roveri M, Flecker R, Sierro F, Yoshimura T, Suzuki K & Ohkouchi N

Rovey C. (2008) Multiple-Cosmogenic-Nuclide Isochron Methods
Balco G, Rovey C & Granger D

Rovezzi M. (2022) Mercury Methylation and Transformations by the Sulfate Reducing Bacterium Pseudodesulfovibrio Hydrargyri Combining Synchrotron cryo-Nano-Xrf, XRF Tomography and HERFD-XANES
Le Bars M, Barrouilhet S, Monperrus M, Goñi Urriza M, Rovezzi M, Salome M & Isaure M-P
(2019) The Speciation of Rare Earth Elements in Wastes from Acid Mine Drainage: A Structural Approach to Design their Recovery
Lozano A, Fernández-Martínez A, Ayora C, Di-Tommaso D, Poulain A & Rovezzi M
(2017) X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study of Aqueous Electrolyte Solution Critical Properties
Hazemann J-L, Bazarkina E, Testemale D, Proux O, Kieffer I, Rovezzi M, Aguilar-tapia A, Del Net W, Lahera E & Irar M
(2017) HERFD-Xas: A New Powerful Structural Tool in Environmental & Geochemistry Sciences
Lahera E, Bazarkina E, Del Net W, Kieffer I, Rovezzi M, Proux O, Testemale D, Irar M, Thomas S, Aguilar-Tapia A, Prat A, Tella M, Auffan M, Rose J & Hazemann J-L

Rovira J. (2019) Isotopically Evaluating the Impact of Industrial Activities on the Atmospheric Pb Budget of Tarragona (Spain)
Trottier K, Plasencia Sánchez E, Rosell M, Soler A, Sánchez-Soberón F, Rovira J, Schuhmacher M, Poirier A & Widory D
(2019) Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotope Composition for Particulate Matter Source Apportionment in Tarragona – Spain
Plasencia Sánchez E, Sánchez-Soberón F, Rovira J, Sierra J, Torrento C, Schuhmacher M, Rosell M & Soler A

Rovira M. (2009) Comparison of Iodine and Selenate Retention Mechanisms onto Cementitious Materials
Rojo I, Colàs E, Grivé M, Rovira M & Duro L
(2008) Antimony(V) Sorption and Mobility in Calcareous Soils
Martínez-Lladó X, Rovira M, Martí V, Giménez J & de Pablo J
(2007) Uptake of U(VI) by Hydrated and Degraded Cement
Colas E, Grivé M, Gaona X, Duro L, Rojo I, Rovira M, Martí V & de Pablo J
(2004) Sorption and Reduction of Uranium at the Surface of Anoxically Produced Steel Corrosion Products
Duro L, Rovira M, de Pablo J, El Aamrani S, Grivé M & Bruno J
(2000) Interaction of Sr(II) and Mo(VI) with Synthetic Magnetite
Garrido V, Martinez M, Rovira M, de Pablo J & Casas I

Rovira P. (2011) Energy Content of Soil Organic Matter as Studied by Bomb Calorimetry
Rovira P & Henriques R

Rowan E. (2014) Organic Composition and Microbiology of Produced Waters from Pennsylvania Shale Gas Wells
Cozzarelli I, Akob D, Dunlap D, Rowan E & Lorah M
(2010) Inorganic Geochemical Composition of Appalachian Basin Formation Waters – Preliminary Examination
Rowan E & Engle M

Rowan S. (2023) Insights into the Variability of Speleothem Organic Carbon Isotopic Composition
Lechleitner F, Lang SQ & Rowan S

Rowden A. (2022) Biogeochemical Feedbacks of Marine Methane Seeps in Aotearoa / New Zealand
Seabrook S, Watson S, Ladroit Y, Law C, Turco F, Rowden A, Campbell KA, Hillman J & Torres ME
(2021) Sedimentation Processes of Hadal Environments: A Comparison between Kermadec and Atacama Trenches
Oguri K, Turnewitsch R, Rowden A, Zabel M, Masque P, Stewart HA, Wenzhöfer F & Glud RN
(2021) High Meiofauna Standing Stock in Hadal Trenches and Linkage to Food Availability
Shimabukuro M, Glud RN, Leduc D, Wenzhöfer F, Rowden A & Zeppilli D
(2020) Early Diagenesis of Organic Material in Hadal Trenches
Glud RN, Thamdrup B, Zabel M, Larsen M, Glud A, Sanei H, Yunping X, Lou M, Li X, Oguri K, Jamieson A, Stewart HA, Rowden A, Fang J & Wenzhoefer F
(2017) Hybrid ROV Surveys Reveal Hadal Megafaunal Community Structure Varies with Depth in the Kermadec Trench
Shank T, Drazen J, Yancey P, Jamieson A, Rowden A, Clark M, Mayor D, Bourgue J, Demopoulos A, Bartlett D, Piertney S & Ruhl H

Rowe Annette (2020) Elucidating a Novel Mechanism of Extracellular Electron Uptake in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
Sackett J, Trutschel L & Rowe A
(2020) Characterizing the Mechanism of Extracellular Electron Transfer from Marine Sulfur Oxidizing Microbes Using High Throughput Genetic Techniques
Rowe A, Kamble N, Nealson K & El-Naggar M
(2015) Investigation of Novel Putative Iron and Sulfur Oxidizing Genes Involved in Extracellular Electron Transfer from the Genomes of Cathode-Oxidizing Microbe
Rowe A, Lam B, Barr C, Bird L & Nealson K

Rowe Annette R (2022) Characterizing Novel Mechanisms of Extracellular Electron Transfer in Marine Sediment Microbes
Rowe AR & Sackett J
(2022) Sediment Disturbance Negatively Impacts Methanogen Abundance but has Variable Impacts on Total Methane Emissions
Booth M & Rowe AR

Rowe Christie (2016) Strain Localization in a Hot, Lower Crustal Shear Zone: The Lower Fish River Onseepkans Thrust, Namibia
Phillips NJ & Rowe CD
(2015) Physical Sedimentology Constrains the Primary Precipitates in Banded Iron Formations
Rowe C & Wing B
(2012) The Marmion Shear Zone: A Kinematic Study of Archean Terrane Boundaries
Backeberg N & Rowe C
(2012) Geographic and Lithologic Test of the Mesoarchaean S-Mif Minimum
Rodzinyak K, Braschi L, Rowe C, Bekker A, Thurston P & Wing B

Rowe Christie D. (2023) Deciphering the Combined Structural and Mineralogical Record of Serpentinite Fault Rocks
Tarling MS, Rowe CD, Eves E & Smith SAF

Rowe E. (2013) Modeling Soil Structure and Nutrient Dynamics Using the 1D-Integrated Critical Zone Model
Nikolaidis N, Valstar J, Rowe E, Moirogiorgou K & Stamati F

Rowe H. (2010) Deoxygenation of Permo-Triassic Oceans: The Role of Elevated Continental Weathering Fluxes
Algeo T & Rowe H
(2008) Absolute Dated Terrestrial Climate Record of Temperature and Precipitation in the Eastern US
Hardt B, Rowe HD, Springer GS, Cheng H & Edwards RL
(2006) Marine Isotope Stage 8 millennial-scale variability as observed in the Asian monsoon
Dykoski C, Edwards RL, Cheng H, Yuan D, Wang Y & Rowe H
(2006) Timing and Nature of Late Quaternary Climate Change from Cave Deposits
Edwards RL, Yuan DX, An ZS, Wang YJ, Auler AS, Cheng H, Rowe H, Wang X, Kelly MJ & Dykoski C

Rowe Mark (2015) Timing and Amplitude of the MIS5a and MIS5c Highstands in the Western North Atlantic-Caribbean
Wainer K, Rowe M, Mason A, Thomas A, Williams B, Dustherus A, Tamisiea M & Henderson G
(2013) Speleothem Reconstruction of Sea Level at Bermuda over the Last Climatic Cycles
Wainer KAI, Henderson GM, Mason AJ, Thomas AL, Rowe M, Williams B, van Hengstum PJ & Chandler R

Rowe Mathew (2018) Real Time Measurement of Gas Composition from Live Well Fluids at Drilling Site
Adhikari P, Petras R, Gupta I, Rowe M & Mbaegbu M

Rowe Matthew (2019) Geochronology and Geochemistry of Late Archaean Granites from the Narryer Terrane, Yilgarn Craton
Rowe M & Kemp T

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