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Rousteau A. (2017) Sr and Nd Constraints on Geochemical Processes in Highly Weathered Volcanic Catchment, Guadeloupe (FWI)
Dessert C, Clergue C, Rousteau A & Benedetti M
(2013) Li and Sr Constraints on Biogeochemical Processes in a Tropical Andesitic Watershed
Clergue C, Dessert C, Buss H, Dellinger M, Crispi O, Rousteau A, Gaillardet J & Benedetti M

Rout D. (2020) The Bundelkhand ‘giant Quartz Reef’ System: A Possible Ancient Granitoid-Hosted Geothermal System
Rout D, Panigrahi MK & Pati JK

Rout R.K. (2023) Intense Sulfide Oxidation in the Western Himalaya Compared to Indus Floodplain: Constraints from Sulfur Isotopic Study
Rout RK, Tripathy GR, Das S & Rai SK

Rout Smruti Sourav (2022) Correlation of Ba-Zonation and Corresponding Diffusion Timescales Indicate a Heat Pulse-Dominated Storage Regime: A Study of Sanidines from the 33 ka Eruption of Taapaca Volcano (Central Andes)
Rout SS, Wörner G & Wegner W
(2019) Contrasting Pre-Eruptive Histories of Laacher See (Germany) and Taapaca (Chile) Volcanoes Constrained by Diffusion Chronometry
Rout SS & Wörner G

Rout Surya (2018) Atom-Probe Tomography of Space-Weathered Lunar Ilmenite Grain Surfaces
Greer J, Rout S, Istheim D, Seidman D, Wieler R & Heck P

Rout Surya Snata (2014) Atom-Probe Tomography of Cosmochemical Samples
Heck P, Isheim D, Auciello O, Davis A, Elam J, Hiller J, Larson D, Mane A, Pellin M, Rout S, Savina M, Seidman D & Stephan T
(2009) Magnesium Isotope Compositions of CAIs from Rumuruti Chondrites
Rout SS, Bischoff A, Nagashima K, Krot AN, Huss GR & Keil K
(2007) CAIs in Rumuruti Chondrites
Rout SS & Bischoff A

Routh J. (2011) Variation in Contribution of Bay of Bengal Moisture Source Derived from Stable Isotopic Composition of Cave Carbonates in Meghalaya, India
Rangarajan R, Routh J, Ghosh P, Mangini A, Fohlmeister J, Baskar S, Baskar R & Holzkamper S
(2011) Biological Precipitation of Calcite in Stalagmites
Kumar A, Routh J, Mangini A, Baskar S & Patnaik JK
(2011) Arsenite Oxidation by Indigenous Bacteria in the Bengal Delta Plain Aquifers (West Bengal, India)
Ghosh D, Routh J & Bhadury P
(2009) 1000-Year Sedimentary Record of Cyanobacterial Fluctuation in Verlorenvlei, South Africa
Das SK, Routh J & Roychoudhury AN
(2007) Phosphorus Sedimentation and Release Processes in a Shallow Hyper-Eutrophic Lake, Zeekoevlei in South Africa
Das S, Routh J & Roychoudhury A
(2005) Trace Metals in the Water Column and Sediments from Zeekoevlei South Africa
Das S, Routh J & Roychoudhury A
(2004) Arsenic Reduction by Bacteria in Shallow Aquifers from Ambikanagar in West Bengal (India)
Routh J, Saraswathy A, Bhattacharya A, Nag S, Sinha Ray S & Jacks G

Routhier E. (2023) Dietary and gut Microbiome Effects on MeHg Uptake and Elimination Rates: A Case Study of Two Malagasy Populations
Routhier E, Golden C, Balcom P & Sunderland E

Routhier S. (2023) Ongoing Activities for the Planned Canadian OSIRIS-Rex Sample Curation Facility
Hill P, Morisset C-E, Haltigin T, Routhier S & Grenier R

Routier T. (2011) Mobility of Rare Earth Elements during Igneous Rocks Weathering and Associated Stream Water Transport (Malaval Catchment, Massif Central, France)
Chaux L, Routier T, Pourret O, Steinmann M & Bontemps S

Routray P.R. (2006) Possible role of grain coatings in the trace element geochemistry of Kaveri river sediments, Southern India
Routray PR, Tripathy JK, Mehta P & Rajamani V

Routson C. (2014) An X-Ray Analysis of Solid-Phase Bromine in Gulf of Alaska Marine Sediments: Proxy Development and Paleoceanographic Applications
Addison J, Sliwinski M, Hayes S, Routson C & Foster A

Rouviere A. (2009) Photosensitized Aging of Succinic Acid Aerosol
Rouviere A, Decarlo P, Schlierf A, Favez O, D'Anna B, George C, Prevot A & Ammann M

Rouwane A. (2013) Dynamics of Chemical Characteristics of Solubilized Organic Matter in Wetland Soils Under Aerobic or Anaerobic Conditions
Rouwane A, Bouven I, Rabiet M, Guibaud G & Grybos M

Rouwet D. (2022) Rare Earth Elements Behavior at Poás Hyperacid Crater Lake (Costa Rica) during a Cycle of Frequent Phreatic Eruptions (2008-2016)
Pappaterra S, Inguaggiato C, Rouwet D, Mora-Amador R, Ramírez-Umaña C, González G, Brusca L, Peiffer L, Levresse G & Bellomo S
(2022) REE Mobility in the Hyperacid Brine of Kawah Ijen Crater Lake (Java, Indonesia) during the Precipitation of Sulfate Minerals
Inguaggiato C, Pappaterra S, Peiffer L, Apollaro C, Brusca L, De Rosa R, Rouwet D, Caudron C & Suparjan S
(2021) Chemical Composition of the Evaporative Degassing Plume at Te Wai a Moe Crater Lake (Ruapehu, New Zealand)
Rouwet D, Christenson B, Tamburello G, Kusakabe M & Fournier N
(2019) REE Fractionation in Hyperacid Sulphate Waters during the Gypsum Precipitation in Volcanic Hydrothermal Systems
Inguaggiato C, Iñiguez E, Peiffer L, Kretzschmar T, Brusca L, Mora-Amador R, Ramirez C, Bellomo S, Gonzalez G & Rouwet D

Roux Cécile (2009) Recent Progresses in the Mineral Encapsulation of Cells
Amoura M, Roux C, Nassif N, Livage J & Coradin T

Roux Celine (2012) High 36Cl/Cl Ratios and non Reactive Transport in Chernobyl Groundwaters
Roux C, Le Gal La Salle C, Simonucci C, Bassot S, Bourles D, Fifield K, Van Meir N, De Windt L, Bugai D & Lancelot J
(2012) An Account of the Chernobyl Pilot Site Studies: 25 Years Later
Simonucci C, Martin-Garin A, van Meir N, Dick P, Diez O, Roux C, Bugai D & Kashparov V
(2011) Identification of Geochemical Processes in Groundwater at the Chernobyl Pilot Site and Preliminary Contamination Characterization with 36Cl/Cl Ratios
Roux C, Le Gal La Salle C, Simonucci C, Bassot S, Michelot J-L, Fifield K, Van Meir N, Bugaï D & Lancelot J

Roux G (2009) Modeling Organic Aerosols during MILAGRO: Importance of Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols
Hodzic A, Jiminez JL, Madronich S, Aiken AC, Bessagnet B, Curci G, Fast J, Onasch TB, Roux G & Ulbrich IM

Roux Gael (2016) Recent Atmospheric Metal Deposition in Peatlands of Northeast China
Bao K, Shen J, Liu E, Roux G & Wang G

Roux H. (2023) Transport of Arsenic and Trace Metals in the Orbiel River Downstream the Salsigne Mining District (Aude, France): Sources, Dynamics and Fluxes during Floods
Carrière L, Resongles E, Heydon M, Viers J, Schreck E, Freydier R, Marchand P, Guilliod M, Domeau A, Marie M, Delpoux S, Causserand-Fabbro C, Pages A, Horgue P, Roux H, Behra P & Casiot C

Roux Jacques (2023) Oxygen Breath of Subduction Zones Revealed by Arsenic in Serpentinite
Pokrovski G, Sanchez-Valle C, Guillot S, Borisova AY, Munoz M, Auzende AL, Proux O, Roux J, Hazemann J-L, Testemale D & Shvarov YV
(2008) Gold and Silver in Hydrothermal Fluids and Vapors: Insights from in situ XAFS Spectroscopy
Pokrovski G, Tagirov B, Schott J, Hazemann J-L, Proux O & Roux J
(2008) Ionization and Speciation of Water in Silicate Melts
Moretti R & Roux J
(2008) Kinetics and Mechanisms of Iron Redox Reactions in Silicate Glasses and Melts: A XANES Study
Cochain B, Neuville D, De Ligny D, Cormier L, Roux J, Pinet O & Richet P
(2008) The Significant Effect of Alkali-Site Occupancy on Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamic Behavior of Nepheline – Kalsilite Crystalline Solutions
Hovis G, Roux J & Mott A
(2005) Transport of Metalloids by Low-Density Hydrothermal Fluids: Insights from X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Pokrovski G, Hazemann J, Testemale D, Roux J & Tella M
(2004) Vapor-Liquid Partitioning of Metals at Hydrothermal Conditions
Pokrovski G, Roux J & Harichourry J
(2000) Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Fixed Ammonium in Rocks: Evidence for a Possible Ammonia Stability in Fluids?
Ader M, Boudou J, Roux J, Daniels E & Javoy M
(2000) Arsenic Speciation and Transport in Hydrothermal Vapour and Low-Density Crustal Fluids
Pokrovski G, Zakirov I & Roux J

Roux Julia (2023) Biodegradation Kinetics of Organic Micropollutants in Planted or Unplanted Columns Simulating an Innovative Reed Bed Filter Treating Runoff Water
Roux J, Chibane N, Seidl M, Neveu P, Achouak W, Barakat M, Boudahmane L, Caupos E, Alphonse V, Livet A & Bousserrhine N

Roux M. (2015) 87Sr/86Sr Signature of Atmospheric PM for Sources Emissions Monitoring
Janin M, Techer I, Boutonnet F, Fromage-Mariette A, Guinat Y, Roux M & Verdoux P

Roux P. (2017) Boron Biogeochemical Cycle in Forest Ecosystem: A Question of Long Term Soil-Water-Plant Dynamic
Lemarchand D, Roux P & Turpault M-P
(2016) B Isotopes in Plant Tissues Reveal the Dynamics of Soil/Plant Exchanges
Lemarchand D, Roux P & Turpault M-P
(2016) The Biogeochemical Cycle of B and δ11B in a Forest Ecosystem
Roux P, Lemarchand D, Kirchen G, Redon P-O & Turpault MP
(2015) Regional Control over B Concentration and δ11B Atmospheric Input
Roux P, Turpault M-P, Redon P-O & Lemarchand D

Rouxel O. (2023) Geological, Mineralogical, and Geochemical Characterization of an Inactive Ultramafic-Hosted Seafloor Massive Sulfide (SMS) Deposit: Example of the RTI Romanche (MAR)
Flahaut J, Pelleter E, Maia M, Rouxel O, Langlade J, Cheron S, Boissier A & Brunelli D
(2023) Geochemical and Iron Isotopic Study of Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Fluids and Deposits at Mayotte Submarine Volcanic System
Rouxel O, Giunta T, Cathalot C, Mastin M, Manoux M, Jaudon P, Guyader V, Donval J-P, Germain Y, Mazeas F & Rinnert E
(2023) Marine Iron and Calcium Isotope Stratification at the Dawn of the Great Oxidation Event
Tsikos H, Mhlanga X, Rouxel O & Higgins JA
(2023) Submarine Venting of Liquid Carbon Dioxide in the Horseshoe Structure Offshore Mayotte Island
Mastin M, Donval J-P, Guyader V, Germain Y, Giunta T, Scalabrin C, Gaucher EC, Dehez S, Jouenne S, Rouxel O, Rinnert E & Cathalot C
(2023) Elemental Fingerprints of Mollusk Larval Shells can Help Estimate Population Connectivity in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Systems
Mouchi V, Pecheyran C, Claverie F, Cathalot C, Matabos M, Rouxel O, Jollivet D, Broquet T & Comtet T
(2023) Impact of Volcanism on Sedimentary Diagenesis
Manoux M, Dumoulin J-P, Bombled B, Monvoisin G, Gauthier C, Cheron S, Boissier A, Germain Y, Rabouille C, Pastor L, Rouxel O & Cathalot C
(2021) Updating the Biogeochemical Cycle of Silicon in the Modern Ocean
Tréguer PJ, Sutton JN, Mark B, Charette M, Devries T, Dutkiewicz S, Ehlert C, Hawkings J, Leynaert A, Liu SM, Llopis Monferrer N, Lopez-Acosta M, Maldonado M, Rahman S, Ran L & Rouxel O
(2021) Copper Isotope Systematics in Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems: A Case Study of TAG and Snake Pit Fields, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Djedjroh Y, Rouxel O, Cathalot C, Pastor L, Leroy L, Boissier A, Germain Y, Cheron S, Pelleter E, Besson F & Cambon MA
(2021) Testing Links between the pre-GOE Iron Cycle and Oxygenation Using Triple Iron Isotopes
Heard AW, Dauphas N, Guilbaud R, Rouxel O, Butler I, Nie N & Bekker A
(2021) Stable Cr Isotope Compositions of Modern Silicate Mantle Reservoirs
Wagner LJ, Kleinhanns IC, König S, Bach W, Rouxel O, Wörner G & Schoenberg R
(2020) Sources and Cycling of Germanium Isotopes in Aquatic Systems
Rouxel O & Baronas J
(2020) Zn and S Isotope Exchange between Sphalerite and Hydrothermal Fluid
Syverson D, Ono S, Rouxel O, Scheuermann P, Xing Y & Seyfried W
(2019) What Happens to Hydrothermal Sediment? A Diagenetic Study along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Pastor L, Rouxel O, Besson F, Germain Y, Boissier A, Cheron S, Hubert M, Djedjroh Y, Cathalot C, Pelleter E, Roussel E, Cambon Bonavita M-A & Menot L
(2019) Geochemical Mass Balance during Hydrothermal Alteration of Subseafloor Volcanic Rocks at Brothers Volcano, Kermadec Arc
Rouxel O, Schlicht L, Kutovaya A, McDermott J, Samin A, Djedjroh Y, Germain Y & Leroy L
(2019) Copper Isotope Systematics of Hydrothermal Sediments from TAG and Snake Pit Fields, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Djedjroh Y, Rouxel O, Cathalot C, Pastor L, Besson F, Germain Y, Boissier A, Leroy L, Cheron S, Pelleter E & Cambon MA
(2019) Geochemistry of Deep Subseafloor Hydrothermal Fluids at Brothers Volcano
McDermott JM, Rouxel O, Schlicht LEM, Bach W, Stucker VK, de Ronde CEJ, Massiot C & Scientists E3
(2019) Boron Isotopes in Hydrothermally Altered Crust of the Brothers Volcano (Kermadec Arc, New Zealand)
Schlicht L, Rouxel O, Meixner A, Kasemann S & Bach W
(2018) Iron Isotope Fractionation in Iron-Organic Matter Associations: Experimental Evidence Using Filtration and Ultrafiltration
Lotfi Kalahroodi E, Pierson-Wichmann A-C, Guénet H, Rouxel O, Ponzevera E, Bouhnik-Lecoz M, Vantelon D & Davranche M
(2018) Triple Iron Isotope Variations in Archean Ocean Sediments
Heard A, Dauphas N, Rouxel O & Nie N
(2016) Germanium Stable Isotopes (δ74Ge) in Weathering: Is There Potential for Paleo-Weathering Reconstruction?
Baronas JJ, Hammond DE, Rouxel O, West AJ, Torres M, Opfergelt S, Burton K, James R, Pogge von Strandmann P, Monteverde D, Gaillardet J, Bouchez J & Galy V
(2016) Trace Element Partitioning between ‘black Smoker’ Fluids and Minerals
Evans G, Tivey M, Seewald J, Rouxel O & Monteleone B
(2015) Dissolved Mo in the Archean Oceans – A Case Study from the 2.63 Ga Jeerinah Formation, Australia
Asael D, Rouxel O, Bekker A & Scott C
(2015) Origin and Significance of Paleoproterozoic Redbeds in the FA Formation, Franceville Basin, Gabon: Geochemical and Isotopic Constraints
Bankole O, El Albani A, Rouxel O, Ngombi-Pemba L, Bekker A & Gauthier-Lafaye F
(2015) A Geochemical Budget of 8 Myrs of Oxidative Ocean Basement Alteration
Bach W, Rouxel O, Nakamura K, Türke A & Klügel A
(2015) Seafloor Hydrothermal Deposits: Modern Analogues for Precambrian Iron Formations
Rouxel O, Bekker A, Slack J & Glazer B
(2015) Multiple Sources of Metals in Seafloor Hydrothermal FeMn Deposits: A Case Study at Utu'Uli, Pacific Ocean
Pelleter E, Rouxel O, Fouquet Y, Josso P, Germain Y, Cheron S & Etoubleau J
(2014) Nickel Isotopes Fate in an Ultramafic Complex
Ratié G, Jouvin D, Garnier J, Rouxel O, Miska S, Guimaraes E, Sivry Y, Emmanuelle M-P, Zelano I & Quantin C
(2013) Ferromanganese Crusts as Proxies for Deep Water Ni, Cu, Zn and Fe Isotope Variations
Gueguen B, Rouxel O & Fouquet Y
(2013) Non-Traditional Stable Isotope Systematics of Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems
Rouxel O
(2013) Establishment of Euxinic Oceanic Conditions Following the Lomagundi Event
Ngombi-Pemba L, Canfield DE, Hammarlund EU, Bengtson S, Pierson-Wickmann A-C, Gauthier-Lafaye F, Rouxel O & El Albani A
(2012) Measuring the Speciation of Iron in Hydrothermal Plume Particles
Toner B, Breier J, Edwards K, Fakra S, German C, Marcus M & Rouxel O
(2012) Coupled Ge/Si and Ge Isotope Ratios as New Geochemical Tracers of Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems: A Case Study at Loihi Seamount
Escoube R, Rouxel OJ & Donard OFX
(2012) In situ Fe and Multiple S Isotope Analyses of an Archean Pyrite Nodule
Marin-Carbonne J, Rollion-Bard C, Hofmann A, Thomassot E, McKeegan K, Bekker A & Rouxel O
(2012) Coupled Fe and S-Isotope Composition of Sedimentary Pyrite: Implications for Precambrian Ocean Chemistry and Isotope Biosignatures
Rouxel O & Bekker A
(2012) Large Mo Isotope Variations Before the Great Oxidation Event
Asael D, Rouxel O, Bekker A & Scott C
(2012) Deep Sea Metalliferous Deposits as Modern Analogues for Ancient Marine Environments
Rouxel O, Resnais Y, Callac N & Anschutz P
(2012) Germanium and Silicon Isotopic Evolution of Seawater Inferred from Precambrian Iron Formations
Lalonde S, Konhauser K & Rouxel O
(2011) Chromium Enrichment in Iron Formations Record Earth’s First Acid Rock Drainage during the Great Oxidation Event
Konhauser K, Lalonde S, Planavsky N, Pecoits E, Lyons T, Mojzsis S, Rouxel O, Barley M, Rosiere C, Fralick P, Kump L & Bekker A
(2011) Molybdenum and Vanadium Abundances in Banded Iron Formation and the Onset of Oxidative Continental Weathering
Lalonde S, Planavsky N, Rouxel O, Pecoits E & Konhauser K
(2011) Ni Speciation and Isotope Fractionation in Marine Ferromangenese Deposits
Sorensen J, Toner B, Gueguen B & Rouxel O
(2011) Sulfur and Strontium Isotope Study of Hydrothermal Mineralization from the SE Afar Rift
Moussa N, Rouxel O, Nonnotte P, Fouquet Y, Ponzevera E & Etoubleau J
(2011) Molybdenum Isotopes as Oceanic Paleoredox Proxy of the Paleoproterozoic Shunga Event
Asael D, Rouxel O, Reinhard C, Lyons T & Kump L
(2010) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Evidence for Deep Biosphere in Altered Oceanic Basalt and Peridotite Basement Rocks
Ono S, Keller N, Rouxel O & Alt J
(2009) Sulfur Isotope Evidence for Microbial Sulfate Reduction in Altered Oceanic Basalts
Rouxel O, Alt J, Ono S, Honnorez J & Shimizu N
(2009) Development of a Hyphenated Technique (HG-ICP-MS/HG-MC-ICP-MS) for Isotopic Study of Germanium Species
Escoube R, Epov V, Berail S, Tessier E, Amouroux D, Perrot V, Rouxel O & Donard O
(2009) Iron Cycling at an Ultradiffuse Seafloor Hydrothermal System at the Base of Loihi Seamount: A Seafloor Expression of the Subsurface
Glazer B & Rouxel O
(2009) Iron Oxides, Dissolved Silica, and Regulation of Marine P Concentration
Planavsky N, Rouxel O, Bekker A, Reinhard C & Lyons T
(2008) Sea-Floor Weathering of Hydrothermal Chimney Sulfides at the East Pacific Rise 9N: Chemical Speciation and Isotopic Signature of Iron Using X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Laser-Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Toner B, Rouxel O, Santelli C & Edwards K
(2008) Measurement of Germanium Isotope Composition in Marine Samples by Hydride Generation Coupled to MC-ICP-MS
Rouxel O, Escoube R & Donard O
(2008) Sulfidic Organic-Rich Shales in the Archean Low-Sulfate Ocean: Evidence for Transient Oxygenated Conditions, Enhanced Volcanism, or Low Sedimentation Rates?
Bekker A, Hofmann A, Rumble D & Rouxel O
(2008) Rare Earth Element Evidence for Redox Structure Evolution
Planavsky N, Rouxel O, Bekker A & Lyons T
(2008) Sources and Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron Isotopes in Marine Environments
Rouxel O
(2006) Seafloor weathering of hydrothermal chimney sulfide minerals from East Pacific Rise 9o N: an X-ray absorption spectroscopic study
Santelli C, Toner B, Rouxel O & Edwards K
(2005) Iron Isotope Constraints on the Archean and Paleoproterozoic Ocean Redox State
Rouxel O, Bekker A & Edwards K
(2004) Cd Isotopic Composition of Geological / Environmental Reference Materials and Anthropogenic Samples
Cloquet C, Carignan J, Rouxel O & Libourel G
(2004) Ge/Si and Ge Isotope Systematic in Marine Sediments
Rouxel O, Galy A & Elderfield H
(2002) Abiotic or Biotic Iron Isotope Fractionation during Oceanic Crust Alteration ?
Rouxel O & Ludden J
(2000) Natural Variations of Selenium Isotopes Determined by Multicollector Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry: Application to Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems
Rouxel O, Ludden J, Fouquet Y & Carignan J

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