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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Rossi Philippe (2015) High Precision SIMS U-Pb Zircon Geochronology for Ophiolites in the Western Alps and Corsica
Li X-H, Faure M, Lin W & Rossi P
(2002) Accretion and Splitting within the Permian Pangea Recorded by Episodic Metamorphic Zircon Growth
Cocherie A, Rossi P, Fanning CM & Deloule E

Rossi Pierre (2019) Enlightening Advances in Critical Raw Material Recovery from Industrial Wastes Using High Voltage Electric Pulse Crushers
Parvaz D, Bru K, Rossi P, Andrey P, Weh A & von der Weid F
(2014) Microbial Communities from Acidic in situ Uranium Mining Resemble Those from Acid Mine Drainage
Reinsch B, Descostes M, de Boissezon H, Bernier-Latmani R, de Alencastro F & Rossi P
(2013) Toward an in situ Bioremediation Strategy for Acidic in situ Leach Uranium Mining
Reinsch B, Descostes M, Bernier-Latmani R & Rossi P
(2009) Influence of Environmental Factors on the Structures of Bacterial Communities in a Chloroethene – Contaminated Aquifer
Shani N, Rossi P & Holliger C

Rossi R. (2016) Phosphorous Deposition to Roadside Soils: Contributions to a Unique Biogeochemical Environment
Rossi R, Bain D & Jenerette D

Rossi S. (2019) Viscosity of Pyroxenite Melt and its Evolutionduring Cooling
Vetere F, Murri M, Alvaro M, Domeneghetti C, Rossi S, Pisello A, Perugini D & Holtz F
(2017) Chemical Exchanges during Chaotic Magma Mixing Experiments of Rhyolitic and Latitic Melts from Vulcan Island (Aeolian Islands, Italy)
Rossi S, Morgavi D, Petrelli M, Vetere F & Perugini D
(2016) NVP Melt/Magma Viscosity: Insight on Mercury Lava Flows
Vetere F, Rossi S, Morgavi D, Namur O, Perugini D, Mancinelli P, Pauselli C & Lustrino M

Rossi V. (2023) Land Use Change Impacts on Soils and Vegetation: Examples from Italian Alps
Baneschi I, Adamo MP, Gavrichkova O, Maerker M, Mattioni M, Richiardi C, Salvadori M, Scartazza A, Sella L, Rossi V, Vicario S & Pennisi M
(2017) Trace Element Chemistry of Melanosomes Revealed by synchrotron-X-Ray Fluorescence: A Tool for Interpreting Fossil Vertebrate Soft Tissue
Rossi V & McNamara M

Rossi Alvarez C. (2013) Radiogenic Heat Production of the Sardinian Variscan Crust
Puccini A, Xhixha G, Cuccuru S, Oggiano G, Kaceli Xhixha M, Mantovani F, Rossi Alvarez C & Casini L
(2013) Automated Gamma-Ray Spectrometer for Monitoring Wastes Made by Non-Nuclear Industries
Xhixha G, Bezzon G, Broggini C, Buso G, Caciolli A, Callegari I, Colonna T, Fiorentini G, Guastaldi E, Kaçeli Xhixha M, Mantovani F, Massa G, Menegazzo R, Mou L, Rossi Alvarez C & Strati V
(2013) Mapping the Natural Radioactivity of Elba Island by Means of Geostatistical Interpolation of Airborne Gamma-Ray Data
Guastaldi E, Baldoncini M, Bezzon G, Broggini C, Buso GP, Caciolli A, Callegari I, Colonna T, Fiorentini G, Kaçeli Xhixha M, Mantovani F, Massa G, Menegazzo R, Mou L, Rossi Alvarez C, Strati V & Xhixha G

Rossier L. (2002) The Role of Dissolved Water in the Compositional Evolution of Anorogenic Magmas
Nekvasil H, Lindsley D, Dondolini A, Horn J, Litvin V & Rossier L

Rossier M. (2013) Compacted Nanoparticles for Quantification in LA-ICPMS
Tabersky D, Lüchinger N, Halim S, Rossier M & Günther D

Rossier Y. (2023) Comparison of Biostimulation and Bioaugmentation Treatments for Recovering of Critical Metals from Tungsten Mine Residues
Laroche E, Spadini L, Oxarango L, Crouzet A, Duwig C, Rossier Y, Cand L, Maret T & Martins JMF

Rossignol C. (2022) Extreme Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Signatures Overlapping the Fortescue Excursion Preserved in the 2.7 Ga Carajás Basin, Brazil
Pellerin A, Thomazo C, Philippot P, Ader M, Rossignol C & Rego ES
(2021) Multiple Isotope (O, S, Sr) Constraints on the Early Paleoproterozoic Great Oxidation Event from the Minas Supergroup, Minas Basin, Brazil
Rossignol C, Lalonde SV, Bosch D, Thomazo C, Cartigny P, Narduzzi F & Philippot P
(2021) Untangling the Fe Isotope Signal in Neoarchean Carbonates and Iron Formations from Carajás (Brazil)
Siciliano Rego E, Busigny V, Lalonde SV, Vaz Teixeira LP, Rossignol C, Narduzzi F, Zapparoli A, Babinski M, Trindade R & Philippot P
(2020) Microbial Activity Recorded in Neoarchean Iron Formations from Carajás (Brazil)
Siciliano E, Busigny V, Lalonde SV, Rossignol C, Narduzzi F, Teixeira L, Zapparoli A, Babinski M & Philippot P
(2019) Neoarchean Iron Formation of Carajás (Brazil) Linked to Anoxygenic Photosynthesis
Siciliano E, Busigny V, Rossignol C, Zapparoli A, Babinski M & Philippot P
(2019) Do the Sedimentary Archives of the São Francisco and Amazonian Cratons Record Early Paleoproterozoic Glacial Events?
Rossignol C, Lana C, Siciliano E, Avila J, Alkmim F, Trindade R, Bacelar S & Philippot P
(2019) Oxygenation: Global Tipping Point, Local Records
Philippot P, Avila J, Bouyon A, Killingsworth B, Siciliano Rego E, Rossignol C, Ader M, Busigny V, Cartigny P, Lalonde S, Tessalina S, Marly B, Trevor I, Zapporeli A, Bacelar Hühn S & Trindade R
(2019) Coupled Multiple Sulfur and Organic Carbon Isotope Geochemistry of Brazilian Precambrian Rocks
Bouyon A, Cartigny P, Avila J, Rego E, Rossignol C, Hühn S, Zapparoli A, Trindade R & Philippot P

Rosskopf R. (2023) A Reconstruction of Ocean δ26Mg in the Triassic from Dolostones and a New Model of Earth Surface Recovery Following the End-Permian
Dale DP, Bernasconi SM, Rosskopf R & Shalev N
(2021) A Characterisation of Dolomitization in Triassic Dolomites of Ticino, Switzerland, Using δ26Mg and Clumped Isotopes
Dale DP, Bernasconi SM, Vance D, Rosskopf R & Shalev N

Rossman George R (2021) A New Paradigm for “Water” in Garnet: Micro- & Nano-Size Hydrogarnet Clusters
Geiger CA & Rossman GR

Rossman George R. (2015) U-Pb, Hf, O, Trace Element, and H2O, Constraints for the Kiruna Apatite Iron Oxide Deposits, Sweden
Hanchar J, Westhues A, Voisey C, Whitehouse M & Rossman G
(2014) Measurement of Hydrogen in Igneous Feldspars by FTIR and SIMS: Progress Towards a Quantitative Geohygrometer
Mosenfelder J, Rossman G & Johnson E
(2013) Si Isotope Systematics of Acidic Alteration of Fresh Kilauean Basalts
Chemtob S, Rossman G, Young E, Ziegler K, Eiler J & Hurowitz J
(2013) Nanomineralogy of Gemstones: From Genesis to Discovery
Ma C & Rossman G
(2011) Silica Coatings on Young Hawaiian Basalts: Constraints on Formation Mechanism from Silicon Isotopes
Chemtob S, Hurowitz J, Guan Y, Ziegler K, Eiler J & Rossman G
(2008) Discovery of Tazheranite (Cubic Zirconia) in the Allende Meteorite
Ma C & Rossman G
(2005) Painite (CaZrBAl9O18): A Second Source in Myanmar and Metasomatic Origins
Rossman G, Naung S, Harlow G & Hunt J
(2005) Asterism in the Idaho Star Garnet
Gunter M, Mabbutt W, Miura E & Rossman G
(2005) Hydrous Components in the Nominally Anhydrous Minerals
Rossman G
(2005) Hydrogen Isotope Geochemistry of Nominally Anhydrous Mantle Minerals
O'Leary J, Eiler J & Rossman G
(2002) The Thermal Stability of Hydrogen in Feldspars
Johnson EA & Rossman GR
(2002) Theoretical Estimates of Equilibrium Chromium-Isotope Fractionations
Schauble E, Rossman G & Taylor H
(2001) The Concentration and Speciation of Hydrogen in Feldspars from 1H MAS NMR and FTIR Spectroscopy
Johnson EA & Rossman GR
(2001) Colored Varieties of Quartz Arising from Inclusions
Ma C, Goreva JS & Rossman GR
(2001) Predicting Equilibrium Iron Isotope Fractionations
Schauble EA, Rossman GR & Taylor Jr HP

Rossmanith P. (2017) Kaolinite Fines Dissolution Using Benign Organic Acids
Rossmanith P, Black J & Haese R

Rossmann A. (2002) Multi-Element Isotope Studies on Hominid Tissues
Hoelzl S, Horn P & Rossmann A

Rosso Kevin (2022) Identifying Prenucleation Species in Concentrated, Alkaline Sodium Aluminate Solutions to Improve Aluminum Processing Efficiency
Nienhuis-Marcial E, Wang H-W, Graham T, Pouvreau M, Prange M, Zhang X, Clark A, Schenter G, Rosso K & Pearce C
(2021) Reduction of Selenate in Contact with Pyrite [100]: A DFT ab Initio Study
Ramothe V, Simonnin P, Gilbert B, Rosso K & Charlet L
(2021) Self-Similar Mesocrystals Form Via Interface-Driven Nucleation and Assembly and Dissolve by Particle Detachment
Zhu G, Sushko M, Loring J, Legg B, Huang X, Song M, Rosso K & De Yoreo J
(2021) Transverse Electron Exchange Pathways in Nontronite from First Principles
Simonnin P, Dong H, Neumann A & Rosso K
(2020) Dynamics of Interface-Driven Nucleation and Assembly
De Yoreo J, Legg B, Zhu G, Baer M, Sushko M, Loring J, Huang X, Mundy C, Schenter G, Chun J & Rosso K
(2020) Understanding Torque-Generating Forces Enabling Crystal Growth by Oriented Attachment
Zhang X, He Y, Sushko M, Liu J, De Yoreo J, Mao S & Rosso K
(2020) Mechanistic Understanding of Electron-Beam Induced Akaganeite Nanorod Dissolution
Sassi M, Liu L, Nakouzi E, Kovarik L, Liang X, Zhang X, Rosso K & De Yoreo J
(2020) Probing Solid Transformation of Akaganéite to Iron Oxides by in situ Transmission Electron Microscopy
Zhang X, He Y, Kovarik L, Bowden M, Engelhard M, Du Y, Liu L, Wang C, De Yoreo J & Rosso K
(2020) Mass Transport and Mineral Transformations in Nanoscale Interfacial Water Films Triggered by Critical Water Coverages
Miller Q, Kerisit S, Kaszuba J, Schaef T, Bowden M, McGrail P & Rosso K
(2020) Energetics and the Role of Defects in Fe(II)-Catalyzed Goethite Recrystallization from Multiscale Molecular Simulations
Rosso K & Zarzycki P
(2019) Molecular Simulation of the Solid-State Transport Properties of Silver Sulfide Towards Smart Passivation Strategies for Silver Nanowires in the Environment
Simonnin P, Charlet L, Gilbert B & Rosso K
(2019) Capturing Atom Exchange Fronts during Fe(II)-catalyzed Recrystallization of Fe(III)-oxide Minerals Using Isotopic Mapping Probes
Taylor S, Liu J, Zhang X, Kovarik L, Cliff J, Perea D, Byun TS, Schreiber D & Rosso K
(2019) Role of Mass Transport in Mineral Carbonation in Confined H2O Films
Loring J, Placencia-Gomez RE, Kerisit S, Ilton E, Qafoku O, Miller Q & Rosso K
(2019) Overview of the Role of Surface Defects on Goethite’s Biogeochemistry
Notini L, Latta D, Neumann A, Pearce C, Rosso K, Byrne J, Tomaszewski E, Zhou Z, Kappler A & Scherer M
(2018) Fe(II) – Fe(III) Oxide Electron Transfer: Influence on Contaminant, Nutrient, and Carbon Dynamics
Scherer M, Andrade L, Felber O, Pearce C, Robinson T, Rosso K & Zhou Z
(2018) Ferrihydrite Transformation by Fe(II): Nucleation, Growth, and Phase Stability at Neutral pH
Qafoku O, Kovarik L, Bowden M, Sheng A, Soltis J, Sassi M, Pearce C, Liu J & Rosso K
(2018) Chasing Atom Exchange Fronts during Fe(II)-Catalyzed Recrystallization of Hematite Using Isotopic Mapping Probes
Taylor S, Liu J, Arey B, Schreiber D, Cliff J, Perea D & Rosso K
(2018) Correlating Mineral-Water Interface Structure to Particle Interactions and Emergent Phenomena
Chun J, Nakouzi E, Soltis J, Legg B, Schenter G, Zhang X, Graham T, Rosso K, Anovitz L & De Yoreo J
(2018) Ionic Liquid Glassification to Observe Aluminate Ion Speciation in Low Water Alkaline Environments
Graham T, Hu J, Shen Z, Dembowski M, Zhang X, Clark S, Schenter G, Pearce C & Rosso K
(2018) An in situ Look at Water, Ions and Forces at Mineral Surfaces and in Confinement
De Yoreo J, Kerisit S, Tuladhar A, Zhang X, Sushko M, Zhang S, Li D, Chun J, Wang Z, Nakouzi E & Rosso K
(2018) Spectroscopic Features of Tetrahedrally Coordinated Aluminate Dimer, K2Al2O(OH)6
Dembowski M, Graham T, Pouvreau M, Wang H-W, Hu J, Clark A, Rosso K & Pearce C
(2017) Chemical Reactivity in Thin Water Films on Minerals in Wet-scCO2
Loring J, Schaef T, Thompson C, McGrail P & Rosso K
(2017) U(IV)-mineral Complexation may Explain U Speciation in Reduced Sediments
Boyanov M, Latta D, Scherer M, Mishra B, Pearce C, Rosso K, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K
(2016) The Nanoscale Forces Behind Crystallization by Oriented Aggregation
Rosso K, Zhang X, Sushko M, Shen Z, Kerisit S, Li D, Chun J, Bowden M, Engelhard M, Liu J, Mundy C & De Yoreo J
(2016) The Future of Radionuclide Retention in Fukushima Soils from First Principles Simulations
Rosso K, Sassi M, Okumura M, Kerisit S & Machida M
(2015) Reduction of U(VI) by Fe(II): Influence of Fe- and Al-(oxyhydr)oxides on Redox Catalysis
Taylor S, Marcano M, Rosso K & Becker U
(2015) Impact of Heat, Gamma- and Alpha-Radiation on the Clay Barrier in a Geological Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste
Pearce C, Bower W, Pattrick R, Mosselmans F, Sims A, Devine J & Rosso K
(2014) Transient Surface Potential Gradients as a Driving Force for the Bulk Conduction Mechanism of Iron Oxide Recrystallization
Zarzycki P & Rosso K
(2014) Size Effect on the Reduction of Hematite Nanoparticles with Outer Membrane Cytochromes OmcA of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
Liu J, Pearce C, Shi L, Wang Z, Shi Z, Arenholz E & Rosso K
(2014) Mechanistic Insights into the Water-Film Threshold for Silicate Carbonation in Wet-scCO2
Loring J, Benezeth P, Chen J, Qafoku O, Schaef T, Thompson C, Kerisit S, Ilton E, Felmy A & Rosso K
(2013) Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Fe(II)-Fe(III) Electron Transfer Across Interfaces
Chatman S, Zarzycki P, Kerisit S, Alexandrov V, Pearce C & Rosso K
(2013) Reduction of Aqueous U(VI) by Fe(II): Effect of Ti(IV) on the Speciation of U(IV)
Latta D, Pearce C, Rosso K, O'Loughlin E, Kemner K & Boyanov M
(2013) Theoretical Calculations on the Thermodynamics and Kinetics of U(VI) Homogeneous Reduction by Fe(II)
Collins R & Rosso K
(2013) Electron Flow in Bacterial Multi-Heme Cytochromes
Breuer M, Smith D, Blumberger J & Rosso K
(2013) Non-Innocent Role of Electron-Mediating Ligands in Reductive Dissolution of Hematite
Zarzycki P, Toczydlowska D, Chatman S & Rosso K
(2013) Understanding Electron Transfer at Fe-Bearing Mineral Surfaces to Optimize Contaminant Remediation
Pearce C, Liu J, Kabius B, Arenholz E & Rosso K
(2012) Electron Transfer and Atom Exchange Among Fe and Mn Phases
Bachman J, Latta D, Scherer M & Rosso K
(2012) Fe Atom Exchange between Aqueous Fe(II) and Hematite
Barger M, Rosso K & Scherer M
(2012) Fe Electron Transfer and Atom Exchange at Mineral/Water Interfaces
Scherer M, Latta D, Pasakarnis T, Neumann A, Barger M, Rosso K & Johnson C
(2012) Reactivity of U(VI) with Pure, Oxidized, and Ti-Substituted Magnetites
Latta D, Pearce C, Gorski C, Rosso K, O'Loughlin E, Kemner K, Scherer M & Boyanov M
(2011) Large-Scale Simulation of Molecular Structure and Electron Transfer in Microbial Cytochromes
Rosso K, Zarzycki P, Breuer M, Blumberger J, Shi L, Richardson D, Clarke T, Edwards M, Butt J, Zachara J & Fredrickson J
(2011) Probing Mineral-Water Interfaces with Computer Simulation
Kerisit S, Rosso K & Felmy A
(2011) Surface Transformations and Element Cycling Resulting from Interfacial Fe(II)-Fe(III) Self Exchange
Catalano J, Frierdich A, Luo Y, Fenter P, Park C & Rosso K
(2011) Fe(II) Exchange at Titanomagnetite-Water Interfaces
Pearce C, Liu J, Qafoku O, Arenholz E, Heald S & Rosso K
(2011) Reactive Fe(II) and Electron Exchange Dynamics in Iron Oxides
Rosso K, Zarzycki P, Pearce C, Katz J, Gilbert B, Handler R, Scherer M & Meakin P
(2010) Dynamics of Interfacial Electron Transfer: Implications for Biogeochemical Reactions
Kerisit S & Rosso K
(2010) Electrostatic Potentials and Charge Distributions at Structurally Defined Hematite/Electrolyte Interfaces
Chatman S, Zarzycki P, Preočanin T & Rosso K
(2010) Reduction of Contaminant Tc(VII) by Magnetite (Fe3O4) and Titanomagnetite (Fe3-xTixO4) Nanoparticles
Liu J, Pearce C, Qafoku O, Rosso K, Peretyazhko T, Arenholz E & Heald S
(2010) Redox Behavior of Nanoscale Fe Oxides: Stable Isotope Investigations
Scherer M, Handler R, Gorski C, Beard B, Johnson C & Rosso K
(2010) Characterization of Reactive Ferrous Iron in Titanomagnetite (Fe3-xTixO4) Nanoparticles for Contaminant Reduction
Pearce C, Qafoku O, Liu J, Arenholz E, Heald S, Felmy A, Henderson M & Rosso K
(2010) Carbonation of Forsterite Exposed to Water-Saturated Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Loring J, Wang Z, Thompson C, Joly A, Sklarew D, Rosso K & Felmy A
(2010) Surface Structure Effects on Gibbsite Nanoparticle Reactivity
Bickmore B, Rosso K & Madden A
(2010) Scanning Probe Microscopy and Mineral-Water Interfaces: Have We Reached a Limit?
Higgins S, Xu M, Cubillas P, Lea AS, Knauss K & Rosso K
(2010) The Role of Intermediates during Metal Carbonation of Forsterite in Wet Supercritical CO2
Felmy A, Kwak J, Hu J, Rosso K, Wang C, Hoyt D, Ilton E, Rustad J & Dixon D
(2010) Fe(II)-Induced Structural Transformations of Hematite Surfaces and their Impact on Contaminants
Catalano J, Fenter P, Park C, Rosso K, Frierdich A & Otemuyiwa B
(2009) Oxidative Adsorption of Iron(II) at the Hematite-Water Interface
Kerisit S & Rosso K
(2009) The Growth of Pyramids and Pits on Hematite Mediated by Redox Chemistry and Bulk Electron Transport
Meakin P & Rosso K
(2008) Electron-Transfer Rates in Magnetite Surfaces: Implications for Uranium Reduction
Skomurski F, Kerisit S & Rosso K
(2008) Electron-Transfer Reactions at Water- and Cytochrome-Iron Oxide Interfaces
Kerisit S, Dupuis M & Rosso K
(2007) Insights into Enzymatic Reduction of Hematite from Single-Molecule Tunneling Studies of Multiheme Cytochromes
Wigginton N, Rosso K, Shi L, Lower B & Hochella M
(2005) Electron Transfer Reactions in Solution and at Interfaces
Rustad J, Rosso K & Felmy A
(2005) On Charge Transport in Iron Oxides
Rosso K & Dupuis M
(2005) Defect Distribution and Dissolution Morphologies on Low-Index Surfaces of Alpha-Quartz
Yanina S, Rosso K & Meakin P
(2005) Fast Kinetic Monte Carlo Models for Defect Controlled Dissolution of Multiple Etch Pits
Meakin P, Rosso K & Yanina S
(2005) Simulation and Theoretical Modeling of L-Edge XANES of Transition Metals
Ankudinov AL & Rosso K
(2005) Rates of Uranium Electron Transfer: A Theoretical Perspective
Rosso K, Wang Z, Ainsworth C & Fredrickson J
(2005) Self-Consistent Self-Interaction Corrected DFT Studies of Annite
Bylaska E, Tsemekhman K, Ilton E & Rosso K
(2004) Electron Transfer in Iron Oxides: Theoretical Assessment of Electron Hopping Rates
Rosso K & Dupuis M
(2004) Combined ab Initio/Bond-Valence Method of pKa Prediction for Oxide Surfaces
Bickmore B, Tadanier C & Rosso K
(2002) The Structure of Hematite (0001) Surfaces in Water: STM and Resonant Tunneling Calculations of Coexisting O and Fe Terminations
Eggleston C, Stack A, Rosso K & Higgins S
(2002) Theoretical Evaluation of Electron Transfer Kinetics at Fe(III)-Oxide Surfaces with Implications for Microbial Respiration
Rosso K & Zachara J
(2001) The Proximity Effect on Semiconducting Mineral Surfaces
Becker U, Rosso KM & Hochella Jr. MF
(2001) Energetics and Kinetics of Electron Transfer to Aqueous Fe and Hematite Surfaces: ab Initio Calculations and Marcus Theory
Rosso KM, Rustad JR & Zachara JM
(2001) A Comparison of Procrystal and First-Principles Crystal Electron Density Distributions with Application to Understanding the Phase Changes in Pyroxenes
Downs RT, Gibbs GV, Giovanni MK, Boisen Jr. MB & Rosso KM
(2000) Reductive Dissolution of Hematite by the Microbe Shewanella putrefaciens: Surface Transformations and Dissolution Pathways
Rosso K, Zachara J & Smith S

Rosso Kevin M. (2023) Directional Energy-Structure Relationship during Oriented Attachment of Gibbsite Nanoparticles
Ho T, Li X, Zhang X & Rosso KM
(2023) The Complex Role of Ion Interactions in the Interfacial Reactivity of Gibbsite
Clark AE, Guo Q, Pouvreau M, Rosso KM, Stack AG & Yang X
(2023) Nanoscale Mineral/Contaminant Redox Reaction Processes: Impact on Oxyanion Contaminant Fate in Oscillating Anoxic Environments
Charlet L, Guida C, Poulain A, Ding R, Ramothe V, Papaslioti EM, Kirsch R, Fernandez-Martinez A, Scheinost AC, Greneche JM, Menguy N & Rosso KM
(2023) Understanding Interfacial Properties Associated with Radiation Effects in Complex Nuclear Environments
Pearce CI, Prange M, Young L, LaVerne J, Orlando T, Kimmel G, Liu L, Nienhuis-Marcial ET, Mergelsberg ST, Lu L, Li S, Riechers S, Anovitz LM, Zhang X, Wang Z, Li X, Clark AE, Rosso KM & Schenter GK
(2023) Role of Dynamic Polarization Interactions in the Electrical Double Layer Structure at Calcite (104) Interfaces with Aqueous Solutions
Song D, Bylaska EJ, Rosso KM & Sushko M
(2023) Direct Visualization of X-Ray Enhanced Mineral Dissolution
Riechers S, Zhang X & Rosso KM
(2023) Understanding Oligomerization in Alkaline Sodium Aluminate Solutions Using Reactive Force Field Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Pouvreau M, Guo Q, Wang H-W, Nienhuis-Marcial ET, Graham TR, Schenter GK, Clark AE, Pearce CI & Rosso KM
(2023) Effects of Ni(II) and Zn(II) Substitution on Goethite Redox Potentials
Popejoy BD, Scherer MM, Latta DE, Rosso KM, Bylaska EJ, Ilton ES & Mergelsberg ST
(2023) Evidence for a Dissolution-Reprecipitation Mechanism for Fe(II)-driven Ferrihydrite Recrystallization
Latta DE, Rosso KM & Scherer MM

Rosso T. (2022) Oxidation Paradox: Influx of Oxidant Stimulates Microbial Metal/Radionuclide Reduction
Weber KA, Westrop JP, Yadav P, Rosso T, Noël V, Van Veelen A, Bargar J, Wu X, Chakraborty R & Herr J

Rossouw R. (2007) Chemical Weathering Processes in sub-Saharan Africa: Evaluating Controls at Different Spatial and Temporal Scales
de Villiers S, Rossouw R & Fish N

Rossy M. (2006) Large chemical mass-transfer and volume change during skarn formation in the Quérigut massif (Eastern Pyrénées, France)
Durand C, Marquer D, Boulvais P & Rossy M

Rost Björn (2011) Calcium Carbonate Precipitation by the Marine Cyanobacterium Trichodesmium
Kranz SA, Wolf-Gladrow D, Nehrke G, Langer G & Rost B
(2011) New Approaches to Assess the Responses of Phytoplankton to Ocean Acidification
Rost B

Rost BjÖrn (2019) Geochemistry Constraints on Diverse Growth and Calcification Responses of Multiple Coccolithophore Species to Ocean Acidification
Liu Y-W, Rokitta S, Rost B & Eagle R

Rost D. (2015) Isotopic Compositions of Presolar SiC: First Measurements with CHILI
Davis A, Stephan T, Pellin M, Rost D, Trappitsch R & Savina M
(2014) CHILI: Is it Ready Yet?
Davis A, Stephan T, Pellin M, Rost D, Savina M, Trappitsch R & Liu N
(2013) The Chicago Instrument for Laser Ionization: Progress and Promise
Davis A, Stephan T, Pellin M, Rost D, Savina M, Trappitsch R & Liu N
(2010) Quantifying Boron in Natural Type IIb Blue Diamonds
Gaillou E, Rost D, Post J & Butler J
(2008) C60 TOF-SIMS: A Tool for High-Resolution Mapping of Elements and Organic Compounds
Rost D, Henkel T, King A & Lyon I
(2007) Sodic Pyroxene and Sodic Amphibole as Potential Micro-Analytical Reference Material for Li Isotopes
Marks MAW, Rudnick RL, Ludwig T, Marschall H, Zack T, Halama R, McDonough WF, Rost D, Wenzel T & Vicenzi EP
(2007) In situ Geochemical Data from Metamorphic Rocks in the Active Mariana Subduction Zone
Pabst S, Zack T, Savov I, Rost D & Vicenzi E
(2005) Hyperspectral Data Analysis of Martian Meteorite Alteration: A Tool for Constraining Surface Processes on Mars?
Vicenzi E & Rost D
(2005) Carbonate-Silicate Assemblages in the Lafayette Martian Meteorite
Rost D & Vicenzi E

Rost E. (2014) Tephrochronostratigraphy of the Paleocene Fort Union Formation: Implications for Coal Deposition?
Kuiper K, Abels H, Dekkers M, Hilgen F, Noorbergen L, Rost E, Smit J, van der Kaars S & van Wetten I

Rost S. (2009) Seismic Constraints on the Fine Scale Structure of Earth’s Mantle
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(2007) Seismic Constraints on Deep Earth Structure and Mantle Melts
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