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Rajabi Abdorrahman (2021) Geochemical Characterization of the Kuh-E Janja Intrusion: Implication for Petrogenesis and Tectonic Setting
Soleymani M, Niroomand S & Rajabi A

Rajabi S. (2014) Crustal Xenoliths of the Eocene Volcanic Rocks in Godar-E-Siah Area (Jandaq, Central Iran); Implications for Crust Nature and S-Type Granite
Rajabi S & Torabi G

Rajabov I. (2020) Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Dating of Soil and Sedimentary Leaf Waxes in an Arid High-Altitude Environment
Aichner B, Rethemeyer J, Gierga M, Stolz A, Mętrak M, Wilk M, Sachse D, Rajabov I & Mischke S
(2016) A 30ka Hydroclimatic Record from the Pamir
Aichner B, Mischke S, Pausata F, Zhang Q, Heinecke L, Feakins S, Sachse D, Mahmoudov Z & Rajabov I

Rajabzadeh Maryam (2009) The Geochemistry and AMD Rate of Parvade Coal Mine, Tabas, Iran
Mazaheri SA, Karimpour MH & Rajabzadeh M

Rajabzadeh Mohammad Ali (2023) The Role of Topography in the Formation of Ni-Laterite Deposits in Fars Province, Iran
Rasti S & Rajabzadeh MA

Rajagopalan B. (2019) An Improved Regional Branched GDGT-Based Soil Temperature Calibration for the Tropical Andes of Colombia: Towards a Global Calibration for the Tropics
Perez-Angel L, Sepulveda J, Rajagopalan B, Montes C, Molnar P, Snell K, Dildar N & Gonzalez-Arango C

Rajagopalan G. (2000) Mesoproterozoic Age of the Vindhyan Sediments, Central India from Glauconite Rb-Sr Systematics
Kumar A, Gopalan K & Rajagopalan G

Rajagopalan V. (2011) Chlorine and CO2 Rich Fluids in 2.5 Ga Amphibolite-Granulite Facies Basement Below the Killari Earthquake Region, India and Seismogenesis
Pandey O, Parthasarathy G, Tripathi P, Rajagopalan V & Sreedhar B

Rajagopolan S. (2010) Relation between NO3- and ClO4- Occurence in the Environment
Jackson A, Rao B, Rajagopolan S, Hatzinger P, Böhlke JK, Sturchio N, Betancourt J, Andraski B, Stonestrom D, Orris G, Eckardt F & Gu B

Rajaguru S.N. (2019) Mineralogical, Geochemical and Genesis of Complex Ferricrete-Silcrete Association in Lateritic Profile from NW Bengal Basin; Eastern India
Singh J, Mukhopadhyay S, Sangode S, Dhobale A & Rajaguru SN

Rajak J.K. (2021) Treatment of Chromite Ore Processing Residue Leachate Contaminated Water with Modified Nano-Calcium Hydroxy Phosphate Mineral Surfaces
Rajak JK, Khandelwal N & Darbha GK

Rajakaruna N. (2012) The Influence of Geology and Substrate on Plant Life in Northeastern North America
Rajakaruna N

Rajala P. (2014) 15-Year Experiments of the Interaction of the Compacted Bentonite, Copper Canister and Fresh Water
Järvinen J, Tiljander M, Matusewicz M, Rajala P, Itävaara M, Olin M & Muurinen A

Rajamani S. (2012) Bioremediation of Heavy Metals Using Transgenic Microalgae
Rajamani S, Siripornadulsil S, Falcao V, Torres M, Colepicolo P & Sayre R

Rajamani V. (2017) Element Differentiation during Weathering of Ambhibolites and Gneisses Under Humid and Arid Climate Set up of a Tropical Region
Pandey D & Rajamani V
(2010) Sr and Nd Isotopic Geochemistry of the Indo-Gangetic Plains and the Role of Proximal Sources to the Building of the Floodplains
Tripathi JK, Bock B & Rajamani V
(2006) Possible role of grain coatings in the trace element geochemistry of Kaveri river sediments, Southern India
Routray PR, Tripathy JK, Mehta P & Rajamani V
(2005) Geochemistry of Amphibolite Weathering in Different Climatic Setup of Kaveri Catchment of Southern India and its Implications
Mehta P, Tripathi JK, Pandey D & Rajamani V
(2005) Geochemistry and Origin of Ferruginous Nodules from the Weathered Gneissic Rocks of Presently Subarid Southern India Mysore Plateau
Tripathi JK & Rajamani V
(2005) Chemical Speciation Study of Amphibolite Weathering Under Different Climatic Setup of Mysore Plateau, Southern India
Pandey D, Tripathi JK, Mehta P & Rajamani V
(2000) Weathering of Amphibolite and Mobility of Elements Under Semi-Arid Conditions, Southern India
Sharma A & Rajamani V
(2000) Role of 'Bio' in Weathering, Nutrient Release and Mobilization of Al and Fe in the Cauvery Floodplain Sediments, Southern India
Prasad GK & Rajamani V

Rajamanickam M (2017) Geochemical, Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd Isotopic Systematic Studies on the Evolution of the Closepet Granite, Dharwar Craton, India
Rajamanickam M, Balakrishnan S, Ram Mohan M & Srinivasa Sarma D

Rajamanickam M. (2013) Presence of > 3.3 Ga Old Crust and Neoarchean Juvenile Magmatic Accretion in Easternmost Part of the Dharwar Craton: Evidence from Peddavura Greenstone Belt
Rajamanickam M & Srinivasan B

Rajan S. (2009) Andaman Inner Arc Volcanoes: An Evaluation of Arc Geochemistry and Role of Sediments in Arc Lavas
Ray D, Rajan S & Ravindra R

Rajanikanta Singh M. (2019) Neoarchaean Arc-Back- Arc Magmatism: Geochemical Fingerprints from the Mafic Intrusions of the Shimoga Greenstone Belt, Western Dharwar Craton, India
Rajanikanta Singh M & Krishnakanta Singh A

Rajapaksha A.U. (2015) Surface Complexation Modeling of Nickel (II) and Vanadium (V) Adsorption on Biochar
Alam MS, Kohler MC, Liu Y, Rajapaksha AU, Ok YS, Konhauser KO & Alessi DS

Rajapitamaha M.K. (2015) Geochemical Investigation for Emerald Mineralization in Lufwanyama District, Zambia
Rajapitamaha MK

Rajar R. (2003) Speciation of Mercury in River Water Near Idrija Mercury Mine, Slovenia
Tomiyasu T, Horvat M, Logar M, Kotnik J, Rajar R & Akagi H

Rajaram H. (2018) Hillscapes in Wet and Dry Conditions: Contrasting Climates Produce Dramatically Different Critical Zone Architectures
Anderson S, Anderson R & Rajaram H

Rajasekar C.R.S. (2013) The Effects of Sulfide and Sulfate Ions on Degradation Kinetics of Chlorinated Organics by Nanoscale Zero Valent Iron
Ghoshal S & Rajasekar CRS

Rajdeep D. (2019) Associaton of Large Oxidation Events and Carbon Isotope Excursions – Increased CO2 Drawdown and Deep Recycling of Organic Carbon
Eguchi J, Johnny S & Rajdeep D

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