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Pendyala S. (2005) Iron-Iron Oxide Core Shell Nanoparticles for Contaminant Underground Water Treatment
Antony J, Sharma A, Pendyala S, Meyer D, Nutting J, Baer D, Wang C, McCready D, Engelhard M & Qiang Y

Penedo A. (2017) Mineral Chemistry of Ore Minerals in the San Jose Mine of the Oruro District, Bolivia
Sidki-rius N, Jiménez-Franco A, Alfonso P, Penedo A & Aguilar A

Penelon B. (2017) Drivers of Water Transport in Glass: Chemical or Topological Effect of the Glass Network?
Rebiscoul D, Mansas C, Delaye J-M, Charpentier T, Bruguier F, Bouty O, Penelon B & Arena H

Peng A. (2022) The Distribution of Uranium and REE Elements in Soil and Sandstone of Barun Uranium Deposit in Erlian Basin, Inner Mongolia
Wang N, Peng A, Jia B, Jiang Y, Shi L & Yu C

Peng Chao (2019) Cryptic Cycling of Iron-Organic Matter Complexes by Phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing Bacteria
Kappler A, Peng C, Bryce C & Sundman A
(2017) Does Fe(II)-OM Complexation Promote or Prevent Microbial Fe(II) Oxidation?
Peng C, Sundman A, Borch T, Catrouillet C & Kappler A

Peng Cong (2023) Quantitative Modelling of Soil-Water Partition Coefficients for Tetracycline Antibiotics in a Typical Karst Wetland
Liang J & Peng C

Peng H-M (2014) Study on Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Acid Rain in Fuzhou City, China
Xia F, Pan J-Y, Chen S-H, Peng H-M & Liu P
(2013) Study on Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Acid Rain in Nanchang City, China
Xia F, Pan J-Y, Chen S-H, Peng H-M & Liu P
(2011) Study on Main Sources of the Sulfur in Acid Rain in Jiangxi Province, China
Xia F, Pan J-Y, Xia F, Chen S-H, Peng H-M & Liu P
(2010) Study on Sulfur Source of Acid Rain Using Sulfur Isotopic Trace in Jiangxi Province, China
Xia F, Pan J-P, Xia F, Le S-K, Chen S-H & Peng H-M
(2004) The Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Characteristics of the Cambrian Carbonate Rocks in Jiangshan, Zhejiang, China and its Paleoenvironment Significance
Guo F, Sun Z, Peng H, Pan J & Du Y

Peng Haijun (2023) Environmental and Biological Controls on Mercury Records in Collocated Tree Rings, Peat Deposits, and Lake Sediment Archives in Northern Sweden
Peng H, Zhang X, Marshall J, Nilsson M, Li C, Björn E, Bishop K & Zhu W

Peng Haonan (2023) Pore-Level Modelling of Cement Paste Degradation due to Cement-Clay Interaction
Mokos A, Peng H, Miron GD, Kulik DA, Griffa M, Ma B, Prasianakis N & Churakov SV
(2023) Towards Digital Twin of Carbonate Precipitation Experiments: An Integrated Physics-Based Machine-Learning Framework for Modeling of Reactive Transport Processes
Peng H, Rajyaguru A, Mokos A, Curti E, Grolimund D, Churakov SV & Prasianakis N

Peng Hong (2021) On the Mechanism of Sodic Removal from Bauxite Residue and Bauxite Desilication Products (BDP) Using Microbiogenic Acids
Wang S, Nguyen T, Peng H, You F & Huang L

Peng Huan (2020) Cd Isotope Fractionation during Photodissolution of Cadmium Sulphide
Peng H & Zhu Z

Peng Huijuan (2020) Geological and Geochemical Characteristics of Albite within the Manganghe Formation, Dahongshan Deposit, Yunnan Province, China: Implication for the Ore Genesis
Hou L, Guo Y, Yang B, Wang S, Wang Z & Peng H
(2020) Composition and Evolution of Ore Fluids in the Hongniu-Hongshan Cu Skarn Deposit, Yunnan Province, China
Peng H, Hou L, Shu Q, Zhang C & Liu H

Peng Huiping (2023) Elevated Ultraviolet Radiation at the End-Permian Mass Extinction
Fraser WT, Liu F, Peng H, Marshall JEA, Lomax B, Bomfleur B, Kent M & Jardine P

Peng J (2006) Geochemical Characteristics of the Yao'an and Machangqing Alkaline-rich Intrusions in the Ailaoshan-Jinshajiang Belt, Western Yunnan, China
Bi X, Hu R, Peng J, Liu L, Wu K & Su W
(2006) Geology and geochemistry of the Lincang superlarge Germanium deposit hosted in coal seams, Yunnan, China
Hu R, Qi H, Bi X, Su W & Peng J
(2005) Helium and Sulfur Isotopic Geochemistry of Furong Tin Deposit in Hunan Province
Li Z, Hu R, Peng J & Bi X
(2004) Compositional Evolution of Magmatic Volatiles in Mineralized Alkaline Intrusions in the Ailaoshan-Jinshajiang Belt, Western Yunnan, China
Bi X, Hu R, Hanley J, Mungall J & Peng J
(2004) REE signature, Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr Isotope Systematics of Scheelites from the Woxi Au-Sb-W Deposit in Western Hunan, South China
Peng J & Hu R
(2003) Mineral Chemistry Studies on Crystallization Conditions of Mineralized Alkaline Intrusions in Ailaoshan-Jinshajiang Alkaline Intrusion Belt, Western Yunnan, China
Bi X, Hu R, Hanley J, Mungall J, Peng J & Wu K
(2003) Geochronology of Crustal Extension during the Cretaceous-Tertiary in South China
Hu R, Xie G, Jia D, Su W, Peng J & Bi X

Peng J-H (2014) Variation in Lead Isotopic Compositions in Mongolian Soils
Shurkhuu T, Sapkota A, Peng J-H & Liu C-Q

Peng J. T. (2001) The Relationship between Uranium Metallogenesis and Crust Extension during the Cretaceous- Tertiary in South China
Hu RZ, Bi XW, Su WC & Peng JT

Peng J.-H. (2007) Important Roles of Sulfur Cycling in Karstic Catchment Erosion, Southwest China
Liu C-Q, Jiang Y-K, Lang Y-C, Li S-L, Peng J-H & Xu Z-F

Peng Jialin (2020) Radiogenic Sr Isotopic Geochemistry of Late Permian Nb-Ree-Ga Polymetallic Layer from the Xuanwei Formation in Weining, Guizhou Province, Southern China
Luo C, Wen H, Peng J, Du S, Gu H & Xu L

Peng Jiantang (2011) U-Pb Cassiterite Dating by LA-ICPMS and a Precise Mineralization Age for the Superlarge Furong Tin Deposit, Hunan Province, Southern China
Bi X, Hu R, Li H, Dong S, Chen Y & Peng J
(2008) REE and HFSE Geochemical Characteristics of Pyrites in Yao’an Gold Deposit in Western Yunnan, China: Tracing Ore Forming Fluid Signatures
Bi X, Hu R, Peng J, Li H & Hu X
(2007) Geological and Geochemical Constraints on the Origin of the Giant Lincang Coal Seam-Hosted Germanium Deposit, Yunnan, SW China
Hu R, Qi H, Zhou M, Su W, Bi X & Peng J

Peng Jiantang (2002) The Dramatic Fractionation of REEs in Hydrothermal Calcites from the Xikuangshan Antimony Deposit, Hunan, China
Peng J, Hu R, Zhao J & Qi L

Peng Jiantang (2002) Mantle-Derived Components in Xiangshan Uranium Deposit, Jiangxi, China
Hu R-Z, Zhao J, Peng J, Bi X, Farley KA & Burnard P

Peng Jiantang (2013) Elemental and Os Isotope Variations Across the K/T Boundary in a Marine Fe-Mn Crust
Fu Y, Peng J, Qu W, Hu R, Shi X & Yang J

Peng Jin (2007) D13Ccarb and δ13Corg Excursions in the Post-Glacial Sinian to Early Cambrian Interval in Guizhou, South China
Feng H, Ling H & Peng J

Peng Jingcheng (2020) Effects of the Dissolution of Trace Calcites on Silicate Weathering
Wu W, Peng J & Qu S

Peng Kang (2019) Reactive Transport Modeling of in situ Arsenic Removal Systems in Jianghan Plain, China
Peng K, Xie X, Chai B & Zeng B

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