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Pegoraro E. (2022) Investigating the Complexation of Soil Organic Carbon by Calcium Using Spectroscopy and Thermodynamics
Rowley MC, Pena J, Rad B, Marcus MA, Bone S, Pegoraro E, Castanha C, Torn M & Nico PS

Pegrum-Haram A. (2018) Interplay of Physical and Biological Processes in the Southern Ocean and Deglacial CO2 Variations
Li T, Robinson L, Chen T, Wang X, Burke A, Pegrum-Haram A, Rae J, Samperiz A, Spooner P, Rowland G, Ng H, Prokopenko M, Southon J, Knowles T, Li G & Sigman D
(2017) Drake Passage Deep-Sea Coral Records of Southern Ocean Ventilation during the Last Deglaciation
Li T, Robinson L, Chen T, Pegrum-Haram A, Burke A, Spooner P, Rowland G, Samperiz A, Rae J, Prokopenko M & Knowles T

Peh E. (2015) Multiple Suspension Particles as Templates for Biomineralisation
Peh E, Tauer K & Taubert A

Peharda M. (2020) Unraveling the Secrets Recorded in the Chemistry of Bivalve Shells
Schöne BR, Schnabel E, Höche N, Murakami-Sugihara N, Jochum KP, Nishida K, Peharda M, Markulin K, Unvanović H & Shirai K
(2017) Trace Element Records in Aragonitic Bivalve Shells as Environmental Proxies
Markulin K, Peharda M, Mertz-Kraus R & Schöne BR

Pehkonen-Ollila A-R. (2007) Mineral Chemistry of Pyrochlore in Residually Inherited Fe-P-Nb-Laterite Ore Bodies at Sokli Carbonatite Complex
Pehkonen-Ollila A-R & Gehör S

Pehr K. (2023) Discovery and Exploration of Active Off-Axis Hydrothermal Vents at 9° 54'N East Pacific Rise
McDermott JM, Parnell-Turner R, Barreyre T, Herrera S, Downing CC, Pittoors NC, Pehr K, Vohsen SA, Dowd WS, Wu J-N, Marjanovic M, Siverand JM, Bibaj E, Preston V & Fornari DJ
(2022) Determining the Origin of Thermogenic Organic Matter in High Temperature Hydrothermal Vent Fluids
Pehr K & McDermott JM
(2019) Lipid Biomarker and Stable Isotopic Records Track the Neoproterozoic Rise of Eukaryotes and Nutrient Controls on Marine Community Structures
Love G, Zumberge A, Duda J-P, Hoffmann A, Pehr K, Bekker A & Cardenas P
(2016) Assessing Bound Molecular and Stable Isotopic Information Preserved in Archean Sedimentary Kerogens
Love G, Bisquera R, Pehr K, Schoon P & Zumberge A

Pehrsson S. (2020) Geochemical Databases and a Need for Linkages to Other Database Systems
Eglington B, Pehrsson S & David H
(2018) Decoupling of U-Pb Zircon and Lu-Hf Garnet Dates during High-Pressure Metamorphism in the Snowbird Tectonic Zone, Northwest Territories, Canada
Thiessen E, Gibson D, Regis D, Pehrsson S & Smit M
(2017) The Effects of Metamorphism on the Preservation of Crystallization and Detrital Ages: A Case Study from the Archean Rae Craton (Canada)
Regis D, Acosta-Gongora P, Davis W, Knox B, Pehrsson S & Martel E
(2013) Visualisation of Detrital Zircon Age Data Relative to Deposition Age and Identification of Potential Provenance Regions
Eglington B, Pehrsson S & Evans D
(2013) Why was Rodinia Underendowed? Comparing the Effects of Paleogeography Versus Lithosphere Thickness on Secular Ore Deposit Preservation
Pehrsson S, Eglington B, Huston D & Evans D

Pei F.-P. (2020) Detrital Zircon U-Pb and Hf Isotopic Data of the Liaoyuan Group from the Northern Margin of the North China Craton and their Implications for the Late Paleozoic Tectonic Evolution
Pei F-P, Zhou H, Zhang Y, Xu W-L & Wang Z-W

Pei Fuping (2013) Spatial-Temporal Extent of the Influence of the Mongol-Okhotsk Tectonic Regime on China during Mesozoic: Evidence from Mesozoic Igneous Rocks
Xu W, Wang F, Tang J, Pei F, Wang W & Feng H
(2013) Petrogenesis of Early Cretaceous Intrusive Rocks from Southern Margin of the North China Craton: Constraints from Zircon U-Pb Ages and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf Isotopes
Yang D, Xu W, Wang F & Pei F
(2012) Petrogenesis of the Mesozoic Intermediate Intrusive Rocks in the Central North China Craton: Constraints from Zircon U – Pb Chronology and Geochemistry
Yang D-B, Xu W-L, Pei F-P & Wang D-Y
(2011) Zircon U-Pb Chronology and Geochemistry of Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic Intrusive Rocks in Eastern Segment of the Northern Margin of the North China Craton, NE China and its Tectonic Implications
Cao H, Xu W, Pei F & Wang F
(2011) Recycling of Lower Continental Crust in an Intracontinental Setting: Mineral Chemistry and Oxygen Isotope Insights from Websterite Xenoliths in the North China Craton
Xu W, Zhou Q, Pei F, Yang D, Gao S, Wang W & Feng H
(2011) Late Paleozoic Tectonic Evolution in Eastern Heillongjiang Province, NE China: Constraints from Detrital Zircons and Volcanisms
Meng E, Xu W, Pei F & Wang F
(2011) Early Cretaceous Bimodal Magmatism in Tonghua Area, Jilin Province, China: Implications for the Destruction of the North China Craton
Pei F, Xu W, Wang F, Cao H & Lu S
(2011) Chronology of Detrital Zircons from Jurassic Sandstones in Western Shandong Province, China: Constraints on the Nature of the Tan–Lu Fault Zone
Yang D, Xu W, Xu Y & Pei F
(2010) Zircon U-Pb Chronology and Geochemistry of Permian Volcanic Rocks in Eastern Heilongjiang Province, NE China and its Tectonic Implications
Meng E, Xu W, Pei F & Wang F
(2010) Spatial Extent of Influence of Deeply Subducted Continental Crust to Adjacent Lithosphere: Constraints from Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopic Compositions of Mesozoic Gabbros and High-Mg Diorites in Western Shandong, China
Yang D, Xu W, Yang C & Pei F
(2010) Multiplicity of the North China Craton Destruction: Constraints from Metasomatic Types and Zircon U-Pb Ages from Peridotite Xenoliths Entrained by Mesozoic High-Mg# Diorites
Xu W, Yang D, Gao S, Pei F & Wang W
(2010) Heterogeneity of the Lower Continental Crust beneath Southern Jilin Province, NE China: Evidence from Geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb Isotopic Compositions of Early Cretaceous Granitoids
Pei F, Xu W, Yang D, Lu S & Feng H
(2008) Mesozoic Lithospheric Mantle of the Central North China Craton: Evidence from Peridotite Xenoliths
Xu W-L, Yang D-B, Gao S, Yu Y & Pei F-P

Pei Jian-Guo (2018) Sources and Contamination Characteristics of PAHs in Multiple Media in a Karst Underground River System
Lu L, Wang Z & Pei J
(2018) Concentrations and Distribution Characteristics of Rare Earth Elements in Groundwater and Surface Soil from Karst Underground River System
Fan L-J, Zou S-Z, Pei J-G & Lu L

Pei Jianguo (2019) Content and Patterns of Rare Earth Elements in Groundwater, Surface Soil and Carbonate Rocks from Karst Underground River System
Fan L, Zou S, Pei J & Lu L
(2019) A Quantitative Study of the Sources of Nitrate of TypicalUnderground River in Southwest China Based on SIAR Model
Lu L, Wang Z & Pei J

Pei Jun-Ling (2020) A Comparison of the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic LIPs and Black Shales in the North China and Northern Australian Cratons
Zhang S-H, Ernst R, Pei J-L, Hu G-H & Liu J-M

Pei Junling (2023) Surface Uplift and Erosion Related to Emplacement of Large-Scale Mafic Sills: Examples from Yanliao Basin in the North China Craton
Zhang S-H, Qian T, Pei J, Zhang Q-Q & Hu G
(2022) Termination of the Great Oxidation and Lomagundi-Jatuli Events by Degassing during Emplacement of Layered Intrusions and Sills
Zhang S-H, Ernst RE, Pei J, Zhang Q-Q & Zhao Y
(2021) Intensive Volcanic Eruptions Recorded in Black Shales within the Xiamaling Formation in the North China Craton
Zhang S-H, Kamo S, Ernst RE, Pei J, Hu G & Zhang Q-Q
(2019) Synchronous Deposition of Black Shales and their Correlation with Large Igneous Provinces during 'the Boring Billion'
Zhang S-H, Ernst R, Pei J, Zhao Y & Hu G
(2018) Temporal and Genetic Link between Large Igneous Provinces and Black Shales during “Earth’s Middle Age”
Zhang S-H, Ernst R, Pei J, Zhao Y, Zhou M-F & Hu G

Pei L. (2021) Trace Elements in Surface Water of Ombrotrophic Bogs Indicate the Dissolution of Dust Particles Generated by Mining Activities in Northern Alberta
Butt SA, Shotyk W, Barraza F, Chen N, Cuss CW, Frost L, Grant-Weaver I, Javed MB, Oleksandrenko A & Pei L

Pei Q. (2022) SO2 Photo-Oxidation on Mineral Dust: The Missing Link to Explain Δ33S Anomalies in Urban Sulfate Aerosols
Dasari S, Paris G, Saar B, Pei Q, Cong Z & Widory D

Pei R.F.

Pei Wenming (2015) Application of Remote Sensing for Waterlogged Area Environmental Monitoring in Coal Mining Area
Pei W, Yao S, Dong S, Xu C & Chen Y
(2014) Monitoring on Ecological Environment of Subsidence Area of Huainan Coal Mining, China
Pei W, Yao S & Dong S

Pei Wenqiang (2018) Fire History in the Yangtze River Basin Since 7ka: Links to Climate, Vegetation and Human Activities
Pei W & Wan S

Pei Xianzhi (2020) Neo-Tethyan Evolution in Southeastern Extension of Tibet:Constraints from Early Paleocene to Early Eocene Granitic Rocks with Associated Enclaves in Tengchong Block
Zhao S, Lai S & Pei X

Pei Xiaoli (2014) Tectonic Evolutionary History of the Qinling Orogenic Belt in Precambrian, Central China
Shi Y, Pei X, Liu X & Zhu Y

Pei Y. (2014) Application of Trace Elements in the Analyses of Sedimentary Environment of Wuling Series, South China
Pei Y & He Y

Pei Z. (2021) Tetravalent Uranium Migration and Unrecoverable Uranium Resource Due to Fluorite
Liang Y, Pei Z, Li C, Paterson DM, Kopittke PJ, Wu W & Wang Y

Pei-Lin W. (2019) Spatial Variations in Microbial Community Composition Inhabitating Terrestrial Mud Volcanoes Across the Eurasian Continent
Tzu-Hsuan T, Li-Ling C, Pei-Lin W & Li-Hong L

Peiffer Loic (2022) Rare Earth Elements Behavior at Poás Hyperacid Crater Lake (Costa Rica) during a Cycle of Frequent Phreatic Eruptions (2008-2016)
Pappaterra S, Inguaggiato C, Rouwet D, Mora-Amador R, Ramírez-Umaña C, González G, Brusca L, Peiffer L, Levresse G & Bellomo S
(2022) REE Mobility in the Hyperacid Brine of Kawah Ijen Crater Lake (Java, Indonesia) during the Precipitation of Sulfate Minerals
Inguaggiato C, Pappaterra S, Peiffer L, Apollaro C, Brusca L, De Rosa R, Rouwet D, Caudron C & Suparjan S
(2022) Behavior of Amagmatic Geothermal Systems: A Geochemical and Geophysical Study of the Agua Blanca Fault, Baja California, Mexico
Carbajal D, Wanner C, Peiffer L, Diamond LW, Fletcher J & Inguaggiato C
(2022) Pygeot: A Tool to Automate Mineral Selection for Multicomponent Geothermometry
Olguín-Martínez MG, Peiffer L, Dobson P, Spycher N, Inguaggiato C, Wanner C, Hoyos AY, Wurl J, Makovsky K & Ruiz-Aguilar D
(2012) Revisited Multicomponent Chemical Geothermometry: Application to the Dixie Valley Geothermal Area
Peiffer L, Wanner C, Spycher N, Sonnenthal E & Kennedy BM

Peiffer LOÏC (2019) REE Fractionation in Hyperacid Sulphate Waters during the Gypsum Precipitation in Volcanic Hydrothermal Systems
Inguaggiato C, Iñiguez E, Peiffer L, Kretzschmar T, Brusca L, Mora-Amador R, Ramirez C, Bellomo S, Gonzalez G & Rouwet D

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