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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Pedroza Aldana K.G. (2019) Origin of Bimodal Magmatism in Continental Arcs: The Case of Las Derrumbadas Area, Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
Guilbaud M-N, Pedroza Aldana KG, Chedeville-Monzo C & Siebe C

Pedrozo F. (2007) Diel Biogeochemistry of the Rio Agrio, Argentina
Parker S, Gammons C & Pedrozo F

Peduzzi R. (2012) Geochemical and Bacterial Evidence for 9800 Years of Meromixis and Euxinia in Alpine Lake Cadagno
Wirth SB, Gilli A, Dahl TW, Niemann H, Ravasi D, Lehmann MF, Peduzzi R, Peduzzi S, Tonolla M & Anselmetti FS
(2002) Chemical and Molecular Analysis of Methanogens & SRB in Anaerobic Sediment of Lake Cadagno & Rotsee
Sahan E, Bottinelli M, Vazquez F, Tonolla M, Peduzzi R & Zepp K

Peduzzi S. (2012) Geochemical and Bacterial Evidence for 9800 Years of Meromixis and Euxinia in Alpine Lake Cadagno
Wirth SB, Gilli A, Dahl TW, Niemann H, Ravasi D, Lehmann MF, Peduzzi R, Peduzzi S, Tonolla M & Anselmetti FS
(2009) Linking Microbial Activity to Cell Identity in the Environment Using NanoSIMS
Musat N, Halm H, Winterholler B, Hoppe P, Peduzzi S, Hillion F, Horreard F, Amann R, Jørgensen BB & Kuypers MMM

Pędziwiatr Artur (2013) Factors Affecting Fractionation of Ni and Cr in Ultrabasic Soils from Southwestern Poland
Kierczak J, Pędziwiatr A, Waroszewski J & Tyszka R

Pędziwiatr Artur (2015) Does Type of Parent Ultrabasite Affect the Bioaccessibility of Metals in Serpentine Soils ?
Kierczak J, Pędziwiatr A & Waroszewski J

Pędziwiatr Artur (2022) Plant and Microbial Contribution to Metal Mobilization from a Technosol Developed on Waste Dump
Potysz A, Pędziwiatr A, Kierczak J, Hedwig S & Lenz M

Peebles E. (2009) Urban Socio-Economic Factors Affect the Isotopic Composition of Fish Muscle
Malkin E, Peebles E & Hollander D

Peek S. (2014) Characterizing Groundwater Variability in a Highly Impacted River System Using Isotopic and Geochemical Data
Young M, Kendall C, Peek S, Dahlgren R, Zamora C, Kratzer C, Dileanis P & Stringfellow W
(2014) Source Identification of Natural Dissolved Organic Matter by Multi-Isotope Analysis
Keesari T, Young M, Kendall C, Silva S, Peek S & Choy D

Peeken I. (2017) Tracing the Origin of Arctic Sea Ice and Freshwater by Neodymium Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements
Laukert G, Frank M, Hathorne EC, Krumpen T, Werner K & Peeken I

Peel E. (2021) Alkaline Magmatic Event Postdating the Basalt Flows of the Paraná Magmatic Province in NW Uruguay
Muzio R, Olivera L, Peel E, Varela E, Fort S & Scaglia F
(2021) Geochemistry of Cerro La Tuna Serpentinites of Paso Del Dragón Complex – Dom Feliciano Belt in NE Uruguay
Peel E & Muzio R
(2020) K-Ar Geochronology on Alkaline Volcanic Rocks, Southern Paraná Basin, Uruguay
Muzio R, Olivera L & Peel E
(2020) New Zircon U-Pb LA-ICP-MS Ages from the Dom Feliciano Belt Magmatism in Uruguay: Guazunambí and Arroyo Gutiérrez Granites
Fort S & Peel E
(2020) Geochemical Features of Neoproterozoic Magmatism from NE of Uruguay (Dom Feliciano Belt)
Peel E, Fort S, Viera B, De Armas I, Testoni P & Muzio R
(2019) Geochemical Features of Alkaline Volcanism in the Southern Extreme of Paraná Basin, NW Uruguay
Muzio R, Olivera L, Peel E & Fort S
(2019) Geochronology of Deep-Drill-Core Samples from the Basement of the Southernmost Portion of Paraná Basin (Uruguay)
Peel E, Muzio R, Fort S, Olivera L & Morales E
(2018) Lithogeochemistry of Lamprophyric Dykes from Río de la Plata Craton in Uruguay
Muzio R, Martino N & Peel E
(2018) A Look into the Crystalline Basement of the Norte Basin (Uruguay) from Deep Well Geochemical Data
Peel E, Muzio R, Morales E, Fort S & Olivera L
(2015) Sr-Nd Isotopic Constraints on Early Cretaceous Mafic Intrusions from Uruguay
Muzio R, Peel E & Porta N
(2015) U-Pb Zircon Ages and Sr-Nd Isotopic Composition of Neoproterozoic Magmatism, Dionisio-Sierra de los Ríos Block, NE Uruguay
Peel E, Muzio R & Basei MAS

Peel H. (2022) Diel Cycling of Copper and Zinc in the Water Column Above a Photosynthetic Microbial Mat
Yang Z, Vanzin G, Peel H, Brady AR, Chang Huang P, Ranville J & Sharp JO

Peel K (2006) Fractionation of Cu, Zn and Fe within the plant-soil environment
Chapman J, Peel K, Arnold T, Wilkinson J, Coles B & Weiss D

Peel Kate (2017) Geochemical Controls on REY and Metal Enrichment in Polymetallic Nodules from the APEI-6 Area, Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zone
Menendez A, James R, Roberts S, Peel K & Connelly D
(2015) On Processes that Lead to Enrichment of REEs in Marine Deposits
Menendez A, James R, Roberts S, Peel K & Connelly D

Peel M. (2023) Tracking Fluids in Aquatic Systems by Monitoring Naturally Accumulating or Artificially Injected Gas Tracers with a Portable Mass Spectrometer (miniRUEDI)
Brennwald M, Marion C, Wang C, Newman CP, Humphrey EC, Peel M, Giroud S, Blanc T, Doda T & Kipfer R
(2023) Gases as Artificial Tracers to Study SW-Gw Interactions
Blanc T, Peel M, Brennwald M, Kipfer R & Brunner P
(2022) Explicit Simulation of Environmental Tracers with a Physically Based Integrated Surface and Subsurface Flow Model
Delottier H, Peel M & Brunner P
(2022) Explicit Simulation of an Artificial Tracer Experiment: What Insights can be Gained by Assimilating Tracer Measurements in Physically-Based Numerical Models?
Peel M, Delottier H, Schilling OS, Blanc T, Brennwald M, Kipfer R & Brunner P
(2021) Using Helium as Artificial Tracer to Characterize Surface Water – Groundwater Interactions
Peel M, Blanc T, Brennwald M, Brunner P & Kipfer R

Peeler D. (2022) Microbe-Mineral Dynamics within a ‘grass-To-Glass’ Soil Profile at a Late Iron Age Archaeological Site with Implications for Long-Term Storage of Nuclear Waste Glasses
Wells J, Plymale A, Pearce C, Graham E, Bagwell C, Brislawn C, Cheeke T, Danna V, Fansler S, Arey B, Bowden M, Varga T, Saunders D, Allen J, Marcial J, Tyrrell K, Weaver J, Sjöblom R, Vicenzi E, McCloy JS, Hjärthner-Holdar E, Englund M, Ogenhall E, Peeler D & Kruger A
(2020) Niche Partitioning of Microbial Communities at an Ancient Vitrified Hillfort: Implications for Vitrified Radioactive Waste Disposal
Plymale A, Pearce C, Wells J, Brislawn C, Graham E, Cheeke T, Allen J, Danna V, Weaver J, McCloy J, Sjöblom R, Hjärthner-Holdar E, Englund M, Ogenhall E, Peeler D & Kruger A
(2018) The Geomicrobiology of Ancient Glass Alteration with Implications for Nuclear Waste Disposal
Pearce C, Plymale A, Weaver J, Sjöblom R, Arey B, Soltis J, Vicenzi E, McCloy J, Johnson K, Saunders D, Brislawn C, Wells J, Fansler S, Peeler D & Kruger A

Peemoeller H. (2008) Potential and Limitations of MCM-41 in Dechlorination Reactions
Guthrie C, Reardon E, Peemoeller H & Vogan J

Peeters F. (2016) Determining Species Ecology Through Small Quantity Isotope Analysis
Metcalfe B & Peeters F
(2002) Noble Gases Dissolved in Porewater of Lacustrine Sediments
Brennwald MS, Kipfer R, Peeters F, Hofer M, Aeschbach W & Imboden D
(2002) Gas Exchange in Quasi-Saturated Porous Media: Investigations on the Formation of Excess Air Using Noble Gases
Holocher J, Peeters F, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Hofer M & Kipfer R
(2002) Excess Air Correction in Groundwater Dating with He Isotopes
Peeters F, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Holocher J & Kipfer R

Peeters G. (2018) Petrographic and Geochemical Characterization of a Chondrule-Like Object Preserved in an Antarctic Micrometeorite
Soens B, Peeters G, Van Ginneken M, Debaille V, Claeys P & Goderis S

Peeters Z. (2002) Complex Organics and Prebiotic Molecules in Space
Ehrenfreund P, Ruiterkamp R, Botta O, Peeters Z & Foing B

Peethambaran R.

Pegado L. (2015) Multi-Scale Atomistic Simulations of pH Dependent Ion Sorption by Minerals: Case Study Disordered Tobermorite Surface
Churakov S, Labbez C & Pegado L

Pegg Ian (2019) Raman Spectroscopic Studies of Hydrothermally Altered Borosilicate Nuclear Waste Glasses
McKeown D, Muller I & Pegg I
(2013) Studies of Nuclear Waste Form Glasses with Synchrotron Radiation
Shuh D, Lukens W, Icenhower J, Darab J, Tyliszczak T, Bluhm H, McKeown D, Buechele A, Muller I & Pegg I

Pegg Ian L. (2017) Role of Potassium in Degradation of Nineteenth Century Glass Flutes
Muller IS, Buechele AC, Barberis A, Perez-Gokhale R, Pegg IL, Brostoff LB, Kivi N, Ward-Bamford CL & France F

Pegoraro A. (2012) Integrated 3D Multimodal CARS Microscopy, Raman Spectroscopy, and Microthermometry of Gas-Rich Inclusions in the Marcellus Shale-Gas System
Burruss R, Evans M, Slepkov A, Pegoraro A & Stolow A
(2011) GEO-Cars: 3-D, Chemically Selective Imaging of Fluid Inclusions with Multimodal Nonlinear Optical Microscopy
Burruss R, Slepkov A, Pegoraro A & Stolow A

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