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Pedesseau L. (2013) On the Arrangement of Sodium Atoms Around Structural Units and Vibrational Properties of a Sodium Borosilicate Glass
Ispas S, Pedesseau L & Kob W

Pedley A. (2020) Salt Mineralogy and Stratigraphy of the Cretaceous Evaporites of the West African Margin
Pichat A, Gindre-Chanu L, Delhaye-Prat V, Gaucher E, Ferrage E & Pedley A

Pedone A. (2019) Characterization and Toxicity of the Metastable Product of Chrysotile Asbestos Dissolution
Gualtieri A, Lusvardi G, Pedone A, Di Giuseppe D, Zoboli A, Mucci A, Zambon A, Filaferro M, Vitale G, Genedani S, Tomatis M, Turci F, Pasquali L & Lassinantti Gualtieri M

Pedone M. (2015) Fumarolic and Diffuse Soil CO2 Output from Furnas Volcano (Azores)
Pedone M, Viveiros F, Aiuppa A, Giudice G, Grassa F, Francofonte V & Ferreira T
(2013) Volcanic CO2 Flux Measurements by Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy
Pedone M, Aiuppa A, Giudice G, Grassa F & Chiodini G

Pedone V.A. (2004) Uranium and Other Trace Element Incorporation into Tufa Calcite
Cole J, Rasbury E, Montanez I, Pedone V, Lanzirotti A & Hanson G
(2001) Lithium, Boron, and Strontium Isotope Constraints on Solute Sources for the Great Salt Lake, Utah
Tomascak PB, Hemming NG & Pedone VA

Pedram M. (2020) Understanding Fluid-Rock Interactions in Hydrothermally Altered Rocks of the Hengill Volcano, Iceland: Implications for Geothermal Energy and CO2 Storage
Catalina SR, Pedram M, Tom M, Sandra Osk S, Bergur S, Phil M, Eric O, Adrian J & Alberto S

Pedras B. (2023) Spectroscopy of Arctic Ice Samples as Planetary Field Analogues for Astrobiology
Xavier F, Dias R, Cesário R, Gonçalves D, Pedras B, Canário J & Martins Z

Pedre I. (2023) Simple and Portable Devices for Measuring Manganese in Pore- and Coastal Water Samples
Pedre I, Fröhberg N, Waska H, Koschinsky A & Pahnke K

Pedreira A.J. (2012) C and Sr-Isotope Stratigraphy, Ce and Eu Anomalies in Neoproterozoic Carbonates the Serra do Paraiso (Rio Pardo Basin) and Sao Desiderio (Rio Preto Belt) Formations, Bahia, Brazil
Cezario WDS, Sial A, Ferreira VP, Lacerda LD, Pimentel MM, Misi A & Pedreira AJ

Pedreira R.M.A. (2017) Impacts of the Fundão Dam Failure in the Doce River Watershed
Hatje V, Pedreira RMA, Rezende CE, Schettini CAF, Cotrim G, Marin DFC & Hackspacher PC
(2017) Anthropogenic Impacts on the Distributions of Rare Earth Elements in Coastal Waters
Pedreira RMA, Hatje V, Böning P & Pahnke K

Pedreira V. (2002) Sorption of Pb2+ on Barite and Crystallisation of (Ba, Pb)SO4 in Aqueous Environments
Fernández-González Á, Andara Á, Pedreira V & Prieto M

Pedreira-Segade U. (2019) Does Clay Activation Matter? A Study of Prebiotic RNA Polymerization
Pedreira-Segade U & Rogers K
(2018) Young Scientists and Multimedia Outreach, an Example
Pedreira-Segade U
(2018) From Adsorption to Reaction: A Study of Nucleotide-Mineral Interactions
Pedreira-Segade U, Daniel I, Michot L & Rogers K
(2018) Influence of Trace Elements on the Adsorption of Nucleotides onto Clays: Implications for the Origin of Life
Hao J, Mokhtari M, Pedreira-Segade U, Michot L & Daniel I
(2017) Compatibility of Amino Acids in Ice: Implications for the Origin of Life in a Freezing World
Hao J, Giovenco E, Pedreira-Segade U & Daniel I
(2017) Effects of Salinity on the Adsorption of Nucleotides onto Phyllosilicates
Pedreira-Segade U, Michot L & Daniel I
(2016) Adsorption of Nucleotides onto Ferromagnesian Phyllosilicates: Significance for the Origin of Life
Daniel I, Pedreira-Segade U, Feuillie C, Pelletier M & Michot L
(2016) Polymerization of Glycine Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Pedreira-Segade U, Cros M & Daniel I

Pedrero Z. (2019) Latitudinal Variations of Hg Stable Isotopes in Seabirds Document MeHg Biogeochemitry in the Southern Ocean
Amouroux D, Renedo M, Chérel Y, Pedrero Z & Bustamante P
(2014) Combination of Isotopic Composition and Speciation in Rice Grains from Chinese Mining Area to Elucidate Hg Biogeochemcial Pathways
Feng C, Pedrero Z, Li P, Feng X, Barre J, Monperrus M, Tessier E, Berail S & Amouroux D
(2010) Focus on Hg Methylation and Demethylation by Sulfate-Reducers at the Cellular Scale: The Use of Isotopic Tracers to Determine Transformation Rates, Uptake and Subcellular Localization
Monperrus M, Pedrero Z, Bridou R, Mounicou S, Guyoneaud R & Amouroux D
(2010) Investigation of Hg Species Binding Biomolecules in Dolphin Liver: Use of Isotopic Tracers for Sample Treatment Optimization
Pedrero Z, Mounicou S, Davis WC, Monperrus M & Amouroux D

Pedrero Zayas Z. (2023) Mercury Species Transformations by Natural Microbial Communities in a Sulfidic Hydrothermal Spring, Southwest France
Xue J-P, Margalef Marti R, Tessier E, Guyoneaud R, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Sebilo M, Pedrero Zayas Z & Amouroux D
(2021) Mercury Isotopic Characterisation in Antarctic Giant Petrel Organs and HgSe Nanoparticles
Queipo-Abad S, Pedrero Zayas Z, Marchan Moreno C, El Hanafi K, Cherel Y, Bustamante P & Amouroux D
(2016) Bringing Total and Species Specific Hg Isotopic Analysis to Ultra-Trace Levels Using Hyphenated MC-ICP-MS
Bérail S, Bouchet S, Cavalheiro J, Tessier E, Barre J, Pedrero Zayas Z, Donard O & Amouroux D

Pedreros G. (2019) Unrest at Nevados de Chillán Volcano; High-Resolution Photogrammetry, Tri-Stereo Imaging, Gas Geochemistry and Eruption Forecasting
Moussallam Y, Barnie T, Amigo A, Kelfoun K, Cordova L, Lobos F, Toloza V, Pedreros G, Cardona C, Franco L & Bani P

Pedro L. (2011) Hydrogeological and Geochemical Characterisation of a Mantled Evaporite Karst Based on Hydrogeochemical Data
Acero P, Francisco G, Jorge Pedro G, Maria Jose G, Luis Francisco A & Pedro L

Pedrosa E.T. (2019) Multiscale Dissolution Rate Investigation on the Same Olivine (0 1 0) Surface
Li X, Wang Q, Pedrosa ET, Shen X & Lüttge A

Pedrosa Pamies R. (2019) Impact of Major Hurricanes on the Deep Ocean
Pedrosa Pamies R, Conte MH, Weber J & Johnson R

Pedrosa Soares A. (2022) The Potential Influence of Mountain Belts on Ediacaran-Cambrian Ecosystems of Western Gondwana
Caxito F, Sperling EA, MacDonald F, Uhlein G, Cawood PA, Xiao S, Cui H, Pedrosa Soares A, Novo T, De Grave J, Roncato J, Uhlein A, Lana C, Santos L, Rangel C, Ross S, Halverson G, Tedeschi M, Alkmim F, Okubo J, Warren LV, Scholz R & Queiroga G

Pedrosa-Soares Antonio (2013) U-Pb Dating vs. Sr Isotope Chemostratigraphy on Neoproterozoic Carbonates: Shedding Light on Blind Dating?
Babinski M, Paula-Santos G, Kuchenbecker M, Caetano-Filho S, Trindade R & Pedrosa-Soares A

Pedrosa-Soares Antônio (2018) Petrochronological Evolution of Garnet-Free UHT Mafic Granulites in the Guaxupé Nappe (SE Brazil): From Subduction to Collision?
Tedeschi M, Pedrosa-Soares A, Dussin I, Lanari P, Novo T, Piacentini Pinheiro MA, Lana C & Peters D

Pedroso G. (2014) Beyond the Cellulose: Measuring Shifts in Water Regime Using Oxygen Isotopes of Plant Lipids
Silva L, Pedroso G, Doane T, Mukome F & Horwath W
(2014) Quantifying Water Balance Carbon Storage Relationships Using Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Plant Lipids
Maxwell T, Silva L, Pedroso G, Mukome F & Horwath W

Pédrot M. (2023) How Does Chemical Speciation of Rare Earth Elements and Other Trace Metals in Legacy Mine Sites Influence Phyto-Availability?
Forsyth KH, Dia A, Marques R, Prudêncio MI, Diamantino C, Carvalho E, Russo D, Bouhnik-Le-Coz M, Davranche M & Pédrot M
(2023) Investigation of magnetite-Co Interactions by Soft XAS and XMCD
Fablet L, Pédrot M, Marsac R & Choueikani F
(2023) The Rare Earth Element ‘probe’: Investigation of the Water/Solid Interfaces and their Impact on the Rare Earth Element Dissemination
Davranche M, Dia A, Marsac R, Catrouillet C, Pédrot M, Tadayon Y, Vantelon D, Blancho F & Gigault J
(2023) Prediction of the Impact of the Environmental Conditions on the Stoichiometry (Fe(II)/Fe(III)) of Magnetite Nanoparticles
Jungcharoen P, Pédrot M, Heberling F, Hanna K, Choueikani F, Catrouillet C, Dia A & Marsac R
(2021) Rare Earth Element Phyto-Availability in Abandoned Mining Areas
Patterson KH, Dia A, Marques R, Waerenborgh JC, Vieira BJC, Prudencio MI, Diamantino C, Carvalho E, Bouhnik-Le-Coz M, Davranche M & Pédrot M
(2021) Geochemical Behavior of Redox Sensitive Lanthanides and Actinides at Colloids-Water Interfaces
Marsac R, Banik NL, Luetzenkirchen J & Pédrot M
(2021) Impact of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles on Pb Leaching and Phytoextraction by Helianthus Annuus
Léa M, Pédrot M, bouhnik-Le-Coz M & Cabello Hurtado F
(2019) Fractures Sustain Dynamic Microbial Hot Spots in the Critical Zone
Bochet O, Bethencourt L, Dufresne A, Farasin J, Pedrot M, Labasque T, Chatton E, Lavenant N, Petton C, Abbott B, Aquilina L & Le Borgne T
(2015) Adsorption of Ribonucleotides onto Aluminum and Iron Oxides
Feuillie C, Pedrot M, Sverjensky D & Hazen R
(2015) Study of the As-bearing Byproducts of Wetland Reoxidation Using µXAS
Guenet H, Davranche M, Vantelon D, Al-Sid-Cheikh M & Pedrot M
(2014) NanoSIMS Investigation of Arsenic (Oxy)anions, Sulfur, Ferric Oxide and Organic Matter Colocalization within Wetland Soil
Al-Sid-Cheikh M, Pédrot M, Dia A, Davranche M, Gruau G & Delhaye T
(2014) Behavior of Iron Nanoparticles in Wetland Soil
Al-Sid-Cheikh M, Pédrot M, Dia A, Davranche M & Le Coz-Bouhnik M
(2011) Key Impact of Soil (Fe/Organic C) Ratio on REE Shallow Groundwater Patterns
Pédrot M, Dia A, Davranche M & Gruau G

Pedrotti M. (2018) The Effects of Colloidal Silica-Based Grouts on Sr and Cs Geochemistry
Bots P, Lunn R, El Mountassir G, Schellenger A, Pedrotti M, Payne T, Comarmond J & Renshaw J
(2017) The Effects of Colloidal Silica Based Grouts on Sr and Cs Speciation
Bots P, Lunn R, El Mountassir G, Pedrotti M, Payne T & Renshaw J

Pedroza K. (2011) Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Experimental Glasses by SIMS: A Calibration Attempt
Pedroza K, Jolis E, Troll V, Freda C, Harris C, Deegan FM, Whitehouse M, Bindeman I, Annersten H & Ellis B

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