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Peckmann Jörn (2014) New Insights into Ce Anomalies and Mechanisms of Trace Metal Enrichment in Seep Carbonates
Hu Y, Feng D, Peckmann J, Roberts H & Chen D
(2012) Preservation of Lipid Biomarkers of Fe(III)-reducers and Anoxygenic Phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidizers during Exposure to High Pressure and Temperature (P/T)
Eickhoff M, Birgel D, Peckmann J & Kappler A
(2010) U/Th Dating of Cold-Seep Carbonates: Timing and Duration of Fluid Seepage
Feng D, Cheng H, Roberts H, Peckmann J, Bohrmann G & Chen D
(2009) Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria as Major Players in the Formation of Reef-Microbialites during the Last Sea-Level Rise (Tahiti, IODP 310)
Heindel K, Birgel D, Peckmann J, Kuhnert H & Westphal H
(2009) Messinian Gypsum Stromatolites – A Molecular Approach
Hoffmann L, Birgel D, Rouchy J-M, Ziegenbalg S & Peckmann J
(2009) Spheroidal Sandstone Concretions – Their Formation and Significance in an Eocene Seep System (Bulgaria)
De Boever E, Birgel D, Muchez P, Peckmann J, Dimitrov L & Swennen R
(2008) Rare Earth Element of Cold Seep Carbonates: A Comparative Study
Feng D, Chen D, Peckmann J, Bohrmann G & Roberts H
(2007) Petrography, Geochemistry and Isotope Characteristics of Authigenic Carbonates from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Eickmann B & Peckmann J
(2007) Phosphogenesis in Recent Upwelling Areas: The Importance of Microbial Communities Indicated by Lipid Biomarkers
Arning E, Birgel D, Schulz H, Jørgensen BB & Peckmann J

Peckmann Jörn (2015) Formation of Microbialites in Holocene Coral Reefs and on Early Triassic Ocean Margins
Heindel K, Birgel D, Richoz S, Westphal H & Peckmann J
(2015) Glendonites as Archives of Paleoenvironmental Change in the Aftermath of the PETM
Nenning F, Teichert B, Gussone N, Schultz B, Birgel D, Peckmann J & Strauß H

Peckmann Jörn (2016) Carbonate-Associated Sulfate Provide the Geological Record of Sulfate-Driven Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Feng D, Peng Y, Bao H, Peckmann J & Chen D

Peckmann Jörn (2017) Molecular Hydrogen Production during Low-Temperature Serpentinization: A Modeling Study with Implications for Potential Microbial Life on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus
Smrzka D, Zwicker J, Taubner R-S, Bach W, Rittmann S, Schleper C & Peckmann J
(2017) Archaeal Methanogenesis at the Onshore Serpentinite-Hosted Chimaera Seeps, Turkey
Zwicker J, Birgel D, Bach W, Richoz S, Gier S, Smrzka D, Neubeck A, Ivarsson M, Schleper C, Rittmann S, Grasemann B, Koşun E & Peckmann J

Peckmann Jörn (2018) Coupled S and Fe Isotope Evidence for Sulfate-Driven Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Lin Z, Sun X, Lu Y, Strauss H & Peckmann J
(2018) Dolomite Formation Catalyzed by Sulfate-Driven Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Lu Y, Sun X, Xu H, Konishi H, Lin Z & Peckmann J

Peckmann Jörn (2019) Sulfur and Iron Stable Isotope and Trace Element Patterns of Pyrite Record Sulfate-Driven Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Lin Z, Sun X, Strauss H, Klemd R, Chen K & Peckmann J

Peckmann Jörn (2020) Impact of Methane Seepage Dynamics on Abundance of Benthic Foraminifera in Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments: New Insight from the South China Sea
Li N, Feng D, Peckmann J, Chen L, Wang H & Chen D

Peckmann Jörn (2023) Constraining Temperature and Reaction Chemistry Kinetics in Cold-Water Methane Seeps Using Dual-Clumped Isotopes
Staudigel P, Feng D, Peckmann J, Davies AJ, Tagliavento M, Bernecker M & Fiebig J
(2023) Quantification of the Sources of Sedimentary Organic Carbon at Methane Seeps: A Case Study from the South China Sea
Li N, Jin M, Peckmann J, Chen D & Feng D
(2023) Incorporation of Iodine in Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonates: Implications for Methane Flux Dynamics
Akam SA, Hardisty D, Feng D, Wang X, Hashim M, Burke J, Swanner E, Crémière A & Peckmann J
(2023) Insights into Fluid Sources and Flow Rates from Lithium Isotope Composition of Methane-Seep Carbonates
Miyajima Y, Araoka D, Yoshimura T, Ota Y, Suzuki A, Yoshioka H, Suzumura M, Smrzka D, Peckmann J & Bohrmann G
(2023) Trace Element Behavior at Natural Marine Hydrocarbon Seeps – Preliminary Results and New Insights from Oil Seepage-Derived Authigenic Pyrite
Smrzka D, Lin Z, Monien P, Bach W, Peckmann J & Bohrmann G

Pecoits Ernesto (2012) Yttrium and Rare Earth Element Composition of the Rapitan Iron Formation (Northwest Territories, Canada)
Aubet NR, Pecoits E, Ootes L & Konhauser KO
(2012) Geochemical and Textural Characterization of Fresh Water Microbialites of Laguna, Bacalar, Mexico
Castro-Contreras S, Pecoits E, Aubet N, Petrash D, Gingras M & Konhauser K
(2012) High-Resolution Chemostratigraphy of the 2.46 Ga Joffre Banded Iron Formation, Western Australia
Haugaard R, Pecoitss E, Lalnde S, Aubet N, von Kranendonk M & Konhauser K
(2012) First Record of Ediacaran Iron Formations: Origin and Paleoenvironmental Significance
Pecoits E, Aubet N, Gingras M, Poulton S, Bekker A, Veroslavsky G & Konhauser K
(2011) Chromium Enrichment in Iron Formations Record Earth’s First Acid Rock Drainage during the Great Oxidation Event
Konhauser K, Lalonde S, Planavsky N, Pecoits E, Lyons T, Mojzsis S, Rouxel O, Barley M, Rosiere C, Fralick P, Kump L & Bekker A
(2011) Molybdenum and Vanadium Abundances in Banded Iron Formation and the Onset of Oxidative Continental Weathering
Lalonde S, Planavsky N, Rouxel O, Pecoits E & Konhauser K
(2011) The Composition of Earth's Oldest Iron Formations: The Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt (Québec, Canada)
Mloszewska A, Pecoits E, Cates N, Mojzsis S, O'Neil J & Konhauser K
(2010) Transition Element Abundances in Banded Iron Formations Record the Great Oxidation Event
Lalonde S, Pecoits E & Konhauser K
(2010) Microbially-Catalyzed Cementation of Modern Gypsum-Dominated Thrombolites
Petrash D, Lalonde S, Pecoits E, Gingras M & Konhauser K
(2009) Precambrian Nickel Sources and Sinks
Pecoits E, Lalonde S, Barley M, Kamber B & Konhauser K
(2009) Carbonaceous Material Associated with Apatite in the Akilia Qp Rock
Papineau D, De Gregorio B, Fries M, Steele A, Stroud R, Wang J, Mojzsis S, Konhauser K, Pecoits E, Cody G & Fogel M
(2009) Partitioning of Si, P, V, Mo, and Ni during the Experimental Precipitation of Ferric Oxyhydroxides and their Use as Paleo-Proxies in Banded Iron Formation
Lalonde SV, Pecoits E & Konhauser K
(2009) Oceanic Nickel Depletion and a Methanogen Famine Before the Great Oxidation Event
Konhauser K, Pecoits E, Lalonde S, Papineau D, Nisbet E, Barley M, Arndt N, Zahnle K & Kamber B
(2008) REE and Y Compositions of Archean and Paleoproterozoic Banded Iron-Formations
Pecoits E, Lalonde S, Kamber B & Konhauser K
(2008) Partitioning of P, V, Mo, and Ni during Precipitation of Ferric Oxyhydroxides and Implications for Archean Ocean Nutrient Availability during BIF Deposition
Konhauser K, Pecoits E, Ballard N & Lalonde S
(2007) Ni Signatures from the Dales Gorge Member of the Hamersley Group, Australia: Constraints on the Origin of Banded Iron Formations
Pecoits E, Gingras M & Konhauser K

Pecoits Ernesto (2015) A High Resolution Record of Paleoproterozoic Environmental Change: XRF Core Scan Data from the Turee Creek Drilling Project (TCDP), Hamersley and Turee Creek Groups, Western Australia
Lalonde S, Pecoits E, Beaumais A, Konhauser K & Philippot P
(2015) Trace Element Chemostratigraphy of the Paleoproterozoic Turee Creek and Uppermost Hamersley Groups, Western Australia
Pecoits E, Lalonde S, Van Kradendonk M & Philippot P

Pecoits Ernesto (2016) Silician Magnetite from the Archean/Paleoproterozoic Transition from the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia: Characterization and Bio-Environmental Implications
Carlut J, Isambert A, Bouquerel H, Guyot F, Phillipot P, Pecoits E, Vennin E, Ader M, Thomazo C & Buoncristiani J-F

Pecoits Ernesto (2017) Globally Asynchronous Sulfur Isotope Signals Require Re-definition of the Great Oxidation Event
Philippot P, Ávila J, Killingsworth B, Baton F, Caquineau T, Muller E, Pecoits E, Cartigny P, Tessalina S, Lalonde S, Ireland T, Thomazo C, Van Kranendonk M & Busigny V

Pecoraino Giovanella

Pecoraino Giovannella (2009) Methane Fluxes from the Soils in Active Volcanic Areas: The Case of Pantelleria Island (Italy)
D'Alessandro W, Bellomo S, Brusca L, Longo M, Martelli M & Pecoraino G
(2003) Sulphur Isotopic Composition in Groundwater Sulphate at Mt. Etna
D’Alessandro W, Ferron F, Pecoraino G & Le Guern F

Pecoraino Giovannella (2015) Water-Rock Interaction in Pantelleria Hydrothermal System (Italy). The Behaviour of Zr, Hf and REE
Inguaggiato C, Censi P, Zuddas P, Brusca L, D'Alessandro W & Pecoraino G

Pecoraro P. (2023) Geochemical and Geodetic Monitoring of CO2 Degassing Site in a Tectonically Active Area: The Mefite D’Ansanto (Irpinia, Southern Italy) Case Study in the Frame of the FURTHER Project
Sciarra A, Voltattorni N, Gasparini A, Ruggiero L, Pizzino L, Chiodini G, Esposito A, Doumaz F, Galvani A, Palano M, Pietrantonio G, Riguzzi F, Sepe V, Sparacino F, Iannarelli M & Pecoraro P

Pécskay Zoltán (2007) Inferences for the Style of Subduction in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region Based on Boron Signatures
Gméling K, Harangi S, Kasztovszky Z, Pécskay Z & Simonits A

Pecskay Zoltan (2017) Age Disparity for Spatially Related Sevattur and Samalpatti Carbonatite Complexes
Rapprich V, Pecskay Z, Magna T & Mikova J

Pedemonte S. (2021) Engaging Students in the Geosciences Using Effective and Versatile Climate and Data Literacy Teaching Modules
Paytan A, Weiss E, Pedemonte S & Apple J
(2017) Climate Change Education for Adaptation and Resilience
Paytan A, Weiss E, Halversen C, Pedemonte S & Mescioglu E

Pedentchouk N. (2021) Light Intensity Control on Compound Specific Carbon Isotope Fractionation in Cultures of Haslea Ostrearia
Sánchez Montes ML, Mock T, Smik L & Pedentchouk N
(2019) Foraminiferal Stable Isotope Record from the Northeastern Peri-Tethys during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
Pedentchouk N, Chapman M & Gavrilov Y
(2017) The Effect of Light Intensity on 2H/1H Ratios of Highly Branched Isoprenoids (HBIs) in the Diatom Pleurosigma Intermedium
Pedentchouk N, Belt S, Smik L, Brown T, Cormier M-A, Jones M & Mock T
(2016) Molecular and Stable Isotope Signatures for Source Apportionment of PAHs in the River Thames Sediments, UK
Pedentchouk N & Vane C
(2015) Constraining the Influence of Plant Community Change on the Sedimentary N-Alkane 2H/1H Record in a Temperate Saltmarsh
Eley Y, Pedentchouk N & Dawson L
(2015) Characterization of Early Cretaceous West African Source Rocks Using Integrated Molecular and Stable Isotope Approach
Cooper R, Pedentchouk N, Freeman K & Harris N
(2015) A Sedimentological Perspective on Terrestrial Plant Hydrogen-Isotope Palaeohydrological Proxy
Pedentchouk N & Eley Y
(2013) Holocene Climate in West Siberia Using Peat Deposits
Savinykh Y, Preis Y, Pedentchouk N & Gulaya E
(2011) D/H Composition of Leaf Waxes from C3 Plants along a Transect from the UK to Central Siberia, Russia
Pedentchouk N & Fisher K
(2009) Greater Average Chain Length of N-Alkanes Correlates with D-Depletion and 13C-Enrichment in Evergreen Angiosperms in Comparison with Other Higher Plant Species
Pedentchouk N, Wagner T & Jones M
(2007) Comparison of δ13C and δD Values of N-Alkanes from Angiosperms and Gymnosperms in Western Europe
Pedentchouk N, Wagner T, Jones M, Pellegrini M, Brugnoli E, Lauteri M, Pollegioni P & Behling H
(2005) Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of N-Alkanes from Leaf Waxes: An Empirical Evaluation of Environmental Controls
Pedentchouk N & Pagani M

Pederick R. (2004) Reduction of Fe(III) by Geobacter sulfurreducens and the Capture of Arsenic by Biogenic Fe(II) Minerals
Islam F, Pederick R, Polya D, Charnock J, Gault A, Wincott P, Rowland H & Lloyd J
(2004) Microcosm Studies of Microbially Mediated Arsenic Release from Contrasting Cambodian Sediments
Rowland H, Polya D, Gault A, Charnock J, Pederick R & Lloyd J

Pedernera A. (2009) Organic Aerosols: Liquids or Glasses?
Marcolli C, Zobrist B, Krieger U, Luo B, Soonsin V, Peter T, Pedernera A & Koop T

Pedersen Anne Christine Krull (2017) Cisotop: A New Stable Isotope Approach to Examine Turnover of Organic Compounds in the Vadose Zone
Pedersen ACK, Ambus PL, Ernstsen V & Breuning-Madsen H

Pedersen Asger Ken (2007) The Paleocene Volcanic Succession in West Greenland: Compositions, Volumes, and Mantle Sources
Larsen LM & Pedersen AK
(2004) The Paleocene Picritic Vaigat Formation, Disko and Nuussuaq, West Greenland: Separate Evolution of Sources, Conduit Systems, and Contamination Events
Larsen L & Pedersen A
(2001) Enriched Alkaline Lavas within a Depleted Picrite Succession: Melting of Old Lithosphere Induced by Passing Asthenospheric Melts, Paleocene of West Greenland
Larsen LM, Pedersen AK, Sundvoll B & Frei R

Pedersen Christian (2011) Desorption of Quinoline from Clay: An Investigation of the LoSal™ Mechanism
Pedersen C, Hem C & Stipp S
(2009) Ancient Polysaccharides in Chalk
Pedersen C, Johnsson A, Nielsen J, Bechgaard K, Damager I & Stipp S
(2009) Surface Composition of Fossil Coccoliths from Chalk
Balogh Z, Pedersen C, Skovbjerg L, Hassenkam T, Johnson E, Bechgaard K, Benning L & Stipp S
(2008) More Oil from Chalk: Studying the Holes – And the Borders of the Holes, the Particle Interfaces
Stipp SLS, West K, Dideriksen K, Lakshtanov L, Yang M-J, Bohr J, Belova D, Pasarín IS, Johnsson A, Pedersen CS, Balogh Z, Nissenbaum J, Wang X-Z, Jensen TH, Feidenhans’l R, Engstrøm F, Bechgaard K & Bjørnholm T
(2004) Anthropogenic PAHs as Markers for the History of Industrial Pollution in the Anoxic Mariager Fjord, Denmark
Pedersen C, Nytoft H & Larsen B

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